This kind of ability makes all the audience feel very excited.

Of course, I also feel very happy!

After all, the ability of Divine Sword Yu Lei Zhen Jue is a proper Long Guofeng, and it is the power of cultivating immortals!

Being able to run rampant in a place like the United States, this feeling is still very refreshing!

On the other hand, of course, the corresponding agencies of the country have also monitored the movement caused by the Divine Sword Yu Lei Zhen Jue!

Then, the satellite locked on to this side immediately!

However, after locking on this side, all that can be seen are dark clouds and that hideous thunder and lightning.

The terrifying energy contained in this thunder and lightning was detected.

The movement here has attracted great attention!

It's just that there are state agencies that are trying to find a way to target Luohang's capabilities and formulate an arrest plan.

Now, after learning that such a capability came from Luo Hang, and after monitoring the energy intensity contained in the lightning, even the state agencies were shocked.

For a while, he didn't dare to shoot casually.

After all, this level of lightning power is terrifying!

Similarly, in this world of technology, human technology is dominated by electrical appliances, and these lightning damages to various electrical appliances are also fatal!

"It seems that our battle plan must be adjusted. We must use insulating materials as much as possible, and what's more, we must adjust to a sunny weather!"

The state agencies have carefully studied Luohang's magic sword to control thunder, and also conducted interviews. After witnessing the thunder and lightning scene here, the person in charge began to adjust the battle plan 223 solemnly!

Although in recent days, more and more people with supernatural abilities have been found, and some of them have even been captured alive.

However, compared with this Luo Hang, other people with supernatural abilities are simply not on the stage!

At least in terms of strength, this guy named Luo Hang is the king of superpowers, which is completely justified!

Not to mention what the institutions of these countries are thinking now.

At this time, Luo Hang was also a little curious. A dozen Decepticons from the Decepticons came to attack him, and he killed him again.

How will the next Decepticon members be chosen?

The news of the source of fire is in his body, presumably, the members of these Decepticons can't let it go, right?

Luo Hang was really curious about what the Decepticon members would do next!

However, it's enough for the soldiers to block the water and cover it with soil!

For Luo Hang, even a Hercules composed of more than a dozen Transformers is just a small episode!

After finishing Hercules, Luo Hang turned around and went back to his room, let's continue to practice his heavenly book!

Of course, I'm also waiting and watching Optimus Prime's invasion of the Hoover Dam!

It would be best if Optimus Prime got the fire source!

If you don't get it, you can directly send a corresponding screen and build a portal to get it yourself, which is also acceptable!

So far, Luohang is still unwilling to have a direct conflict with the state agencies!Otherwise, once the state agencies take action against you seriously... Leaving aside whether it is dangerous or not, at least it will make you troubled to death!

I still have a lot of things to do, and a lot of things to plan, to spare so much experience to deal with the attacks from state agencies?

Then do you still have to collect the information you want? .

Chapter 366: Reappearance of the Fire Dragon from the Eight Desolation

"Attention all units, in the last half month, only today's apocalypse is sunny, so this time, we have to hit it with one blow!" "Everyone, check your equipment, no one is allowed to have problems!"

"Fortunately, there are no other people around the residence of the target person, which provides great convenience for our actions!"

Immediately after Luo Hang's Excalibur Yu Lei Zhen Jue, another large number of people approached Luo Hang's home!

This time it's not the Transformers who are members of the Decepticons, but humans!

Originally, when it came to supernatural abilities, US officials focused on arrests.

Now, Luo Hang happened to be with these Transformers, so naturally he wanted to catch him completely!

Since then, not only can people with supernatural abilities get more information, but also these Transformers can get more information!After spending 10 minutes self-checking the equipment, the team immediately went into action, using infantry vehicles, even fighter jets, and tanks.

It can be seen that Luohang is determined to win!

"Luo Hang, something has happened, someone is coming, the army of the earthlings!"

The bumblebee parked in the yard immediately yelled loudly at Luo Hang after sensing this lineup.

At the same time, in a burst of complex changes, the bumblebee completed its transformation and became a robot!Boom...

As the transformation of the hornet was completed, the soldiers beside him were already prepared, holding a huge barrel, and fired at the hornet!

However, the shells fired did not directly hit the hornet.

Instead, four small instruments landed around the bumblebee.

Immediately afterwards, the instrument was activated and turned into a layer of grid, directly covering the bumblebee's body!

Disturbed by the power of these grids, Bumblebee couldn't stand still, half kneeling on the ground!

"Continue..." Seeing that the bumblebee was under control, these soldiers breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to raise their hands to signal everyone to move forward!

Sure enough, although these Transformers are powerful.

However, using the power of electricity can interfere with the operation of its body! "I didn't expect that this time it was the institutional power of the state?"

After looking at it, the infantry tanks were ignored, even the tanks and fighter jets were dispatched, Luo Hang sighed helplessly in his heart!

Although he sighed secretly in his heart, Luo Hang's appearance remained unchanged.

With a movement, he walked out of the house.

Looking at the instrument that subdued the hornet, Luo Hang tapped his fingers.

Several sword qi appeared, accurately hit these instruments, and destroyed them all!

"Can we have a good chat?" Luo Hang asked.

If you can use force, Luo Hang still wants to fight for it, and he doesn't want to use force!

chi chi chi...

However, the other party didn't pay attention to Luo Hang's words.

The fighter jet in mid-air swooped down, and then, a cannonball bombarded in the direction of Luohang with a long trail of flames!

This situation made Luo Hang sigh helplessly!

Well, it seems that my hope of solving the problem peacefully has been dashed!

Fighting state agencies can indeed cause a lot of trouble.

Therefore, Luo Hang tried to avoid this as much as possible!

However, it seems that sometimes, the return of shrinking back is that the other party pushes forward.

That being the case, let's do it!

Being afraid of trouble doesn't mean you don't dare to cause trouble!

Looking at the cannonball coming from the dark side, Luo Hang raised his hand and drew a circle lightly, a magic portal was constructed instantly.

On the other side, it appeared beside the tank!

The shell passed through the magic portal and landed directly on the tank!

With the rumbling explosion, the tank was instantly scrapped!

"Hands on, free fire"! "

Seeing that a tank was scrapped after such a shot, the commander in charge of the battle changed his face in shock and shouted loudly.

Although the ability of this magic portal is powerful, it is impossible to defend against 360-degree shooting without dead ends at the same time, right?

Sure enough, following the order of the person in charge, all the soldiers and even the fighter jets dived again.

The dense bullets shot towards Luo Hang like a storm, without giving Luo Hang the slightest chance to dodge!

"Sword 23..."

With a slight movement of the mind, the sword field of Luohang Sword 23 is opened!

With hundreds of years of skill, the sword domain of Jian 23 can only cover tens of meters around the body!

However, now Luo Hang is already in the realm of cultivating the gods and returning to the void, and his cultivation has improved compared to before!

Naturally, the scope of the sword domain of this sword 23 is also completely different!

Time and space are still, and the surrounding space and time seem to be completely forbidden.

Those densely packed bullets fired towards Luo Hang were all forbidden to move in mid-air!

Even, the sword field is still expanding.

Luo Hang, whose Yuanshen has already reached a great level, uses the ability of this sword 23 to continue to expand.

Soon, even fighter jets in mid-air were banned from the air.

The whole world seems to be in a state of prohibition!

Unfortunately, everyone's spiritual consciousness can still move.

Therefore, seeing the scene where the world was frozen, everyone's expressions changed in horror, and there was only a deep sense of panic left in their hearts!

The pilot who was flying the plane revealed endless fear in his eyes!

It's fine if you can't move yourself, it's fine if the fired bullets froze in mid-air.

However, the pilot could clearly see that there was another fired shell, frozen in mid-air.

Even the tail flame at the back froze!

"Time and space are still, this means that the entire material space and time has been frozen!?"

Seeing that the tail flame of the cannonball froze, the pilot understood that this was not the effect of confinement, but that the entire material time and space had been frozen!

After all, things such as wind, water flow, and flames are all frozen. Isn't this a sign that matter, space and time are frozen?

Not only the driver noticed this situation, but at this time, many soldiers around him also noticed the situation here.

And this situation made everyone's eyes full of horror!

Freeze in time?What kind of ability is this?

Can time be frozen?

At least, the current earth has no clue at all.

Even if the so-called theory of relativity involves only the aspect of time, it is only purely theoretical, or even pure conjecture.

No one has ever been able to prove it!

Not to mention how frightened these soldiers were.

If there is still room for turning around if he doesn't do it, Luo Hang doesn't want to do it.

But since the action has already been made, there is no room for change, so there is no need to be indecisive!

After freezing the material time and space with sword 23, Luo Hang glanced at all the people present.

Immediately, the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand was raised high!

The power of Xuanhuojian inlaid in Xuanyuan Sword was activated at this time!

In the sky, a large fire cloud appeared!

This is not a thundercloud, but a fire cloud, like a burning flame.

At the same time, the temperature between the sky and the earth suddenly rose.

Immediately, the clouds were separated, and a dragon's head poked out from the clouds, it was the Eight Desolation Fire Dragon!

Immediately afterwards, countless flames, like a storm, fell from the sky in pieces!

It's just that, in ordinary storms, what falls is rain.

And now, what fell was flames!

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