Similarly, when these flames fell into the sword domain of Jian 23, they were all frozen in mid-air, unable to move either!

Although in the sword domain of Sword 23, the effect of freezing the material time and space is useless to Luohang itself.

But it was limited to Luo Hang himself.

These released flames, even sword qi and water escape ninjutsu, etc., will also be controlled by this sword 23 domain.

Therefore, even these flames are also frozen in mid-air, unable to move!

For this scene, Luo Hang was not surprised at all.

Obviously, he had expected it a long time ago!

Then, the effect of sword 23 was put away!

Concentrated bullets, even bombs (it's done) continued to shoot towards Luo Hang!

However, Luo Hang had already changed the direction, and most of the attacks were in vain!

Those dense flames fell down like a torrential rain!

For a while, there were screams again and again!How could those soldiers be able to stop these pervasive flames?

Even the fighter jets in mid-air were slowly burnt out of holes by these flames falling on them!

The burning ability of the flames released from the Xuanhuo Jian can be seen!


After these endless flames fell, the Eight Desolation Fire Dragon in mid-air, with a loud and terrifying dragon roar, rushed towards the fighter jet in mid-air!

Under the attack of the Eight Desolation Fire Dragon, this fighter immediately fell apart! ? ? "" Dragon, this is?The dragon in the myth of Huaxia Kingdom, this, how is this possible? "

All the soldiers were dumbfounded when they saw the wild fire dragon raging in mid-air. This legendary beast really appeared in the real world, giving people the feeling that it is just like the legendary demon Satan. It is the same as the legendary Seraphim appearing in the real world. "Retreat, all retreat!"

The person in charge of this operation shouted loudly! .

Chapter 367: God's power?

Withdrew, all the troops, all crying for their fathers and mothers, retreated!

This operation, here, is a complete failure!

When he came, he was aggressive, as if he was determined to win.

But when I went there, everyone was crying for their father and mother, and only hated that their parents gave birth to a pair of legs for themselves!

Seeing these people retreat, Luo Hang had no intention of pursuing them.

As if feeling that the shock he brought to these people was not enough, Luo Hang's thoughts moved slightly, and his figure flew directly into the sky.

Then stepping on the gossip step, the sword formula in his mouth was chanted again, and the voice resounded clearly between the heaven and the earth: Nine Heavens Profound Brake, turned into a god thunder, brilliant heavenly power, lead it with the sword!


There was a loud thunder, and the original fire clouds in the sky turned into dense thunderclouds.

The originally fiery red cloud also turned black.

A series of ferocious thunder and lightning flashed continuously!

"This, this is..."

The person in charge of this operation, when they heard the rolling thunder, their faces changed in horror, and they looked at the sky in disbelief!

Originally, the purpose of this operation was because of the good weather.

But now, thunderclouds appeared in the sky again?

how is this possible! ?

How did these thunderclouds appear! ?

"It's over, it's over, he is going to kill them all!"

It doesn't matter where these thunderclouds came from!

The important thing is, if the current trick falls, it will be terrifying. Who can stop it?

That thick thunderbolt, what kind of energy contained in the thunderbolt has reached, I can clearly remember it from the information!


Luo Hang used the Xuanyuan Sword as a medium to unleash the Divine Sword Yu Lei Zhen Jue, and this power has been improved to a higher level.

The thick Thunder Pillar fell from the sky again!

However, this time it was not directed at those people, but at a hill in the distance!

About ten miles away from Luo Hang's home, there are 223 barren hills!

The thick thunder pillar directly landed on that mountain!

Then, under this terrifying thunder pillar, that barren mountain was directly razed to the ground and completely disappeared!

The soldiers who were still retreating for their lives stopped at the same time.

Looking at a small hill that had completely disappeared over there, he swallowed, feeling full of panic in his heart!

"It's, it's terrible. Such power is simply a god!"

"God, this is the power only a god can have!?"

"Great, hit, did you miss it? Did the opponent miss it?"

"Are you stupid? The opponent can miss the shot. This, is this intentional?"

"Retreat, don't stop, continue to retreat..."

Seeing the power erupted by the Divine Sword Yu Lei Zhen Jue, these soldiers started to discuss in a low voice while being horrified!

However, now is not the time for them to discuss these.

The person in charge quickly calmed down and called everyone to continue running for their lives!

Taking a deep breath, these soldiers really didn't dare to waste any more time, and continued to flee for their lives, and soon disappeared!

"Luo, Luo Hang, you, you say you are an ordinary person!?"

The bumblebee next to him showed a very humane expression of astonishment, and asked Luo Hang!

"Yes, I'm just an ordinary person!" Luo Hang put away his Xuanyuan Sword, and nodded at the same time!

Indeed, although my cultivation base has reached the point of practicing God to return to the void, I am a mortal after all.

I haven't become a fairy yet, so I'm naturally an ordinary person!

"You, you didn't die against ordinary people, what kind of misunderstanding!?" Bumblebee asked Luo Hang with a weird expression!

"There's no misunderstanding, I'm telling the truth!" Luo Hang said with a serious face!

"But, I always feel that my understanding of ordinary people is different between you and me!" Bumblebee continued to complain!

At this moment, there are really 1 slots in the hornet's mouth to spit out!

"I didn't expect it. I was afraid of trouble, but trouble came to my door?"

"Even the fighter jets and tanks are dispatched?"

"Hey, Brother Hang is completely dragged down by other explorers, right? Those explorers have exposed their identity information, so that they have seen those with supernatural powers. The institutions affiliated to the countries of this world are the first to capture them! "

"However, my brother Hang is different from other explorers!"

"That's right, what did you say before? The explorers are divided into two categories, one is our brother Hang, and the other is other explorers except Brother Hang!"

"Sword 23 is out, combined with Xuanhuo Jian, it is still very strong!"

"Holding the Grass, wasn't the Eight Desolate Fire Dragon killed by the Beast God? Why did it get summoned again!?"

"It seems to say that the Eight Desolation Fire Dragon is not a living body, but a spirit body, so it is different!"

"Finally, Brother Hang did a great job with this trick of Divine Sword and Thunder Control!"

"Yeah, did you think that finding a sunny day on purpose could limit our Brother Hang's Excalibur Sword Yu Leizhen Jue? I'm sorry, this is Taoism, and Taoism is not scientific!"

"Now, if the power of the national institutions in this world still wants to deal with our Brother Hang, they must carefully weigh our Brother Hang's strength!"

"One move can wipe out a small mountain, this is simply a human-shaped nuclear bomb!"

"There is also the ability to freeze time and space, are you really sure you want to attack our brother Hang!?"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, the atmosphere was as warm as ever.

Seeing Luo Hang's battle against this modernized force with his own eyes, seeing Luo Hang's strength displayed with his own eyes, driving away these modernized troops, everyone felt very excited!

When he was in the Marvel world before, although Luo Hang also faced (bcfj) the power of a modern army because of the capture of the fire unicorn.

But this time, the strength Luo Hang showed was even more understated!

"This, how is this possible? How can a person's strength be so strong!?"

The minister on the other side also learned about the details of the operation.

Seeing that the foolproof battle plan failed, the minister's face was very ugly!

Especially in this operation, the strength Luo Hang displayed far exceeded his original estimate!

The first is the ability to freeze time!How could it freeze time?

This ability is simply terrifying!

It was completely unexpected!

Secondly, it is the ability to summon fire dragons!

Belonging to the dragon in Chinese legends, the existence of that fire dragon is like a myth coming into reality!

Finally, there was the destructive power displayed by that divine sword Yu Lei Zhen Jue, which directly wiped out a small mountain.

This kind of ability is really shocking!

It can even be said that Luo Hang is not affected by the weather when he uses such a lightning ability?

That's kind of scary!

"Minister, what should we do next!?" The staff member stood in front of the minister and asked!

"You ask me, who do I ask!" Hearing this, the minister secretly rolled his eyes and muttered in his heart!

Yes, with such a powerful force, conventional weapons are completely useless to him, right?

At this time, if you still want to deal with him, what method should you use?

Do we have to use nuclear bombs?

Are you kidding me?What are the consequences of a nuclear bomb?Minister can imagine.

If the nuclear bomb is really used, there will be many people who have been poisoned by nuclear radiation in the future, and will continue to curse at their portraits!

"Minister, the situation is not good!" Just when the minister was feeling overwhelmed, another figure hurried over!

"What's the matter again?" Rubbing his head, the minister asked!

"Someone took a video of the previous action, and it has been posted on the Internet. Now, the reaction on the Internet is very big!" The staff member hurriedly said!

The minister took a good look at it, and sure enough, the reaction on the Internet is too intense now!

Although Luo Hang lives in a relatively remote place, there are no people even in a radius of twenty or thirty miles!

However, there was a cloud of fire in the sky that day, and the sight of the huge Eight Desolation Fire Dragon appearing in the sky could be clearly seen even dozens of miles away!

Not to mention, the last divine sword Yu Lei Zhen Jue wiped out a small hill.

The violent thunder and lightning was even photographed!

Today, there are still many people who rush over to the place where the Divine Sword Yulei Zhenju falls!

Over there, there used to be a hill, but it has been razed to the ground now.

The traces caused by the terrible lightning strike naturally attracted the attention of countless people!

Even, many TV reporters rushed over to report!

"What should I do!?" Rubbing his head, feeling very headache, the minister was thinking secretly!

The matter of the base being attacked by transforming robots hadn't been resolved before, but now, this matter is getting worse and worse.

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