What should I do now?

"Minister, actually, this man named Luo Hang is not difficult to get along with. At the beginning, he actually wanted to talk!"

The person in charge of the action thought for a while and said!

"So? We didn't talk about it when we didn't do anything before, but now that the action has failed, should we go up and talk about it again?" The minister glanced at the other party and said angrily!

"This..." Hearing this, the staff member's tone froze.

I want to say it, but I don't know how to say it!

"Okay, I'll leave this job to you!" Seeing that the staff member stopped talking, the minister continued.

"Go ahead, let's talk first, what is the purpose of that Luo Hang? In short, the more information you can get, the better..."

Seeing that the staff member stopped talking, the minister followed up with an unquestionable tone.

"This, this, okay..." The staff member nodded helplessly.

what else can we do?The minister meant that he did not give himself the right to refuse at all!

At this time, I really want to give myself a slap in the face!

If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have said so much! .

Chapter 368: Your Federation has been researching Transformers for a long time

The engine of the car sounded, and then, a classic Santana car came to Luohang's house and stopped.

Then, a man in a suit got out of the car!

Bumblebee was waiting in the yard in the form of a car. The man walked to the yard and nodded towards Bumblebee as a greeting.

Only then did he arrive at the door of Luo Hang's house, and raised his hand to knock~ the door!

However, just as the man's hand touched Luo Hang's door, the door opened automatically.

The man was slightly taken aback, and then stepped forward-come in!

However, after walking in, the man was dumbfounded!

Because, a figure is floating in mid-air at this moment, and the bright light blooms from this figure, which looks like a god!

After all, besides the gods, who would emit light all over their bodies, suspended in mid-air?

"It is said that the power Luo Hang possesses is the power of a god, is that true? Is he really a god?"

Seeing Luo Hang in front of him with his own eyes, looking like a god, the man whispered in his heart.

It turns out that there really is a God.

"you are?"

Luohang's primordial spirit was suspended in mid-air, with bright rays of light blooming from his body, he looked at the man in front of him and asked!

"Hello, Mr. Luo Hang, my name is Max, and I'm from the United States of America!" the man said.

"Oh, I see. When your army came over, I wanted to have a good talk with you, but you didn't want to talk to me."

"Now, you can't beat me, so, are you finally willing to talk to me?" Luo Hang nodded and said!

Now that it's all over, his face is already torn, Luo Hang's words naturally don't mean to take care of the other party's face!

These words made Max look a little embarrassed.

Without saying anything more, Luo Hang's primordial spirit turned around, directly penetrated the wall, and returned to the physical body in the room.

Then, Luo Hang followed the teleportation ability attached to the Sacred Heart Art, and Luo Hang flashed directly in front of Max!

"This, this is, space ability? Teleportation!?"

Although he has seen the portal transfer shells before, Max still feels extremely shocked when he sees this teleportation ability with his own eyes!

This Luo Hang's ability really emerges endlessly, very strong!

Luo Hang didn't say much, walked to the table next to him and sat down.

There is a tea set on the table.

After Luo Hang sat down, he made himself a cup of tea, took a sip, and completely ignored Max next to him!

Max also knew that this time he came here to ask for something.

The other party didn't even give him a cup of tea, so it could be seen how Luo Hang treated him.

"Mr. Luo Hang, I'm here today on behalf of the federal government. I want to ask you, do you know any transforming robots and their origins?"

With a cheeky face, Max sat down in front of Luo Hang, and then asked Luo Hang!

"You don't actually need to ask me this question!" Luo Hang shook his head and said.

"I don't need to ask you? What does this mean? We really need to ask you!" Hearing what Luo Hang said, Max shook his head and said!

"Because, the country of America has known about such robots a long time ago, and even started research!" Luo Hang replied!

"Ah? Mr. Luo Hang, are you sure you're not joking? We in the United States have known it for a long time? We've even been researching it? Why didn't I know!?"

Hearing Luo Hang's words, Max was indeed a little dumbfounded!

Even the minister is now struggling to find the murderer who attacked the base.

However, it is said that the high-level officials in the United States have already known this information?

As a minister, he is also one of the top leaders in the United States, right?

"Don't believe it? If you don't believe it, you can go to the bottom of the Hoover Dam to have a look, you must be able to gain a lot!" Luo Hang smiled and said to Max!

"Is it under the Hoover Dam? I know, I will investigate it carefully!" Hearing this, Max nodded seriously and said.

"Thank you, Mr. Luo Hang, for telling me this news. On behalf of them, I would like to express my sincere apologies to Mr. Luo Hang for the previous actions!"

Regardless of whether Luo Hang's words were true or false, at least, on the surface, it seemed passable.

Max then bowed deeply to Luo Hang.

"It's nothing, I'm not the one who suffers anyway, so there's no need to apologize!" Hearing this, Luo Hang said with a calm expression!

While talking, he made a cup of tea for Max.

At the same time, stretch out your hand and signal the other person to sit down.

"Thank you!"

Seeing Luo Hang invite him to sit down, Max was a little excited and also very happy. After thanking him, he sat down immediately.

Although Luo Hang really didn't care if he apologized or not.

However, after apologizing, isn't this?My attitude towards myself has changed!

"By the way, what did you say your name was?" Luo Hang asked after the other party sat down.

"Max, my name is Max!" Hearing what Luo Hang said, Max really felt like he was about to cry.

Co-author, did he not listen to what he said to him just now?

"Oh, what is the purpose of your coming here? Just tell me, I don't like to beat around the bush!" Luo Hang nodded, then asked Max again. "Okay, since Mr. Luo Hang said it so simply, then I won't say any more nonsense!"

Max straightened his body, nodded, and said, "First of all, I would like to ask, recently, many supernatural powers have appeared all over the earth. Have you been hiding for many years?" "Or, did you suddenly appear recently?" If it suddenly appeared recently, where did it come from?"

"What? So far, quite a few people have been caught. Could it be that the desired intelligence information hasn't been pried out of their mouths?" Luo Hang asked back with a calm expression. "Although I've heard about it, I'm just a small person after all. Therefore, I'm not qualified to get access to a lot of news..." Max showed a look of embarrassment and embarrassment on Luo Luo's face. Hang said!

"So that's how it is!" Hearing this, Luo Hang was stunned!

It's just that, in the conversation with myself, a little person was sent over?

What does it mean?

"Mr. Luo Hang, I heard that none of you are from Earth? Because all the supernatural powers, the real investigation, in fact, can't find the previous information!"

"One or two people may be able to say that it is better to hide it, but every person with superpowers has been caught, and this is the case. Therefore, we have rumors that you are not from Earth!". …ask for flowers.

At the end, Max stared at Luo Hang seriously!

"How should I say this? To be more precise, it should be similar to the concept of parallel universes. We came to Earth without any malice!" Luo Hang thought for a while and answered frankly!

The existence of the explorers was almost exposed, and if I wanted to hide it, it would be meaningless!

Having said that, Luo Hang paused for a while, and then said: "Actually, compared to us superpowers, what you should pay attention to is those Transformers, especially those despots!" "Transformers? This The name is apt, I know Mr. Luo Hang, you also own a Camaro, which is the identity of a Transformer?" "I don't know, what do you mean by the Decepticons you called our attention?" Max asked!

For the so-called information about Transformers, Max felt that he was completely blind, and he didn't know much about it! "This, let's start with the planet Cybertron..."

Luo Hang opened his mouth and decided to give Max Scope a general information about the Cybertron planet, so he told Max all the news he knew!

It's a bit like a gesture of chatting, drinking tea and chatting again and again.

Luohang just told Max about the situation on Planet Cybertron in detail!

Speaking of the Transformers of the Autobots and Decepticons, Max was a little dumbfounded when he heard that the technological overflight of the earth was mainly obtained from Megatron, the leader of the Decepticons!

For example, these technologies such as integrated circuit boards are actually technologies obtained from alien life forms?

Silicon-based lifeforms?This really completely subverts the common sense of human life!

In the thinking of all people on earth, the so-called aliens should also be flesh and blood, right?

At most, the body structure is completely different from that of human beings!

However, it is actually a so-called silicon-based life form?Are they not flesh and blood anymore?

Unexpectedly, the aliens I met for the first time turned out to be such a life form!

"Thank you Mr. Luo Hang for the information. Your news is of great help to us!" After chatting for two hours, Max got up and thanked Luo Hang!

"Actually, I'm a good talker, and I hate violence!" Nodding slightly, Luo Hang then emphasized again! "Yes, yes, I always remember what Mr. Luo Hang said at that time, but at that time, Mr. Luo Hang really wanted to have a good chat!" Following Luo Hang's words, Max nodded and said. "correct……"

Having said that, Max seemed to think of something, and then said: "Mr. Luo Hang's supernatural power is indeed very powerful. I don't know, how did you generate these powers?" "Why? Are you interested? Or Say, your department is very interested?" Luo Hang raised his eyelids slightly and asked Max!

"Of course our department, and even the entire human beings on the planet, are very interested!" Max followed Luo Hang's words!

Speaking of this, he paused for a while, and then continued: "I don't know what Mr. Luo Hang's purpose is? I don't know if we can help?" "If we can help, we are willing to help!" Dead body.

Chapter 369: Studying Luo Hang's blood, what is the lifespan

In the world of adults, it is impossible to have friendship for no reason.

Of course, there will be no gratuitous help!

As Max said, ask yourself what your purpose is, you can help yourself, what is the meaning behind this sentence, Luo Hang understands!

One, I want to find out about myself, or what is the purpose of all explorers!

Second, if your purpose is not something terrible like destroying the world, you can help yourself.

In this case, I also want to plan how to obtain supernatural power from myself as a deal!

For Max's words, Luo Hang's thoughts moved slightly.

To be honest, although the support of Autobot Transformers can give me a lot of help.

But in the same way, if it can get the support of the world's state apparatus, the help will be maximized, right?

Max didn't urge anything, seeing Luo Hang's hesitation, he was in a good mood.

Max understood that since Luo Hang hesitated, he explained that his proposal moved his heart, which is a good thing!

"Alright, if you are willing to help me, that would be great!" So, after a moment of silence, Luo Hang nodded and said.

"Then, what is Mr. Luo Hang's purpose?" Hearing Luo Hang's answer of "two two three", Max asked along the way.

"My purpose is very simple, I'm looking for an ancient Corrupted King Kong!" Luo Hang threw out the existence of the Fallen King Kong first.

"Fallen King Kong? An ancient existence?" Max looked at Luo Hang in astonishment.

"That's right, it's a very old Transformer. As far as I know, it's currently on display in a museum. It should be an ancient model from World War I or World War II!" Luo Hang nodded and said!

Having said that, Luo Hang raised his hand.

After all, under his hands, he also killed many Decepticons robots, and the badges of the Autobots of the Autobots and the Decepticons of the Decepticons are completely different.

Luo Hang then showed the badge pattern of the Decepticons in front of Max, and asked him to focus on investigating the models in the museum to see if he had such a badge on him! "Okay, this one, I will try to find it!"

Looking at the badge of the Decepticons, Max nodded seriously and said!

After writing down this matter, Max looked at Luo Hang and said, "I don't know, Mr. Luo Hang, what is your purpose of looking for this fallen King Kong?"

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