"This is just the first four levels of the Jade Clear Realm's ninth level. According to what Luo Hang said, there are five more profound levels behind the Jade Clear Realm!"

"Moreover, after the ninth floor of the Jade Clear Realm, there is also the sixth floor of the Upper Clear Realm!"

"And the final third floor of Taiqingjing!"

"Luo Hang can tell, his cultivation is only at the first level of Taiqingjing!"

"It's really hard to imagine, if you reach the third level of the Taiqing Realm, what kind of power this Taiji Xuanqing Dao can reach!"

The minister continued to speak, and it seemed that he was continuing to tell the president about the following exercises.

But in fact, what the minister said seemed to be for himself!

That's right, Luo Hang's strength is already as strong as a god, and this is only at the level of the Taiqing Realm?

What if you have reached the top three layers?

In any case, the exercises behind Taiji Xuanqing Dao are really determined to be achieved!

Let's not talk about the situation on the side of the president and ministers.

At this time, Luo Hang continued to stay at his home, spending most of his time on the cultivation of the Heavenly Book!

With the improvement of his cultivation bit by bit, Luo Hang also gained a deeper understanding of many magical powers!

Even the development of the eyes of reincarnation is on the right track!

The ability of reincarnation eye has many magical methods!

In addition to the ability of Liudao Payne, this reincarnation eye also has the ability of wheel tomb border prison.

For these, Luo Hang felt that he needed to spend some time to develop them properly!

Needless to say, judging from the original book, the ability of the round tomb side prison is actually quite practical!

As for other gains?Luo Hang doesn't need to worry about it anymore!

On the surface, it seems that he handed over Taiji Xuanqingdao to the United States, which is considered to be the purchase of the source of fire.

In fact, this exercise is also the bait that Luo Hang threw for Mi Guo!

Seeing the power of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao with his own eyes, can the country not want the follow-up exercises?

Can the United States not try its best to reach a cooperation and find what it wants for itself?

Of course, not only the United States, but the relationship between the Autobots and Luohang is also very good.

As for the Autobots, they actually possess a lot of alien technology, the means of these alien technologies.

Optimus Prime didn't mean to be too stingy, he gave almost everything he could to Luo Hang.

Luo Hang himself couldn't understand these technologies anyway, so he just put them all away.

When they return to the real world, all these technical materials will be thrown to Li Limin.

The scientific research department in the real world will thoroughly understand these technologies.

If there is any finished product that can be used, I will give myself a copy. Regarding this, Luo Hang is not too worried!

With Luo Hang's cultivation, his cultivation level gradually improved, but Luo Hang didn't intend to be eager, so time passed day by day.

And Luohang's strength has also improved a lot!

On this day, another classic Santana car came to Luohang's yard and stopped!

It's Max!

"." You are finally here! Knowing that Max is coming, Luo Hang personally received him and said!

"Oh? Mr. Luo Hang, do you know that I will come?" Hearing this, Max looked at Luo Hang in surprise and asked!

"I'm waiting for the news of the Fallen King Kong!" Luo Hang replied!

"I see..." Hearing this, Max nodded suddenly in his heart!

Immediately afterwards, Max said: "Mr. Luohang, you are right. After several months, we have searched almost all the museums in the United States that display ancient fighter jets, and finally found what you are looking for." Stuff!" While speaking, Max picked up a stack of photos and sent them to Luo Hang!

Luo Hang took it and looked at it carefully!

This is indeed a "Blackbird" combat reconnaissance aircraft that has been decommissioned for a long time.

Most importantly, this rusty and old-looking fighter jet has a Decepticon emblem on it!

Seeing this, Luo Hang silently nodded, sure enough, this is really found!

"Now that we've found it, let's go and have a look!" Putting down the stack of photos in his hand, Luo Hang said!


"Mr. Luo Hang, I'll go with you!"

The bumblebee outside obviously guessed what Max's purpose was, and said!

"Okay, let's go!" Luo Hang nodded and said!

In the photo given by Max, the inside of the museum can just be seen.

Therefore, it is not difficult to construct a magic portal!

Luo Hang raised his hand, and after drawing a few circles in the void, soon, a magic portal appeared.

On the other side of the magic portal is the exhibition room of the museum!

Obviously, before coming, Max had already said hello, so the museum was empty, and no one had a number.

However, the lights are all turned on!

With Luo Hang's divine sense, of course he could sense the other party's existence.

There was no need to lead the way anymore, Luohang came straight to a Blackbird reconnaissance plane that had been retired for an unknown period of time and was already covered with rust!

Standing here, Luo Hang could clearly feel that there was a faint soul fluctuation inside the reconnaissance machine.

It seems that due to the lack of energy, this Transformer's body is already covered with rust! "Okay, don't sleep, how about some activities? I have something I want to talk to you about!"

Let the bumblebee next to him transform into a robot first, and Luo Hang then said to the fighter in front of him. .

Chapter 377: Pandora's Box

If Luo Hang simply said such a sentence to this fighter who has been retired for many years, perhaps he would not pay attention to Luo Hang!

However, the bumblebee next to it transformed first, which has a different meaning!

He also knew that his identity had been exposed, so following Luo Hang's words, the shape of this old-fashioned reconnaissance fuselage changed for a while, and it turned into an old Transformers robot form!

He was stooped, and even had a cane in his hand.

Occasionally reach out and scratch yourself.

In his own words, the whole body is rusty, very itchy!

"Young Autobots and Earthlings, why did you come to me?" He bent over and asked Luo Hang and the others!

"By the way, what's your name? My name is Luo Hang!" Luo Hang opened his mouth and gave his name first, which is considered polite!

"Name? It's been too long, I don't remember much, you can call me Tianhuo, it seems, this is my name!" The old Transformer said!

"Okay, it's because you've been lacking energy for too long, so you're rusting all over the place, right? Shall I restore your energy for you?" Luo Hang said, first showing his kindness. "Thank you, young and kind-hearted earthling. You can't help me in my situation unless you use..." Tianhuo shook his head, and following his movements, there was a sharp sound of steel rubbing against each other.

It shows that the current Tianhuo is indeed rusted everywhere!

However, at this point, Xiaopoo's voice stopped abruptly!

Because, at this moment, Luo Hang raised his hand.

In his hand, what he was holding was the source of the fire seed!

"This, how is this possible? How could the fire source be in your hands!?"

Looking at the fire seed source in Luo Hang's hand, Tianhuo's old voice became much sharper, and asked Luo Hang in surprise! "Of course I snatched it, and now it's mine!"

223 Luohang opened his mouth, and first stated that the current ownership of the fire seed source is his own!

"People on Earth, although this source of fire is an extremely precious treasure, I advise you to let it go, you can't grasp it." "Those Decepticons will definitely try their best to snatch it, you You are joking with your own life!" Looking at Luo Hang, after being silent for a while, Tianhuo persuaded Luo Hang with earnestness!

"You old man, you seem to have misunderstood something!"

The Bumblebee next to him couldn't help but speak up when he heard this, and said: "Although the Decepticons are powerful, Mr. Luo Hang is even stronger." "Before, more than 100 members of the Decepticons were all killed. Mr. Luo Hang defeated by himself, even Megatron almost couldn't escape!" "It's impossible!"

Tianhuo is so old and has been on the earth for many years. Of course he understands the situation of the people on earth.

Earthlings, one person can actually defeat more than 100 Decepticon robots?

This is absolutely impossible!

What's more, who is Megatron?

He is the current leader of the Decepticons!

"Nothing is impossible, facts are facts!" Bumblebee's tone was very serious and serious!

"So, it turned out to be like this?" Tianhuo murmured in a low voice after knowing exactly what Luo Hang's strength was from Bumblebee's mouth, almost completely dumbfounded!

The power of the people on earth is actually so powerful?

Is this still the earthling in my memory?

The most important thing is, since when did the people on earth have such terrifying power?

"Okay, let me use the power of the source of fire first to help you relieve the pain in your body!"

After talking to this extent, it seems that there is no need to continue the conversation, Luo Hang interrupted the topic!

Immediately, raise the fire source in your hand!

Under Luo Hang's urging, some of the power of the fire seed source leaked out, bathing in the sky fire!

Ordinary household appliances can be awakened to become real Transformers.

The power of this source of fire fell on Tianhuo, and it would naturally be of great help to him!

With the infusion of the power of the fire source, the rust on Tianhuo's body is rapidly disappearing.

The originally stooped body also slowly stood up a lot.

The crutch that he was leaning on in his hand had also turned into a slender and sharp chopping knife at this time.

Although there is no change in form, the current appearance of Tianhuo and the feeling of the whole person's energy are completely different!

If we say that the previous Tianhuo was like a very old man.

So the current Tianhuo seems to have returned to the prime of life around 40 years old! "This feeling is very good!"

Feeling the changes in his body, Tianhuo said with emotion!

This feeling of being able to return to youth is naturally excellent!

"The power of the fire source is really the treasure of the Cybertronians!" Taking a deep look at the fire source in Luohang's hand, Tianhuo said with emotion!

It's just that the source of fire, the treasure of the Cybertronians, is now in the hands of a person on Earth.

This kind of feeling makes people feel very weird!

"Okay, Luo Hang, you came to me on purpose and helped me regain my youth. Do you want anything from me? Just tell me!" In this way, after feeling the condition of his body well, Tianhuo followed suit Luo Hang asked!

Without saying anything, Luo Hang just stared at Tianhuo seriously, waiting for his answer! "It's very simple. I want to know, where is the instrument that was deployed on the earth to collect the energy of stars?" "Also, do you know the corresponding technical information?" Luo Hang asked Tianhuo road! "You, you actually know about things in ancient times!?" Hearing what Luo Hang said, Tianhuo looked at Luo Hang in surprise and asked!

Being stared at by Luo Hang like this, Tianhuo obviously knew that it would be impossible if he didn't say anything!

However, before speaking, Tianhuo still wanted to fight for it: (bcfj) "Since you know the news, you should know that this instrument is like Pandora's magic box to the people on earth." "Once opened It is really unpredictable what the consequences will be!" Of course Luo Hang understands the meaning of Tianhuo's words!

This is like an ancient war, with cold weapons as the main weapon, you come and go!

However, once someone got the gunpowder formula, it would be different!

Although in the early stage, it was indeed possible to win every battle and establish the victory of the war.

However, as long as a few years pass, the next battle will be dominated by hot weapons of gunpowder!

This will greatly increase the misery of the war, and it will also greatly increase the death rate of the war!

But now, Luo Hang wanted to search for the machine that collects the energy of the stars, and from Tianhuo's point of view, this was the reason.

Once the purpose is really discovered by him, the way this machine collects stellar energy for its own use will be greatly spread in the future.

By that time, although in a short period of time, the earth will be able to obtain more energy.

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