However, in the long run, the earth will be more dangerous.

Because, if one is not careful, it is not difficult to collect the energy of the stars and use it to destroy the earth.

Once a lunatic does such a thing, the earth will be destroyed easily! "I understand the situation you said, don't worry, my situation is quite special!" Seeing Tianhuo's persuasion, Luo Hang said, saying that it doesn't matter!

It really doesn't matter, even if you take such a machine away, it will be better for the earth in this world!

Why?Because I still have half a year left before I leave this world.

And if I take this machine and technology away, the earth will no longer be threatened by this technology!

"Well, since you insist, then, I will do as you wish!"

Taking a deep look at Luo Hang, seeing that he didn't follow his advice, Tianhuo nodded, and didn't intend to say anything more!

After the words fell, Tianhuo began to activate the space bridge technology he had mastered!

The ability of the space bridge was activated, and immediately after, Tianhuo, Luohang, Bumblebee and Max disappeared into the museum in a flash.

When it reappeared, it had already arrived in the territory of Egypt, in a desert of thousands of miles of yellow sand! ?

Not to mention the situation of Luohang and others in Egypt at this time.

On the other side, on the far side of the moon, there is a crashed alien spacecraft.

Here, there are also the bodies of Transformers, and even the existence of energy pillars!

Because members of the Autobots and Decepticons appeared one after another, and the high-level officials in the United States knew more about Transformers.

Therefore, the high-level officials in the United States now have some understanding of the crashed spacecraft found on the moon.

So, this time the space shuttle was sent again, and the moon landing program was launched again.

And the purpose is the spaceship here, and many items here!

In the crashed spacecraft, there are many energy columns, which are the important energy sources of the Transformers spacecraft.

And if these energy pillars are brought back to Earth and studied, they will naturally be of inestimable value!

However, just when these astronauts were preparing to return to the earth with the energy column, a space battleship flew towards the back of the moon!

Several astronauts looked at this exquisite space battleship flying over, and looked at each other, their expressions were full of astonishment!

Yes, for no reason, how could there be a space battleship flying over the moon?

What is the identity of this space battleship! ?

And the most important thing is that there does not seem to be such an exquisite and advanced aerospace technology on the earth that can manufacture this kind of space battleship!

Amidst the stunned and apprehensive eyes of several astronauts, the space battleship swooped down.

Apparently, its target is also this crashed spaceship!

Immediately afterwards, the space battleship changed into the appearance of Megatron under a complex change! .

Chapter 378: Babel

"So that's the case, it turns out that the place where the Ark crashed is actually here!"

Turned into a robot form, looking at the crashed spaceship and the corpses of many Autobot Transformers, Megatron whispered in his heart!

Immediately, his eyes fell on the astronauts next to him.

Then, Megatron's guns blasted out, killing these human astronauts on the spot~!

What happened on the moon, let's not - say.

On the territory of Egypt on Earth, Tianhuo brought Luohang and others to a huge pyramid!

"The machine you are looking for is here!" Tianhuo said to Luo Hang!

Hearing what Tianhuo said, Luo Hang also let go of his mental power and scanned towards the inside of the pyramid.

Immediately, Luo Hang could clearly feel that inside the pyramid, there was indeed a huge instrument whose material was completely different from that of the pyramid!

Taking a deep breath, Luo Hang raised his hand, and the Xuanyuan Sword appeared in Luo Hang's hand!

Immediately afterwards, Xuanyuan Sword swung heavily at the pyramid!

Following Luo Hang's actions, the ability of the shaking fruit was activated.

The terrible vibration made the space seem to be shattered!

The power of resonance acts on the pyramid, and the pyramid that has been standing for an unknown number of years immediately has deep and long cracks.

Immediately afterwards, the vibration became stronger and stronger, and the stones of the pyramid continued to collapse and shatter!

Seeing that the entire pyramid was covered with cracks, Luo Hang put away the Xuanyuan Sword, and opened his arms towards the pyramid.

With a low voice in my heart: Shenluo Tianzheng!

With a bang, the invisible repulsion, like an air cannon, ruthlessly hit the pyramid.

Under this huge repulsive force, the countless cracked stones of the pyramid were directly blown out, turned into countless fragments, and splashed everywhere!

All the stones in the pyramid were blown away.

It also revealed the things inside the pyramid!

The steel casting instrument is very huge, although I don't know how many years old it is.

However, perhaps because it is sealed in the pyramid, it is not in contact with the air, so it still looks brand new, without the slightest rust!

"Is this the one? It looks quite big, very grand!"

Looking at this huge instrument under the protection of the pyramid, Luo Hang muttered secretly in his heart!

With this instrument, can the power of the entire star be collected?

This is too exaggerated, right?

"Mr. Luo Hang, this instrument has been found now, what now?"

Standing beside Luo Hang, Max was secretly shocked when he saw this huge machine. At the same time, he looked at Luo Hang with searching eyes!

Yes, this instrument has been found, then what?

Could it be that Luo Hang wants to activate this instrument to collect the energy of the sun?

In other words, does he know how to activate this instrument?

"Don't worry, I don't know how to activate it, but it can activate itself!"

Glancing at Max next to him, Luo Hang didn't care.

After the words fell, Luo Hang raised his hand again, and Luo Hang took out the fire seed source!

"Mr. Luo Hang, do you mean to..."

Seeing Luo Hang take out the fire source, Max's expression changed in shock, he probably guessed what Luo Hang was thinking!

Smiling and nodding, Luo Hang didn't say much.

It's just that he pushed the fire source in his hand forward.

At the same time, the power urging the fire source was poured into this huge instrument!

With the infusion of huge energy, this large instrument started to move.

Then, the instrument also vibrated.

Also under a burst of precise and responsible changes, it turned into the form of a huge robot!

Luo Hang quietly looked at the robot in front of him.

Similarly, the robot also stared at Luo Hang earnestly, neither of them spoke.

For a moment, the atmosphere seemed very dignified!

"What's your name? Are you Autobot or Decepticon?"

Finally, after waiting for a while, Luo Hang did not wait for the awakened robot to speak, so he could only speak on his own initiative, breaking the deadlock!

"I can be called Tongtian, I am not from the Autobots. I am not from the Decepticons, master..."

Hearing Luo Hang's question, the robot shook his head and answered.


The words of this Transformer who claimed to be Tongtian shocked everyone present!

"Why do you call me master?" Even Luo Hang looked at Tongtian in surprise and asked!

"My birth and my life are given by you, naturally, you are my master!"

The huge Tongtian knelt down on one knee facing Luo Hang, looking extremely loyal!

"So it's like this?" Hearing what Tong Tian said, Luo Hang's heart suddenly realized!

That's the difference!

Electric appliances made with Megatron as the research blueprint, even if they are given life by the fire source, what is born is a pure desperado Transformer.

Even Luo Hang will be regarded as a deadly enemy.

However, instead of the Transformers based on Megatron, this awakened robot is not a Decepticon!

Relatively speaking, it is more rational, and there will be no situation where it will frantically destroy the surroundings as soon as it is born!

"Tongtian, do you have the ability to collect the energy of stars?"

After endowing this instrument with life, Luo Hang asked Tongtian!

"Master, you do have such an ability!" Hearing this, Tong Tian lowered his head and replied!

"Sure!" Hearing Tongtian's affirmative answer, Luo Hang nodded secretly in his heart.

If this is the case, even if you don't know how to activate this instrument, Tongtian can also activate it by itself!

"Very well, from now on, you can follow me! It's just that you are too big..."

Luo Hang looked at Tongtian's robot and said!

"Actually, Master, the Transformers have a certain ability to change the quality!" Hearing this, Tong Tian followed up.

While speaking, his body shape changed again, and immediately, Tongtian's appearance changed into a robot form only three meters away.

Although this still looks very huge, it is much smaller than before!

"If that's the case, it's more suitable!"

Seeing the change in Tongtian's figure, Luo Hang nodded, looking very satisfied!

"I found it, hahaha, this large instrument capable of collecting star energy has been found!"

"By the way, what Max said makes sense. Although this device has been found, does Brother Hang know how to activate it?"

"This is just like a helicopter placed in front of an old farmer, with a dazed face!?". . .Ask for flowers.

"Wait, Brother Hang took out the fire source, is he trying to turn this instrument into a Transformer?"

"Hold the grass, you are right, the power of this fire source is poured, and this instrument really turns into a Transformer!"

"Tongtian? This name still sounds very domineering!"

"Wait, Tong Tian's mouth is calling our Brother Hang the master!?"

"Sure enough, if it wasn't for the Kuipai robot, it would be easy to get along with, and even directly recognized Brother Hang as the master, which is great!"

"It seems that Brother Hang is ready to return, will you bring Tongtian back together?"

"Can you shrink your body so much? Such a huge machine can be turned into such a small robot? Isn't this unscientific!?"

"Science? You said how much a Camaro sports car can weigh? But, the Bumblebee can transform into a large robot ten meters away. Tell me, how much can the Bumblebee weigh in this form? Do you think this is in line with quality? Conservation law?"

"This, it seems that this is really the case? Like Bumblebee and Jazz, they have obviously become robots, and their quality exceeds their own car form!"


In the Longguo live broadcast room, in general, I am very happy to see that this instrument that collects the energy of stars for my own use has been acquired by Luo Hang!

In terms of barrage, it has naturally become very cheerful!

More importantly, although Luo Hang didn't know how to activate this device.

However, bring this instrument to life with a fire source.

Even, this instrument took the initiative to recognize Luo Hang as its owner, which is still very good!

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