Even Luo Hang and Max stared at Iron Sheet in surprise and asked!

"This Transformer is the previous leader of our Autobots, the Natural Enemy!" Tiepi said, revealing the identity of the strange Transformer in the photo!

And when these words came out, Luo Hang and the others were even more shocked!

"It turned out to be Yu Tiandi? But, Yu Tiandi in the original book actually came back to life? How did he come back to life!?"

Hearing Tie Pi's words, Luo Hang's heart was secretly solemn, and at the same time, he secretly murmured in his heart.

"The last leader of our Autobots? I've heard about it a little bit, but this is the first time I've seen it. Doesn't it mean that he has been missing for many years!" Bumblebee also said!

"Yeah, he has been missing for many years, he, is he still alive?" Tie Pi nodded, his tone full of doubts!

Since Yu Tiandi is not dead, why haven't I seen him for so many years?

Why hasn't he shown up for so many years?

"Leaving aside the identity of Yu Tiandi, why did Tongtian go with him? Besides, who was the one who destroyed Mr. Luohang's house?" Max, who was next to him, interrupted and asked!

"Yeah, why did Tongtian go with Yutiandi? It's neither Autobot nor Decepticon, so it shouldn't obey other Transformers!"

Hearing this, Bumblebee nodded and said!

"Actually, with the ability to defend against natural enemies, if he really wants to, let alone a neutral Transformer robot, even if he is a member of the Decepticons, he has the ability to transform into the Autobot camp!"

At this moment, Tin Pi interjected!

"So, what do you mean, Royal Sky Enemy turned Tongtian into an Autobot and then took control of him!?" Bumblebee glanced at Ironhide and asked!

"That's not what I mean, besides, Yu Tiandi doesn't have this ability anymore..."

"Because, once his leader module was given to Optimus Prime."

"So, even if he's not dead, he doesn't have the ability to control other Autobots, let alone turn them into Autobots!" Ironhide replied, shaking his head.

"That's right, since he was the last leader of our Autobots, then the person who destroyed this place should not be the natural enemy!" Bumblebee also nodded!

Speaking of this, after a slight pause, Bumblebee continued to speculate: "You said, could it be that Tongtian and Yutiandi went to deal with the murderer who destroyed this place together? That's why they can walk side by side peacefully! ?” “Well, I also think this possibility is still possible!” Tiepi also nodded, expressing his agreement!

"Fighting Enemy? That name sounds pretty cool!"

"It turns out that this robot is the previous leader of the Autobots. It seems that he didn't do it!" "I didn't expect that the previous leader of the Autobots was also there? No wonder Tongtian walked with him peacefully." !"

"It seems that Bumblebee's speculation is reasonable. It should be that someone else attacked Brother Hang's home. Tongtian and this natural enemy are pursuing the target together!?" "But, from the photos, the two robots don't seem to be chasing anything Look, did I misread 5.9?"

"It doesn't matter, since someone can take a picture, there should be no problem, just know his identity!" "Yeah, as long as Tongtian is not killed, it will be a matter of time to come back and find Brother Hang?" "However, Speaking of which, Max is pretty awesome, he found the clue so quickly!"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, many viewers were also discussing who the killer was.

Now, after hearing that Tie Pi recognized the other party's identity, many viewers also felt that this man named Yu Tiandi was not the murderer!

After all, after watching it for nearly a year, everyone still trusts the Autobots' personality! "No, the murderer should be this natural enemy!"

However, when inside and outside the live broadcast, no matter whether it was the audience of Longguo or Bumblebee, they felt that Yu Natural Enemy was not the murderer, but Luo Hang spoke up, and said with a firm expression!

"Ah!?" As soon as this remark came out, everyone was surprised and looked at Luo Hang in disbelief. "Mr. Luo Hang, do you know that Yu Tiandi is..." Tie Pi began, wanting to say a few words for Yu Tiandi!

"Don't tell me what's going on with Yutiandi, the current Yutiandi is different from what you remember!" However, Luo Hang directly interrupted Tiepi's words! .

Chapter 385: The Solar System Falls into Darkness

"Hold the grass, so the murderer turned out to be the natural enemy!?"

"This, is this unlikely? If the murderer is really Yu Tiandi, then why did Tongtian obediently follow him and leave!?"

"Also, aren't the Transformers of the Autobots all kind? Why did the Imperial Enemy do such a thing?"

"Hehe, upstairs, are you questioning Brother Hang's words!?"

"Brother Hang, YYDS, do not accept any objections!"

"That's right, over the past few years, my brother Hang has said so many things, but he hasn't missed a single word!"

"Since my brother Hang said that Yu Tiandi is the murderer, it must be him, and there is no need for an investigation!"

"Besides, didn't you hear what the iron skin said just now? That natural enemy seems to have the ability to turn the Decepticon Transformers into Autobots!"

"Although, I don't know why Yu Tiandi can do it without the leader template, but anyway, he just sat down!"

As Luo Hang's voice fell, not to mention what Bumblebee and the others were thinking now, Longguo's live broadcast room suddenly exploded!

Was the previous leader of the Autobots actually the real murderer?

Although surprised, these audiences generally believed Luo Hang's words!

"Luo, Luo Hang, what are you talking about? Yu Tiandi is the murderer, this is unlikely!?"

As a Transformer who has experienced the era led by Natural Enemy, Tie Pi really couldn't believe that Natural Enemy would attack Luo Hang's home for no reason!

"Otherwise, how do you explain the scene where Tongtian was tamed and taken away by him?"

Luo 12hang raised the photo in his hand, and asked Tiepi back!

"However, if Yu Tiandi wants to lecture other Transformers, he needs a leader module..." Tie Pi retorted!

"So, there is a leader module on Yu Tiandi!" Before Tie Pi finished speaking, Luo Hang spoke with a firm tone!

"Then what should I do..."

The bumblebee next to him also spoke, with a solemn tone: "If Yu Tiandi really has a leader module, we are no match for him!"

What is the difference between having experienced and not experiencing the era of natural enemies!

When Luo Hang said that Yu Natural Enemy was the real murderer, Tie Pi's first reaction was disbelief.

But Bumblebee is already thinking about whether the murderer is really him, whether people like himself can fight against natural enemies!

Glancing at the bumblebee next to him, Tin Hide was silent for a while, and then said: "If the murderer is really the enemy of nature, then the only one who can fight against him is Optimus Prime."

"Those who have the leader module can fight against those who have the leader module!"

"But, Optimus Prime has disappeared!" Bumblebee shook his head and said.

Having said that, Bumblebee suddenly thought of something.

The same was true for Tin Hide, and the two exchanged glances.

Then, Bumblebee exclaimed in surprise: "By the way, is Optimus Prime's disappearance also related to the natural enemy!?" At first, Optimus Prime disappeared for a few days. worry.

But now, since the topic has been discussed here, and thinking about the disappearance of Optimus Prime, it is really frightening to think carefully!

"In any case, our primary purpose now is to find the whereabouts of the natural enemy!" Luo Hang continued to speak, and said solemnly!

These words made everyone nod their heads, and they were deeply aware of the dire consequences!

Babel was awakened from an instrument that collects star energy to become a Transformer, and it has the energy to collect stars.

Today, Tongtian has been tamed by Yutiandi, and now Yutiandi's situation is indistinguishable from good to evil, the consequences are indeed horrifying after careful consideration!

On Luo Hang's side, let's not talk about how to negotiate, how to search for the whereabouts of the natural enemy.

On the other side, it is still in the Amazon jungle, which seems to be a restricted area for human beings.

It is more difficult for humans to search here!

Tongtian's figure underwent a complex and mysterious change, and then, it turned into a huge instrument!

Yu Tiandi and Megatron next to him are all staring at it seriously!

Immediately, the instruments transformed by Tongtian began to work!

Suddenly, on the side of the earth facing the sun, the residents felt that the sun was getting brighter and more dazzling.

Everyone raised their heads in astonishment and looked at the sky!

The terrifying light has completely covered the entire sky, making it impossible to see anything clearly!

If we say the sunshine before, it is like the light from a light bulb.

So now, it's like the light of ten, twenty, fifty, a hundred bulbs!

Not only on the side facing the sun, but even on the side of the earth facing away from the sun, many human beings are also shocked to find that the light in the sky has become much brighter!

The originally pitch-black night sky now seems to have turned into dusk.

This abnormal scene shocked the people of the whole earth.

Then, many people started talking about it!

After all, a scene like this is truly unprecedented.

It is also something that no one has ever seen before!

After surprise, followed by fear.

Such an abnormal situation is really frightening!

Immediately after the light on the earth became brighter, suddenly, the brightness faded rapidly again!

It wasn't just the side facing away from the sun that became dark again.

Even on the side facing the sun, the light faded rapidly.

Until finally, it became a complete night sky!

In this way, the situation is even more frightening!

Wasn't it originally daytime?

But, suddenly, it became late at night, and there was no light in the sky to be seen.

Not to mention the sun, even the stars can't be seen!

If it is because of the stormy weather, the thick dark clouds covered the sun and made the world dark.

However, the sky is empty now, without a trace of dark clouds at all!

Such a situation is astonishing!

When it was broad daylight, it suddenly turned into night?This situation is very abnormal!

"It's done, the power of the sun is being absorbed rapidly!"

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Yu Tiandi said!

"What's the situation? Mr. Luo Hang, why did it suddenly get dark today!?"

On the other side, Luo Hang and Max were still chatting about how to find the traces of the natural enemy in the future. Suddenly, such a change occurred in the world, which made people dumbfounded!

"Let me look at it from another angle!" Luo Hang's expression was solemn, and he had some guesses in his heart.

Immediately, the mind moved slightly, and again using the mirror space as a transfer station, Yuanshen constructed a magic portal and came to the moon!

It was as black as ink, standing on the moon, Luo Hang also felt a burst of darkness as ink!

Originally, the earth could be seen from the moon, but now, Luo Hang discovered that the reason why he could see the earth was mainly because of some dotted lights on the earth!

Looking at the entire universe, it seems to have become dark!

"It's over!" Seeing such a scene, Luo Hang murmured secretly in his heart.

Yuanshen roamed the starry sky, and could clearly feel that the entire starry sky seemed to have become dark!

Why is that?

This is the light of the sun, which will no longer radiate in the universe!

If the solar system is compared to a room, then the sun is the light bulb in this room!

Now, the light bulb is not working, and of course the whole room is darkened as a result!

With a slight movement of his mind, Luo Hang returned to Earth!

"Mr. Luo Hang, have you found out the reason?" Max was a little nervous when he spoke.

Obviously, after such a short while, he roughly guessed the reason in his heart.

It's just that I can't believe it, or I don't want to believe the conjecture in my heart!

"The entire solar system has been plunged into darkness!" Luo Hang said!

"Could it be? Did the sun go out!?" Hearing this, the conjecture in his heart was confirmed, and Max asked.

"It's not that the sun is extinguished, but that all the power of the sun has been absorbed, so that it doesn't even emit light!" Luo Hang replied!

"Sure enough, Tongtian's ability has started to activate!?"

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