These words confirmed the conjecture in Max's heart, and Max's heart was secretly solemn.

Luohang 223 did not speak.

The entire earth has been plunged into darkness, and even the entire solar system has been plunged into darkness!

Although Luo Hang already knew about the setting of the Tongtian instrument in the original book, when this function was really activated, Luo Hang still felt deeply shocked!

Although, in this world of Transformers, the force value is not high.

Even Optimus Prime and Megatron were just being beaten in front of Luo Hang.

However, the power of technology is also very scary.

The entire solar system is extinguished, and such a scene can be created. This scene is truly unprecedented!

"It's terrible, the whole earth is dark!"

"Is this the power of the sky? It's really unimaginable!"

"If the solar system is compared to a beach, the earth is just a grain of sand on the beach! But now, Tongtian on the earth can absorb the energy of the entire sun!?"

"It's like ping pong balls sucking the energy out of a skyscraper!"

"Although I have known the effect of Tongtian for a long time, it still makes people feel unbelievable!"

"Nonsense, a nuclear warhead is that big, but its energy is enough to destroy an entire city. Isn't this like a ping-pong ball that can destroy a skyscraper? Then, why not the other way around!?"

"By the way, why did the earth suddenly become particularly bright before the entire solar system fell into darkness?"

"It is estimated that when the machine is just started, the vibration will be particularly loud?"

"In fact, I have never really understood that the force value in this world is not high, and technology is just like that. How can this world be ranked sixth. Now, I understand!"

"Yeah, let the entire solar system fall into darkness, even if it is a hundred, even 1 beast gods can't do it!?"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, all the viewers followed Luo Hang's perspective and saw the scene of the solar system falling into darkness, and they were all dumbfounded.

(PS: Grandma passed away this morning. Originally, there were five updates every day. The update may be unstable in the near future. Forgive me~~~).

Chapter 386: The portal opened in advance

Not to mention how inconceivable it is that an instrument on the tiny earth can absorb the power of the sun!

Not to mention that the entire solar system has been plunged into darkness, how terrible this is!

In short, all the power of the sun has been absorbed by Tongtian, and the earth is no longer bathed by sunlight.

The entire earth has undergone drastic changes very quickly!

Landslides and tsunamis, violent storms, frost and snow...

All kinds of irregular weather emerge in endlessly.

And under such a natural disaster, the inhabitants of the entire earth have all fallen into panic and despair!

Although these natural disasters are terrible, what is even more terrible is the ugliness of human nature that broke out under this despair.

For a moment, the entire earth was in chaos!

And at this time, not only the residents on Earth were in panic, but also many residents on Blue Star!

Every country on Blue Star has its own live broadcast room.

What the live broadcast room watched was the adventures of various anchors in different worlds.

Now, all of the anchors are suddenly discovered, and the live broadcast world has turned into night.

Moreover, the whole world is plunged into darkness.

Coupled with the collapse of the social order on the entire earth, natural and man-made disasters are emerging one after another, which makes all the audience anxious!

Calculated from the time, there is still more than a month before the return of the explorers.

Can the earth last for more than a month?

Not all the explorers died with this terrible natural disaster! ?

"It's over, the whole earth is going to be destroyed, why doesn't Zhinao open the teleporters and pick up all the explorers back!?"

"That's right, although it was set for a year, but now, it is clear that life and death are imminent. Could it be that Zhinao has no flexibility at all, watching all the explorers die?"

"Longguo audience said it doesn't matter, even under such a disaster, my brother Hang will be fine!"

"That's right, no matter how terrible these weather changes are, my brother Hang can directly hide in the mirror space for refuge!"

"Theoretically, everything that happens in the mirror space has nothing to do with the real world, and vice versa!"

This is the scene of the live broadcast room now!

Everyone felt that under such a crisis, the intelligence brain should open the portal in advance and bring all the explorers back!

In this way, after three days, hundreds of millions of human beings on the earth have died due to natural disasters and man-made disasters.

Such turmoil, as if the entire earth is about to collapse!

In the world of Transformers, not everyone knows the reason why the world has fallen into darkness.

It's just that the sun is completely extinguished. With such a big change on the earth, many explorers are also terrified in their hearts!

There is still a month to return.

However, looking at the appearance of the earth, it is impossible to last another month!

Next, what should I do?

"Could it be that I have nothing to gain in this world, so I have to die in this world?" "

In a residential building, Mieko from the island country murmured softly as she saw that it had been dark for 78 consecutive hours!

Coming to this world, I have nothing to gain, but I am going to die in this world, which is really scary enough!

It seems that there is no difference from the Blue Star on the surface, and even the aliens described in the brain data are difficult to contact.

However, the degree of danger in this world is much more terrifying than the previous worlds!

In this situation where the entire sun is extinguished, there is no escape at all!

Fortunately, I have experienced several worlds, so my strength is not bad. Ordinary ordinary people are not my opponents at all.

Otherwise, it would be unimaginable what would happen to me during the recent turmoil!

In these recent times, the inhuman treatment that women around the world have suffered is simply indescribable.

After all, when life and death are really at stake, rituals and music will collapse, morality will be ruined, and the real losers must be women!


Just when Mieko was secretly worrying, suddenly, in front of her, a gate full of sense of technology suddenly appeared! ?

"This is……"

Looking at this portal, Mieko certainly doesn't feel unfamiliar. Isn't this the portal for the brain to travel back and forth between the two worlds?

However, there is still a little over a month before the one-year deadline!

Is this opened in advance, allowing myself to return to escape?

It seems that the brain is quite humane!

After secretly sighing in her heart, Mieko immediately stepped forward, entered the portal, and returned directly!

Not only Mieko, but now other explorers also have portals appearing!

For explorers, this portal is like meeting a ray of hope in a desperate situation!

Naturally, all the explorers entered the portal and returned!

However, the situation of this return made the audience on Blue Star feel very dignified!

why?Because there are only 130 explorers returning this time.

In addition, there are more than 60 people who will stay in the world of Transformers forever and will never come back!

Some explorers died after being captured and hunted down by official agencies of various countries when they exposed their supernatural powers on the earth.

Some also died in the turmoil of the last few days.

In short, almost one-third of the nearly two hundred explorers in this world died!

(:.Recognize?! Accurate, if:.? Water? First:;! Send'!?,!!: Steal? Books, sell 'money',, die?; Mom',;) Although the force value of this world It seems to be the lowest in all the worlds, but the degree of danger is the highest.

It is also the one with the highest death rate among all adventure worlds!

Even the solar system was plunged into darkness, forcing the brain to open the portal ahead of time and bring these explorers back.

The consequences are evident!

"Wait, where's Luo Hang from Dragon Country? He doesn't seem to be back!"

"What? The explorer from the Dragon Kingdom didn't come back? Is he looking for death?" "Hurry up and go to the Dragon Kingdom's live broadcast room!"

"Brother Hang, stop showing off, come back quickly, the ecology of the entire earth is about to become unsuitable for human survival!" "Brother Hang, don't play such a heart-pounding scene again, okay!?" "Still familiar The feeling is still familiar!"

"Brother Hang, even if you stay and save the earth, you won't gain much!"

"Is it for harvesting the sky? It's not worth it. Your life is the most important thing. If you are gone, it will be impossible for our Dragon Kingdom to find another explorer who is better than you!"

In Blue Star's live broadcast room, many viewers were relieved to see that Zhinao had opened the portal in advance!

Sure enough, when all explorers are facing a life-and-death crisis, the brain will still take special consideration and open the portal in advance!

However, when it was discovered that Luo Hang, the explorer of the Dragon Kingdom, had no intention of returning, the audience expressed their shock!

After all, this is a disaster that has swept across the entire earth, and even the entire solar system. He hasn't come back yet?

This is simply dancing on the tip of a knife, right?

Among them, the audience of Dragon Country is the most eager!


From the first adventure in another world, when Luo Hang rushed towards the palace alone, everyone felt very worried!

Yes, this kind of thing seems to have no benefit, but you have to risk your life to do it.

For Luohang, it seems to have become a routine operation?

He doesn't seem to be afraid.

However, those of me who watched the live broadcast broke into a cold sweat for him!

It's like the person who is racing the car is not afraid of himself, but the person sitting in the co-pilot is so nervous that his whole body is tense!

Not to mention what Blue Star audiences are thinking at the moment.

On the earth side, Luo Hang also saw the portal opened in front of him, and after a little thought he could understand what was going on.

This is because the brain wants to take all the explorers back in advance, right?

For this point, Luo Hang thinks he can understand!

However, for Luo Hang, the matter here has not been dealt with properly, how can he leave?

From another point of view, the original earth will not be destroyed, mainly because of his own intervention, which caused the butterfly effect, and the earth was reduced to the point of being destroyed.

Billions of people, and even endless life on earth are threatened, how can I just walk away?

Therefore, after thinking for a while, Luo Hang turned and left, ignoring the opened (completed) portal!

Instead, continue to look for the whereabouts of the natural enemy!

Tongtian was taken away by Yutiandi, so now as long as he finds Yutiandi, he will know where Tongtian is!

Of course, it's fine if you find Tongtian!

However, at this time, the official high-level officials of the United States have mobilized all their forces to find the whereabouts of Yu Tiandi and the others, but they still find nothing!

Luo Hang also understood that at this time, the official power of the United States could not be counted on!

With the loss of the sun's rays, the entire earth's magnetic field has become disordered, and satellites are falling one after another.

All aspects of communication are almost in a state of paralysis.

The possibility of relying on them to find Yu Natural Enemy is too low!

Luo Hang formed a seal and used a shadow clone technique, creating a shadow clone to guard by his side!

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