At the same time, the primordial spirit came out of the body and left the body!

At this point, there is only one way to find Tongtian and their whereabouts, and that is to sense the energy flow of the sun!

Although the sunlight is gone now, all the power of the sun is absorbed towards Tongtian, it depends on whether you can feel the flow of that huge energy!

Taking a deep breath, the cultivation base of the virtual realm of Luohang Cave was displayed.

The soul of the primordial spirit is completely spread out, and from the perspective of the void, feel the flow direction of the sun's energy! .

Chapter 387: The admiration of the two worlds, Luo Hang's bearing

The biggest feature of the Void Hole Realm is no longer how high one's own cultivation is.

It's his own cultivation, which has been able to connect with the void and draw power from the void!

Therefore, in this realm, the biggest feature is the ability to perceive the energy in the void!

How much energy does the entire sun have?

It was indescribably powerful in words.

Luo Hang let go of his divine sense to perceive, even though Tongtian absorbs the sun's ability, it really didn't leak a single ray of light.

However, Luo Hang really didn't believe it, could it be that he still couldn't perceive it?

Such a huge and unimaginable power, it is impossible for me not to perceive it! ?

"Minister, something went wrong. A portal appeared out of thin air in front of our captured superpowers, and then they all entered the portal and escaped!"

A staff member came to the minister and said in a panic!

"If you escaped, you escaped? Now, our entire earth is about to be destroyed. It's not surprising that people from parallel universes escaped!"

Hearing this, the minister waved his hand and said indifferently!

Yes, now the entire earth is plunged into the darkness of eternal night, and the ecosystem of the entire earth is also collapsing.

I believe it won't be long before all life on earth is extinct. It's not a strange thing.

At this time, those people from parallel universes really don't matter anymore!

"Wait..." At this moment, the minister's expression changed slightly, and he suddenly thought of Luo Hang.

"Hurry up and investigate, Mr. Luo Hang, did he leave too!?"

"Yes, Mr. Minister!" Hearing this, the staff next to him nodded heavily, turned around and left quickly!

Those superpowers caught several of them, and after so long of investigation, they probably got the desired information from these superpowers.

It turned out that these people all came from a parallel universe named Blue Star.

Their purpose is to search for useful materials in various different worlds and compete between countries.

Luo Hang is just the most powerful of these people!

In fact, the arrival of these superpowers was not malicious.

Even Luohang handed over Taiji Xuanqingdao, the minister felt that it was very welcome!

Unfortunately, human extinction is imminent.

Taiji Xuanqing Dao has been passed down in the human world for a hundred years, and after a thousand years, how far it will advance human civilization, it is a pity that we will never see it! "Oh, yes, the whole earth is about to be destroyed, probably Mr. Luo Hang has already escaped!?" After a long silence, thinking that Luo Hang is also an explorer, the minister sighed in his heart!

"Mister Minister, I'm back!" At this moment, Max hurriedly came to the Minister!

"Why are you still coming back? Not to mention the country, even the entire human race is about to collapse, let's go, meet the people you want to see, and say what you want to say!" Waving his hand, the minister persuaded Mike to make a final farewell!

"Minister, Mr. Luo Hang hasn't given up yet, how can we give up!?" Hearing this, Max hurriedly shook his head and said!

"What are you talking about? Didn't Mr. Luo Hang leave? Shouldn't he return to his own universe like other superpowers?" Hearing this, the minister looked at Max in astonishment and asked!

"Minister, Mr. Luo Hang did not leave, and the portal opened in front of him, but he chose to stay and save our planet!" Max said seriously to the minister!

"This, this, Mr. Luo Hang actually..." The minister was a little incoherent!Excited, grateful, surprised...

Various emotions circulated in the Minister's heart.

As the saying goes, a friend in adversity sees the truth. Now the minister clearly understands this sentence!

It is indeed so!At this time of life-and-death crisis, all the other power users chose to run for their lives, but Mr. Luo Hang chose to stay?

Is he the strongest among superpowers?

Now, the minister understands that with such a magnanimity, he deserves to be the strongest among all superpowers!

"Go, call all the people who are still in use now, and help Mr. Luo Hang. As long as Mr. Luo Hang needs any help, we will do our best to satisfy him!" The minister opened his mouth and shouted at Max.

Let's not talk about how grateful the minister is!

On the other side, Luo Hang's divine sense has been fully spread out, to perceive the flow of the sun's energy.

In this way, after spending an hour, Luo Hang finally sensed a trace of energy!

Immediately, Luo Hang immediately overwhelmed his spiritual thoughts!Hot, huge, and as deep as the sea...

After sensing these energies and the spread of mental power, Luo Hang soon felt a power that was too huge to describe in words!

If this energy is compared to Wang Yanghai, then Luo Hang is just a tiny ant!

Of course, it is not the main thing to perceive the strength of this energy, the most important thing is to perceive the direction of energy flow!

In this way, after a good perception, Luo Hang probably locked the final direction of energy flow!

"Found it!" Luo Hang opened his eyes, looked into the distance, and said!

After the words fell, he stood up directly, and Xuanyuanjian flew up.

Leaping forward, stepping on the blade of Xuanyuan Sword, Luo Hang turned into a beam of sword light, directly controlling the sky with the sword, the sword light quickly tore through the sky, and flew far away!

"Brother Hang, you, do you have to do this in every world, let us worry!" !"

"Yes, yes, risking your life to help the creatures on this earth? If this fails, the consequences will be disastrous!"

"However, what is measure? What is responsibility? That's it. When all (bcfj) explorers choose to flee for their lives, only our Hang brother chooses to stay!" "So, Hang brother has a high moral character, as always, It has never changed!" "It's not that other explorers are wrong, it can only be said that Brother Hang is more noble!"

"That's right, that's right, it's like a house collapsed, and everyone ran for their lives. There's nothing wrong with that, but at this moment, people who are still thinking about saving others are more noble!" Is it just the earth that has fallen into darkness, but the entire solar system?"

"It's really scary. Although the force value of this adventure world is not too high, it is definitely the scariest and most dangerous world!"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, countless viewers watched Luo Hang's last effort, although they felt uneasy.

However, many viewers also admired it in their hearts!

At this time, the audience who entered the Longguo live broadcast room were not just pure crooked audiences.

There are even explorers who have returned through the portal!

These explorers looked at Luo Hang of the Dragon Kingdom who was still working hard, and heard that the entire solar system had fallen into darkness, and their hearts were secretly shaking.

Let's not talk about the actual situation.

Luo Hang flew directly to Yujian Feixian, and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

On the side of the Security Bureau, there were quite a few staff members running over, ready to ask if Luohang needed any help!

However, when they came here, they could only watch Luo Hang's figure disappear into the sky!

"Flying Imperial Weapon, this is the legendary flying Imperial Equipment! This speed is simply too fast, even surpassing the speed of sound!?" Watching Luohang Yujian flying away, a staff member said in amazement!

"Not everyone can fly at such a speed. It can only be said that Mr. Luo Hang's cultivation is extremely high, so he can do this!" Hearing this, the staff next to him glanced at the other party and said!

"Don't feel sorry for Mr. Luo Hang's speed, isn't your focus wrong!" another staff member said next to him!

"Wrong focus? What should I say?" Hearing this, everyone next to him looked at him!

"At this juncture, Mr. Luo Hang suddenly left so quickly, what does this mean, haven't you thought about it?"

"Did Mr. Luo Hang find the natural enemy? Found the machine that absorbs the energy of the sun!?"

The staff member put forward his conjecture and said!

As soon as this remark came out, the expressions of the staff next to them all changed. After looking at each other in blank dismay, they were all overjoyed!

Yes, that is indeed the case!

"Quick, let's quickly tell the ministers the good news!"

After a moment of silence, all the staff shouted happily.

Immediately afterwards, he quickly turned around and ran away!

Although Luo Hang found the target, it was just a guess, but at this juncture, Luo Hang left so quickly.

Apart from this explanation, there seems to be no other explanation!

call out……

The speed was extremely fast, and the powerful cultivation base turned into an invisible air shield, covering Luohang, so that those sharp winds like knives were blocked out!

In this way, after flying for about two hours, Luo Hang came to the Amazon jungle following the perception of energy in the void!

"It turns out that Yu Tiandi and the others are actually hiding here!?"

"That's right, the Amazon is similar to Shennongjia. They are places where no humans have set foot! It's really not easy to find them hiding here!"

After recognizing that this is the Amazon jungle, Luo Hang secretly sighed in his heart, and then landed in the jungle!


As Luo Hang fell from the mid-air, suddenly, a cannonball dragged a long tail flame in mid-air, and blasted towards Luo Hang's direction at an extremely fast speed!

Seeing this, Luo Hang's expression didn't understand, he stepped on the blade of the sword, and flicked it with his fingers!

With a bang, a wisp of sword energy shot out from Luo Hang's fingertips and landed on the shell!

The rumbling explosion flames were torn apart by the sword light.

Immediately, Luo Hang appeared in front of Yu Tiandi and the others...


Chapter 388: Infinite Gems VS Fire Seed Source

"Is it finally here!?" Looking at Luo Hang who landed, Yu Tiandi said!

"Fighting the natural enemy!?" Luo Hang looked at the other party and asked!

"I didn't expect that you could find this place in the darkness without light!" Yu Tiandi answered irrelevantly!

"I'll give you a chance to speak, where is Megatron!~?"

Luo Hang didn't mean to talk nonsense, and asked Yu Tiandi.

Yu Tiandi's body was originally on the moon, but Megatron attacked the moon, and after that, Yu Tiandi was revived!

As the person who got along with Megatron in the original book, Luo Hang of course understood that the one who rescued the natural enemy must be Megatron without a doubt!

"Why are you looking for Megatron? Besides, although the person who revived me is Megatron, he is not qualified to order me yet!"

The natural enemy is still not answering the question!

"Okay, if that's the case, then there's no need to keep talking nonsense with you!" Hearing Yu Natural Enemy's answer, Luo Hang shook his head and said!

Immediately afterwards, Luo Hang's reincarnation eyes flickered, followed by his hands forming a seal: Necromancy!

Following Luo Hang's psychic spell, there was a bang in the air, and the white smoke exploded.

Immediately afterwards, a handsome man in a bright satin robe appeared behind Luo Hang.

The same reincarnation eyes are quietly staring at Yu Tiandi!

This summoned one is none other than the Beast God of Jade Immortal World!

After being summoned, the Beast God stepped forward and walked directly in the direction of Yu Natural Enemy!

Although in terms of body shape, the body shape of Yu Tiandi has the absolute upper hand.

However, the Beast God walked with an elegant demeanor, as if he was the son of Zhuo Shijia.

However, the aura he gave people was actually superior to Yu Natural Enemy!

It seems that the figure of the beast god seems to be taller than the natural enemy!

"So, don't blame me for being rude!"

Seeing the beast god walking towards him step by step, Yu Tiandi was also secretly annoyed in his heart, and immediately raised his huge fist, and ruthlessly punched in the direction of the beast god!

If this punch hits, the flesh and blood of ordinary people will surely turn into a ball of meat sauce in the blink of an eye!

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