If he found it, Megatron would lure the Autobots like Bumblebee over, and then let Royal Enemy control the Bumblebee and them to fight against him.

Thereby limiting your own strength!

However, now the Royal Enemy has been defeated by him, and Megatron brought Bumblebee and the others over.

This made Luo Hang secretly amazed in his heart!

Was it because he did it too quickly, and before Megatron brought him over, Yu Natural Enemy was defeated?

Or, did Megatron completely fool the Natural Enemy?To let him face himself completely alone?

After thinking for a while, Luo Hang immediately realized that he must have done it too quickly!

The source of the semi-finished fire is still here now, there is no way Megatron would not want it!

So, seeing that Yu Tiandi had been defeated, did he not dare to show up anymore?

It doesn't matter, Megatron didn't dare to show up, and he didn't bother to do anything to him!

To Luo Hang, Megatron is just a shady mouse hiding in the dark.

If he dared to appear in front of him, he wouldn't mind stepping on it to death.

But if he is hiding, it is not worth Luo Hang's time to find him!

After looking at the plan of the collusion between Yu Tiandi and Megatron, Luo Hang continued to search for Yu Tiandi's memory.

Soon in Yu Tiandi's mind, he found Optimus Prime's whereabouts!

Optimus Prime was just killed, not destroyed.

Therefore, there is still salvation!

After Luo Hang got what he wanted to know, his spirit withdrew from the spiritual world of the natural enemy!

"You, you..." Yu Tiandi looked at Luo Hang in horror.

Not only possessing great power, but even invading one's own spiritual world with spiritual power?

Yu Natural Enemy felt incomparably horrified!

What's more, Luo Hang's spiritual strength is really terrifying!

Although Megatron has emphatically described that Luohang's strength is strong, but the current Royal Enemy has a relatively clear concept!

Since I already know what I want to know, Luo Hang has nothing to say!

The place where Optimus Prime's body was buried was also in the Amazon jungle. Luo Hang even found out where the body was buried from the spiritual world of the natural enemy!

After opening the magic portal casually, Tongtian passed through the portal.

Then, the body of Optimus Prime was dug out!

Luo Hang casually took about half of the spark source next to it, and urged the energy to pour into Optimus Prime's body!

After a while, Optimus Prime was also revived under the energy of this fire source!

"Okay, I'll leave the matter here to you Autobots to handle!"

After Optimus Prime was revived, Luo Hang did not intervene in the problem of how to deal with the natural enemies, but let Optimus Prime handle it by himself.

Whether it's okay to kill Yu Natural Enemy or not to kill him, for Luo Hang, it has little to do with him!

After saying these words, Luohang and Tongtian went through the portal again and left the Amazon jungle.

As Tongtian released his ability, the sun's light spread across the solar system again.

Soon, it also fell on the earth.

The earth, which has been in darkness for a long time, ushered in light again!

Natural disasters such as landslides and tsunamis, with the return of the power of the sun, are slowly becoming calmer.

The originally disordered magnetic field also slowly recovered!

The minister walked to the window and looked at the rising sun, his eyes were full of regret!

Not long ago, Max and the others told themselves that Luo Hang should have found the target, so Yu Jian flew away. …

Sure enough, the sun reappeared.

And this also made the minister's heart filled with emotion and excitement!

Sure enough, Mr. Luo Hang's ability really makes people feel very at ease!

It also makes people feel very grateful!

When the other power users had already fled for their lives, only Mr. Luo Hang chose to stay and help the earth.

Moreover, he managed to do it!

With endless emotions in his heart, the minister then explained the situation to Mr. President!

Hearing this, the president also expressed his gratitude in his heart, hoping to find Luo Hang and let him get the glory that belongs to him!

He is the hero who saved the entire earth, and can even be said to be the hero who saved the entire solar system!

Not to mention what kind of situation the top officials in the United States want to find Luohang.

At this time, Blue Star's live broadcast room was also very cheerful.

Among them, the audience of Longguo is proud and proud!

Zhinao opened the return channel for all explorers in advance, and the other explorers came back.

Only Luo Hang remained in the other world, staying in the other world to save the solar system!

Naturally, at this time, many crooked nuts also crowded into Longguo's live broadcast room to watch!

After all, only Longguo's live broadcast room can still watch it now.

Besides, other people also want to see if Luo Hang can really save the other world!

In the end, as everyone has seen, Luo Hang of Dragon Kingdom really succeeded.

Moreover, the most important thing is that Luo Hang not only got the other half of the fire source, but even regained the control of Tongtian!

For this matter, many Dragon Kingdom audiences were excited, excited by Luo Hang's success, and also admired his demeanor, bragging about Luo Hang's situation.

And what about audiences in other countries?It was shocking what Luohang had achieved in this world!

Luo Hang got one and a half of the fire seed source!

Although there are only half of the fire source produced in the following 5.9 days.

However, from the fact that Luo Hang was able to use half of the fire source to resurrect Optimus Prime, it can be seen that this half of the fire source seems to have a power not weaker than the entire fire source!

When Luohang returns, Longguo will have the source of fire seeds.

It is hard to predict how far the Dragon Kingdom can develop under this circumstance!

These many adventures in different worlds are only six worlds. Unexpectedly, the overall national strength of the Dragon Kingdom has already made a qualitative leap!

"Hey, from now on, the entire Blue Star will be dominated by the Dragon Country!?" Even some countries are already expressing such emotion!

Among other things, just one Tongtian can plunge the entire solar system into darkness. Is there any more terrifying power than this?

Facing such a dragon kingdom, who else can resist! ?

Not to mention how excited the audience in Longguo was at this time, bragging about themselves!

Not to mention how dignified the other crooked nuts are now.

At this time, after Luo Hang finished dealing with the world of Transformers, it seemed that there was nothing else to do!

The portal opened by Zhinao was still there, so Luo Hang brought Tongtian back to Blue Star together! .

Chapter 390: Seventh Adventure World

After passing through the portal, Luohang and Tongtian returned to Blue Star together!

Zhinao didn't stop Tongtian from coming.

From the looks of it, the brain doesn't seem to be able to stop someone from another world!

After all, Tongtian is not just a simple machine, but a Transformer robot, a silicon-based life form, transformed from an inorganic substance into an organic life form!

As always, when Luo Hang came, people from the expedition department had already stood in two rows and applauded together.

Not only welcome Luo Hang's arrival, but also admire Luo Hang's strength!

In other different worlds, being able to risk their lives to save the entire solar system is not something that anyone can do!

"Here, this is for you guys!" Luo Hang raised his hand and threw half of the fire source to Li Limin!

"Is there any difference between this half of the fire source and the whole fire source?"

Li Limin hurriedly caught half of Luo Hang's throw, and immediately asked curiously!

"There is no difference, the functions are the same. If you want to compare it, yours is like a battery, and mine is like a battery pack made of two batteries!" Luo Hang explained casually!

Indeed, from the original book of Transformers, it can be seen that the fire source was blown to pieces.

However, Sam is just holding a small Fire Source shard, which is equally capable of turning many household appliances into Decepticon robots!

So, from a functional point of view, it should be the same!

"I see, I understand!" Li Limin nodded suddenly when he heard the words!

"In addition, there are space bridges and many technologies of spaceships. I will buy them for you and sort them out!" Luo Hang followed suit!

The relationship between 12 and the Autobots, and the technologies such as space bridges and spaceships mastered by the Autobots, of course Luohang also got them!

"Okay, there have indeed been a lot of incidents of magic portals hurting people recently!" Li Limin nodded and continued!

Using human power to achieve spatial transmission is always unstable.

If you can choose the space bridge technology of science and technology, of course it is perfect.

Li Limin turned and left with half of the fire source!

The scientific research department has long been coveting the fire source.

Now that it can be obtained, the scientific research department must study it carefully!

Electric appliances that can convert inorganic substances into organic life forms are like extracting life from stones.

From here, the mystery of the origin of life on the blue star may be solved!

After all, since when did blue stars show life?And how did these lives come into existence from scratch?

This is like a question of which came first, the chicken or the egg, which is puzzling.

Now, from the mystery of the source of fire, it may be possible to get an answer.

On Luohang's side, they sorted out the technology about space bridges and spaceships again.

These technologies are of course very important to the current Dragon Kingdom!

At this time, people in Longguo are looking forward to it, wondering if the country will launch a service that turns cars into silicon-based life forms?

After looking at those Transformers, many people really want to own such a car!

It's not just a car, but also a partner, and even when you're tired, let the car drive automatically. Isn't it good?

Of course, these are just minor issues.

Next, more people are curious about what the country will use the fire source for!

The energy of the sun has been absorbed for several days, and it is unimaginable how much energy is contained in it!

What will the state do?

There are other alien high technologies, what will the country do?

The people of Dragon Kingdom are staring, even people all over the world are staring!

Even, on the Bangzi Kingdom side, they have been very evasive recently, saying that Luo Hang actually has the blood of the Bangzi Kingdom.

Therefore, Bangzi Kingdom is entitled to part of what Luo Hang gained as an explorer!

For Bangziguo's escape, Longguo completely ignored it, as if he didn't hear it at all!

Luo Hang was also deaf to what was going on outside the window.My own responsibility is to take charge of the expedition, find the resources, and then hand them over to Longguo.

As for other things how to deal with?

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