Luo Hang didn't bother to pay attention to it.

After all, it's rare for me to return to rest for a month, isn't it! ?

In this way, after seven or eight days, Li Limin came to Luo Hang again!

"Old Li, what's the matter?" Luo Hang looked like Ge You lying down, half lying on the sofa, with Erlang's legs crossed, and after taking a look at Li Limin, he asked!

"It's like this, Luo Hang, after discussion, the scientific research department is going to take Tongtian to study!" Li Limin said!

"No!" Hearing this, Luo Hang sat up directly, and said seriously!

"Luo Hang, listen to my explanation..."

Seeing that Luo Hang refused so simply and resolutely, Li Limin was a little embarrassed, so he continued!

"There's nothing to explain, if you can't do it, you can't do it!" Luo Hang directly interrupted Li Limin's words, there was no room for negotiation at all!

What is the function of Babel?Luo Hang is very clear.

If something is really researched by the scientific research department, what if this technology is leaked out again?

Who can guarantee that there won't be a madman used to recreate the Transformers world, leaving the entire solar system in darkness?

In addition, there is another point, Tongtian is not a simple object, he is a silicon-based life form, and he gave him life by himself, so naturally he should be responsible for him!

Let him be taken away to be studied, like a guinea pig?

This is something Luo Hang cannot promise!

"The scientific research department thinks that the Transformers robot can transform in violation of the law of conservation of mass, and even Tongtian can shrink its size to such a small size. This must be a means of space folding and compression."

"So, if you want to study and research, if you can really research the results, it will be of great help to you, Luo Hang!"

Unwilling to give up, Li Limin followed suit and said!

"I understand what you mean, but I just don't agree! I don't even want the help I could get!" Luo Hang also stared at Li Limin again, and put down such a sentence with a firm expression!

"Well, I'm also following orders, and I'm just going to tell you what the higher-ups mean. I've tried my best!"

Hearing what Luo Hang said, Li Limin spread his hands, and said with a look of helplessness.

Li Limin came here this time mainly to talk about his intention to bring Tongtian to study.

After a few words of persuasion, seeing that Luo Hang really didn't back down even a single step, Li Limin simply didn't say any more.

After chatting a few other questions, he turned and left!

Looking at Li Limin's leaving figure, Luo Hang thought for a while and shook his head!

Perhaps the purpose of the high level of the country is really just to study how the transformation of the Transformers robot violates the law of conservation of mass, or maybe it is really to test yourself!

For Luo Hang, none of this matters anymore!

After all, I have my own bottom line here!

If it is something that can be handed over, no need to say anything, just hand it over on your own initiative.

But what I don't want to hand over, I don't want to take it away from myself!

"Master, thank you!" After Li Limin turned and left, Tongtian next to him said!

"Why are you thanking me? Since I created you, I am naturally responsible for you!" Waving to Tong Tian, ​​Luo Hang acted as if he should do this!

On the other side, after Li Limin left, he also made a phone call.

I reported Luo Hang's attitude to the above, and he firmly refused to use Tongtian as a research object!

"Forget it, since Luo Hang expresses his refusal, let's let this matter go!"

The voice on the other end of the phone rang after a moment of silence!

Li Limin was not surprised by the answer on the other side!

Although that Tongtian is very important to the Dragon Kingdom.

But what really matters is Luo Hang, the explorer.

After all, as long as Luo Hang can survive, then the harvest of the Dragon Kingdom will always be endless!

Naturally, everyone in the Dragon Kingdom will regard Luo Hang as a protector like a treasure!

In some other countries, there have been random explorers who did not meet the country's interests and goals, and then, after the return, the country secretly made an accident and deliberately killed its own explorers.

Thus let Zhinao 223 randomly select other explorers!

Although, whoever becomes the explorer is randomly selected by the brain.

However, the country can kill its own explorers and let the brain choose randomly.

Of course, every time you explore the world, you can only change one.

Therefore, it is not to say that it can be replaced indefinitely!

That's why there is a saying that explorers are divided into two categories, one is Luohang, and the other is other explorers!

Apart from Luo Hang being held in the hands of everyone in the Dragon Kingdom, the other explorers were also worried that if their performance was too poor, they would be abandoned by their own country.

If this is the case, the consequences will undoubtedly be death!

After testing, the country really didn't intend to test Luohang's bottom line anymore.

These days, Luo Hang is still separating out his own shadow clone, going out to eat, drink and hang out, bringing the life of salted fish to the extreme!

Of course, when wandering outside, Luo Hang could also see that the entire Dragon Kingdom had changed a lot because of him.

The practice of the five volumes of the Heavenly Book has already spread throughout the Dragon Kingdom.

These days, many people in the Dragon Kingdom have chosen the content that suits them to practice!

Not only can you gain powerful power after practicing, but the most important thing is that you can extend your life after practicing.

This is a temptation that no one can refuse!

It's not like there are only a few people in Qingyunmen, but in the entire Dragon Kingdom, with a population of more than one billion, most of them are practicing the heavenly scriptures.

There are naturally many qualified people.

Some people, after more than half a year of practice, already have a cultivation level comparable to the third level of the Jade Clear Realm!

"From this point of view, when I return next time, maybe the first batch of strong people will already be able to master the means of flying the imperial weapon?"

After learning about the cultivation situation of the general public at present, Luo Hang murmured secretly in his heart!

In this way, more than half a month has passed!

On this day, Li Limin came to Luohang with information about the seventh world of adventure! .

Chapter 391: The world with the highest force value

"This is a world with gods, ghosts, demons, and demons!"

"In this world, there is a legendary Nuwa who created humans!"

"There are also Heavenly Emperors who rule the Three Realms!"

"The Heavenly Realm is dominated by the Heavenly Emperor, and many immortal officials and generals rule the world!"

"In the ghost world, there is a ghost king ruling Fengdu City!"

Luo Hang stretched out his hand to take the information, and looked at the information written on it, with a confused look on his face!

From this information, Luo Hang can understand that the world to cross this time should be a world with very high combat power!

why?It is also the world of cultivating immortals, but there are no real immortals in the world of Zhu Xian.

However, this information shows that there are heavens in this world, there are also gods, and there are demons and ghosts!

These all show that the force value of this world should be higher than Zhu Xian's world!

Just, what is the most important point?

That is, from the description above in this information, Luo Hang has no idea what kind of world he is going to travel through next!

Zhinao just said that there are gods and ghosts in this world, but there is no more specific information!

Luo Hang was stunned. Among the movies and TV dramas in his previous life, there were too many movies and TV dramas with gods and demons.

How can I find it! ?

Today, every data and information given by the brain will be made public.

This time, of course, is no exception!

Knowing that the world to be traversed next is a world with gods and ghosts, people all over the country and even the whole world take it seriously!

This is the real world of high force value, right?

After traveling to the seventh world, finally, has there been a world with real gods, demons and ghosts?

I don't know how dangerous this world is?

For people all over the world, the focus is on the high force value of this world!

As for other different?There is nothing strange about these people.

After all, in every world, except for Luo Hang, no one else knows about it!

But this time, Luo Hang couldn't know the situation of this world in advance from the information, which made Luo Hang shake his head helplessly!

Forget it, if you don’t know, you don’t know!It's just that you can't know it in advance!

Traveling to the present, I have experienced the world six times.

Luo Hang felt that the world he was going to cross for the seventh time should also be from his previous life's film and television drama.

It's just that the current self didn't know in advance!

Then, after traveling by yourself, if you do a good investigation, you must be able to know which world you are in.

After thinking about it for a while, Luo Hang felt that the problem was not that big!

Since the amount of information is not enough, if it is unexpected, Luo Hang will not think about it.

In the next few days, I still ate, drank and wandered like salted fish.

In this way, three days passed in a flash!

On the day of time travel, Luo Hang came to the portal.

Beside Luohang, Tongtian also followed!

Immediately, after the two passed through the portal, they appeared in the seventh adventure world!

"Come here, come, the seventh world adventure has finally started"! "

"Brother Hang brought Tongtian with him!? I don't know what kind of ability Tongtian can display in this world!"

"I'm looking forward to it, I'm looking forward to it. In the previous fairy world, Brother Hang's harvest has been very huge. This time, it's a real world with gods and demons. I don't know what kind of harvest Brother Hang can have. !"

"Okay, let's read it with peace of mind, what does a real fairy look like? I'm really curious!"

"Yeah, god, it's unbelievable. I actually saw a god one day. Although, I just watched it through the screen, but what is a real god like?"

"Besides, the legendary gods can all calculate the past and the future, right? I don't know whether it's the gods' ability to calculate, or our Brother Hang's ability to calculate!"

In Longguo's live broadcast room, countless viewers were already waiting here.

After all, it is a world with real gods, which surprised many viewers and looked forward to it.

Now, I watched Luohang's live broadcast light up, and it was Luohang and Tongtian who crossed together.

Many viewers expressed their great anticipation from what you said to me!

Not to mention the situation of the audience in the live broadcast room.

At this time, Luo Hang looked at the surrounding scene, but his face was a little dark!

Because my luck is really bad, the place I crossed over is actually on a deserted island!

With a sweep of his divine sense, Luo Hang understood the situation on this deserted island.

Generally speaking, this is a small deserted island with a radius of only a few kilometers.

Such a big place can't even maintain the ecosystem. Naturally, there are no living things, just some flowers and trees!

Looking around again, there was an endless ocean, and he didn't even know where he was now, let alone where he was going.

"Tongtian, you stay here and wait, I will pick you up when I have time!"

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