Tongtian can't fly, but fortunately, he can construct a portal to come back at any time, so Luohang gave an order!

"Okay, master!" Hearing this, Tong Tian nodded and said.

Immediately, Luo Hang stepped on the Xuanyuan Sword, controlled the sky with his sword, and quickly flew into the sky, disappearing!

Stepping on the blade of the sword, Luo Hang flew higher and higher, condescendingly looking at the scene under his feet!

Because of standing tall, seeing far, coupled with the eyesight of the samsara eye, you can see far, far away!

But it's a pity that no matter how good the vision of the reincarnation eye is, you can only see a few sporadic small islands that are also deserted!

Shaking his head secretly, he doesn't know where this world is. It seems that he can only choose a direction to fly out at random for the time being. Let's talk about finding a place with people first!

Don't worry about the southeast and northwest, after Luohang randomly chose a direction, he turned into a sword light and shot it out!

As Luohang flew away, Tongtian sat quietly on the edge of the island, looking into the distance!

For Tongtian, following his master, he can travel through many different worlds, which is really his great fortune!

It's a pity that the form of my body is just a machine that can't move, let alone fly.

Therefore, we can only stay here and wait for the master!

"The sun on this planet looks pretty good!"

Basking in the sun, Tong Tian looked at the sun hanging in the sky, and muttered in a low voice!

A figure, walking on the waves, looks like a traveler.

Wearing a long robe and long hair, he looks about 40 years old. , with an elegant demeanor, walking on the sea, from his expression, there is no trace of sadness or joy at all!

"Huh? There's a deserted island ahead? I've been walking on the sea for three days and three nights, why not go there and rest!"

Seeing a small island suddenly appear in front of him, the figure moved slightly in his mind, and immediately approached the small island in front of him!

However, when he came to the small island, the man's face, which seemed to be always calm, revealed a look of surprise!

At the edge of the island, a figure could be seen sitting there quietly.

This figure is obviously taller than ordinary people!

""In this world, is there a race of giants? "Looking at the tall figure on the shore, the man muttered inwardly!

Normal people are like children in front of this figure, so this is naturally a giant!

However, after the figure got closer, an even more shocking expression appeared on his face!

Because, this figure is not made of flesh and blood, it looks like it is just cast from steel!

"The world is so big, there are so many wonders. In this world, there are still people made of steel? Was this made by someone?" When he found out that this figure was made of steel, the man next to him was even more shocked!

I want to take a good look at whether this man of steel is really just a resemblance, or whether he really has his own thoughts.

The man didn't rush out to meet him, but quietly hid aside and observed him!

Occasionally stand up and walk, occasionally sit on the ground, and even talk?

This made the man feel extremely shocked.

At the same time, he roughly understood that this man of steel really had self-awareness.

It's not someone else's creation, it's just a guy that looks like a human!

This discovery surprised the man.

I have lived for so many years, and this is the first time I have seen such a (good) Iron Man!

After becoming interested, the man came out from the darkness and walked towards him.

After observing for a while, it's time for me to communicate properly! "The sun on this planet looks pretty good!"

At this moment, Tongtian suddenly spoke, expressing emotion about the situation of the sun!

However, hearing Tong Tian's emotional words, the figure behind him was stunned, with shock and surprise on his face!

What this man is concerned about is not the sun that Tongtian said, but the planet he said!

"Ahem, I don't know you, how do you call me?" After coughing dryly, the man deliberately attracted Tongtian's attention.

"My name is Tongtian, what can you do for me?" Hearing the voice beside him, Tongtian turned his head and asked after answering.

"Oh, it's not a big deal, it's fate to meet people in this vast sea, so let's get to know each other!" The man replied.

After the voice fell, the man continued: "You just said that the sun on this planet is good, so you mean that the place we are now is a planet?" "Yes, it is true!" Tong Tian nodded.

"What do you mean? The ground under our feet is actually a huge sphere!?" The man followed up and asked again!

"That's right, that's right!" Tong Tian continued to nod. .

Chapter 392: Li Xiaoyao Apprenticeship

Excited, surprised!

This is Shi Jieren's current mood!

The ground under his feet is a round sphere, which only he seems to believe.

Moreover, in order to verify this point, Shi Jieren performed the feat of walking around the ground under his feet under the pretense that he was going to find the legendary ends of the earth!

To be honest, how big is the ground under your feet?How long would it take to walk around this land by myself?

Shi Jieren himself has no concept at all!

If you walk around by yourself, is there enough time in this life?

Not sure at all!

But he did such a feat resolutely!

On the way of pursuing the truth, even if he dies, he will definitely die without any regrets. This is the psychology of Shijie people!

When walking around the ground under his feet, Shi Jieren has been to too many places and seen too many completely different things.

However, a ten-foot-tall Iron Man actually has his own consciousness and thinking?

This still shocked the well-informed Shi Jieren, so he approached curiously!

However, unexpectedly, from the mouth of this iron man, Shi Jieren found that he, like himself, believed that the ground under his feet was a sphere!

And, planet?

Does the word refer to the earth underfoot?

It sounds like it's quite image-like!

"You, what's the matter with you?" Looking at the man in front of him with an extremely excited expression on his face, Tong Tian asked in a daze!

"It's nothing, I, I'm just, a little excited, I didn't expect that besides me, there are other people in this world who know that the ground under their feet is a sphere!"

Shi Jieren took a deep breath, relieved his agitated emotions a little, and replied!

"Oh!" Tongtian nodded, and 223 didn't say anything more.

It seems that the people on this planet don't know that what they live is actually on a planet?

"By the way, the word planet is used to describe the earth under my feet, the ball, I can understand! But, what about the star? What does this mean!?"

As a man who pursues the truth of this world, he is naturally curious about everything in the world, and asks the bottom line!

"That's what it means, the ground under your feet is actually no different from the stars in the sky!" Tong Tian replied!

"How can there be no difference? The land under our feet is vast and boundless, but the stars above our heads are only so small!"

Listening to Tongtian's words, even Shi Jieren felt that he could not accept it, nor could he understand it!

"The reason why they look a little bit is because they are too far away from here! So they look a little bit!" Tong Tianzhi said endlessly! "So, do the sun and the moon appear larger because they are closer to us?"

Hearing Tongtian's remarks, Shi Jieren felt that it was very novel, but he also felt that it was very reasonable, so he asked. "no the same!"

However, when Tong Tian heard this, he shook his head and said: "The moon is indeed because it is relatively close, because it is a satellite of this planet, but the sun is purely because it is too big!" "Satellite, what is this?" mean?"

Shi Jieren originally thought that there should be no one in this world who understands the truth of this world better than himself.

But now, Shi Jieren discovered that what he knew seemed to be only superficial!

The steel giant in front of him seemed to know much more than himself!

Could it be that God sees me as too pious (bcfj) sincere, so, let me meet such an existence who can guide me in the wrong way? "It's more troublesome to explain this satellite, these are all astronomical content!"

It seems that no matter what I say, the people in front of me can find out questions to ask me, Tong Tian also feels a little troublesome!

After all, no one likes a stranger asking questions endlessly, right?

"Astronomy? This word is very fresh and vivid. So, is there a specific subject related to these situations?" It's good that Tongtian didn't speak. When he said this, Shi Jieren felt even more excited.

Looking at Tongtian in front of him, his eyes were like a foodie seeing a full banquet of Han and Han!

"Okay, you and I met by chance, and I will wait here, so I won't accompany you!" Looking at the other party's eyes, there seemed to be something wrong, Tong Tian shook his head and said! "No, Tongtian, it's a preordained arrangement for you and me to meet, so you should come with me!"

Seeing Tongtian's appearance, the knowledge about astronomy cannot be explained clearly in a short time, Shi Jieren said!

"No, I won't go with you, I still have to wait here!" Hearing what the other party said, Tong Tian immediately shook his head to express his rejection!

The master said, let me wait for him here, how could I leave so easily?

"Hey, since that's the case, I can only do it!" Shi Jieren said with a helpless sigh when he heard that Tongtian rejected him so simply and resolutely!

After the words fell, Shi Jieren raised his hand and grabbed Tongtian!

Seeing that the opponent made a move, Tongtian naturally wouldn't just catch him without a fight, and also raised his weapon to fight back!

In the original book of Transformers, even if a watch is awakened into Transformers, it can also have small firearms as weapons.

Babel turned into a Transformer, of course he also has his own weapons!

In addition to a huge sword, Tongtian also has a cannonball launcher as a weapon!

He raised his hand and fired a cannon towards Shi Jieren!

With a bang, the shell exploded directly.

However, the powerful aura on Shi Jieren's body turned into protective energy, which completely blocked the explosion of the shell!

"What a strange attack method!" Shi Jieren looked at Tongtian in front of him in more surprise, and said in amazement!

"Here, he was hit by my cannonball, and he was still intact!?" Looking at Shi Jieren in astonishment, Tong Tian was even more shocked!

On the deserted island, he left Tongtian waiting for him, but unexpectedly met someone else, and even made a move.

Naturally, Luo Hang didn't know about this matter.

At this time, Luohang Yujian flew, and continued to fly far away, looking for land!

After flying for about an hour, finally, I saw a small boat in mid-air!

The most important thing is that after flying near here, the weather below is violent and stormy, with stormy waves rolled up.

And this small boat looked like it might be crushed by the stormy waves at any moment!

"Okay, someone can handle it easily!"

Seeing this, Luo Hang's belief moved slightly, and then his figure directly landed!

A young man, sitting on a small boat, looked at the storm and stormy sea, and felt very anxious.

I'm still young, so I won't die here today, right?


At this moment, suddenly, a thunderbolt suddenly appeared and struck down fiercely!

Boom boom boom!

This thunderbolt fell, as if it caused a chain reaction, and immediately, several thunderbolts exploded, hitting the same place!

Even though it was a very dangerous time, these lightning strikes at one place at the same time, this strange sight still made the young man take a look.

Immediately, the whole person was stunned!

It turned out that there was actually a person in mid-air, and these several lightning bolts struck fiercely on this person.

Moreover, the most important thing is that this person actually fell from mid-air!

With a bang, Luo Hang's figure landed directly on top of the boat, his expression a bit ugly!

So, don't stand tall when it's thundering or raining?There is a scientific basis for this.

Isn't it?When Yu Jian was flying, he suffered several lightning strikes in one breath!

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