"Huh?" Just when the aunt listened to the report from the third group and still couldn't find Anu, and she was in a serious mood, suddenly, the aunt looked up to the sky with a feeling!

A wine gourd landed in the sky, and there was a person sitting on the huge wine gourd.

The people above look sloppy, but they give people a bohemian feeling! "Go down first!"

Seeing the Jiu Jianxian who landed, the saint's face changed slightly, and immediately recovered her calm expression, and said to the person in front of her!

"Yes!" The person in front of the holy lady lowered her head and immediately backed away!

"What are you doing here!?" With a calm face, the holy aunt looked at Jiu Jianxian and said, her expression seemed a little cold!

"I, I came here to find you!" Looking at the woman in front of him, Jiu Jianxian also looked a little embarrassed, and his speech was a little sluggish!

Tingjiu Sword Immortal came to look for him, the holy aunt's expression became a little turbulent, and her eyes flickered!

"You came to me for no reason, what's the matter?" The saint's tone was still calm! "I, I am, I came here for the things of the year!"

Facing the holy aunt, Jiu Jianxian couldn't keep his peace of mind, and felt more guilty! "Nothing happened back then, don't say it anymore, I've already forgotten about it!" Hearing what Jiu Jianxian said, the originally calm tone of the holy aunt became a little hurried!

"I, I heard that there is actually another child between you and me!?" Having reached this point, Jiu Jianxian continued to speak!

"No, you heard the rumors!" Naturally, the holy lady categorically denied it!

"I heard that it's a girl named Anu? Is that so!?" Jiu Jianxian stared at Shenggu seriously and asked!corpse.

Chapter 404: The Moon Worshiper Constructed a Model of the Solar System

Holy aunt, be silent!

Everyone can hide the fact that Anu is his daughter!

However, there is one person who should not be kept secret, and that is Anu's biological father.

When Jiu Jianxian didn't know, that's all. He wouldn't take the initiative to tell him the news.

However, the current Jiu Sword Immortal has taken the initiative to ask, and even found out Anu's name!

It can be seen that he has fully investigated it!

At this time, if I deny it again, what's the point? ?

It's just that you can't deny it, but you can nod to admit it?This thing can't be done.

Therefore, after listening to Jiu Jianxian's words, the holy lady didn't speak any more, but just responded in silence!

Well, seeing how the holy aunt dealt with him in such a silent manner, Jiu Xianjian knew that she was acquiescing!

"Where is Anu? Where is she now?"

After confirming that what Luo Hang said was indeed the truth, Jiu Jianxian followed up and asked!

"Anu, she left a letter saying that she went to the Central Plains to find the princess!"

After hearing the wine sword fairy's question, the saint finally answered, and told the situation again!

"Going alone!?"

After all, she is a girl, leaving Nanzhao Kingdom alone, Jiu Jianxian is also a little nervous and worried!

"Yes, Anu "Twenty-seven" although her witchcraft is good, but she has lived with me for so many years and has never experienced intrigue. She, if she meets a bad person..."

While speaking, the holy lady's face was full of worry!

"Don't worry, I went back to look for it, and I will definitely find her!"

I don't know if it's because I can't see the appearance of Shenggu who is so worried that she is about to cry, or because she is worried about Anu's situation, Jiu Jianxian said!

Originally cynical and bohemian, when he said this, his expression was serious!

Seeing Jiu Jianxian say this, and seeing him suddenly become so serious, Aunt Sheng felt a little relieved for a while!

Then, after asking some information about Anu, Jiu Jianxian didn't stay any longer.

With a wave of his hand, he re-flyed the imperial weapon, flew away, and went in the direction of the Central Plains!

Seeing the figure of Jiu Jianxian, which turned into a black spot and quickly disappeared into the sky, the holy lady sighed in her heart after a long time!

Originally, he never thought of exposing the information that Anu was his daughter, let alone let Jiu Jianxian know this news.

However, since he already knew, perhaps, this is not a bad thing, right?

Besides, Anu went to the Central Plains, if he was there to protect him, he would feel much more at ease.

Let's not talk about the situation on the Nanzhao side!

On the other side, the main altar of the Moon Worship Sect!

It turned out that the Lord of Worshiping the Moon came back from searching for the ends of the earth, and the whole Nanzhao Kingdom really celebrated with joy.

In view of the fact that the Lord of Worshiping the Moon is so popular, even the emperor of Nanzhao Kingdom had no choice but to greet him in person!

In a country where the power of the emperor is overwhelmed by the power of the gods, naturally, the life of the emperor of Nanzhao is very difficult!

In the past three years, the Lord of Worshiping the Moon has been looking for the ends of the earth. Without a guy like him pressing on his head, the emperor of Nanzhao Kingdom felt that these few years were the easiest years in his life!

However, now that the leader of the Moon Worship Sect has returned, the emperor of Nanzhao Kingdom can't sleep well at night because he doesn't know what to eat!

I always feel that since the Lord of Worshiping the Moon is back, there must be some big moves, right?

The emperor of Nanzhao Kingdom was actually waiting for his big move.

Even many people in Nanzhao Kingdom are waiting to see what the Moon Worship Leader will do after three years!

However, it has been almost a month since he came back, but the leader of worshiping the moon has kept himself locked in the main altar, living in seclusion, and he doesn't know what he is busy with.

The most astonishing move is that the Moon Worshiper has gathered a lot of iron objects and is building a big iron boat!

This move caused a lot of criticism from the entire Nanzhao Kingdom!

After all, iron will sink to the bottom of the water, this is something that children know.

But why did the Lord of Worshiping the Moon use iron to build a big ship?

These days, this matter has attracted the attention of countless people of Nanzhao Kingdom.

Even, it is the talk of countless people after dinner!

Some people said that the Lord of Worshiping the Moon has already lost his mind by doing this! ?

Some people also said, maybe this ship is just to make it sink?

In short, there are many discussions, endless!

However, the Moon Worshiper still didn't respond to these questions and discussions outside, as if he didn't know anything at all.

These days, he still lives in seclusion in the main altar!

In the secret room of the main altar, there is a big golden ball, which emits a gentle light, floating in the center.

Several spheres of different sizes are revolving around this golden sphere!

Others may not understand what this is, but if they are explorers from the real world, they will definitely understand, isn't this the structure of the solar system? "Is this the solar system you mentioned?"

It took a lot of effort, and also used my own witch power, to roughly simulate the situation in the solar system, and then, the moon worship leader asked Tongtian!

"Approximately the same!"

Looking at the structure of the solar system in front of him, Tongtian replied!

"Is there anything else that needs to be adjusted? Tell me!?" In terms of scientific research, the Moon Worshiper is completely striving for perfection!

"This earth, in addition to revolving around the sun, actually also rotates by itself."

"As I said, if you go around the sun once, it's a year, and if you go around by yourself, it's a day!"

"If you don't turn yourself like this, there will be no difference between day and night!"

"That's right, that's true!" Listening to Tong Tian's advice to him, the leader of Moon Worship nodded suddenly.

After a little adjustment, sure enough, the earth is also rotating by itself!

"There is also the moon. The moon is the satellite of the earth. In addition, the moon revolves around the earth. The gravitational force between the moon and the earth will cause the tide!" Tongtian continued to point out!

The leader of worshiping the moon nodded, completely humbly asking for advice.

Every time Tongtian points out a point, the Lord of Worshiping the Moon will make slight adjustments according to his pointing.

In this way, for most of the day, a model of the solar system that was relatively within reach was completed in this secret room!

The Lord of Worshiping the Moon stopped his movements and looked at the structure of the solar system running in front of him, with some obsession in his eyes!

"Actually, such a model is still not the most rigorous!" However, Tongtian continued!

"Oh? Are there any deficiencies?"

Not the slightest bit of impatience at all, for the Moon Worshiper, if Tongtian was told a little more, he would have a better understanding of the truth of this world.

It's too late for me to be happy, why would I feel impatient?

"Actually, the sun is moving in the Milky Way! And the other planets in the world are moving behind the sun, like a spiral!" Tong Tian followed up!

Listening to his narration, the expression of surprise appeared on the face of the Moon Worshiper!

The sun is also in a moving state, and the planets such as the earth are rotating and moving behind the sun?

Like a spiral?

Continue to adjust, the big golden ball is moving, and several big planets are spinning behind it. …

Seeing this spiral scene, the leader of Moon Worship was a little dumbfounded. It turns out that this is the truth of the world! ?

Originally, I knew that the sun, the earth and the moon are all spherical.

With these things, the Lord of Worshiping the Moon thinks that he already knows the greatest mysteries of the world!

But now, after hearing Tongtian's explanation and knowing the situation of the entire solar system, the Moon Worshiper finally understood.

It turned out that what I knew before was just superficial, not even superficial!

Looking at the operation model of the solar system in front of him, the Moon Worshiper was stunned, and felt even more insignificant!

Is this the real picture?

Looking at the earth in the solar system model, it seems to be just an inconspicuous planet.

Didn't expect that this is actually the planet under his feet?

"By the way, what you just said, the solar system actually moves in the Milky Way!?"

In this way, after a moment of silence, the Lord of Worshiping the Moon asked Tongtian again!

"Yes, in the entire galaxy, there are too many galaxies like the solar system! And in the entire universe..."

Tongtian knew everything and said everything, and told the mystery of the entire universe to the Moon Worshiper!

And what about the Moon Worshiper?To listen to the mysteries of this whole universe, to be utterly foolish!

The solar system in front of my eyes, placed in the Milky Way, is actually as small as a grain of sand?

And the Milky Way is placed in the universe, is it also as small as a grain of sand?

It's like memory capacity.

Originally, the Lord of Worshiping the Moon thought that if he understood the concept of B, he was already above everyone else!

How do you know that on top of B, there is also the concept of KB? 1KB is equal to 1000B! ?

Now, I finally understood the concept of KB at 5.9, but Tongtian told me that 1KB is actually very small? 1MB equals 1000KB! ?

Plus, 1GB equals 1000MB! ?

1TB equals 1000GB! ?

This, is this the set of infinite nesting dolls?

The current Moon Worshiper is completely stupid, and for the first time realized the vastness of the entire universe!

The Lord of Worshiping the Moon stopped talking, and thanks to him, he already knew that the earth, the sun and the moon are all three spheres, so the acceptance is stronger than ordinary people!

However, despite this, after knowing this information, the Lord of Worshiping the Moon still has a feeling that his world view is collapsing!

Tongtian didn't speak, just stood aside quietly, stood aside and didn't speak!

He also knows that for people in this era, the news he said is indeed too shocking.

The Lord of Worshiping the Moon should need some time to digest this information properly!

In this way, after being silent for a while, the leader of the Moon Worship seemed to have thought of something, and his face became even uglier!

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