"In this way, the whole world may be a huge conspiracy!".

Chapter 405: Li Xiaoyao still shy?

Seeing the appearance of the Lord of Worshiping the Moon, Tong Tian looked at him in surprise, not understanding what he meant!

"Tongtian, do you think our entire earth, or the entire solar system, the Milky Way, or the entire universe, was formed naturally? Or is it made by man!?"

The Lord of Worshiping the Moon looked at Tongtian and asked.

Tong Tian waited in silence, for a while, he didn't know how to answer this question!

On the surface, he was asking this question to Tongtian, but in fact, the leader of worshiping the moon was completely asking and answering on his own.

Without waiting for Tongtian to answer, the Lord of Worshiping the Moon followed up and said: "If you say that this universe, or even the simple solar system, was made by manpower, then how powerful the person who can make the solar system must be."

"This power is really unbelievable, even the gods in the sky can't do it!?"

Without waiting for Tongtian to answer, the Lord of Worshiping the Moon followed up and said: "In addition, if these are not made by manpower, then are these formed naturally?"

"Not to mention anything else, just look at the operation of this solar system, how delicate it is? This is even more subtle than a magic weapon!"

"If someone told you that a magic weapon was formed naturally, would you believe it?"

The Moon Worshiper spoke in a low voice, while Tong Tian beside him listened quietly.

Hearing this, he interrupted and said, "Let's not talk about the solar system, even the ecosystem on the earth is extremely delicate, it's much more delicate than a watch!"

"In the same way, if someone told me that watches are formed naturally, I would never believe it."

"However, the earth's 12 ecosystems are more refined. It is said that the earth was formed naturally. This, this is not justified!?"

It has to be said that the fact that the Lord of Worshiping the Moon is extremely popular in Nanzhao Kingdom is not due to simple deception, but because his personality charm is indeed very high!

After he understood the operation of the solar system, he then deduced it backwards, and felt that the solar system was made by human beings.

This conjecture and concept, even Tongtian, thinks it is very reasonable.

At the same time, he nodded and agreed!

"Watch? What's that!?" Hearing the words, the Master of Worshiping the Moon asked Tongtian curiously!

"It's a very delicate and compact instrument used to calculate time!" Tong Tian replied casually.

"So that's how it is!" Hearing this, the Moon Worshiper suddenly nodded.

Then, looking at Tongtian curiously, he said, "What about the earth's ecosystem? What is it?"

"This, in fact, is easy to understand. The day and night change of the sun rising and the moon setting, the back and forth of spring, summer, autumn and winter, the mystery of the formation of wind, frost, rain and dew, the inevitable relationship between animals and plants, etc..."

"Things like this belong to the ecosystem of the earth!"

"Oh? In addition to having a deep understanding of the universe and the solar system, do you also have a deep understanding of the earth itself!?"

Hearing this, the eyes of the Lord of Worshiping the Moon shone, and he looked at Tongtian in amazement!

Originally, he was able to know the mysteries of the operation of the earth and the solar system, which already made the Moon Worshiper secretly amazed in his heart!

Today, even the entire ecosystem of the earth is so well understood?

This surprised the Moon Worshiper!

If we say that the mystery of the universe belongs to the cognition of the macroscopic aspect.

Then, the natural environment on the earth belongs to the seriousness of the microcosm! ?

In terms of macro and micro, there is no distinction between up and down, and both are very important to the Lord of Worshiping the Moon!

"Well, I understand a little bit!" Hearing this, Tongtian didn't mean to hide anything, and nodded!

"Then you and I have a good talk!"

Worshiping the Moon Master seems like a student full of thirst for knowledge.

Hearing Tongtian's answer, how could he bear it, and immediately opened his mouth to ask Tongtian to impart his knowledge about the earth's ecology.

Nodding his head, Tongtian didn't mean to hide.

What is going on with the rising and falling of the sun and the moon, the worshiper of the moon already knows.

Next, let’s talk about the formation of wind, frost, rain and dew, the change of spring, summer, autumn and winter, and the connection between animals and things, let’s talk about it slowly!

In the novel of Xia Ke Xing, many martial arts masters went to the outside of Xia Ke Island, and their whole minds were completely immersed in the mysteries of martial arts, and they didn't care about anything!

The current Moon Worshiper is a bit similar!

These scientific knowledge, whether it is the natural environment and ecology of the earth, or the movement of celestial bodies in the universe, or even all aspects of physical chemistry...

But the Moon Worshiper is very curious about everything that he thinks is the truth of heaven and earth, and wants to know everything!

As for Tongtian, he also seemed to be very cooperative, knowing everything and talking endlessly!

The main thing is actually delaying time, waiting for the owner of Luohang to find him!

Fortunately, this knowledge is very grand.

Therefore, Tongtian felt that it would be no problem for him to delay for a year or so!

On the side of the Moon Worship Sect, let’s not talk about how the Moon Worship Leader turned into a scientific believer.

In Yuhang Town, after learning from Luohang that he was married, and that his wife was the most beautiful woman in the world with the blood of an ancient Nuwa, Li Xiaoyao was really desperate, waiting for Zhao Linger's arrival!

Even, I have to ask seven or eight times a day.

Ask your chess piece, Zhao Linger, when will he come back!

This impatient look made Luo Hang helplessly shake his head, and scolded Li Xiaoyao to restrain his mind and practice hard!

It's getting closer and closer to the fourth floor of Yuqingjing, so don't you want to reach the fourth floor, and feel the joy of flying with the sword? ?

Well, after waiting for two days, before Zhao Ling'er came, and with Luo Hang's words, Li Xiaoyao still had a deep dream of being a knight in his heart.

Therefore, he slowly sank his mind and continued to focus on the practice of Yujianshu!

As the true energy in his body became stronger and stronger, Li Xiaoyao had more or less gained something from Sword 23!

Of course, there is still a long way to go before he really masters Sword 23!

On this day, Li Xiaoyao continued to comprehend his own sword 23 and practice his own Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao.

On the seashore of Yuhang Town, a small boat approached.

From the boat, a pure and beautiful woman walked onto the shore, attracting the attention of countless people.

"Fairy, you, why did you come to Yuhang Town from Xiandao!"

As Li Xiaoyao's younger brother, and the first person who went to Fairy Island to get the elixir, after Xiaohu found Zhao Ling'er, he hurriedly came forward and asked!

"Brother Xiaohu, I'm here to find Brother Xiaoyao!"

When Zhao Ling'er saw Xiaohu, she finally found someone she knew in a strange place, so she spoke!

"Xiaoyao? Li Xiaoyao?" Xiaohu asked!

"Yes!" Zhao Linger nodded and said!

"Then come with me, I'll take you there!" Hearing this, Xiaohu nodded seriously and said, immediately turned around with Zhao Linger and walked towards Yunlaiyunqu Inn!

Along the way, Zhao Linger's beauty caused quite a stir.

This kind of beauty that is indescribable in words, and also possesses the temperament of a fairy, is really something that many people have never seen in their lives!

"Li Xiaoyao, Li Xiaoyao, where are you? The fairy on the fairy island is looking for you!"

When he came to Yunlaiyunqu Inn, Xiaohu shouted loudly.

"The fairy from Immortal Island is here? It's my wife!?" Hearing the shouts outside, Li Xiaoyao was startled, and then came over with great joy!

Li Xiaoyao has been looking forward to the arrival of his daughter-in-law for so long, how can Li Xiaoyao have the desire to continue practicing?

Immediately, he put down his cultivation and hurriedly ran towards the outside!

Seeing Zhao Ling'er next to Xiaohu, Li Xiaoyao felt stunned.

It's so beautiful, it's too beautiful to look at!

Yun Lai Yun went to the inn. The business has been good recently. After all, the high-quality wine distilled has a strong aroma that can be smelled even outside the inn!

At this time, Aunt Li, who was taking care of the business, and the drinkers in the inn, realized that it also fell on Zhao Linger!

"Is this Zhao Ling'er? The princess of Nanzhao Kingdom? A descendant of Empress Nuwa!? Me, 237, the daughter-in-law of my Li family!?"

Looking at Zhao Ling'er, Aunt Li was also a little dumbfounded!

Zhao Linger's beauty really makes people feel ashamed!

"Brother Xiaoyao!" Seeing Li Xiaoyao, Zhao Ling'er had a happy smile on her face.

Trotting forward hurriedly, he hugged Li Xiaoyao's arm, with a brilliant smile on his face!

Although these days, I want to see what my daughter-in-law is like.

But after seeing Zhao Ling'er, Li Xiaoyao froze when she saw her come over and hug his arm.

I just feel like I don’t know where to put my hands!

This is my daughter-in-law?

Such a super beautiful woman is my daughter-in-law?

My mind was a little dizzy, and Li Xiaoyao felt like he was dreaming!

At this time, Luo Hang also came out from the backyard!

What is Zhao Linger, the number one beauty in Legend of Sword and Fairy?Luo Hang was actually a little curious!

However, when Luo Hang walked out, he happened to see Li Xiaoyao's embarrassing appearance and he didn't know where to put it!This made the corners of Luo Hang's mouth slightly raised, and he couldn't help showing a smile!

So, when a man faces a girl who is really attracted to him, is his first reaction actually timid?

Think about this kid Li Xiaoyao, when he was in Yuhang Town, how many girls surrounded him, he was completely surrounded by thousands of flowers, and he was so chic that he didn't touch his body!

But now?Being held by Zhao Linger's arm, he is actually like an emotional baby, he doesn't even know how to move his hands and feet?

I really didn't expect that Li Xiaoyao could have such a side! ?

"Brother Xiaoyao, what's the matter with you?" Holding Li Xiaoyao's arms, Zhao Ling'er also keenly sensed that he was wrong, and asked in surprise!

"I, I..." Li Xiaoyao couldn't speak very clearly!

"Let me tell you, Li Xiaoyao has been hit by Wangyou Gu, so he has already forgotten what happened on Xianling Island!" Luo Hang interjected. .

Chapter 406: Unlock the Worry Gu

"Zhao Ling'er is here? After waiting for a few days, it's finally here!?"

"Hold the grass, I won't be sleepy now!"

"I want to see what it is like to be called the most beautiful woman in the world by Brother Hang!"

"See, this is Zhao Ling'er? Beauty, she really is a super beauty!"

"Appearance, 10 points! Temperament, 10 points! Body, 10 points! Invincible!"

"Hmph, is this the most beautiful woman in the world? She's just a little bit taller than me!"

"Sister upstairs, are you shameless? Zhao Linger is a hundred times more beautiful than you even if she picks her nose!"

"Wow, I'm so proactive, I actually took the initiative to hug Li Xiaoyao, what kind of character is this Li Xiaoyao! How can I let such a girl fall into my arms!?"

"At this moment, what I'm thinking is, what will Zhao Linger do if her legs turn into snakes!?"

"Hold the grass, is the person upstairs a scumbag? Facing a girl like Zhao Linger, how can you have such dirty thoughts? How perverted must be in my heart!"

"Driver, stop quickly, I want to get down, this is not the car to go to kindergarten!"

"However, look at Li Xiaoyao's appearance, it is very similar to the appearance of me and my first love back then!"

"At first, I thought Li Xiaoyao was a proper scumbag, but now it seems that I was wrong!?"

"It's true, it turns out that men's views on love are opposite to women's!"

"If a woman really loves you, she won't dare to ask you for money, and if a man really loves you, she won't dare to touch your finger!"

"So, is Li Xiaoyao's true love Zhao Linger? He treats Zhao Linger differently from other girls!"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, following Luo Hang's perspective, many viewers also saw Zhao Linger's appearance.

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