Just when Yun Laiyun was going to the restaurant and the atmosphere was just right, suddenly, a figure descended from the sky and landed directly! "Boy, drink, hurry up and serve the wine!"

Farewell to the wine gourd on his waist, Jiu Jianxian shouted loudly! "Huh? Senior Jiu Sword Immortal, why are you here?" Li Xiaoyao asked in surprise as he saw the Jiu Sword Immortal coming in!

Knowing what Jiu Jianxian's hobby is, Aunt Li next to him made him a big bowl of wine!

Picking up the wine bowl and taking a sip, Jiu Jianxian let out a long mouthful of alcohol, feeling very refreshed!

In the few days since he left like this, the ten catties of fine wine that Jiu Jianxian had in the gourd before seemed to have already been drunk! "How? Senior, have you seen your daughter?"

Li Xiaoyao also knew that if it wasn't for Luo Hang's appearance, he and he should have a relationship between master and apprentice, so he was also very concerned about his affairs!

"I didn't see it, I was a step late!" Holding the wine bowl in his hand, he first relieved his addiction to alcohol, and Jiu Jianxian shook his head and said!

"Going late?" Li Xiaoyao looked at Jiu Jianxian curiously, as if he didn't quite understand what it meant to go late!

Then, Jiu Jianxian opened his mouth and told about his situation in the Nanzhao Palace! "So that's how it is!"

It happened to be a little late to listen to the wine sword fairy, and Li Xiaoyao also felt sorry for him when he didn't see his daughter!

"By the way, Luo Hang?" At this moment, Jiu Jianxian looked at Luo Hang.

He opened his mouth and said, "Aren't you unparalleled in calculation ability? Can you calculate for me, where is Anu now?"

It seems that this is the purpose of Sword Immortal Jiu returning to Yun Lai Yun Qu Restaurant!

He can't find his daughter's whereabouts now, so he wants Luo Hang to help him figure it out!

"This question, don't worry..."

Hearing Jiu Jianxian ask himself, Luo Hang said: "The purpose of Anu is to find the princess of Nanzhao Kingdom! But isn't the princess of Nanzhao Kingdom right in front of you?"

"Instead of looking for her by yourself, I think you might as well wait here until Anu finds her by herself!"

While speaking, Luo Hang pointed to Zhao Linger beside him.

"Oh? She, she is..."

Hearing what Luo Hang said, Jiu Jianxian seemed to have noticed Zhao Ling'er next to him, with a surprised look on his face!

It really is the Eighteenth Change of Women's University, the one who was rescued back then was only a little girl.

Now, is it already so beautiful?

If you take a closer look, the eyebrows are indeed somewhat similar to Qing'er (bcfj)!

"Is that so? That's good!" After carefully looking at Zhao Linger, Jiu Jianxian said with a long sigh of relief!

In fact, whether we can see Anu sooner or not is not the most important thing for Jiu Jianxian!

What is the most important thing?It was Jiu Jianxian who was worried that Anu would meet bad people because he didn't travel alone, and the consequences would be unpredictable!

However, since Luo Hang said, he can wait for Anu to come by Zhao Linger's side.

This shows what?

This shows that Anu should not encounter any danger, and he can find Zhao Ling'er smoothly! ?

Now that it's confirmed that Anu will be fine, Jiu Jianxian naturally let go of what he was most worried about!

Of course, Jiu Jianxian would never doubt Luo Hang's words!

After all, his calculation ability has been proved by facts!

"However, with your kid's ability, you should be able to calculate where Anu is now, right? But, you just let me stay? What do you think? Just say it!"

Although he nodded and felt relieved, but after thinking about it carefully, Jiu Jianxian felt that there might be other reasons for Luo Hang to let him stay!

At this time, Li Xiaoyao also looked at Luo Hang in surprise!

Indeed, Li Xiaoyao was amazed by his calculation ability!

He also felt that as long as Luo Hang was willing, he could figure out exactly where Anu was and even what he was doing now!

That being the case, why did you let Senior Jiu Sword Immortal follow you?

Is there any reason for this?

"The reason? Maybe it's because I want you to protect the couple. Before long, your brother Sword Master may have to come down the mountain and take Ling'er away!" Luo Hang opened his mouth and said to Jiu Jianxian!

"My senior brother, come down the mountain and take Ling'er away!?" Hearing Luo Hang's words, Jiu Jianxian was startled.

Immediately, I probably understood what was going on!

Back then, wasn't it because he became a Daoist that he married Empress Wu Qing'er to the emperor of Nanzhao Kingdom?

Even sitting and watching Qing'er's sacrifice did not take action!

The so-called entering the Tao, in the eyes of Jiu Jianxian, does it really mean becoming ruthless?

If this is the case, what is the meaning of his so-called entering the Tao?

Understanding what Luo Hang's words meant, and also understanding the reason why the senior brother would go down the mountain, Jiu Jianxian couldn't help but think of what happened back then, and stopped talking in silence! "Sword Master? Will you come down the mountain to take Ling'er away? Hehehe, Master, you will stop him when the time comes!?" Li Xiaoyao who was next to him heard the words and asked Luo Hang with a smile on his face!

"This is hard to say, maybe I can't stop him!" Hearing this, Luo Hang shook his head at Li Xiaoyao and said!

To be honest, Luo Hang is really not sure about facing Shushan Master Sword Master!

After all, looking at the original work, the sword master who has entered the Tao does not make many shots.

But every time he makes a move, he can suppress his opponent with an understatement!

Whether it's taking Zhao Ling'er away from Li Xiaoyao, or shooting at Jiu Jianxian!

Although after some sparring, Luo Hang felt that his own strength might also be able to defeat Jiu Jianxian.

However, like in the original book, defeating Jiu Jianxian lightly, and even leading Jiu Jianxian to experience the feeling of entering the Tao... like this, Luo Hang can't do it!

Therefore, to be honest, Luo Hang is not at all sure whether he can stop the Juggernaut!

"What? Even you, master, can't stop the Shushan Sword Master!?" Hearing what Luo Hang said, Li Xiaoyao said in shock! "This is the truth. Even I don't know how far my senior brother's cultivation has reached!" Jiu Jianxian glanced at Luo Hang, and nodded accordingly, agreeing with Luo Hang's words!

These words made Li Xiaoyao's complexion even uglier!

After all, Sword Immortal Jiu and Luo Hang had sparred before, and Li Xiaoyao had also seen the strength displayed by Sword Immortal Jiu at that time!

"Hold the grass, is this Shushan Sword Master so badass? We, Brother Hang, are not sure how to deal with it!?" "So, how high is the force value in this world, has it been shown now?"

"It's unbelievable. This is just the mortal world. If there are real gods, how strong would it be!?"

The audience in the live broadcast room, listening to what Luo Hang said, these audiences also exploded one by one! .

Chapter 408: Meeting other explorers by chance

Hearing what Luo Hang said, his senior brother would come to attack Li Xiaoyao and the others, Jiu Jianxian's mind became a lot more dignified!

However, although he is not the opponent of his senior brother, what if he joins forces with Luo Hang?

Jiu Jianxian thinks it is still possible to give it a try!

And what about Luo Hang?I also look forward to meeting the Juggernaut~!

why?After confirming that the world he is in now is the world of Legend of Sword and Fairy, Luo Hang of course thought about it carefully, what can he get in this world!

Shushan's training system?

To be honest, although Shushan's cultivation system is strong, even Jiang Ming, who is in the form of a dead soul in the demon lock tower, can ascend to immortality.

However, there are already five volumes of heavenly scriptures, and the people of Dragon Kingdom really don't necessarily need Shushan's cultivation system!

As for other things that can improve the Dragon Kingdom's national fortune, it seems that there are not many!

Therefore, after thinking about it for a while, Luo Hang thought that in the world of Legend of Sword and Fairy, the improvement of his own strength should be the main thing!

And since this is the case, Luo Hang is very interested in the so-called Taoism!

What happened to the entrance?

It seems that as long as you enter, you can directly improve your strength and mood?

Therefore, Luo Hang is very interested in the strength of the Juggernaut, and is also looking forward to the arrival of the Juggernaut!

Jiu Jianxian is also waiting for Anu's arrival.

In this way, after staying in Yunlaiyunqu Inn for two days, there is also a high-quality wine supply every day. This kind of life makes Jiu Jianxian feel very satisfied!

However, after staying for two days, Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Linger were ready to leave for Nanzhao Kingdom!

After all, before she died, grandma told Li Xiaoyao to send Zhao Linger to Nanzhao Kingdom.

At that time, Li Xiaoyao also agreed!

"Okay, if that's the case, let's go!"

Hearing that Li Xiaoyao was about to leave for Nanzhao Kingdom, Luo Hang nodded in agreement!

Although Aunt Li was reluctant to give up, but with Luo Hang and Jiu Jianxian by her side, there was nothing to worry about!

Besides, Zhao Ling'er is the princess of Nanzhao Kingdom, and when she returns from this trip, maybe when she comes back, her monkey head will become the son-in-law of Nanzhao Kingdom!

Therefore, despite her reluctance, Aunt Li still opened her mouth and expressed her blessings to Li Xiaoyao's departure.

In this way, after tidying up, everyone set off!

The main reason is that Sword Immortal Jiu wants to take all those high-grade wines with him, for fear that he will never be able to drink them again after he leaves!

"Senior Sword Immortal, the method of brewing and refining this immortal wine was taught by my master. With my master here, why are you afraid that you don't have good wine to drink?"

Seeing the wine sword fairy wishing to pretend to take all the wine in the restaurant, Li Xiaoyao said!

"Oh? It turns out that you, Luo Hang, made such fine wine! That's great!"

Hearing this, Jiu Jianxian's eyes lit up, he looked at Luo Hang in amazement and said!

"If you want, I can teach you the method of refining wine!"

He also understands the truth that it is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish, Luo Hang said generously!

"Really? That's great!" Hearing what Luo Hang said, Jiu Jianxian nodded hastily, with a look of joy on his face!

Then, Luo Hang and his party left Yuhang Town and headed towards Nanzhao Kingdom.

On the way, Jiu Jianxian discussed with Luo Hang how to distill high-grade wine.

Stop and go, this day flies by quickly, half a month or so has passed in the blink of an eye!

In the past half a month, Li Xiaoyao's cultivation, of course, did not fall behind.

Under his practice, Taiji Xuanqing Dao has successfully stepped into the fourth level, and Li Xiaoyao has initially obtained the qualification to use Qi to control things!

('"! Recognize;!'Quite! Ruo., water." Head;: Send!,! Pirate: Book!;: Sell! Money;?? Dead., Mom.;) So, the next few days Today, I have been training Yujianshu!

"Boy, this is for you!"

Seeing that Li Xiaoyao wanted to practice sword control, but lacked a sword at hand, Jiu Jianxian said suddenly.

Immediately, he took down his sword and threw it towards Li Xiaoyao!

"Jiu Xianjian!? You, are you willing to give me such a sword!?"

He also knew that this precious sword was the personal weapon of Jiu Jianxian, so he gave it to him all of a sudden?

This made Li Xiaoyao a little flattered!

"Come on, didn't you say that my sword is not good? After drinking so much good wine from your house, this sword is considered to be paid for the wine!"

Jiu Jianxian waved his hand, still showing his bohemian and free-spirited appearance!

"If you give me this sword, what will you do?" Li Xiaoyao asked!

"Take it, take it, what do I want this thing for? I am a peerless sword!"

Putting on a very cool pose, Jiu Jianxian said!

"This..." Now Li Xiaoyao's knowledge is naturally different from before, and he also understands the power of the Jiuxian Sword.

He didn't accept it easily, but looked at Luo Hang next to him with searching eyes!

"Take it, the elder will give you an inescapable gift! After taking this Jiuxian sword, you will be regarded as his half disciple in the future!"

Luo Hang opened his mouth and said to Li Xiaoyao, he didn't have the sense of crisis that his disciple was taken away!

"Then, thank you senior!" Since even Luo Hang said that, Li Xiaoyao didn't say anything more!

With the Jiuxian sword in hand, Li Xiaoyao's practice of controlling the sword is naturally much smoother!

Jiu Jianxian also looked at Li Xiaoyao's cultivation curiously!

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