Although it has long been known that Luohang's sword control is completely different from Shushan's.

However, from Li Xiaoyao's practice, Jiu Jianxian can clearly see the difference between Taiji Xuanqing Dao and Shushan Yujianshu!With Luo Hang and Jiu Jianxian watching, plus Li Xiaoyao's own aptitude is different... Naturally, the speed of his cultivation is also leaps and bounds!

The Li Xiaoyao in the original book was just taught by Jiu Jianxian casually, and most of them were comprehended by testing Li Xiaoyao's own understanding!

Now there are two famous teachers who are teaching next to him, so the situation is naturally completely different!

In Longguo's live broadcast room, all the viewers were shocked when they saw Li Xiaoyao's growth rate!

Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao is no secret to the people of Dragon Kingdom in the real world, and there are many people who practice Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao!

However, someone like Li Xiaoyao, who has cultivated to the fourth level of Yuqing Realm in just two or three months.

Really no one.

Li Xiaoyao's growth rate is really so fast that it seems to be cheating!

Not only that, the most important thing is Li Xiaoyao's mastery of other abilities!

After getting the Jiuxian Sword, occasionally, the Jiujianxian next to him would teach him some skills about Shushan Sword Cultivation.

Li Xiaoyao is the kind that can be learned by watching it once, which makes the audience in the live broadcast room dumbfounded!

Genius, what is a genius?Now they have a clear idea! . …ask for flowers.

It doesn't matter if you are talented in cultivating true energy, but the mastery of skills such as sword moves is even more outrageous!

After witnessing Li Xiaoyao's terrifying talent with their own eyes, the audience all had a clearer idea of ​​Luo Hang's willingness to accept Li Xiaoyao as his apprentice! "Huh? Yunzhou City ahead, let's go and have a look!?"

On this day, Luo Hang and his party were walking on the road. Suddenly, Jiu Jianxian looked into the distance and saw a city in the distance.

And above the city, you can still see bursts of dark clouds rolling, and thunder and lightning surging!

"The lightning above that city doesn't seem to be formed naturally. Could it be that someone is performing Taoism there!?" Luo Hang also took a look at it and said!

"No, thunderstorms are more likely to occur in Yunzhou City. I have heard about this for a long time, and I have always been a little curious. Since I happened to pass by today, I might as well go and have a look!" Jiu Jianxian shook his head and replied!

"Is that so? Isn't it man-made?" Looking at the thunderous Mu Yan in the distance, Luo Hang became even more curious!

Since we encountered such a strange city on the road, let's go and have a look.

Coincidentally, the wine is almost used up, and a new batch needs to be purchased to distill high-quality wine!

Therefore, Jiu Jianxian made a proposal, and Luo Hang and his party did not object!

In this way, after walking for half a day, Luo Hang and others arrived outside the city of Yunzhou!


The dark clouds above the head were dense, suddenly, a thunderbolt appeared, but was attracted by an iron pipe on the tall building, and struck on the iron pipe!

"It seems that the wisdom of the ancients should not be underestimated. Isn't this just a lightning rod!?" Seeing this scene, Luo Hang secretly sighed.

Luo Hang looked at this Yunzhou City, many tall houses had such an iron pipe inserted on the roof.

This iron pipe is directly connected to the ground, isn't this the principle of the lightning rod?

"Huh? This new thing in Yunzhou City seems quite interesting!"

However, at this time, Jiu Jianxian said in surprise: "Usually, every year in Yunzhou City, several people will be struck to death by lightning, but these iron rods seem to be able to attract lightning!"

"You don't know that, do you? This is what the holy monk of our Yunzhou City, the holy monk Fa'an taught us to make. He said it was called a lightning rod!"

"As the name suggests, after having this, in the past two months, not only have there been no casualties, but even nothing else has been damaged by lightning!"

A resident of Yunzhou City next to him happened to hear Jiu Jianxian's emotion, and interrupted to explain!

"Lightning rod? It's quite vivid!"

Looking at the iron pipes on the roof of the house, another thunder fell and struck one of the iron pipes. Jiu Jianxian nodded!

"Is it really a lightning rod? It seems that there are other explorers here!" Hearing what the neighbors said, Luo Hang's heart moved slightly, and he nodded secretly!

But Faan! ?

This dharma name seems to sound familiar!

I seem to have heard it somewhere?

Speaking of which, I don't seem to know many other explorers, only Mieko from the island country has had a few exchanges.

As for the other explorers, it seems...

and many more!

At this moment, Luo Hang's heart moved slightly, and he finally remembered.

This explorer named Fa'an is just... a corpse.

Chapter 409: Thunder Lingzhu

Fa'an, whose real name is Andre!

Back then, Luo Hang had met him once.

To be more accurate, it should be a one-sided fate!

why?Because when we first met, we were at Tianyin Temple in the world of Jade Immortals.

At that time, it was Fa'an who deliberately left an earth clone to guard him, and then called out his identity.

Fortunately, I was quick-witted, and said at the time that I was Master Pu Hong who traveled from the future.

At that time, for Andre, Luo Hang was naturally angry in his heart!

It's just that, for Luo Hang, it's not worth spending too much time dealing with him, so he never thought of looking for him!

Even hearing his dharma name, Luo Hang didn't remember it for a while.

But now, since they met by chance, it's time to settle the account from the beginning!

"Where is this Fa'an holy monk? Do you know!?" Luo Hang asked the residents of Yunzhou City next to him!

"Master Fa'an, he lives in Lingtai Temple. From here, walk three blocks and turn left and you will see it!"

Hearing what Luo Hang said, he only thought that he was going to meet the holy monk, but this resident was very enthusiastic to guide Luo Hang!

"Thank you!" Silently noted down the direction to Lingtai Temple, Luo Hang thanked him!

"Twenty-seven" "Master, do you recognize this Fa'an holy monk?" Li Xiaoyao, who was next to him, asked Luo Hang!

"To be more precise, it's a bit over the top!" Luo Hang replied!

"It seems that this bald donkey named Fa'an is quite capable!" Hearing this, Li Xiaoyao's face also became more serious.

"What should I say if you are capable?" Luo Hang glanced at Li Xiaoyao in surprise.

"To be able to have an affair with you, Master, isn't this a sign of ability? Is an incompetent person qualified to have an affair with you, Master?" Li Xiaoyao said as if it was a matter of course!

"Fa'an? Is this Fa'an of Yunzhou City the hungry explorer from Tianyin Temple!?"

"Brothers and sisters, wait a minute, I'll go to Hungry Country to have a look!"

"Hold the grass, it really is, hahaha, the Hungry Kingdom live broadcast room, it's all blown up!"

"Ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge, heh heh heh, isn't this just a coincidence?"

"Brother Hang, shouldn't we be so petty? With Brother Hang's current status, why don't we turn hostility into friendship? Only in this way can we show our demeanor of a great country!"

"Aren't you an idiot upstairs? Everyone else wants to kill you, what kind of great country style are you still thinking about?"

"Friends come with good wine, enemies come with knives and guns. When Andre dealt with my brother Hang, he should have been mentally prepared, right? Now it's just time for him to pay off his debts!"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, following Luohang's perspective, these viewers also knew that the so-called Fa'an was Andre, the hungry explorer who framed Luohang in Tianyin Temple.

This discovery also aroused the thoughts of the audience of Longguo with the same hatred!

A jumping clown really didn't know that Luo Hang went out of his way to find him and deal with him!

However, if it happens by chance, the situation will be completely different!

It's still very willing to kill it easily! ?

At this time, the audience in the Longguo live broadcast room cheered up.

One by one excitedly watched Luo Hang in the live broadcast, and headed for Lingtai Temple!

Lingtai Temple is very lively from a distance.

It must be that Fa'an got some lightning rods, so that the people in Yunzhou City no longer have to worry about the suffering of lightning strikes, so it is even more popular!

Today, Fa'an seems to be holding some kind of ceremony, so this Lingtai Temple looks even more lively.

Fa'an was wearing cassock, bursts of golden Buddha's light bloomed from his body, and he still looked extraordinary!

"There are some cultivation bases, but this is too ostentatious!?"

Jiu Jianxian glanced at Fa'an, saw the radiant Buddha's light on his body, and said in a low voice!

Of course, Jiu Jianxian could see that the Buddha's light on Fa'an was actually activated by his own cultivation!

To use the terminology of the game, it means that all the cultivation bases of a body have been added to the special effects and skin!


Although Fa'an was busy with his own puja, the arrival of Luo Hang and his party still caught his attention!

Glancing this way, he naturally saw Luo Hang at a glance!

When Fa'an looked at Luohang, his whole body froze, and the Dharma he was talking about stopped, his eyes were full of horror!

Down below, many people who were listening to the Dharma looked at each other with stunned expressions on their faces!

what happened?Master Fa'an's sudden frightened expression, what's going on?

"Everyone, this Zen master still has some important things to do, so I will leave first, and there will be a period later..."

Without warning, Fa'an suddenly said this!

As soon as the voice fell, he held a subduing magic pestle in his hand, flew into the air, and fled towards the distance!

Frightened, at this time Fa'an's heart is full of frightened!

Is my luck too unlucky?

The sky is big and the earth is big, even if many people live in the same city, it is very difficult to meet them by chance. How could I and Luo Hang meet by such a coincidence! ? "Master, he escaped!"

Seeing that An flew away directly with the imperial weapon, Li Xiaoyao hurriedly shouted!

"Don't worry, he can't escape!" Before Luo Hang could answer, the Jiu Sword Immortal next to him shook his head!

Although Fa'an had some cultivation, Jiu Jianxian could tell that he was far behind Luo Hang.

Now that Luo Hang met him, how could he possibly escape! ?

Luo Hang didn't say much either, seeing that An'an's figure quickly disappeared into the sky, Luo Hang raised his brows slightly, and flew up as well, chasing after him in his direction.

That speed seemed to be much faster than that of Fa'an! "It's them, are they chasing down the holy monk of Fa'an!?"

Here in Yunzhou City, it was originally thought that An escaped without warning, and many people felt baffled.

Seeing Luo Hang chasing in the direction of Fa'an, these people all understood that Fa'an was being hunted down.

Naturally, Li Xiaoyao and the others who stayed behind were not welcomed very much.

Many people surrounded Li Xiaoyao and the others!

"Wait, everyone, that's their personal grievance, it has nothing to do with us..." Li Xiaoyao hurriedly said when he saw so many people around him coming towards him!

However, how could the people around him listen to him so much?

Everyone picked up sticks and the like, drove away Li Xiaoyao and others, and made it clear that they were not welcome in Yunzhou City!

Driven by so many people, although Li Xiaoyao and the others were in a bit of a panic, they all had cultivation bases to protect themselves, so it was impossible to get injured.

He couldn't bear to hurt these people, so Li Xiaoyao and others were driven away from Yunzhou City by these people!

Let's not talk about the situation in Yunzhou City.

On the other side, seeing Luo Hang chasing in his direction, Fa'an's face was even more desperate!

Although they are all explorers, and they also got Dafan Prajna skills in Tianyin Temple, their cultivation has reached a very high level, and they can even fly with imperial weapons!

However, Fa'an is very clear that these cultivations of his own are just in a better position than other explorers.

Compared with Luohang, it's a thousand miles away!

With Luohang's speed, it is certainly not difficult to catch up with the opponent.

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