In just a few tens of miles, Luo Hang caught up.

Without much nonsense, raising his hand, a shocking sword energy appeared and shot in the direction of Fa'an!

Feeling that Luo Hang was chasing after him, Fa'an had already allocated part of his mind to pay attention to Luo Hang's side!

Seeing Luo Hang raise his hand, Fa An dodges reflexively!

But even if he dodged at the first moment, he barely avoided the critical point.

The sword energy swept across Fa'an's shoulder, and immediately left a deep sword wound on his shoulder.

At the same time, Fa'an's figure swirled and fell down from midair!

The body shape directly broke several small trees, and fell to the ground, spitting blood, obviously seriously injured!

Luo Hang's figure also quickly descended from midair, and landed not far from Fa'an!

"Wait, Luo Hang, we are all explorers, you, why do you want to kill them all?"

"Yes, it was indeed my fault at the beginning, I apologize to you, okay!?"

"Forgive me, forgive me, don't kill me, we are all from Blue Star, we should help each other..."

Seeing Luo Hangchao walking over by himself, Faan couldn't help but retreat, and at the same time, he begged for mercy and shouted!

However, upon hearing Fa'an's begging for mercy, Luo Hang sneered with disdain!

Now say that I will kill you all?Now say that 5.9 should help each other?

In Zhu Xian's world, how did Tianyin Temple deal with itself?

There is no nonsense for people who are about to die. Besides, the villain died because of talking too much, and Luo Hang is not willing to let himself become like this!

Lifting his finger, the sharp sword energy lingered at his fingertips!

"Wait, I, I have something good!"

Seeing that Luo Hang was really going to kill him, Fa An suddenly yelled loudly!

"Good stuff!?" Luo Hang paused slightly when he heard the words, and looked at Fa'an, the sword energy condensed in his fingertips!

At this time, nothing is more important than self-protection, Fa'an took out his robe, and then, a purple bead appeared in Fa'an's hand!

From this purple bead, Luo Hang could feel the endless power of thunder and lightning!

"This, could it be the Thunder Lingzhu!?" Looking at the purple orb in Fa'an's hand, Luo Hang's heart moved slightly, secretly surprised!

Did Lei Lingzhu appear in the plot of Paladin 1?

Luo Hang remembered that it seemed that when Li Xiaoyao was about to enter the Demon Locking Tower to rescue Zhao Linger, Jiu Jianxian prepared a lot of magic weapons for him to protect him, this Thunder Lingzhu was one of them, right?

Now, the Sword Immortal Jiu didn't get it, but was Fa'an got it instead? .

Chapter 410: Xuanyuan Sword Enhancement +5, Inlaid Thunder Spirit Orb

Luo Hang is still very impressed with the five spirit beads.

According to legend, it was made by God Nuwa with the bones of five great gods, and it has endless magical uses!

This Thunder Lingzhu is actually in Fa'an's hands! ?

Wait, I remember Jiu Jianxian said before that there was a vision of lightning strikes in Yunzhou City in the early years, and he has always wanted to come and see it!

This time coming to Yunzhou City was also proposed by Jiu Jianxian!

Think again in the original book, Jiu Jianxian gave the Lei Lingzhu to Li Xiaoyao for body protection.

Could it be that in the original book, Immortal Jiujian got it from Yunzhou City, but now Fa Anjie got it first?

"Luo Hang, this bead of mine is an extraordinary treasure at first glance. I use it to buy my cheap life, shouldn't that be enough?"

Holding the Lei Lingzhu in his hand, Fa An begged Luo Hang for mercy!

There was a moment of silence in his heart, and Luo Hang was also thinking about whether it was worth it!

Regarding Fa'an, Luo Hang did have anger and hatred in his heart, and today he was indeed thinking about killing Fa'an!

However, if the other party buys his life with Lei Lingzhu, it seems to be worth it! ?

After all, he was just an insignificant little guy, and he didn't even bother to look for him.

Even, the little character who can hardly remember his legal name!

To be able to exchange a Thunder Spirit Orb seems to be really worth it!

As for killing him after taking the Thunder Lingzhu?

Luo Hang can't do this kind of back-and-forth thing!

Not to mention how many people are watching his live broadcast right now, even if no one is watching, Luo Hang himself will not allow himself to do such a thing!

"Okay! If that's the case, then this Lei Lingzhu will buy your life!"

So, after a moment of silence, Luo Hang nodded and said.

Immediately, he raised his hand and grabbed the Thunder Spirit Bead in his hand!

"Huh..." Hearing that Luo Hang agreed, Fa'an heaved a long sigh of relief, and was also afraid for a while!

Of course, I regret it even more!

If I had known this earlier, I shouldn't have dealt with Luo Hang obsessively.

This Thunder Spirit Orb can make even Luo Hang's heart move, it must be a good treasure!

However, now is not the time to regret these things.

After Luo Hang put away the Lei Lingzhu, Fa An stood up, said goodbye to Luo Hang, turned around, and limped away!

After seeing Fa'an's figure walk away completely, Luo Hang then set his sights on Lei Lingzhu.

After thinking about it, Luo Hang brought his Xuanyuan Sword closer to Lei Lingzhu.

Then, the Lei Lingzhu turned into little stars, absorbed by Xuanyuan Sword, and embedded in a groove of Xuanyuan Sword!

Ever since, Frost Treasure Box, Shocking Fruit, Blood-devouring Orb, Xuanhuojian and Leiling Orb!Of the six grooves on the Xuanyuan Sword, five of them have already been inlaid.

It's only one last, and it will be filled!

As the Thunder Lingzhu was inserted into the groove of the Xuanyuan Sword, Luo Hang raised the sword in his hand and swung it not far away.

In an instant, the azure blue lightning turned into a sword energy, and was slashed out following Luo Hang's movements!

It landed on a boulder not far away.

Then, under the attack of thunder and lightning sword energy, the boulder turned into powder!

The violent and raging thunder and lightning are full of smashing domineering power!

"Not bad……"

After the Thunder Spirit Orb was inlaid, Luo Hang tried it casually, and he would be very satisfied with the attributes of the Thunder Spirit Orb!

Can my own Xuanyuan Sword be used as Thor's Hammer of Thor now?

Moreover, his strongest attack method now is the Divine Sword Yu Lei Zhen Jue.

With the increase of this Thunder Spirit Orb, perhaps, the power of his Divine Sword Yu Lei Zhen Jue can be improved to a higher level!

Thinking of this, Luo Hang felt even more satisfied!

In this way, Luo Hang temporarily put away his Xuanyuan Sword.

At the same time, with a figure like lightning, he headed back towards Yunzhou City!

"What's going on? Are you all kicked out?"

Finding that Li Xiaoyao and the others had been kicked out of Yunzhou City, and there were still many people confronting each other with sticks and the like, Luo Hang's figure landed and asked them!

"Master, that enemy, how are you doing?" Li Xiaoyao asked!

"I didn't kill him, but the grievances have been cancelled!" Luo Hang didn't mean to elaborate!

"In that case, let's leave!" the Jiu Jianxian next to him said to Luo Hang!

The people of Yunzhou City didn't welcome their appearance very much. To be honest, Immortal Jiujian was also suffocating in his heart.

I almost couldn't help but want to do something to the people of Yunzhou City!

After all, I and others are unwilling to take action against them and kill innocent people indiscriminately. This is not the weakness of people like myself, let alone their capital to be arrogant!

"Okay, let's go..."

There is indeed nothing worth planning in this Yunzhou City, Luo Hang nodded and said.

A group of people continued to set off, passed Yunzhou City, and left in the direction of Nanzhao Kingdom!

However, both Jiu Jianxian and Li Xiaoyao felt very uncomfortable along the way.

This kind of walking in the rivers and lakes, being driven out of the city by ordinary people, this is completely different from the life of walking in the rivers and lakes in Li Xiaoyao's imagination, enjoying love and hatred!

No matter how upset Jiu Jianxian and Li Xiaoyao were, Luo Hang and his party walked for another half a day.

Suddenly, a figure appeared at the end of the road!

This figure seemed to appear suddenly, and it seemed to be standing there early, no one noticed him!

It looks like he is about five or sixty years old, with a childlike face and white hair, wearing a Taoist robe, with his hands behind his back.

Standing here, the whole person seems to have merged with the sky and the earth!

"Who is that person!?" Looking at the person standing at the end of the road, Li Xiaoyao and the others were aware of the extraordinaryness of the other party!

"Brother, why did you come down the mountain!?"

Jiu Jianxian spoke, and said hello with a smile on his face!

Of course Luo Hang and the others understood what Jiu Jianxian meant by his words.

He was reminding Luo Hang and the others that the identity of the person in front of him was the current master of Shushan, an entry-level existence, a sword master!

With a clang, realizing that the person in front of him is the sword master, Li Xiaoyao immediately unsheathed the sword and protected it in front of Zhao Linger!

Similarly, Luo Hang's Xuanyuan Sword also appeared in his hand!

Although it seems a little different from the original book, the Juggernaut actually appeared at this time.

However, since it has appeared, let's do it!

"Oh? Junior brother, is this your apprentice!?"

Glancing at the sword in Li Xiaoyao's hand, how could he not recognize his junior brother's Jiuxian sword?The Juggernaut said!

"Senior brother, don't look at this boy's appearance, but he is really a good material for sword practice! The bones are exquisite!" Jiu Jianxian followed the words of the sword master and said in admiration!

"In that case, let's go back to the mountain to practice together!" Nodding silently, the Sword Master said calmly!

While speaking, the Juggernaut stepped forward and walked towards Zhao Ling'er!

Seeing the sword master's movements, Li Xiaoyao moved sideways and stood in front of Zhao Ling'er!

However, Li Xiaoyao only felt a blur in front of his eyes. Somehow, the sword master had passed his figure.

I don't even have a chance to make a move, let alone stop the Juggernaut!

After easily passing by Li Xiaoyao's figure, the sword master came to Zhao Ling'er, raised his hand at the same time, and grabbed Zhao Ling'er!

"Oops!" Looking back, seeing the actions of the Juggernaut, Li Xiaoyao yelled in his heart, Oops!

It's just that he wanted to stop him, but the gap in strength was so great that he could only watch the sword master grab Zhao Ling'er, and he couldn't stop him at all!

However, when the Juggernaut was about to catch Zhao Ling'er, suddenly, Luo Hang's figure appeared in an instant and stood in front of Zhao Ling'er!

Shocking robbery!

Standing in front of Zhao Linger, Luo Hang didn't talk nonsense, a strange light flashed in Samsara's eyes.

The Jingmu Jie was activated, and the powerful spiritual force rushed towards the Juggernaut!

An invisible breath erupted from between the two of them, and Luo Hang's figure couldn't help shaking!

The realm of Dongxu is the great achievement of Yuanshen again, this shocking attack fell on the body of the Sword Master, Luo Hang felt as if his mental power had hit a thick iron mountain.

Tieshan didn't move at all, on the contrary, he was shaken by the backlash!

However, Luo Hang's movements didn't stop, and the second move followed, the evil blood robbery!

Use your own blood to arouse the blood of the Juggernaut to boil, causing his blood to dry up and die!

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