In any case, his daughter came back, which is naturally a great thing.

Therefore, besides being overjoyed, His Majesty the Emperor followed suit to announce the good news to the people of Nanzhao Kingdom.

Of course, there may be another purpose, which is to tell Luo Hang the news.

Tell him that his disciple Li Xiaoyao has arrived in Nanzhao Kingdom!

His Majesty still had such thoughts, Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Ling'er naturally didn't know about it.

Therefore, both Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Ling'er were very moved to see His Majesty treat him so grandly!

At the same time, the main altar of the Moon Worship Sect, and the leader of the Moon Worship Sect, of course also got the news!

"Oh? Is the princess back? And, did you hold a special banquet to announce it to the world!?"

The Master of Worshiping the Moon looked a little curious, and immediately opened his mouth, saying that he would also go to the palace to join in the fun!

"Master, this..." A believer in front of the Moon Worshiping Master had a look of hesitation on his face, he hesitated to speak!

"Do you have anything to say? But it doesn't matter!" The Moon Worshiper looked at the believer in front of him calmly, and said!

"Master, then, it's just a princess who came back, so it's not worth you to greet her personally!?" The disciple asked!

"That's right, it's just a princess, and it's really not worth going to greet her. What really makes me more concerned is that it's actually Li Xiaoyao!" The Moon Worshiper replied!

"It's my subordinates talking too much!" Hearing this, the Moon Worshiper looked respectful and hurriedly bowed his head to admit his mistake!

"It's okay, let's go!" Bai Yu's leader nodded and said with a good-talking appearance.

Immediately, he set off on 12 journeys and headed towards the imperial palace!

As for whether Luo Hang wants to go?The leader of Baiyu didn't tell him what he meant!

Li Xiaoyao and the princess had arrived, and the emperor purposely announced the news to the world, so it was impossible for Luo Hang not to know about it.

If he wanted to go, he went directly.

If you don't want to go, you don't have to say anything by yourself!

In this way, when the banquet in the palace was getting lively, the attendants of the palace sang loudly: "The Lord of Worshiping the Moon has arrived!"

When the voice sounded, everyone at the banquet was shocked.

Obviously, no one expected that the Moon Worshiping Sect Master would arrive!

"Father, this Moon Worshiper, he..." Zhao Linger said, with an angry look on his face.

Back then on Fairy Island, it was the attack of the Moon Worshipers, that's why grandma died!

"Hmph, I want to see what this Moon Worshiper looks like!" Li Xiaoyao also showed anger on his face!

Li Xiaoyao also remembered clearly what happened on Xianling Island back then.

Moreover, Wangyou Gu made me forget Ling'er even more, I still remember this account all the time!

After a while, the Moon Worshiper, with a calm expression and an elegant demeanor, walked in!

"I have seen His Majesty, I have seen the princess!"

Although his prestige is already very high, but in front of the public, the Moon Worshiper still took the initiative to show respect to the emperor and Zhao Ling'er!

"Master, this is just the arrival of the princess, a small celebration, so I didn't inform the leader to come to participate. Unexpectedly, the leader actually came in person!"

The emperor opened his mouth and said to the Lord of Worshiping the Moon.

"What did your Majesty say? It's a blessing for the Nanzhao Kingdom that the princess can come back. How could I not come!?" The Moon Worship Leader said, but the words he said were high-sounding!

"Hmph, evil animal, don't put on an air of hypocrisy here!" Shi Gonghu who was next to him suddenly opened his mouth and cursed at the Moon Worshiper!

Hearing this, the Moon Worshiping Sect Master lowered his head, as if he dared not speak back even after being scolded!

After all, in name, Shi Gonghu is his adoptive father, so naturally he can't talk back!

"Hmph, that's right, don't be hypocritical here, I think you wish the princess would die sooner, don't you?"

Li Xiaoyao next to him also spoke, cursing at the Moon Worshiper!

"You are Li Xiaoyao, right!?" After being scolded by Shi Gonghu, he scolded him. There is no other way.

However, being scolded by Li Xiaoyao, it is impossible for the Master of Worshiping the Moon not to return the scolding, so he raised his head slightly and took a look at Li Xiaoyao!

"What? Do you know me too?" Li Xiaoyao asked the Moon Worshiper with the appearance of a newborn calf not afraid of tigers!

"Sure enough, a boy born from a hero. He is courageous. He deserves to be Mr. Luo Hang's disciple!"

After staring at Li Xiaoyao for a while, the Master of Worshiping the Moon nodded and said in admiration.

"Uh, you, you know my master!?"

Li Xiaoyao was slightly startled when he heard the words of admiration from the Moon Worshiper, and asked in surprise.

"How come you don't know each other? In the past few months, Mr. Luo Hang has been a guest of my Moon Worshiping Sect!" Smiling, the Moon Worshiping Sect Master followed suit!

"You captured Mr. Luohang!?" Zhao Ling'er beside him exclaimed!

"Impossible, you lied to me, my master's Taoism is so powerful, how could he be caught by you, I don't believe it!"

Regarding Luo Hang's strength, Li Xiaoyao was confident, so, following Zhao Ling'er's exclamation, Li Xiaoyao said with a confident look!

"It's not about being arrested, but about being a guest. Mr. Luo Hang is free in my worship of the moon. Your Majesty can testify to this!"

Seeing that Li Xiaoyao and the others misunderstood him, the leader of the moon worship explained.

These words made Li Xiaoyao and the others turn their heads and look at His Majesty the Emperor next to him with searching eyes!

"That's right, Mr. Luohang. In the past few months, you have indeed been a guest at the main altar of the Moon Worship Sect!" the Emperor of Nanzhao nodded and said!

"This, and how did it happen?" Hearing the emperor's affirmative words, Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Ling'er looked at each other, feeling unimaginable!

That's right, didn't the Wine Sword Immortal say that before?

This Moon Worshiper is a bad person, yes, but now he is staying with the Moon Worshiper, how many months?

What exactly is going on! ?

"Mr. Li Xiaoyao, you really are young and promising, and Mr. Luo Hang's disciple is indeed extraordinary!"

Not to mention how stunned Li Xiaoyao and the others were, on the surface they came to celebrate the princess, but in fact, the attention of the Moon Worshiper was mainly on Li Xiaoyao.

After careful scrutiny, it was immediately apparent from the eyes of the worshiping master that Li Xiaoyao's cultivation had indeed reached a very advanced level.

Among his peers, he is definitely one of the best!

"Master Moon Worshiper, I've wanted to meet you for a long time!" Concentrating his mind, Li Xiaoyao stared at Master Moon Worshiper and said seriously.

"Oh?" Patriarch Yue Yue looked at Li Xiaoyao curiously!

"When I was in Xianling Island, I suffered a lot from the disciples of your Moon Worship Sect. Moreover, I always wanted to settle the account of Wangyou Gu with your Moon Worship Sect. Forget it!"

Li Xiaoyao spoke, staring at the Moon Worshiper and said, his face was not very good-looking!

"Really? I don't know which disciple in my teaching has such ability!?" Hearing the words, the master of worshiping the moon asked in surprise!

He is still very clear about the disciples who worship the Lord of the Moon.

Although many people have some strength, it is not so easy for these strengths to deal with Li Xiaoyao in front of them.

How many such powerful disciples are there in worshiping the moon?The Lord Worshiping the Moon feels that he needs to understand it!

"It's not because of how powerful you Moon Worshipers are, but because half a year has passed, and my strength is far from what it was before!"

Li Xiaoyao's mouth escape ability is good, of course he refuses to admit that the followers of the Moon Worship Sect are powerful!

"Oh? I don't know Mr. Li, when did you become apprentice to Mr. Luo Hang?"

I understood what Li Xiaoyao meant, and followed, the Lord of the Moon Worship asked Li Xiaoyao curiously!

"Apprenticeship? It happened about half a year ago! What? Is there something wrong?" Li Xiaoyao asked after listening to the question of the worship leader of the moon!

"So, half a year ago, Li Xiaoyao was no match for my Moon Worshipers, but now he has such a strong cultivation?"

Hearing Li Xiaoyao's words, the Moon Worshiper next to him was secretly shocked!

At first, I thought that Li Xiaoyao should have practiced with Mr. Luo Hang for a long time 253!

But now, he finally knew that Li Xiaoyao's cultivation had been cultivated in just half a year?

This is a bit scary!

In just half a year, how could his cultivation reach such a level?

Is this the strength of Mr. Luo Hang?

Does apprenticeship have such a high level! ?

Taking a deep look at Li Xiaoyao, the Master of Worshiping the Moon didn't say anything more!

The purpose of my coming here is actually to see what Luo Hang's disciple Li Xiaoyao is like!

Now, I have seen it myself, and I have understood it.

Therefore, the Lord of Worshiping the Moon has no intention of staying any longer!

Afterwards, he talked to His Majesty the Emperor carefully, but there was nothing more to talk about.

Immediately, the Lord of Worshiping the Moon turned and left the palace!

In the main altar of the Moon Worship Sect, Luo Hang sat quietly, it seemed that Luo Hang was the only one.

However, beside Luo Hang, there are four round tomb prisons invisible to the naked eye, fighting each other!

Although the ability of round tomb prison has been developed by himself.

However, this round of Tombside Prison does not have the ability of shadow clone, so it needs a lot of practice on its own!

It seems that there are no figures in the side prison of Silun Tomb.

However, as the four of them fought, and the gusts of wind blowing in mid-air, they could still feel something nearby!

"Huh?" After a while, Luo Hang saw a sedan chair, which flew across the sky angrily, and flew directly towards the main altar of the Moon Worship Sect.

Obviously, this is the return of the Moon Worshiper!

Not to mention, sitting on a sedan chair, just flying in the sky like this, looks quite impressive!

Luo Hang felt that if he had the opportunity in the future, he could do something like this!

Of course, if you can have a few beauties to carry the sedan chair for you, then you will be really tall!

After all, Mr. Kongkong would rather pull up four old onions in the wild to maintain his own style, wouldn't he? .

Chapter 436: Unlocking Li Xiaoyao's Second Power System

The sedan chair flying in mid-air slowly fell down.

Then, the figure of the Moon Worshiper came out from inside!

"Mr. Luo Hang!" The Moon Worshiper said hello to Luo Hang!

"Come here from the palace!?" Luo Hang asked, asking the Moon Worshiper.

"Yes!" The Moon Worshiper nodded.

"Going to see Li Xiaoyao?" Luo Hang asked again!

"Yes!" The Moon Worshiper continued to nod.

"How? Do you have any comments!?" Then, the Moon Worshiper asked again!

"Mr. Luo Hang's teaching ability is still unrivaled in the world!" the leader of worshiping the moon said, giving his own evaluation!


Hearing the words of the Moon Worship Leader, Luo Hang's expression was a little weird!

Didn't I ask him to evaluate Li Xiaoyao?What does it mean for him to give himself such a high evaluation! ?

"I talked to Li Xiaoyao for a few words. He has been apprenticed to Luo Hang for only half a year, and his current cultivation has reached a very advanced level!"

"It turned out to be like this!" Hearing this, Luo Hang suddenly realized.

However, I just taught Li Xiaoyao Taiji Xuanqing Taoism, which is about the same as the billions of people in Longguo!

It's just that being able to have such a cultivation base is not due to my own teaching ability!

It's completely abnormal of Li Xiaoyao's own qualifications!

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