Of course, Luo Hang didn't say this.

In view of Li Xiaoyao's current cultivation base and the fact that he has only been apprenticed to his teacher for half a year, it is only reasonable that the Moon Worship Master can have such an evaluation!

However, the real situation is that Li Xiaoyao pretended to be a B for himself! ?

"It seems that sooner or later there will be a big battle between me and Li Xiaoyao!" Suddenly, the leader of the Moon Worship said again!

Li Xiaoyao's attitude towards him just now, coupled with his current status as the son-in-law of the Nanzhao Kingdom.

The Lord of Worshiping the Moon understands that this battle is completely unavoidable!

Hearing what the Moon Worship Leader said, Luo Hang didn't speak, and just waited in silence!

Talking about this topic is more serious.

Therefore, seeing Luo Hang waiting in silence, the Moon Worship Leader didn't mean to entangle this topic too much!


However, the expression of the Lord of Worshiping the Moon changed, and at the same time, he looked around carefully.

That look seemed to be looking for something!

"Master, is there something wrong?" Seeing the appearance of the leader of worshiping the moon, Luo Hang asked!

"I don't know, but I always feel that there are other people around!" The Moon Worshiper shook his head and said!

Although he couldn't see the round tomb prison, but, as an existence at the ceiling level of the fairy sword world, the leader of worshiping the moon could roughly feel something wrong!

"Oh? Is there anyone else who can hide around you and me without being discovered?"

Seeing the appearance of the Moon Worshiping Leader, Luo Hang could probably guess what his words meant, so he followed suit!

"That's right!" Hearing this, the leader of the Moon Worship thought for a while and then nodded.

Then, after chatting a few more unnutritious words, the Lord of Worshiping the Moon left on his own!

"So, at the level of the Moon Worshiping Sect Master, can you probably sense the existence of a trace of the round tomb side prison!"|? "

The leader of worshiping the moon left, Luo Hang muttered secretly in his heart!

In this way, the ability of Lun Tomb Prison is indeed very good!

Even the leader of worshiping the moon can barely feel the slightest bit, so other people will never even think of feeling the existence of the round tomb side prison!

In this case, if he really fights against the Lord of the Moon Worship in the future, it will also have a miraculous effect! ?

Shaking his head, he pushed down these thoughts, and immediately, Luo Hang thought of Li Xiaoyao again!

Has Li Xiaoyao arrived in Nanzhao Kingdom so soon?It seems that this is earlier than in the original book!

It seems that Li Xiaoyao arrived early because of his own butterfly effect!

After all, when Li Xiaoyao arrived in Nanzhao Kingdom in the original book, his daughter had already been born.

What now?From the perspective of time, Li Xiaoyao's daughter should be born in about three months! ?

Is it a master-student relationship? I haven't seen him for a few months, and Li Xiaoyao has already arrived in Nanzhao Kingdom. It seems unreasonable not to meet him?

Looking at it, it wasn't too late, Luo Hang moved, left the main altar of the Moon Worship Sect, and walked towards the palace by himself!

"Master? You're here!?"

Here in the palace, it was the first time living in the palace, and Li Xiaoyao didn't fall asleep so easily. When he sensed Luo Hang's arrival, Li Xiaoyao got up and followed, the master and apprentice were floating above the night sky!

"Well, you came earlier than I thought!" Luo Hang nodded in response!

"Master, I met the leader of the Moon Worship Sect today. He said, have you been in the main altar of the Moon Worship Sect for several months?" Li Xiaoyao asked again!

"That's right, I've been staying at the Moon Worship Sect for the past few months!" Luo Hang nodded!

"Why? Aren't the people of the Moon Worship Sect all bad people? Besides, didn't you already know that I have enmity with the people of the Moon Worship Sect!?" Hearing Luo Hang's words, Li Xiaoyao asked!

"Yes, I know that too, so if you want to deal with the Moon Worship Sect, I won't stop you!" Luo Hang said!

"However, you won't help me deal with the Moon Worship Sect, will you!?"

Li Xiaoyao is still very smart, he probably understood what Luo Hang meant, so he followed suit!

"That's right, so it's up to you how far you can go!" Nodding, Luo Hang replied!

"Well..." Hearing what Luo Hang said, Li Xiaoyao was silent for a while, then nodded!

Although Master didn't mean to help him, this made Li Xiaoyao feel very disappointed!

However, since he doesn't help, he must have his own difficulties!

Besides, although it is a master-student relationship, after all, they all have their own social circles.

I and the Moon Worshiping Sect Master are enemies, but if the master becomes friends with him, I can't ask the master to fight the Moon Worshiping Sect Master just because of my master-student relationship! ?

"By the way, Master, I remember you said that when I reach the Supreme Purity Realm, you will pass on my Divine Sword and Thunder Control Technique, and other abilities!?"

So, after a moment of silence, Li Xiaoyao suddenly spoke, and said to Luo Hang again!

"I did promise!"

Luo Hang nodded, and at the same time, looked at Li Xiaoyao in surprise, and said, "You have already broken through to the Upper Purity Realm!?"

"That's right, I broke through just seven days ago!" Li Xiaoyao nodded and replied!

"So? Are you worthy of being the protagonist of Legend of Sword and Fairy?

Started from scratch in half a year, and cultivated to the point of supernatural state! ? "

With Li Xiaoyao's confirmation, Luo Hang carefully felt Li Xiaoyao's situation with his own divine sense, and immediately, his expression was a little weird, and he secretly felt emotional in his heart!

Since it was something he had promised a long time ago, Luo Hang would naturally not break his promise.

Raising his hand, he pointed at Li Xiaoyao's forehead.

Afterwards, Li Xiaoyao was instilled in Li Xiaoyao all the exercises about the Divine Sword Yu Lei Zhen Jue!

"What else? Other abilities, what do you want to cultivate!?"

After instilling the Divine Sword and Thunder Control Secret Art, Luo Hang asked again!

"Master, what abilities do you have? I can see them all!?"

This time, Li Xiaoyao didn't make a decision so easily, but wanted to see all of Luo Hang's abilities!

"Okay!" Luo Hang nodded, since it was a master-student relationship, naturally he didn't want to cherish himself with a broom!

Afterwards, Luo Hang showed off the power of the ninjutsu system.

Water Dungeon, Sealing Technique, and Eight Door Dunjia!

The magic portal and mirror space of the magic system!

Luo Hang showed off all these abilities to Li Xiaoyao!

","how?Have you thought about what skills you want to learn? " Luo Hang opened his mouth and asked Li Xiaoyao!

"Master, I want to learn your magic portal and mirror space!" Li Xiaoyao asked Luo Hang after thinking for a while!

"Oh? You've taken a fancy to these two abilities!?" Hearing this, Luo Hang was slightly taken aback, and asked in surprise!

This was somewhat beyond Luo Hang's expectation.

After all, regarding the magic system, I only dabbled a little bit.

Although the ability of the portal is magical, it can only be regarded as a basic skill in Kama Taj's magic power system!

"Yes, Master, I want to learn these two tricks!" Li Xiaoyao nodded!

"That's fine!" Since Li Xiaoyao made his own choice, Li Xiaoyao must have thought it through himself, and Luo Hang didn't ask him why!

In this way, about Karma Taj's magical power system, I also gave Li Xiaoyao a good explanation!

Li Xiaoyao's aptitude began to show up against the heavens.

After understanding everything about the magic portal, Li Xiaoyao tried to mobilize his spiritual power to sense the energy of the so-called multiverse!

Li Xiaoyao's current cultivation base has crossed over to the stage of Shangqing Realm.

In the realm of refining Qi and turning into a god, his divine sense is still quite strong!

Therefore, to feel the energy of the multiverse, relatively speaking, it is naturally a matter of half the effort (Li Hao)!

Coupled with his own aptitude, Li Xiaoyao began to try the cultivation of the magic portal!

Visualize the place you want to go in your mind, and draw a circle in mid-air with your palm!

Following his movements, tiny sparks appeared in the void in front of him.

It's a bit like the traditional flint lighter, it feels like it won't light up a few times!

"Fuck, is this a genius? Is this a real genius!?"

"It took half a year to cultivate to the Supreme Purity Realm, how did you cultivate?"

"Really? Sometimes, other people's random messing around is worth your hard work!"

"There are so many people in our country who have been practicing for a year and a half. By the way, has anyone broken through to the fifth level of the Jade Purity Realm? This pervert has broken through to the Upper Purity Realm in half a year!"

"Wait, did Li Xiaoyao choose the magic system? My brother Hang's magic system is just scratching the surface. Why did he choose this?"

"However, it's just a trial, is this magic portal able to produce tiny sparks?"

"Pervert, look at him, he will be able to successfully construct the portal soon!? I spent a full year to learn this magic portal!"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, even he already knew that Li Xiaoyao's aptitude was abnormal.

However, these audiences were hit again! .

Chapter 437: Li Xiaoyao's Sword 23

The emperor of Nanzhao Kingdom is in a good mood, his daughter is back!

From the perspective of the overall situation, with Li Xiaoyao around, Luo Hang's heart will be more or less on his side, right?

From a selfish point of view, it is indeed something to be happy about the return of my daughter!

In addition, judging from the situation at the previous banquet, Li Xiaoyao himself has a grudge against Moon Worship Sect.

Therefore, he will stand on his side in public and private, which is a good thing!

Therefore, in the following days, the emperor of Nanzhao Kingdom is preparing for a break with the Moon Worshiper!

As for Li Xiaoyao?They are also practicing hard these days.

After his cultivation level broke through the Upper Purity Realm, Li Xiaoyao can be said to have stepped into another world, and many powerful skills can be cultivated!

One is the Divine Sword Yu Lei Zhen Jue recently taught by Luo Hang, which can control the power of sky thunder, which can be said to directly increase Li Xiaoyao's strength by a large amount!

The second is the holy spirit sword technique, the sword 23 of the last move.

Originally, because of insufficient spiritual strength, I could not comprehend it all the time.

Now, with his spiritual power growing, Li Xiaoyao also has some understanding of the sword 23 move!

Finally, there is the newly acquired magical power.

These can have very magical effects at critical times.

Therefore, it is also very necessary to learn these two spatial abilities early!

Of course, the most important thing is that Li Xiaoyao is still waiting, waiting for the arrival of reinforcements!

Therefore, these days, the Nanzhao Kingdom is actively preparing for war. With Elder Shi Gonghu as support, the power that the emperor can mobilize should not be underestimated!

Of course, it is impossible for the emperor's actions to hide from the Moon Worshiper.

Therefore, in the following days, the Lord of the Moon Worship also began to prepare, shrinking the power of the Moon Worship Sect, and preparing for the battle!

Ordinary people in Nanzhao Kingdom haven't felt much yet, but those high-level people in Nanzhao Kingdom can more or less feel the oppressive feeling that the storm is coming!

In this way, as time passed day by day, Li Xiaoyao seized the last time to practice hard, and the two sides were also actively preparing for the battle.

On this day, a figure, riding a big wine gourd, soon came to Nanzhao Kingdom.

"Stinky boy, not bad, I haven't seen you for a while, your cultivation is improving faster and faster!" Jiu Jianxian saw Li Xiaoyao, looked at him, and said in amazement!

"These are all taught well by Master!" A smile appeared on his face, and Li Xiaoyao praised Jiu Jianxian!

"Yes, I am not the only master of yours. I don't know if you are praising me or that brat Luohang!"

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