Not to mention how amazed the audience in the live broadcast room was at the moment.

He was almost killed just now, and the Patriarch of the Moon Worship was shocked and sighed in his heart, looking at Li Xiaoyao, his eyes were full of jealousy!

Immediately, the Lord of Worshiping the Moon raised his hand and focused his attack on Li Xiaoyao!

The Lord of Worshiping the Moon is planning to remove the threat from Li Xiaoyao first!

The spirit was severely injured, and Li Xiaoyao's strength at the moment can be said to have dropped a lot suddenly. …

Facing the attack of the Moon Worshiper, he had no choice but to draw back!

Jiu Jianxian and Liu Jinyuan who were next to him also immediately went up to block the Moon Worshiper and buy time for Li Xiaoyao!

"All go away!"

When it was one against three, it was more than enough. At this moment, it was almost one against two. Even though he was injured, the Lord of Worshiping the Moon was still very strong.

Shouted a sentence, and immediately, a powerful cultivation base burst out in one breath, and directly sent Jiu Jianxian and Liu Jinyuan flying out!

"The Dionysian Curse!"

At this critical moment, Jiu Jianxian's expression changed, he took off his wine gourd, and released the forbidden technique of killing one thousand enemies and damaging himself by eight hundred!

The Dionysian Curse, this is the unique secret skill of the Wine Sword Immortal, a person can only use it three times at most in a lifetime.

Otherwise, he would die from exhaustion of qi and blood.

Jiu Jianxian would not use this trick unless it was absolutely necessary.

But now, Jiu Jianxian felt that it was time for him to use this trick!

With the casting of the Dionysus Curse, Jiu Jianxian's cultivation base immediately increased a lot!

Seeing that the master of worshiping the moon made a palm seal, Jiu Jianxian directly dodged to block it.

At the same time, he pointed like a sword, pinched firmly, and pointed at the palm of the worship leader of the moon!

Wine Sword Immortal and Moon Worshiper, each took a few steps back at the same time!

In terms of strength, the Jiu Sword Immortal in this matter can be regarded as equal to the Moon Worshiper!

"Fire escape, the art of the dragon's flame!"

It looks gentle and gentle, but Liu Jinyuan's physique is of the fire attribute, so when he raised his hand, another fire escape ninjutsu blasted towards the moon worship leader!

The scorching flames, coupled with Liu Jinyuan's current chakra level, even the Moon Worshiper cannot be underestimated!


After fighting for 5.9 for so long, the original Li Xiaoyao and the others could hardly defeat the Moon Worshiper together. , But now, with Li Xiaoyao's combo technique injuring the Lord of Worshiping the Moon, and after Jiu Jianxian also used the forbidden technique of the Dionysian Curse, finally, the situation of the battle has suppressed the leader of Worshiping the Moon !

"Heavenly Sword Art!"

There are many powerful moves in Shushan Yujianshu. At this time, Jiujianxian raised his hand and took Li Xiaoyao's sword.

Then, under his sword control technique, the immortal sword turned into a giant heavenly sword with a length of hundreds of meters.

Then, with an invincible momentum, he blasted towards the Moon Worshiper!

Under the attack of the Heavenly Sword Art, the defense of the Lord of the Moon Worship was as fragile as a layer of paper, and it was directly defeated!

At the same time, the huge Heavenly Sword fell, completely engulfing the figure of the Moon Worshiper!

Whoosh, whoosh...

Wine Sword Immortal was panting, in the state of Dionysus curse, the load on his body was obviously very huge!

"Has it been resolved?"

At the same time, Jiu Jianxian, Liu Jinyuan, Li Xiaoyao, and even Zhao Linger and those Moon Worshipers in the distance all looked at this matter!

Then a huge Heavenly Sword fell and landed directly on the body of the Moon Worshiper, did he get rid of him? .

Chapter 440: Water Demonic Beast, the Power to Destroy the World

It seems that this situation is applicable at any time!

The sword art looked very powerful that day. Under the boost of the Dionysus Curse, this huge heavenly sword fell down. It is indeed not weaker than the divine sword Yu Lei Zhen Jue that Luo Hang is using with all his strength now!

However, when the huge Heavenly Sword shrank again and flew back to Jiujianxian, everyone looked at the place where the Heavenly Sword fell.

Although the appearance of the Moon Worshiping Sect Master looked very miserable, even when the Heavenly Sword fell, it pierced through a huge tiankeng on the ground.

However, the Lord of Worshiping the Moon did not die.

His face was sluggish and his injuries were heavy, but he was still alive!

"Shushan Sword Cultivator is indeed worthy of being the top monk in the world!"

The Lord of Worshiping the Moon looked at Jiu Jianxian and all of them, and said!

After the voice fell, the figure of the Lord of Worshiping the Moon slowly floated up, and the figure slowly suspended in mid-air!

Then, the Moon Worship Leader began to chant witchcraft incantations, and his incomparably powerful cultivation level exploded at this moment!

Then, in the tiankeng below him, an endless stream of water surged out of nowhere, filling the huge tiankeng to the brim!

Originally, it was just a crater pierced by the Heavenly Sword on the ground, but now, after the current filled the place, the lake formed by the tiankeng turned into a huge wave.

Immediately afterwards, the roar of the monster rang out from the bottom of the water!

"What's that sound!?" Hearing the roar in the lake, Li Xiaoyao and the others showed surprise on their faces!

Immediately, the water surface of the lake 12 broke open, and a monster that looked extremely huge, but also ferocious and terrifying, broke out of the water!

"This is a water monster!" Jiu Jianxian said in a concentrated voice!

After summoning the water monster, the water monster began to mobilize its monstrous magic power, turning into huge waves, covering the entire Nanzhao Kingdom's palace!

This huge wave made everyone dumbfounded.

Even those believers of the Moon Worship Sect stared at the huge waves with horrified expressions at the moment!

"This, this summoned water monster, set off a great flood, enough to destroy the entire world!"

Seeing the power emanating from the water monster, Jiu Jianxian said in a concentrated voice!

Hearing what he said, Li Xiaoyao and Liu Jinyuan all had serious expressions on their faces!

A flood big enough to destroy the entire world?The power of this water monster is actually so strong?

Even the gods in the sky don't necessarily have such terrifying power, right?

Jiu Jianxian gritted his teeth, stared at the water monster, raised the fairy sword in his hand again!

Although, under the Dionysian spell, he was not sure about defeating the water monster.

However, in such a situation, he has no way to back down, so he can only choose to do it!

If I don't occupy the main force, could it be that Li Xiaoyao and Liu Jinyuan are still the two young people to occupy the main force! ?

However, just when Jiu Jianxian urged his own sword control technique and wanted to continue attacking, suddenly, Jiu Jianxian felt the full and vigorous power in his body recede like a tide!

And this feeling made Jiu Jianxian's heart sink completely!

Is this the state of my Dionysus curse has reached its limit?

As the state of the Dionysus curse receded, Jiu Jianxian could feel a sense of weakness coming!

This made Jiu Jianxian a little desperate. At this critical moment, did he actually lose his fighting power?

Looking at Li Xiaoyao, his soul has been severely injured, and it seems that he doesn't have much fighting power!

Looking at Jiu Jianxian again, after his Dionysus curse state passed, he didn't have much fighting power anymore.

Liu Jinyuan understands that now is the time for him to stand up!

Facing the monstrous flood, Liu Jinyuan walked out, and at the same time, the chakra on his body also burned!

The eight-door Dunjia has already opened to the state of the sixth door, which is permanently open, which makes Liu Jinyuan's chakra very powerful.

At the same time, there is also the double increase of the fairy mode. In terms of chakra volume, Liu Jinyuan is a leader even among the movie-level powerhouses!

Following that, Liu Jinyuan made seals with both hands, and his eyes fell on the water monster.

The fire escapes, the fire is extinguished!

A large flame blasted towards the water monster!

Liu Jinyuan's goal is very clear, flood?This is not my goal, I only have one goal, and that is the water monster!

Although those floods were terrible, for Liu Jinyuan who can run on the water, this is not such a troublesome power!

The water monster, as a water creature, naturally hates flames the most. When it felt Liu Jinyuan's fire escape ninjutsu attack, it set off a huge wave and slapped towards the fire escape ninjutsu!

The flames collided with the water waves, and immediately a large amount of water vapor evaporated!

call out!

The Moon Worshiper next to him didn't mean to stand by and watched Liu Jinyuan deal with the water monster. Although he felt that he was not capable of dealing with the water monster, he raised his hand a little, and a horse quickly shot in Liu Jinyuan's direction!

Caught off guard, Liu Jinyuan couldn't dodge the blow of the Moon Worship Leader at all, and his figure was directly pierced by this horse training!

However, the master of worshiping the moon was not happy.

He could feel that he just hit Liu Jinyuan, but the situation was very wrong!

Sure enough, Liu Jinyuan, who was hit, exploded in a puff of white smoke.

Then, it turned into a pierced wooden stake and fell to the ground. This is a substitute technique!

Although it is a basic ninjutsu, as long as it is used well, it can also be said to be a divine skill!

Shadow Clone Technique!

After evading the attack of the Lord of the Moon Worship with the stand-in technique, Liu Jinyuan glanced at the Lord of the Moon Worship, and then used the technique of shadow clone.

In a burst of white smoke, dozens of shadow clones of Liu Jinyuan appeared.

Then, each do it!

Some were thrown using hidden weapons, some rushed directly towards the water monster, and some were Liu Jinyuan's shadow clone using fire escape ninjutsu to launch an attack.

These attacks were all directed at the water monsters!

Beat the water waves again, sweeping towards these attacks!

The power of the water monster still seemed invincible. After these attacks were resisted by the water waves, they were quickly blocked!

However, a dart drew an arc in mid-air, spun around the water wave, and came in front of the water monster!

Although he noticed the dart that circled around, the water monster didn't take such an attack seriously!

Even if such a dart landed on his body, it was like scratching an itch, and the water monster didn't care at all.

What it cares more about is mainly those fire escape ninjutsu!


However, when the dart came to the side of the water monster, it suddenly exploded and turned into Liu Jinyuan's appearance!

Then, Liu Jinyuan stretched out his hand and slapped the water monster directly with his palm!

Liu Jinyuan used the transformation technique to turn himself into a weapon, and then was thrown out by his shadow clone!

"Success!" When his palm hit the water monster, Liu Jinyuan secretly shouted in his heart!

A large piece of rune spells that were as black as ink spread out from Liu Jinyuan's palm immediately!

It looked like a rune formula that looked like jet black ink, but when it fell on the water monster, it made him unable to move!

This is the sealing technique, specifically the ability of the weak to defeat the strong, and it is the most restraining power against these non-human monsters.

Not to mention, these sealing techniques were passed down from Luo Hang, but what about Luo Hang's sealing techniques?

Naturally, it was passed down from Kushina, and it is the sealing technique of the top Uzumaki clan in the Naruto world!


Feeling as if being bound by chains, the water monster's mouth let out a terrifying roar, and at the same time, that huge figure was also struggling violently!

After all, it is a monster with the power to destroy the world. This power is terrifyingly strong. Under its crazy struggle, these rune formulas that seal 253 were broken by the water monster!

"I'll help you!" Li Xiaoyao, who was next to him, saw this and knew that it was the most critical moment of the battle, so he yelled loudly.

Then, he forcibly brought up his last bit of cultivation, and drew a circle towards the water monster.

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