Li Xiaoyao wanted to repeat the same trick, using the ability of the magic portal to kill the water monster!

With such a huge body, Liu Jinyuan's sealing technique is now entangled. For Li Xiaoyao, it is not difficult to use the magic portal!

Chi Chi Chi!

Following Li Xiaoyao's movements, countless small sparks appeared next to the huge figure of the water monster.

This is a sign that the magic portal is about to open!

Seeing this move, how can the Lord of the Moon Worship not understand what's going on?

Taking a deep breath as well, the spiritual power rushed towards Li Xiaoyao again!

If all the water monsters were beheaded, the Moon Worshiper knew that with today's move, his chances of winning were hanging.

Therefore, the water monster must not be defeated!

In the same situation, the Moon Worshiper's reaction was still quick, and Li Xiaoyao's face was as pale as gold paper after suffering another mental blow from the Moon Worshiper.

Then, a streak of bright red blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and the whole person fell to the ground and passed out!

(:;recognize '.' quasi:.if;""water!:! first" hair;;.,. steal? book; sell!;money;die?;mom"?) Ow!

The water monster next to it also let out a terrifying cry of pain at this time!

When the Lord Worshiping the Moon himself interrupted Li Xiaoyao before, he was a little slower, and the situation is the same now!

Although the magic portal was quickly closed, a huge wound was still opened on the water monster's body!

The figure twisted rapidly, and under the struggle of the water monster, those runes were broken one by one!

"No, if this continues, it will really break free!"

Seeing that his sealing technique was useless, Liu Jinyuan gritted his teeth and sealed his hands again.

It seems that some kind of determination has been made! .

Chapter 441: Luo Hang still made a move

"Four elephant seals!"

Liu Jinyuan let out a low shout, and immediately, a more powerful sealing force, centered on Liu Jinyuan's body, burst out!

Now Liu Jinyuan, the whole person is like a source.

Many chains formed by the power of the seal shot out, densely entangled towards the body of the water monster!

Then, the chain of sealing power pulled the water monster and passed it into Liu Jinyuan's body!

In terms of body shape, the original water monster was very huge, but Liu Jinyuan was very small in front of it.

But now, the body of the water monster is gradually merging into Liu Jinyuan's body.

Unfortunately, Liu Jinyuan's body doesn't seem to have changed much!

"He, is he trying to seal all the power of the water monster in his body, turning himself into the water monster's Renzhuriki!?" Looking at Liu Jinyuan's actions, Luo Hang was secretly surprised.

Unexpectedly, it's just these hours, not only pushing Bamen Dunjia to a higher level.

Liu Jinyuan's sealing technique is actually so accomplished!Aww...

I also felt that my body was being sealed bit by bit, and the water monster was also struggling violently and frantically.

However, this four-image seal is the strongest sealing technique that Liu Jinyuan has mastered.

Moreover, it has a restraint effect on water monsters.

No matter how much the water monster struggles and howls, it can barely suspend the progress of being sealed, but there is no way to completely stop this progress!

The Wine Sword Immortal has completely lost his fighting power. After the Dionysus Curse was cast, he is now in a period of weakness. He is half lying on the ground, and he can't even stand up!

As for Li Xiaoyao, it was even worse, he passed out because of mental trauma!

Therefore, now only Liu Jinyuan is left alone to deal with the water monster!

The Moon Worshiper next to him, although this matter is already at the end of his battle, it is not that he has no strength at all!

Seeing that Liu Jinyuan was able to restrain the water monster, and dragged it into his body bit by bit, the leader of Moon Worship was also secretly shocked!

Are you worthy of being Mr. Luo Hang's disciple?This ability really emerges endlessly!

Taking a deep breath again, the Moon Worshiper raised his hand, took out a pill and took it.

Then, the strength in the body quickly recovered a lot!

The Lord of Worshiping the Moon raised his hand, and when Liu Jinyuan was completely dealing with the water monster, he slapped Liu Jinyuan with his palm in the air!

"Sure enough, there is no power of the pendant in the original book to shake the heart of the Moon Worshiper!"

"It's not like Li Xiaoyao came to kill a wave of plots, entered the Tao at a critical moment, and used one move and two winds full of infinite love!"

"The power of this Moon Worshiper is simply invincible!"

Seeing that Li Xiaoyao and Jiu Jianxian had lost their ability to fight, Luo Hang sighed helplessly!

Immediately, in a flash, he stood in front of Liu Jinyuan!

Luo Hang raised his hand to block the heavy blow from the Moon Worship Master!

"Master!"? Seeing Luo Hang appearing beside him, Liu Jinyuan shouted in surprise and joy!

"You kid, cough cough cough, you are finally willing to fight!?" Seeing Luo Hang block the attack of the Moon Worshiping Master, the Jiujian Immortal next to him also spoke, with a happy expression on his face!

"Mr. Luo Hang, so, at the critical moment, are you still on the opposite side of me?"

The Master of Worshiping the Moon looked at Luo Hang with a very calm expression, and he didn't feel betrayed.

After all, the two met each other, and they had already made psychological preparations, anticipating that today's scene would happen in advance!

"I can't help it. They are all my disciples. I can't just sit back and watch them get killed without doing anything!" Luo Hang shook his head and said helplessly!

"So? Did you still choose them after all?" said the Moon Worshiper!

"To be more precise, it should be that I don't want anyone to have an accident, so if you fall into a disadvantage, when life and death are at stake, I may not necessarily save you!"

Luo Hang opened his mouth, expressing his attitude calmly!

"Is that so? If I'm about to be killed, might you also try to save me?"

Hearing this, the expression of the Lord of Worshiping the Moon moved slightly, and the originally cold mood became much calmer!

"All right!"

Shaking his head slightly, he pressed down all the thoughts in his mind, and the Lord of Worship Moon stared at Luo Hang seriously, and said: "Actually, I have always been very curious about Mr. Luo Hang's strength, so take this opportunity to Finally, I can feel it well, and it can be regarded as the fulfillment of a wish!"

"Actually, there's no need for us to go this far, right? Your purpose is actually to prove love in the world, but do you have to prove it in such an extreme way?"

Luo Hang looked at the Moon Worshiper, and after a moment of silence, he said persuasively!

Of course, Luo Hang is very aware of the situation of the Lord of Worshiping the Moon!

The first leader of Worshiping the Moon is very interested in science.

Second, because of his early experiences, his mind has been distorted.

Therefore, I think that there is no love in this world, so much so that I want to prove it, even summoning water monsters to destroy the world!

From Luo Hang's point of view, it is precisely because of this that the Moon Worshiper has true love in his heart.

If not, why would he care so much about it?

It's like, if a person loves you, he will hate you for betraying him and so on!

If a person doesn't love you, even if you put a green forgiveness hat on him, his heart will not fluctuate! "Alright, Mr. Luo Hang, let's do it!"

However, with regard to love, apart from Luo Hang being able to enter the Tao with love, the Lord of Worshiping the Moon could clearly feel its true existence.

It is impossible to change the mind of the Moon Worshiper just by talking about it.

After all, Luo Hang knew very well that he didn't have the mouth of Naruto, the protagonist of the original Naruto!

After the words fell, the hand of the Lord of the Moon Worship continued to be raised.

Following his movements, a huge amount of cultivation emerged, and between the heaven and the earth, it seemed as if a ray of light fell down, directly falling on the body of the Moon Worshiping Sect Master! "Mr. Luo Hang, you and I have already agreed that if you make a move, neither side will hold back. This is the greatest respect for the other party!" With all his last strength burst out, at the same time, the leader of the moon worship was still staring at Luo Hang, seriously!

"Alas!" Hearing this, Luo Hang sighed silently in his heart!

Well, at this time, I am facing the Moon Worshiper again, even if I want to keep my hand, I can't do it!

Luo Hang nodded, without any nonsense, raised his hand, and a shocking sword energy appeared, and fell directly towards the Moon Worshiping Sect Master.

The appearance of this sword energy seems to be able to split the sky!

The Lord of Worshiping the Moon also raised his hand and pressed towards Luo Hang!

The palm of the Lord of Worshiping the Moon seems to have become very huge at this moment, and every palm print on the palm seems to be clearly visible!

The sword energy collided with the palm print, and Luo Hang's figure was shaken back several steps!

Is it worthy of the ceiling of mortal combat power?

In terms of cultivation, the Moon Worshiping Sect Master is actually superior to him.

Such a cultivation base is really shocking!

The Lord of Worshiping the Moon glanced at the Water Demon God not far away.

At this time, half of the water monster's body was pulled into Liu Jinyuan's body!

However, the Lord of Worshiping the Moon did not intend to stop him.

It seems that for him, the battle with Luo Hang is the most important thing!

Then, the Lord of Worshiping the Moon raised his palm again, and slapped it in Luohang's direction again and again, one after another palm force, like raindrops!

And what about Luo Hang?They also waved the Xuanyuan Sword in their hands, and each sword energy had different effects!

Some are flames, some are thunder, and some are frost!

Various attack methods with endless effects, released from the Xuanyuan Sword, even the Moon Worshiper can barely resist!

In terms of cultivation, Luo Hang is indeed no match for the Moon Worshiper.

However, with the Xuanyuan Sword in hand and the increase of the magical weapon, it is enough to fill in the slight gap in cultivation!

All of a sudden, palm prints and sword energy erupted, and the battle between the two sides became more and more intense.

The shattered sword energy and palm strength splattered in all directions, causing everyone within a radius of hundreds of meters to retreat far away.

I'm afraid of being hit by these sword qi and palm strength, and thus suffer the disaster of the fish!

In this way, the two sides fought back and forth, fighting for more than a hundred moves, and Luo Hang had a clearer idea of ​​the ability of the Moon Worshiper.

And what about the Moon Worshiper?He also knows Luo Hang's ability very well!

". "I don't have much time, Luo Hang, what abilities do you have, show them all, your brother (Li Hao) has made me suffer a lot, I don't believe it, your strength That's all! "

Patriarch Moon Worshiped, his breathing was a little short, he stared at Luo Hang and said!

I don't mean to talk nonsense, but Luo Hang's eyes of reincarnation burst out with a touch of purple light.

Then, the Lord of Worshiping the Moon suddenly suffered an invisible attack, and the whole person suddenly flew upside down!

"What's the situation? Who attacked me!?" The Moon Worship Master who flew upside down, his pupils constricted slightly, secretly shocked in his heart!

However, his reaction was quick, and at the same time as he flew upside down, with a flick of his finger, a bright light shot out from an incredible angle, coming in front of Luo Hang!

However, seeing this ray of light was about to hit Luo Hang.

Suddenly, in front of Luo Hang, this attack was blocked, and then collapsed by itself!


Once again, the Lord of Worshiping the Moon was attacked again, as if being hit by a rubber ball in mid-air, his body was hit back and forth, and he couldn't even land on the ground for a long time!

Controlling himself for a few rounds of the tomb side prison, to besiege the Lord of Worshiping the Moon, Luo Hang followed the Xuanyuan Sword in his palm and raised it!

The ability to shake the fruit was fully mobilized at this moment.

Then, the powerful dynamic vision of Samsara Eye saw the opportunity, and Xuanyuan Sword waved!

With a click, the entire space seemed to be chopped into pieces by this sword. .

Chapter 442: Luo Hang enters the Tao

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