"You, what are you doing!?"

Feeling that Luo Hang let him go free, and even put away those powerful helpers beside him, Fa Hai looked at Luo Hang in astonishment again.

After meeting Luo Hang today, Fa Hai felt that he faced much more surprises than usual!

"What? I'm letting you go free, can't you see it? Or are you unwilling?"

Seeing Hai's shocked appearance, Luo Hang casually threw the bowl back to Fa Hai!

Fa Hai hastily reached out his hands and caught the bowl.

Now, he really believed that Luo Hang set himself free!

But what's going on here?

After a battle just now, he was defeated, and the opponent let him go so easily?

"I was just here to save people, and I didn't intend to kill you. The abbot of Jinshan Temple, Zen Master Fahai, you are a good person, except for your stubborn personality!"

Seeing Hai's astonished expression, Luo Hang explained, and at the same time, revealed Fa Hai's identity!

"You, you actually recognize me!? Who are you? Also, you don't look like a bad person. Why, you want to help that evildoer just now!?"

At this time, in fact, Fa Hai's attitude towards Luo Hang has changed a lot.

But it was precisely because of this that Fa Hai was even more surprised!

That's right, since Luo Hang is not a bad person and has such a cultivation level, why would he help a monster?

It's like a well-known arrester who wants to help a prisoner escape.

No matter what you think, you feel a little confused, right?

"How? Do you want to chat with me?" Seeing Hai's appearance, Luo Hang asked calmly!

"If the benefactor is willing to explain to me, I don't mind listening to it!" After a moment of silence, Fa Hai nodded and said!

"That's fine, then I'll talk to you!" Hearing this, Luo Hang nodded and said.

Immediately, he invited Fa Hai to sit on his spaceship!

(,recognize';accurate?if':. water, "first? issue!.,?'. steal'''book!? sell; money, die" mother;..) Hearing what Luo Hang said, his immortal The mansion was not far away, Fa Hai nodded without any objection, and walked over with Luo Hang!

When he saw the spaceship, Fa Hai was also taken aback. The appearance of this spaceship was completely different from all the mansions in his impression.

It doesn't even look like a mansion at all!

However, he followed Luo Hang patiently and walked in!

Similarly, when he walked into the living area, Fa Hai was a little dumbfounded when he saw the lighting, sofa, and even the glass cups!

Not only does it look different on the surface, but the inside is completely different from the mansion in my impression!

"."sit down! "Luo Hang greeted Fa Hai to sit down, and also poured him a glass of Coke!"

For people in this era, drinks such as cola are obviously new things that they have never tasted.

Naturally, it is more sincere to use these to entertain!

After taking a sip, Fahai's face showed a look of amazement.

It's sweet, but it tastes completely different from sugar water, which makes Fahai feel very surprised, and doesn't understand what it is at all!

However, what Fahai cares more about is not these drinks and the like.

What he cared more about was actually what Luo Hang said just now!

Why is he willing to help evildoers?

Also, he knew himself, but said that he was stubborn?

What do these words mean?

Therefore, Fa Hai just stared at Luo Hang seriously without saying a word, and at the same time, he was also waiting for Luo Hang to give him an answer!

However, seeing Luo Hang invite Fa Hai to enter the spaceship, at this time, the live broadcast room of Longguo was full of bullet screens!

After all, just now he had a fierce fight with Fa Hai, and even Kaido and Beast God were released.

Next, how could he invite Fa Hai to his (Li Hao) spaceship, sit and drink Coke and chat?

It can only be said that Luohang's social cow X syndrome is really admirable!

Yes, social cow syndrome.

This is the current view of the viewers in the Longguo live broadcast room, they all have the same idea!

Not to mention the audience in the live broadcast room, what kind of thoughts are they at the moment.

At this time, Luo Hang did not directly answer what Fa Hai wanted to know.

Instead, he looked at Fa Hai and asked, "According to what I know, in fact, Fa Hai, you also let go of the snake demon last night, right?"

"You, how do you know! Use?"

Hearing Luo Hang's words, Fa Hai stared at Luo Hang with wide eyes, and there was even a flash of panic in his eyes that he didn't even notice!

"No matter what happened in the world today, no matter what happened in the past or what will happen in the future, nothing can escape my eyes!" Luo Hang said, and he was still the number one physicist in the world. !

Speaking of this, he paused for a while, and then asked Fa Hai: "Then, let's continue the topic just now, last night, you met the snake demon, why didn't you kill him, instead let him go?"

"Because the snake demon sheltered the pregnant woman who gave birth again, so I let it have good intentions, so I spared its life!" Fa Hai replied truthfully.

"Really? I think it's not just because of this reason, right?" Luo Hang smiled lightly when he heard this. .

Chapter 452: Pointing Fa Hai

"Not exactly!?" Luo Hang's words made Fa Hai stunned, and looked at him strangely!

Co-author, why did I let the snake demon go, I don't understand it myself?

Luo Hang could naturally tell what Fa Hai's eyes meant.

With a slight smile, he said: "Don't believe me, let me ask you, what did you see in the rainy night?"


Hearing what Luo Hang said, Fa Hai's tone froze, and he didn't know how to answer for a moment.

At the same time, the picture of the pregnant woman giving birth appeared in her mind.

That woman in the rainy night, this is a young monk with full of vigor, a scene she has never seen before!

"Okay, now, tell me, what is the picture in your mind? Is it the pregnant woman with no clothes on, or the snake demon!?"

Fafahai's tone was stagnant, and he didn't answer his own question immediately, so Luo Hang followed suit!

This time, Fa Hai's expression became even more embarrassed.

There is a feeling of embarrassment that the dark side of my heart that cannot be known by others is known to others.

This is simply the death of society, making people want to find a crack in the ground and get in!

It's like being caught by someone secretly watching the female neighbor next door changing clothes.

This is really embarrassing.

Not to mention, Fahai has always claimed to be an eminent monk, and even the abbot of Jinshan Temple!

"So, at that time, you were willing to release that snake demon, on the one hand, it may be because it is really kind."

"However, on the other hand, the biggest reason is that you are actually facing the scene of a pregnant woman giving birth."

"At that time, the picture was too shocking to you, so you didn't know how to deal with it."

"So, subconsciously, I found an excuse for myself and escaped from that place!" Luo Hang followed suit, with a determined look on his face!

"It turns out that the situation at that time turned out to be like this!?"

Hearing Luo Hang's words, Fa Hai himself was stunned, and at the same time, he was thinking carefully.

He actually found out that Luo Hang's words didn't seem to make sense at all! ?

So what?I didn't understand what my situation was like at the time.

But, do others know better than yourself?

Looking at Luo Hang again, there was a hint of fear in Fa Hai's expression!

This kind of situation where I have no secrets and everything is within the control of the other party is really frightening and daunting!

"Okay, let's continue talking!"

Ignoring Fa Hai's gaze staring at him, Luo Hang followed up and said, "Also, do you always have images of pregnant women giving birth in your mind recently?"

"And this picture, does it consistently linger in your mind, like a tarsal maggot?"

Luo Hang's words made Fa Hai think hard to refute.

If I admit this, what face will I have in the future to face the people of the world!

However, before Fa Hai could open his mouth, Luo Hang followed suit: "Monks don't tell lies. After breaking the precepts once, they will break the precepts again and again. Until the end, it's not far to fall into the abyss of demonic ways!"

Luo Hang's words made Fa Hai's words that he wanted to deny come to his lips, and he swallowed them back again!

At the same time, my heart was dripping with cold sweat.

Standing up solemnly, he bowed to Luo Hang and said, "Thank you benefactor for reminding, otherwise, this little monk would almost fall into the abyss of the devil's path without realizing it!"

"Not bad, the master is able to face up to (bcfj) his own heart, he is worthy of being an eminent monk, and he can still be saved!"

Seeing Hai's appearance, Luo Hang nodded in satisfaction!

"Benefactor, you are both Buddhist and Taoist. In such a situation as a monk, do you have any good advice from the benefactor?"

At this time, Fahai also realized that the scene of the pregnant woman giving birth had indeed become a knot in his heart.

If it continues to develop, it may become a demon in my heart.

Fa Hai asked Luo Hang with an open-minded look on his face!

At this time, Fahai doesn't look like a well-educated eminent monk, nor is he an abbot of Jinshan Temple.

He is just like a little monk who is trapped by demons and needs to find a way out!

"Zen Master Fa Hai, do you know what is the biggest shortcoming of your life?" Luo Hang still answered the wrong question, and asked Fa Hai instead!

"I don't know!" Fa Hai shook his head frankly.

Even the fact that the picture of a pregnant woman giving birth will always appear in my mind is regarded as acquiescing, so naturally there is nothing to deny!

"That's because you have studied Buddhism for many years, and you have been bound too tightly by Buddhist precepts and Buddhism!" Luo Hang replied!

"Could this be a bad thing?" Hearing this, Fa Hai didn't quite understand it!

Logically speaking, isn't it a good thing to abide by the Buddhist precepts and deeply understand the Dharma?

"Buddhism is not in the Buddhist scriptures, and keeping the precepts is not above the precepts!" Luo Hang answered!

"That is!?"

Dimly, from Luo Hang's words, Fa Hai felt that he had realized something, but it was not very clear!

"Dharma, in my heart, the little novice who has just entered the sramana needs to be introduced to the Dharma! But after the introduction, you can no longer stick to the Buddhist scriptures, but need to comprehend it yourself!"

"The precepts are only applicable to young novice monks who have just entered the recluse, to help them put away their impetuous hearts, but how to keep their hearts in the future does not depend on these precepts!" "Like a scholar, the first time, study the words of the sages, study the Four Books and Five Classics, read and recognize characters."

"But? If you want to write beautiful articles in the future, if you want to write poems passed down through the ages, can this be learned from books? These all require your own comprehension!?" Luo Hang opened his mouth and said to Fa Hai !

"What the benefactor said is very true and very reasonable! Then, what do you think this little monk needs to do now?" Fa Hai nodded, agreeing with Luo Hang's words.

In front of Luo Hang, he felt like a little novice who had just entered the shamen!

"Now? The best way for you is not to suppress the emotion in your heart, but to let it go!" Luo Hang said!

"Let go of it?" Fa Hai looked at Luo Hang strangely. He never thought of this answer!

It's like a dam has leaked, but his advice to himself is not how to block it, but to dig it open?

Are you sure you are right?

"If you haven't experienced it, how can you talk about detachment? If you haven't picked it up, how can you talk about letting it go?"

"Like you, no matter how proficient in Buddhism, it's just a theory on paper, and it's impossible to become a Buddha in a lifetime!" Luo Hang continued! "If you haven't experienced it, how can you talk about detachment? If you haven't picked it up? How can you let it go!?" What Luo Hang said made Fa Hai chew on the words in a low voice.

I just feel that these words are really infinite Zen!

"I didn't practice good fruits in my life, and I always loved killing people and setting fires. Suddenly, I opened the golden shackles, and the jade locks were torn off here. Hey, there is a wave of letters on the Qiantang River, and today I know who I am!" , let alone how many scriptures to read, and how long to keep the rules and precepts." "It depends on you, when you can be detached, and when you can achieve enlightenment!" ?"

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