"It's like making money. It's never about who works harder. Otherwise, wouldn't those diligent farmers be the wealthiest people in the world?" Luo Hang continued!

"Amitabha, benefactor, I thank the benefactor for your guidance, I understand!"

In this way, after being silent for a long time, Fa Hai clasped his palms together, bowed to Luo Hang and said!

"Well, I hope that Master's Dharma will be improved to a higher level, and he will be able to go straight to Lingshan in the future!" Luo Hang nodded and said, seeing the appearance of the sea. "As for why I saved that Zen Master Baiyun..."

What should be said to Fa Hai was almost finished, Luo Hang followed the conversation and brought the topic to the spider spirit. "Actually, there are two reasons why I rescued him!"

"One thing, Zen master came to my place last night to avoid the rain. I discussed Buddhism with him and learned that he has a deep understanding of Buddhism."

"It's enough to see that he is dedicated to Buddha, not a monster who does many evils!"

"Secondly, on the surface, it seems that I am helping him, but in fact, I am helping you!"

"help me?"

Hearing this, Fa Hai didn't quite understand what Luo Hang meant by helping himself!

"If you find out later that you have collected the demons by mistake, this cause and effect will make you more trapped by the demons in your heart!" Luo Hang continued!

What Luo Hang said was true!

Originally, Fa Hai suppressed the spider spirit under the pavilion.

However, after realizing that he had collected it wrongly and that he was also trapped by demons, Fa Hai also released the spider essence himself under the pavilion!

Therefore, Luo Hang rescued the spider spirit, but in fact, he did help Fa Hai indirectly!

"So that's the case, thank you benefactor!" Hearing this, Fa Hai suddenly realized!

After chatting for a while, Luo Hang's advice had already deeply impressed Fa Hai.

For Luo Hang's words, Fa Hai clasped his palms together, thanked him earnestly, and immediately turned and left.

Now that he knew what he should do next, Fa Hai decided to do it.

"Master, you have to remember that if you don't break or stand, the most important thing to cultivate Buddha is to cultivate your mind. As long as you have a Buddha in your heart, even if you are in hell, you are still a Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva!"

Faguan Hai turned and left, looking very energetic, Luo Hang finally said a word of warning!

Fa Hai, who walked out of the spaceship, paused slightly.

Then he turned around, bowed to the side of the spaceship, and strode away!

"Okay, for Fa Hai, I have formed a good relationship, right? I don't know, what kind of good results will there be in the future?"

Thinking of Fa Hai leaving, Luo Hang smiled slightly in his heart!

In terms of cultivation, Fa Hai is indeed higher than himself, and his Dharma is indeed very profound.

However, in terms of state of mind, Luo Hang, who has already entered the Tao, has a higher state of mind than Fa Hai!

Therefore, when Fa Hai's current state of mind encounters a situation.

It's really not difficult for Luo Hang to give him some pointers in this regard! .

Chapter 453: Monster, I want you to help me practice

"I've never discovered that Brother Hang talks about the Dharma, and he's actually one-on-one!"

"I've never seen Brother Hang delve into the Dharma. How did he master the Dharma?"

"Hehehe, Buddhism? Have you ever seen Brother Hang study physiognomy?"

"Uh, upstairs, brilliant!"

"Even such a top-notch physiognomy, I haven't seen Brother Hang have delved into it. Brother Hang knows a little bit of Buddhism. Is there any surprise? Nothing surprising, right?"

"A little bit? That's a hundred million dots, right!?"

"My brother, Niu B, is done!"

"Where's YYDS? Why hasn't anyone said that my brother Hang is YYDS recently!?"

"A Zen Master Baiyun, when discussing Buddhism, my brother Hang became the guide. Now, a master Fahai, who is even more awesome, finally became my brother Hang to guide. Excuse me, what is the card face? This is the card face ~!"

"To be honest, even if I don't understand Buddhism at all, listening to Brother Hang's words, I think it's amazing!"

"What? The people upstairs can actually understand Brother Hang's words?"

"I don't understand, but I just think it's amazing!"

"I don't know why?"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, everyone has seen with their own eyes how powerful Fa Hai is.

Seeing that Luo Hang defeated Fa Hai, and even invited him to sit in the spaceship, everyone was feeling sorry for Luo Hang's social bullshit!

However, at the end, Luo Hang was able to point out Fa Hai's practice of heart shock and Buddhism, and everyone in the audience was dumbfounded!

I've never seen that Luo Hang has studied Buddhism so well because of it!

Not to mention how Luo Hang's live broadcast room is discussing at this time.

On the other hand, after Fa Hai left Luohang's spaceship, he had a clear direction for his future practice!

That's right, Luo Hang's words are indeed correct, Buddhism requires one's own research and one's own understanding.

Otherwise, if you turn over the Buddhist scriptures, that would be someone else's perception.

It can only be used for reference, not as your own!

Moreover, if you haven't picked it up, how can you put it down?

Therefore, the knot in your heart should not be simply suppressed.

The inner demon is like this, the more you fear it, the more you suppress it, the stronger it will rebound.

What I have to do is to really let go of it!

So, how to let go?

The first step, of course, is to pick it up!

"Amitabha, I thought that my cultivation had reached the peak. I have been fasting for many years, and I am not far from attaining Bodhi. Now I realize that it is still far away!"

In Fa Hai's heart, after pronouncing the Buddha's name, at the same time, he also secretly sighed in his heart.

It's also fortunate that I met a noble person this time, and gave me some good guidance, so that I could see the sun through the clouds.

Otherwise, I really don't know when I can truly attain Bodhi!

"Huh? There is a demon!?"

Just when Fa Hai was thinking about his next walking route in his heart, suddenly, his thoughts moved slightly, and he felt the existence of the demon.

Immediately, Fa Hai jumped up and ran towards the sensed direction!

This is by a pool.

However, when Fahai came to the pool, he took a look, as if he had seen a ghost.

His face changed in horror, and he stepped back a few steps.

Even, stepping on a small stone under the foot, the foot slipped!

Although with Fa Hai's cultivation base, he wouldn't fall down.

However, the sound of slipping came out!

"Who? Who's peeking there? Come out!?"

In the pool, a banshee full of charm shouted towards Fa Hai!

It turned out that Fa Hai saw the banshee taking a bath in the pool just now, years of clear rules made him retreat reflexively!

However, hearing the banshee's cry in the water pool, Fa Hai thought for a while, why should he be afraid?

If he avoided it again today, then he would really not be able to survive this catastrophe!

With a slight movement in his mind, Fa Hai gritted his teeth and walked out of the darkness again.

Looking directly at the banshee in the pool, he said: "A bold monster, you dare to act presumptuously in the world in broad daylight, aren't you afraid that I will take you in?"

Seeing Fahai, the banshee didn't show much fear, instead she sank slowly into the water.

When she poked her head out again, she was already beside Fa Hai: "Monk, it's you!"

"You know me?" Fa Hai frowned!

"I know you. When we were in the woods, my sister and I were protecting a pregnant woman from the rain. You let me and my sister go. You forgot it so quickly?" the banshee asked with a smile!

"So it's you, you're one of the snake demons!?" Hearing this, Fa Hai was stunned.

"What? Monk? You didn't subdue me at the time, but today I saw you, do you want to subdue me?" The banshee leaned out half of her body from the pool!

Seeing the banshee's body protruding from the bottom of the water, Fa Hai instinctively wanted to turn his head away, not daring to look!

However, he gritted his teeth and forced his head to turn away!

"What? Monk? Are you afraid of me? Look at you, you're sweating profusely!"

Seeing the appearance of the sea, the banshee was even less afraid of him, and even walked to the shore.

"Bold!?" Fa Hai shouted loudly!

This burst of shouting was so powerful that it startled the banshee, and retreated a lot reflexively!

However, after Fa Haibao gave a loud drink and stopped talking, the banshee was bold and leaned forward again: "What's the matter? Could it be that you don't like me like this?"

"Monster, just right, I want you to help me practice!"

After thinking about it, isn't this the best opportunity?Fahai looked at the banshee and said.

Immediately, one person and one monster jumped directly into the pool!

Let's not talk about the situation on Fahai's side.

On the other side, as the sky brightened, Luo Hang put away his spaceship, and immediately left the deep mountains and old forests, heading for the nearest town!

Arriving at the nearest town, Luo Hang found a place to live first, while secretly muttering in his heart.

Thinking about what to do next?

The most important thing is, in this world, is there anything worth seeking for yourself?

Thinking about it carefully, in this original work, it seems that there are no exercises, supernatural powers, panacea, powerful magic weapons, etc., which are worth planning by yourself, right? . …ask for flowers.

So, this time I am in the world of the green snake, can I go back empty-handed?

However, speaking of it, Luo Hang discovered that in this world, the existence of demons is much more insane than in the world of Legend of Sword and Fairy!

If you really let go of your divine sense to perceive, there are several monsters in this city!

No wonder in the original book, Fa Hai could meet the demon almost without taking a few steps!

In the world of Legend of Sword and Fairy, although there are demons, they are not so rampant!

Looking at it again, in this city, human beings themselves, cursing, beating, cheating, etc. emerge in endlessly.

There were no so-called security issues in the city, which made Luo Hang shake his head!

The background of this world is somewhat similar to that of A Chinese Ghost Story. The human world is so chaotic, so naturally, evildoers will start to run rampant!


However, just when Luo Hang let go of his divine thoughts to feel how many monsters there are in this city, suddenly, Luo Hang's thoughts moved slightly.

He clearly felt that there was an aura of grandeur that was completely different from others.

This awe-inspiring aura, in this chaotic human world, seems to stand out from the crowd!

With a slight thought in his mind, Luo Hang walked out of the house, and then sat at the table next to the restaurant, looking in the direction of awe-inspiring spirit.

I happened to see a young man walking down the street with some books in his arms!

Seeing this, Luo Hang smiled slightly in his heart, then, he took out an ingot of gold and threw it towards the man's feet!

The gold fell to the ground and just rolled to the man's feet!

Seeing that such an ingot of gold rolled to his feet, the man immediately bent down to pick it up, and then looked towards Luo Hang.

Coincidentally, those who saw Luo Hang also stared at him!

Immediately, the man walked into the restaurant, went up to the second floor, and came to Luo Hang: "Master, did you drop this ingot of gold?"

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