"I think you are pleasing to the eye, so I gave it to you!" Luo Hang said.

"Young master, I can't accept it. The so-called no reward for no merit, how can I give you gold for no reason!?"

Hearing this, the man directly put the gold in front of Luo Hang, and at the same time seriously shook his head and said!

"Okay, meeting is fate, let me buy you a drink and chat for a while?" Seeing that the man refused to ask for his gold, Luo Hang didn't force it, so he followed suit!

Just at this time, the waiter from the shop came over and arranged the wine and dishes!

"Well, thank you sir for your hospitality!"

Hearing this, the man nodded, saluted Luo Hang, and sat down in front of Luo Hang!

Looking at the man in front of him, Luo Hang was really curious!

Exuding such awe-inspiring spirit?

It seems that this man should be a scholar, after all, only a scholar can have such awe-inspiring spirit!

"I'm going down to Luohang, I don't know what your name is, brother?" After all the food and drinks were served, Luohang asked!

"Xiaosheng's surname is Xu Mingxian, written in Chinese!" the man replied!

"Uh, Xu Xian!?" Hearing this man's words, Luo Hang was startled for a moment, and then suddenly realized!

No wonder there is such awe-inspiring spirit, it turned out that it was Xu Xian!corpse.

Chapter 454 : An Unsolved Mystery, Why Does Brother Hang Admire Xu Xian?

"What? Brother, do you know me?" Seeing Luo Hang's expression, Xu Xian asked in surprise!

"It's more than acquaintance!"

Hearing this, Luo Hang poured Xu Xian a glass of wine himself, and said, "I toast you!"

"Ah? Thank you, brother!"

Seeing Luo Hang's excited appearance, Xu Xian was startled, with a confused expression on his face, but he still picked up the wine glass, poured Luo Hang's full amount of wine, and drank it down in one gulp!

Then, Xu Xian couldn't help the surprise in his heart, and looked at Luo Hang: "Brother, you, why do you want to toast me?"

"Because, you are one of the three people I admire the most!" Luo Hang said seriously!

"Admiration? Me!?" These words made Xu Xian even more confused.

For no reason, why should you admire yourself! ?

I am just a poor teacher, what is there to be admired by the other party! ?

"The reason is not important, you may know in the future!" Regarding the reason why he admired Xu Xian, Luo Hang did not say.

"Then, who are the other two people who deserve my admiration?" After that, Xu Xian looked at Luo Hang in surprise and asked.

"The other two? One is called Dong Yong, and the other is called Ning Caichen!" Luo Hang replied, "Two five three"!

Remember in your previous life, didn’t you have a very popular saying?

I have admired three men in my life, Dong Yong, Xu Xian and Ning Caichen, one who dares to sleep a fairy, one who plays with snakes, and the last one is even more ruthless, even ghosts will not be spared!

Now, I have met Xu Xian, one of them!

"Yeah? Brother Hang deliberately threw a bunch of gold boxes?"

"This person who looks like a book reader actually picked up gold and sent it to Brother Hang?"

"Brother Hang, did you take the initiative to contact the other party!?"

"Hold the grass? Is this the real super boss?"

"After all, Zen Master Baiyun, Fahai, Brother Hang didn't take the initiative to contact them that much!"

"Strange, this person really looks like an ordinary sour scholar, is he really a hidden boss?"

"You don't have to trust anyone, but you absolutely can't trust Brother Hang!"

"Yes, yes, when did my brother Hang make a mistake?"

"But of all the people my Brother Hang values ​​more, which one doesn't have a limitless future? For example, Duan Yu, Duanlang, Li Xiaoyao, Zhang Xiaofan, etc..."

"Holding the grass, Brother Hang actually poured wine for the other party on his own initiative, and even toasted the other party? This, this treatment, is the first time I have seen Brother Hang put on such a low profile!"

"It's true, this Xu Xian must be a super boss, if he makes a mistake, I will live broadcast and eat Xiangxiang, three catties!"

"Listen, listen, what did Brother Hang say? Xu Xian is one of the three people he admires the most!"

"Attention, besides Xu Xian, there is another one named Dong Yong and one named Ning Caichen. Circle them and take the exam!"

"Did Daoxuan impress Brother Hang? Did the Sword Master impress Brother Hang? Did the Beast God impress Brother Hang? None, but Xu Xian did!"

"Hold the grass, it appears. Brother Hang has traveled to different worlds eight times, and there is a person he admires the most!"

"By the way, what is it about Xu Xian that he admires!"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, following the dialogue between Luo Hang and Xu Xian, the Longguo live broadcast room exploded!

After all, looking at history, every time Luo Hang got in touch with people, they were either very good now or very good in the future!

Therefore, everyone is very curious about this Xu Xian!

Now, hearing Luo Hang say that he admired Xu Xian the most, the entire audience in the live broadcast room exploded!

This seems to be the first time that Luo Hang has spoken so highly of a person!

Then, why did Luo Hang admire Xu Xian?

The entire Longguo live broadcast room, and even many crooked nuts were discussing why Xu Xian deserves Luo Hang's admiration.

This incident has also caused a lot of discussion in the real world!

In terms of strength, which of Beast God, Juggernaut, White Beard, and even Fahai is not powerful?

Ke Luohang doesn't have such a high evaluation!

From the perspective of talent, geniuses like Li Xiaoyao and Liu Jinyuan are the ceiling of talent, right?

However, it still failed to get such a high evaluation from Luo Hang!

Even in terms of character, Liu Jinyuan, Little Spider, Captain America, who can pick up Xuanyuan Sword or Thor's Hammer, which one is not self-sacrificing and full of great dedication?

But in the same way, Luo Hang still didn't give them such a high evaluation!

Then, why did this Xu Xian get such a high evaluation?

For a while, this discussion became more and more intense!

After all, there are too many points of discussion on this matter, and it is easy to arouse the curiosity of others!

Let's not talk about how the real world will react.

At this time, in the restaurant, the chat between Luo Hang and Xu Xian was still going on.

After chatting with Xu Xian, Luo Hang also had a general understanding of his current situation!

Xu Xian is now a scholar, and even a teacher!

Today's world is in chaos, and monsters are rampant. I remember that at the beginning of the original book, Fahai looked at all living beings, and they were all hideous and terrifying like evil spirits.

In such a world, how could Xu Xian still read with such awe-inspiring spirit?

It really gives people a feeling of being out of mud but not stained!

"Brother, what about you!?"

He didn't have any defensiveness, after explaining his situation, Xu Xian asked Luo Hang again: "Brother, look at your appearance, you are so rich, what do you do?"

"Me? I'm a cultivator!" Luo Hang replied!

"A cultivator? I didn't notice that!" After carefully looking at Luo Hang's attire, he didn't look like a Taoist, Xu Xian shook his head and said!

"In addition to the means of subduing demons, I also know physiognomy, and can calculate the past and the future!" Regardless of Xu Xian's belief or not, Luo Hang said with a slight smile!

"Looking at your face, I think you'll be lucky in the near future!" Luo Hang continued!

"My lord, I'm just joking. I'm just a poor teacher. How can anyone think highly of me?"

"Besides, in my life, reading is enough, and beauty is not what I want!" Hearing this, Xu Xian shook his head and said!

"Indeed, no one can think highly of you!" Hearing Xu Xian's words, Luo Hang said with a smile!

Xu Xian: Luo Hang's words made Xu Xian's mouth twitch...

I laughed at myself that I was fine, but you also said that, isn't it a bit inappropriate! ?

What's more, you said just now that I was going to be lucky, but in the blink of an eye, you said that no one can look up to me?

Isn't this slapping yourself in the face?

However, what Xu Xian didn't know was that in Luo Hang's heart, there was actually the second half of the sentence that he didn't say.

That is, no one can take a fancy to you, but it doesn't mean that no snake will take a fancy to you!

"Okay, it's getting late, I have to go back to meditate and practice, see you by fate!"

All that needs to be said has been said, and all that needs to be understood has been understood. For Luo Hang, such a contact with Xu Xian was just out of interest.

Immediately, Luo Hang stood up and went back to his room to rest!

"What a strange person!" Looking at Luo Hang's figure turning away, Xu Xian was silent for a long time, then shook his head secretly!

Without saying anything more, Xu Xian turned and left the restaurant!

There are so many wonders in the world, presumably, for Xu Xian, this is just a small episode, and he may forget it in a few days!

Back in his room, Luo Hang sat down cross-legged and continued to practice his heavenly book!

When there are some important resources worth harvesting, Luo Hang is naturally willing to harvest them.

However, if there are no resources worth harvesting by yourself, it is also very important for Luo Hang to work hard to improve his own strength!

Sink your mind and comprehend the nature of the heavens and the earth, at the same time, the exercises of the Heavenly Book started to work.

The vitality in the void continuously poured into Luohang's Zifu Lingtai.

This made Luo Hang's primordial spirit more condensed, and his cultivation level improved bit by bit!

In this way, half a month has passed for one to settle down!

The audience in the live broadcast room, these half a month has been bored, sitting cross-legged for half a month?

The current Luo Hang has been cultivating for a longer time!

"Huh!?" However, on this day, when Luo Hang was still cross-legged on 5.9, suddenly, he clearly felt a slight vibration of his storage belt!

Opening his eyes, Luo Hang stopped his practice, probed in with his mind, and quickly found the source of the vibration just now.

Taking the thing out, it was a spine that was as crystal clear as jade, and surrounded by an incomparably rich power of luck!

Of course Luo Hang recognized it, this was the dragon vein he got from Lingyun Grotto in Fengyun's world back then!

Since I got this dragon vein, I haven't had much use for it for many years, and I almost forgot about it.

Unexpectedly, it vibrated by itself at this time?

Does this also have to jump out to brush up a wave of presence?

Luo Hang was curious in his heart, and at the same time, the power of the primordial spirit was injected into this dragon vein, to feel what was going on with its vibration!

Then, Luo Hang clearly felt why the dragon veins vibrated!

And this also caused a surprised look on Luo Hang's face!

So, is this the correct way to open the dragon vein?

For so many years, he actually covered such a treasure with dust? .

Chapter 455: The correct way to open the dragon vein

The dragon's veins are where the luck of the divine land in Fengyun World lies.

In short, apart from being able to suppress inner demons as in the original book, the most important thing about this dragon vein is that it contains luck.

Although it is said that dragon veins cannot directly increase combat power, what is luck?

That is the time of practice, if there is divine help!

That is to turn bad luck into good fortune, that is to turn disaster into good luck, that is to make all wishes come true, and so on...

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