"Aren't you so good at calculating? Then you have the ability to figure out where my sister is now. Why do you still ask me!?"

Relatively speaking, Xiaoqing's temperament is a bit eccentric, so she opened her mouth and said to Luo Hang!

"Oh? That's it!" Seeing Xiaoqing's reluctance to say anything, Luo Hang nodded.

Immediately, he pretended to concentrate and calculated, and said: "Okay, I understand!"

"Really? Understand what? Where is my sister?" Xiaoqing followed up and asked, looking as if she wanted to break the casserole and ask the bottom line!

"It doesn't matter where she is now, what matters most is where she will be in the future!" Luo Hang replied!

"So, where will my sister be in the future?" Xiaoqing asked.

With that appearance, I don't know if I am really curious about Luo Hang's calculation ability, or doubt Luo Hang's calculation ability, so I want to ask clearly!

"The future? Your sister will have a peach blossom catastrophe and fall in love with a man!" Luo Hang said!

"You're talking nonsense, it's impossible, how could my sister fall in love with a human being!" Hearing what Luo Hang said, Xiaoqing shook her head in disbelief!

Like between me and Fahai, it's just a fish and water relationship, the so-called love is actually not much.

Xiaoqing can still believe this!

But, love?

Will there be a relationship between my sister and humans?

Xiaoqing didn't believe it!

Even I, who has practiced for 500 years, can control it. Will my sister, who has practiced for 1000 years, not be able to control it?

"Are transvestites in love?" Hearing this, Fa Hai frowned!

Regarding this point, Fa Hai naturally disapproves of it!

Gods, men, ghosts and demons, the four realms are hierarchically ordered.

I was with Xiaoqing just to let her help me practice.

When my practice is completed, I will leave, that's all!

However, the snake demon actually fell in love with a human?

Fa Hai cannot tolerate this!

Besides, do other people have the concentration like me?

Luo Hang didn't answer Xiaoqing's words and Fa Hai's words!

How the final situation develops, the facts will prove what I said, so there is no need to argue with them now!

Seeing that Luo Hang stopped talking, in fact, Xiao Qing felt a little uneasy.

Is it evil?Although I think it is impossible for my sister to sink, but what if he really falls in love with a human?This is indeed a bad fate, right?

"Luo Hang, you said that you want to save the common people in the land of China from suffering, I don't know, do you have any ideas"||? "Fa Hai spoke at this time, and asked Luo Hang!" My idea is to set up an organization to subdue demons, and at the same time, publicize some methods to deal with demons and ghosts, so as to eliminate evil demons in the world! "Luo Hang opened his mouth and expressed his thoughts!

"This idea is good, but if we want to implement it, with our manpower, we can only subdue demons in a small area, right?" "If we want to cover the entire land of China, with our manpower, it is too far away !” Hearing this, Fa Hai shook his head and said!

"So, our manpower is essentially a means of management and backup force. The main thing is to rely on others!" Luo Hang nodded and said!

"What do you mean?" Fa Hai listened carefully!

"First of all, the monsters that cause chaos in the world, in fact, more of them are low-level monsters."

"Once they become weather monsters, they can be roughly divided into two categories. One is those who know the power of the human world and will not disturb the world at will. Such monsters are not the targets of our eradication." "In addition, there are only a few individual ones. It’s the big monster that is causing trouble in the world, this kind of monster is rare, and it’s the one who needs you and me to deal with it personally!”

"And what about those monsters with low cultivation? In fact, we only need to establish an organization, and then collect the information of those monsters who make trouble, evaluate their levels, and issue corresponding reward tasks!" Luo Hang said, expressing his thoughts , told Fahai and the others in detail!

For example, in a small village, an evil monster appeared.

Then, people from the small village can entrust the task of subduing demons, and then release this task.

Whether it is a monk in his own hall, or even other monks in the world.

As long as this task is completed and the acceptance is completed, you can get the corresponding reward!

In this way, ordinary people have a way to seek help when facing demons and ghosts.

Secondly, many monks who travel around the world also have an extra means of earning money to eat, right?

After all, a penny is hard for a hero, and many monks who have traveled the world may live in poverty!

"Well, Luo Hang, you have a good idea!" Hearing this, Fa Hai nodded, agreeing with this idea.

"Miss Xiaoqing, what do you think?" After Fa Hai nodded, Luo Hang turned his head again, looked at Xiaoqing and asked! "Ah? This is your business, does it have anything to do with me!?"

Listening to Luo Hang and Fa Hai chatting here about how to build an organization to deal with evil monsters, Xiaoqing was still secretly feeling emotional in her heart.

The life of a monster in the future should become more and more difficult.

Suddenly hearing Luo Hang asking her opinion, Xiaoqing was a little stunned.

"You and your sister, if you have nothing to do, you can also become the management of our organization! That's how I decided!" Luo Hang said to Xiaoqing!

"Me? We are monsters!" Xiaoqing looked at Luo Hang even more strangely!

Yes, you are a monster, you actually let yourself and your sister join in? "It's because you are demons that I let you join!"

"For one thing, our goal is not to deal with all demons, but evil demons, and you and Bai Suzhen are not evil demons." "So, if you join, you can help us establish such a concept! "

"Secondly, in this way, there is no need to cause a large number of demons to panic, and it will not completely pit demons and humans against each other!" "So, it is very necessary for us, you kind demons, to join us." !"

"You don't want those so-called cultivation bases to kill even kind-hearted monsters in order to earn commissions in the future!?" "So, you can also be regarded as protecting your own clan!" Luo Hang said!

Needless to say, Luo Hang's eloquence is really good!

According to what he said, if he joins, does that count as protecting his fellow clan?

If this is the case, then Xiaoqing is willing to join!

So, after pondering for a while, Xiaoqing nodded seriously, and said, "You are right! If that's the case, then I'll join you!" "Very well, welcome!" Hearing this, Luo Hang nodded Nodding and laughing!

"Then, what should our organization be called? Or should we call it Jiangyaotang?" Fahai spoke at this time and gave his own suggestion!

"Not good!" Xiaoqing was the first to speak, expressing her objection!

"Then, why not call it the Demon Elimination Hall?" Following that, Fa Hai asked again!

"Actually, this is not good either!" Hearing this, Luo Hang shook his head and said!

"Our purpose is not to subdue demons, nor is it to eliminate demons. Therefore, I think our institution can be called a hall of eliminating evil to protect the safety and peace of one party."

(Li Hao)

"In this way, we are not targeting demons, we are just targeting evil, and the purpose is also to protect peace!"

However, hearing the long string of names in Luo Hang's mouth, both Fa Hai and Xiao Qing had very ugly faces!

So, such a tongue-twisting name, is it interesting?

"Then keep it simple, get rid of the evil hall, that's it!" Fa Hai finally made a final decision!

"I agree!" Xiaoqing also nodded and called Fa Hai!

"This, well, the minority obeys the majority, since you have already decided, then follow your will!"

He opened his mouth, what else could Luo Hang say?In the end, he had to shake his head helplessly and said!

"That's alright, we already have a general idea about the construction of the Hall of Elimination of Evil. Next, it's time for us to make a plan for the structure."

"How should this Hall of Elimination of Evil be structured, and how should fame be built!"

After the words fell, Luo Hang followed up.

Immediately, he roughly told Fa Hai and Xiao Qing about some of his thoughts!

Hearing this, both Fa Hai and Xiao Qing looked at Luo Hang in amazement, thinking that he is really a marketing genius.

Regarding how to get the reputation of Chu E Hall, I didn't expect him to have so many ideas! .

Chapter 457: Appearing in front of people

"Yeah? Brother Hang took out the dragon vein? Why did he take this out?"

"Looking at Brother Hang's expression, it seems that there is something wrong with this dragon vein!"

"Brother Hang, where are you going?"

"Here we are, Jinshan Temple? Isn't this Fahai's temple? Sure enough, Brother Hang is here to find Fahai!"

"Dragon veins are a product of divine luck, so, Brother Hang, did you ask Fa Hai for anything related to divine luck?"

"Ding, trigger the side quest!"

"Upstairs, your words are quite vivid. This is the reaction of the dragon veins, which led to Brother Hang's actions? I don't know what is the meaning of Brother Hang's actions?"

"I found Fa Hai, hold the grass, he, he has really sunk? This banshee is so seductive!"

"However, does Brother Hang know someone else's sister? Bai Suzhen? You just mentioned all the names, it seems that you are right!"

"When did my brother Hang get the script in advance? It's okay, Ji Cao, Wu Liu, please sit down!"

"This Xiaoqing, hehehe, do you dare to believe our Brother Hang? Wait for the slap in the face!"

"However, what Brother Hang said, is it necessary to form an organization to eliminate the demons and ghosts who make trouble?"

"Wait a minute, why does this entrustment mechanism look so familiar?"

"Nonsense, in the previous ninja world, wasn't Konoha Village treated like this?"

"It's just that because I don't have enough manpower, and the task to be accepted is for the entire land of China, so, besides taking it by myself, I can also outsource it!"

"This is another model that covers some mercenary unions!"

"Don't say it, I'm looking forward to it too. Give Brother Hang a year, can he clear the world?"

"What I'm looking forward to more is, Brother Hang put so much thought into this side mission 253, what kind of mission reward can he get!?"

The audience in the Longguo live broadcast room felt that something was wrong when Luo Hang took out the dragon veins.

Now, Luo Hang and Fa Hai are discussing how to set up an organization to deal with the troublesome demons and ghosts.

These audiences all understood Luo Hang's purpose!

Everyone was also curious, wanting to see what Luo Hang's ultimate goal was!

"However, Mr. Luo Hang, if you really want to set up this evil hall, you need to consider two more points!"

Although Luo Hang's idea is good, but as the abbot of Jinshan Temple, he still has some perspectives on the overall situation. Fa Hai feels that he still has some important things that need to be added!

"Please tell me!" Luo Hang nodded, but he didn't think that his idea would be successful.

Since Fahai can tell himself some points that need attention in advance, it is of course a good thing!

"One is the issue of funding."

"Although these tasks are entrusted, the entrusting party mainly pays for them, but for the operation of the whole organization, we need a lot of funds in the early stage!"

"Secondly, that is the court's consideration!"

"Although we are doing good deeds, this matter concerns the whole world after all, and the imperial court cannot sit back and watch us do it smoothly!"

Fahai opened his mouth and put forward his own idea!

These words made Luo Hang nod silently!

Indeed, in the last world, the relationship between Moon Worship Sect and Nanzhao Kingdom is a lesson learned from the past!

It is impossible for the imperial court to sit back and watch such an institution grow so big that it will even win the hearts of the people in the future!

"So, next time, let me handle this matter!" Hearing this, Luo Hang thought for a while, and then said!

"You? Is there anything you can do?" Seeing Luo Hang's confident appearance, Fa Hai asked curiously!

"Then, as long as we can get the support of the imperial court, everything will be solved!" Hearing this, a smile appeared on Luo Hang's face.

"Okay, let's see Mr. Luo Hang's methods!"

Although he didn't understand exactly what Luo Hang was going to do, seeing how confident he was, Fa Hai didn't say much and nodded!

Afterwards, Luo Hang asked Fa Hai to start the preparatory work first, and took out the spaceship himself!

Seeing Luo Hang drop the small spaceship on the ground, and it immediately grew bigger, Fa Hai felt secretly shocked in his heart!

He naturally knew this spaceship, and he even went in and sat in it himself!

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