It's just that I didn't expect that this huge iron bird-like fairy mansion could become as big as a palm?

This is the real fairy house cave! ?

However, ignoring Fa Hai's shock, after throwing the spaceship out, Luo Hang went straight up!

After entering the spaceship, Luo Hang took out his fire source.

The power driving the source of fire fell on the spaceship!

Driven by the power of the fire source, naturally, the spaceship turned into a Transformers robot!

"Okay, let's fly directly to the direction of the imperial court!" Luo Hang said, giving orders!

"Yes, master!" The voice of the spaceship sounded after getting the direction Luo Hang was pointing at.

Immediately, the spaceship soared into the sky and flew towards the direction of the imperial court!

"It's flying, this huge iron bird is actually flying!"

The monks of Jinshan Temple watched the spaceship soar into the sky, and countless people exclaimed!

"Sure enough, this Immortal Mansion looks like a big bird. It can really fly!" Although Fa Hai was secretly shocked, he felt that it was so!

Not to mention others, how shocked they are.

At this time, Luo Hang flew in the direction of the imperial palace in the spaceship!

When Luo Hang came to the sky above the palace, an invisible force suddenly appeared, blocking the way of the spaceship!

"Master, I, I can't get through, there is a very mysterious force blocking me!" The voice of the spaceship rang!

"It seems that the royal family is protected by luck?" Hearing this, Luo Hang murmured inwardly!

(bcfj) In the legend of Fengshen, King Zhou wrote a poem in Nuwa Temple, and Nuwa was so angry that she wanted to go to Chaoge to settle accounts with King Zhou!

However, he was stopped by a force in mid-air!

Even Empress Nuwa will be stopped by the power of luck, I am not surprised!

Although, this power is incomparable to the power to stop Empress Nuwa!

However, as a country's right is the most central, even now the world is about to collapse.

However, it is reasonable to be protected by the power of luck, right?

Thinking of this, Luo Hang's thoughts moved slightly, and immediately, he took out his own dragon veins!

Then, the power of luck from the dragon veins acted on the spaceship!

This palace is protected by the power of luck?

However, the dragon veins contain divine luck!

Sure enough, after being protected by the power of luck contained in the dragon veins, the spaceship felt the mysterious power blocking itself, so it couldn't stop itself.

It's the same power.

Then, the spaceship flew directly over the palace, circling directly over the palace!

The huge spaceship is circling here, and there is naturally a lot of commotion in the palace below.

Even in the main hall, the emperor in royal robes led all the civil and military officials out of the main hall!

Seeing the huge celestial bird hovering in the sky, everyone including the emperor was amazed!

A situation like this is truly an anecdote, never heard of before!

Then, Luo Hang's figure directly descended from the spaceship slowly!

Seeing the figures descending from mid-air, one by one was even more shocked in their hearts.

This is a fairy?Or the top monk in the world?

"Dare to ask the Immortal Elder, what's your name!?" When Luo Hang really landed, the emperor took two steps forward and asked!

"My name is Luo Hang. The purpose of coming here is very simple. Now the government and the public are in chaos, the people are in dire straits, and demons are making trouble."

"So, I'm here to help Your Majesty, to shake up the turbidity!" Luo Hang opened his mouth and said to the emperor!

"Oh? Is it to help me? I don't know how to help me?" Hearing this, the emperor's eyes lit up slightly!

"First, help Your Majesty eliminate the demons and ghosts that are causing chaos in the world!"

"Secondly, help His Majesty improve people's livelihood!"

"In this way, it not only protects the safety of the common people in the world, but also allows them to live and work in peace and contentment!"

"In this way, it is truly helping His Majesty, helping the common people in this world!" Luo Hang said!

"Okay!" Hearing this, the emperor nodded, and gave an exact answer to Luo Hang's words!

On the one hand, it protects the people of the world from the intrusion of demons and ghosts, and on the other hand, it helps the people of the world to improve their livelihood. This is indeed a good thing!


"What the Immortal Elder said is indeed good, but how should I do it? Please tell the Immortal Elder clearly!" The emperor asked Luo Hang!

"The specific steps, it's a long story, would your majesty follow me to the Immortal Mansion to discuss in detail!?"

Thinking of Zen Master Baiyun and Fa Hai seeing the shock inside the spaceship.

Luo Hang felt that inviting the emperor in for a detailed discussion would be of great help!

"Your Majesty, no!" Hearing Luo Hang's words, the civil and military officials next to him shouted one by one.

Luo Hang's origin, after all, is too mysterious. If the emperor was allowed to enter the strange iron bird alone, what if he had malicious intentions?

The consequences could be disastrous!

However, upon hearing this, Luo Hang glanced at all the people present.

Immediately, the mind moved slightly, and the ability of Jian 23 was activated!

The invisible sword domain centered on Luo Hang's body and spread out in an instant.

The freezing of material time and space makes everyone unable to move!

Afterwards, Luo Hang was out of control, and walked in front of the emperor step by step!

"Your Majesty, what do you think? Do you want to discuss it in detail!?"

Walking in front of the emperor, within reach, Luo Hang released the effect of sword 23, and asked!

This move shocked everyone!

Just now, everyone couldn't move, but Luo Hang could.

Doesn't this mean that just now, if Luo Hang really wanted to murder the emperor, he would have succeeded?

"You don't have to talk too much, I will go back with the elder!"

Understanding what Luo Hang just meant, the emperor spoke to the civil and military officials. .

Chapter 458: Draw a big cake for the emperor

Well, His Majesty the Emperor himself said so, what else can these civil and military officials say?

I had no choice but to back down!

Then, Luo Hang raised his hand and drew a few circles in the void.

Soon, the magic portal was constructed~.

On the other side of the portal is the living area of ​​the spaceship!

"Your Majesty, please!" Luo Hang stretched out his hand to pretense, but he looked very humble and polite!

Nodding his head, the emperor walked in first.

Afterwards, Luo Hang entered afterward, and dispersed the magic portal with a wave of his hand!

"It turns out that in this ancient mythical world, the imperial palace is protected by luck!"

"That's natural, otherwise, wouldn't it be possible for any monster to sneak into the palace?"

"Holding the grass, although it can't play a role in the battle, but at this critical time, the dragon's veins still play a big role!"

"Okay, Brother Hang's spaceship has come directly to the sky above the palace, you see, even the emperor has come out!"

"Hold the grass, this person is showing his holiness in front of him, the damn sense of substitution, I feel very happy!"

"Hmph, do you still dare to doubt that my husband will plot against the emperor? Do you understand now? As long as my husband is willing to kill people in front of you, who can stop him?"

"The magic portal, did you teleport directly into the spaceship?"

"By the way, this spaceship has been awakened as a Transformer by the Fire Seed Source, right? This magic portal has opened directly into someone else's stomach, right?"

"This sentence is really vivid. It directly opened the magic portal into other people's stomachs!"

"However, if I really want to say it, what a shocking scene the emperor will be when he is alone with him? It's full of expectations!"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, follow Luo Hang's perspective.

Seeing that Luo Hang directly came to the court, came to the palace, and just so majesticly appeared in front of people.

This scene, indeed, those who watched the live broadcast room felt very happy!

No matter how many times you watch this kind of thing, it will make people feel very interesting!

Not to mention the audience in the live broadcast room, what kind of discussions are there!

At this time, in the living area of ​​the spacecraft, although the emperor is the king of a country, he has seen a lot.

However, looking at everything in the spaceship, it really felt like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

Everything here looks very novel.

As the emperor himself, when he arrived here, he looked like a country bumpkin who didn't recognize anything!

Luo Hang poured the emperor a glass of Coke again!

Look at it, the dark Coke looks like a terrible poison!

However, when I sniffed it lightly, it felt a little sweet!

Then, the emperor took a sip. It tasted weird, but it was delicious!

Then, after taking a big sip.

A puff of carbon gas surged up, and I couldn't help hiccupping!

This made the emperor feel a little embarrassed!

As the king of a country, hiccupping like this is indeed very disrespectful!

Luo Hang didn't talk nonsense, poured himself a glass, and took a big sip!

Then, I also hiccupped, I just felt very happy!

Originally, drinking Coke, gulping it down, without hiccups is soulless!

The emperor, who was still a little embarrassed at first, saw the same thing with Luo Hang, and his embarrassment immediately eased.

At the same time, looking at Luo Hang, I felt a lot closer!

"Mr. Luo Hang, the two aspects you mentioned are eliminating the demons causing chaos and improving people's livelihood. Do you have any specific ideas?"

The emperor would never forget his purpose of coming here, and asked Luo Hang seriously!

"Yes, there are indeed specific steps!" Luo Hang nodded, starting with subduing demons!

Then, what I and Fahai and the others said about setting up the Evil Elimination Hall and entrusting tasks to summon experts to eliminate demons and goblins, I told the emperor again!

"Mr. Luo Hang's words are indeed reasonable, and the establishment of the Elimination of Evil Hall is only an initial investment!"

Hearing Luo Hang's idea of ​​establishing the Elimination Hall, the emperor nodded in agreement!

"Oh? Your Majesty means that you also agree with the establishment of the Elimination of Evil Hall?" Hearing this, Luo Hang looked at the emperor in surprise!

Such an organization will definitely become the most powerful organization in the world in the future, and the emperor agreed so simply?

This actually surprised Luo Hang!

"This matter is indeed for the sake of the common people in the world, for the sake of the common people, why didn't I agree!?" The emperor said with a straight face!

Speaking of this, the emperor paused slightly, and then said: "How about this, after I go back, I will immediately discuss with all the civil and military officials about how to set up the new yamen hall, the Chu E Hall! "

"At the entrance of the Yamen!?" Hearing this, Luo Hang's expression was a little weird, and at the same time, he suddenly realized something.

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