No wonder the emperor nodded and agreed so simply!

It turned out that he wanted this evil hall to be a yamen hall under the imperial court!

"That's right, Mr. Luo Hang, are you willing to rule over this Hall of Elimination of Evil?" He nodded, and followed the emperor to invite Luo Hang again!

"What's the matter with the emperor? Is he courting death?"

"That's right, if I really thought he was the emperor, wouldn't my Brother Hang dare to kill him?"

"The idea that my brother Hang put forward, he seemed to have it for himself in the blink of an eye!?"

"It's like I went to the company with the design of the clothes, but was rejected, but turned around, and the company made a sample of the clothes I designed for exhibition, this is really disgusting Bar!?"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, many viewers were still looking forward to seeing how the dialogue between Luo Hang and the emperor would turn out.

But I didn't expect that the final situation would evolve to this point?

This made many viewers feel righteous indignation!

However, these audiences were all very angry, but Luo Hang couldn't see any anger on his face!

After all, my purpose is not to set up an institution to override the supremacy of imperial power like the Moon Worshiper.

My own purpose is simply to increase the luck of Shenzhou.

Therefore, the emperor said that the Evil Elimination Hall was used as a yamen hall of the imperial court, and Luo Hang felt that this was not bad!

In this case, the imperial court will really let themselves do it with confidence, right?

"Since Your Majesty sincerely invites you, I will naturally be disrespectful!"

Hearing this, Luo Hang nodded his head, expressing his willingness to be an official, to rule over the officials of the evil hall from now on!

"So, Mr. Luo Hang, what is your next method to improve people's livelihood? What's your idea!?"

After nodding slightly, the emperor asked Luo Hang again!

"Improving people's livelihood can start from both business and agriculture!" Luo Hang said! . . .Ask for flowers. .

"I would like to hear the details!" His Majesty followed Luo Hang's words and asked!

"It's getting late now, Your Majesty, let me get you something to eat, it's lunch!"

However, Luo Hang didn't mean to rush to explain, so Luo Hang asked!

"Alright, then I will trouble Mr. Luo Hang!"

Although he didn't know why Luo Hang meant cooking for himself at this juncture, the emperor still nodded!

Then, Luo Hang started to prepare!

First is an oven, put two sweet potatoes in and bake it!

Then, Luo Hang used the electric pressure cooker to cook two corns!

Then, using the induction cooker, braised beef brisket without potatoes!

Luo Hang prepared some simple food and delivered it to the emperor!

"These, the kitchen utensils, are amazing. You can't see any fire, but they still cook the food!"

Seeing the electric oven, induction cooker and electric pressure cooker with his own eyes, and seeing the cooked food in front of him, the emperor exclaimed again!

Speaking of this, he paused for a while, and then carefully looked at these roasted sweet potatoes and the like.

... Zero said in surprise again: "I've never seen these foods before. Are these all fairy food?" "Your Majesty, you should try it first!" Luo Hang said with a slight smile!

"Okay!" Nodding his head, the emperor tasted the sweet potato first.

The sweet taste makes the emperor nod his head. The golden sweet potato has a strong fragrance!

"Delicious!" The emperor had never eaten such down-to-earth food as roasted sweet potatoes.

Soon, he ate up every one of them!

Then, he took the corn again and gnawed like Luo Hang!

Compared with the sweetness of roasted sweet potatoes, this corn is three points sweeter!

In this way, after eating a steamed corn, the emperor felt seven or eight percent full!

Then, I tasted a few pieces of stewed potatoes with beef brisket, and put down my chopsticks! "Your Majesty, I mainly rely on the several types just now to improve people's livelihood!" "This is sweet potatoes, this is corn, and this is potatoes!" "The yield per mu can reach a thousand catties, or even two or three thousand catties." Above!" "In addition, there are Quyuan plows, waterwheels, and other magical artifacts that will increase food production soon!"

"Also, I have a way to refine extremely pure snow salt, to refine flaming wine, to make this glass product, all of which can quickly harvest the wealth of those rich people!"

Luo Hang opened his mouth and explained the plan he had thought up a long time ago to the emperor in detail!

And after hearing what Luo Hang said, the yield per mu could actually reach several thousand catties for what he just ate!

Then listen to what he said about glass and the like, but it's just made of sand?

The emperor's eyes also lit up!

From the eyes of the emperor, of course it can be seen that if Luo Hang's words are true, then these things he threw out.

The whole country will immediately undergo earth-shaking changes!

Let's not talk about the wealth of glass harvesting the rich!

Just the several crops that were taken out all had terrible output values!

This alone is enough to feed everyone in the world, right?

This alone is enough to be recorded in the annals of history, and passed down through the ages, right?

This reputation is no less than Shennong who tasted all kinds of herbs!corpse.

Chapter 459: Is this world going to be played as a farming game?

"Hold the grass, the adventure in another world, has this game become a farming game!?"

"Yeah, planting sweet potatoes, potatoes, corn?"

"What other waterwheels, Quyuanli and so on?"

"Even, some measures such as business incentives and taxes have been used!"

"Refining glass, soap, and high-alcohol to harvest rich people's money?"

"My brother Hang!"

"Unfortunately, I can only stay in this different world for one year. Otherwise, in just a few years, I, Hang Ge, can turn the world around and turn this world into a situation where people live and work in peace and prosperity, right!?"

"Don't say it, don't always blame me and say that the pressure is too high now, we don't have to worry about food and drink, and we can even eat meat when we want to eat meat. Compared with the people in other worlds, it is simply the life they dream of. ah!"

Listening to the chat between Luohang and the emperor, who talked a lot about how to improve people's livelihood, the audience in the Longguo live broadcast room were all secretly shocked in their hearts!

Of course, I also admire Luo Hang very much!

Although the things Luo Hang took out are nothing new.

However, Luohang has a clear plan for how to take it out at the right time, and even how to take it out!

This made many viewers feel emotional!

In terms of cultivation, the strength of Luo "[-]" Airline is beyond doubt.

Unexpectedly, it is also so powerful in governing people's livelihood.

It can be regarded as Wen Neng's dismounting to secure the world, and Wu Neng's dismounting to set the world!

Luo Hang and the emperor chatted for a long time, and explained to the emperor every detail about how to carry out the steps!

And from Luo Hang's mouth, the emperor also understood that Luo Hang's plans were indeed feasible.

Follow his method, two-pronged approach, on the one hand to improve people's livelihood, and on the other hand to set up evil halls to eliminate evil spirits and ghosts.

In this way, we can indeed look forward to what the future will look like!

"It's been two hours now, why hasn't His Majesty appeared yet!?"

In the palace, many civil and military officials looked up at the spaceship hovering in mid-air from time to time, feeling uneasy in their hearts!

It's been two full hours. It's been such a long time, and His Majesty hasn't come out yet.

If there are three long and two short, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Chi Chi Chi!

When all the civil and military officials were secretly anxious, soon, a magic portal was restructured.

The emperor came out of the portal intact, holding a big burden in his hand!

"Mr. Luo Hang, please go back, we will meet later!" The emperor turned around and said to Luo Hang!

Luo Hang stood at the entrance of the portal and saluted the emperor slightly.

Then he waved his hand to dispel the ability of the magic portal.

The spaceship turned around and flew to the distance, and it turned into a black dot in mid-air in the blink of an eye!

After watching the spaceship go away, the emperor turned around and returned to the hall!

The hearts of civil and military officials are also secretly looking forward to it!

Just now that fairy elder said that it is a two-pronged approach to reverse the current chaotic situation in China?

The specific strategy, what did he and His Majesty talk about?

Next, let's see what His Majesty has to say!

"Da Si Nong, these are potatoes, sweet potatoes, and corn. Now you order people to reclaim good fields and cultivate them..."

"In addition, there are detailed illustrations of Quyuanli, waterwheel, etc.!"

Unpacking the package, the emperor first took out potatoes, sweet potatoes and corn.

Having already made preparations, Luo Hang naturally prepared everything that could be used!

"Yes, Your Majesty, may I ask, what are the habits of these three crops? What is the yield per mu?"

Da Sinong stretched out his hand, took what the emperor gave him, and asked!

"Just take a look, there are detailed records on it!" The emperor waved his hand.

"Come up, Shaofu, regarding business matters, the taxation should be re-enacted!"

"In addition, there are fairy objects such as glass and soap that need to be refined..."

The emperor opened his mouth, and the imperial edicts were passed down one by one.

In the entire court, all civil and military officials were secretly surprised.

This is really a big move, Your Majesty has made a big move!

Fortunately, these things are all for the prosperity of the country, so no one raised any objections.

All you need is the emperor's order, and then the civil and military officials below all figure out what they should do and how to do things well!

"Okay, these things, you will take care of them quickly!"

Regarding the improvement of people's livelihood, all the instructions have been issued, and the emperor said something!

Naturally, many ministers responded in unison.

"Next, there is one more thing to discuss with your ministers!"

Next, it's time to talk about eliminating evil halls!

This is to directly form a new yamen hall, but it is not the emperor's decision, it needs all the ministers to discuss together!

Hearing this, the spirits of many generals were shaken this time. They knew that they were going to do both.

On the one hand, it is to improve people's livelihood, and on the other hand, it is to eliminate evil spirits. So, the next thing should be the turn of people like yourself, right?

Then, the emperor opened his mouth and told everyone about the idea of ​​building the Hall of Elimination of Evil and how it would work!

It is said, is this Hall of Elimination of Evil ruled by the fairy who just left?

Many generals were secretly disappointed!

But if you think about it carefully, you are not dealing with evildoers, but demons and goblins. This really requires a powerful monk to sit in charge.

Without the means to subdue demons, he is really not qualified to sit in this position.

Therefore, even if they were disappointed in their hearts, these generals did not have any objections to raise!

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