And the purpose of this evil hall is to eliminate demons and ghosts, so that the people's sense of security will be greatly increased.

Even, the most important thing is that the financial burden is not particularly large.

Naturally, many civil servants and generals had no reason to refuse.

However, after brainstorming on how to do it, I have added a lot of constructive opinions!

Let's not talk about what kind of discussion is going on in the court at this time.

On the other side, Luohang has already returned to Jinshan Temple!

"What's the matter? Mr. Luo Hang!?" Seeing that Luo Hang had returned, Fa Hai asked!

"The situation is going well!" Hearing this, Luo Hang smiled and nodded.

Then, he gave Fa Hai a detailed account of his affairs in the palace!

"You, you can actually fly directly above the palace!?"

"You, you are really a head start for showing yourself in front of people like this!"

"You actually invited His Majesty the Emperor to enter your Immortal Mansion? Sure enough, even the Emperor will be dumbfounded by entering your Immortal Mansion!?"

"In addition to the idea of ​​​​establishing the evil hall, you actually have such a move to improve people's livelihood? Mr. Luo Hang's methods are admirable!"

"However, has the Elimination Hall become the entrance of the yamen? Well, in this case, it is indeed the most suitable!"

Hearing what happened to Luo Hang in the palace, Fa Hai's face showed a look of amazement...

What happened in the palace made Fahai also feel amazed!

After all, flying directly to the palace?As a top monk, Fa Hai knew that this was almost impossible!

However, although the Chu E Hall became the entrance of the yamen, Fa Hai also felt that such a situation was indeed the most suitable.

After all, I didn't even think about how powerful I was!

Now that the emperor has already agreed, naturally, Jinshan Temple has to make good preparations!

If it is done well this time, Jinshan Temple may become the most powerful temple on the mainland of China, and the great prosperity of the Buddhas may be realized in my own hands!

The power to eliminate the evil hall is indeed not what Fahai wanted.

However, if it is possible, Fahai hopes to make the entire Jinshan Temple and Buddhism flourish!

This is what one should do as the abbot of Jinshan Temple and as a disciple of Buddhism! "By the way, where's Xiaoqing?"

What should be chatted is that the chat is almost finished, Luo Hang looked around, and found no trace of Xiaoqing after so long, which made Luo Hang a little surprised!

Xiaoqing's lively character, shouldn't he have come here long ago?

"Because the Elimination of Evil Hall is about to be established, so Xiaoqing went to consult with her sister!" Hearing this, Fa Hai replied!

"This, that's it..." However, upon hearing Fa Hai's answer, the corner of Luo Hang's mouth twitched slightly!

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?" Fa Hai asked in surprise, seeing that something was wrong with Luo Hang's expression!

"No, it's nothing. That's right, I just think that her sister is probably busy with Xu Xian's love affair, and doesn't have time to pay attention to the affairs of the Elimination Hall?" Luo Hang shook his head and replied!

Saying this, Fa Hai's face was not very good-looking!

So, is it true that people and demons fall in love?

"Hehehe, are you stupid? As the abbot of Jinshan Temple, Fa Hai is dumbfounded?" "Sure enough, my brother Hang is awesome! What happened in the palace made him dumbfounded!"

"It turns out that Brother Hang doesn't care that the Elimination of Evil Hall has become the entrance of the yamen. We have to be angry for so long! 5.9" "So, the emperor is not in a hurry to eunuchs? Brother Hang is not angry, on the contrary Have we been angry for nothing for so long?"

"Xiaoqing went to find her sister. Xiaoqing has been practicing for 500 years. Her sister should be even stronger, right? It feels like a strong support!" "Wait, what did Brother Hang say? Xu Xian!?"

"Isn't it? Xiaoqing's sister will fall in love with humans, Brother Hang said!"

"Before, when I met Xu Xian, Brother Hang also said that he was lucky!" "Co-author, will Xu Xian and Xiaoqing's sister be together?"

"These two things, if Brother Hang doesn't say it himself, they can't be connected at all!"

"You really don't dare to shoot like this in TV dramas, do you?"

"However, Xiaoqing's sister is really a great fortune!"

"Oh? What did you say upstairs? Why is Xiaoqing's sister so lucky?"

"Isn't this obvious? Who is the boss Xu Xian? That's one of the people that even our brother Hang admires the most. Isn't it a great fortune that she can look up and fall in love with Xu Xian?" What's wrong!?"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, listening to Luo Hang's words, he learned that Xu Xian and Bai Suzhen would fall in love, and the entire live broadcast room had a very heated discussion for a while! .

Chapter 460: Luo Hang really hit it off! ?

Purple Bamboo Forest is the place where White Snake and Green Snake practiced!

After leaving Jinshan Temple, Xiaoqing came back to Zizhu Forest!

Regarding the matter of the Elimination Hall, Xiaoqing felt that she and her sister could indeed join.

Don't ask to help them deal with how many evil monsters.

But with such an identity, if you walk in the world in the future, you will be much safer, right?

Xiaoqing's mind is more lively, so her reaction is very fast.

From the chat between Luo Hang and Fa Hai, she could understand.

In a short time, this Hall of Eliminating Evil will definitely become the most powerful force in subduing demons and subduing demons in the world!

And as a monster in the Elixir of Evil Hall, it can be said that he has officially obtained the qualification to walk in the world.

Instead of worrying about being indiscriminately beaten and killed by monks and Taoist priests when we are in the world.

So, for Xiaoqing and the others who didn't want to do evil, the appearance of this evil hall is actually a good thing for them! "Huh? Where's my sister?"

It's just that when I came to the purple bamboo forest, I searched around, but couldn't find the whereabouts of my sister Bai Suzhen, which made Xiaoqing startled!

"It's not really what he said, right?" Xiaoqing's heart skipped a beat when she didn't find her sister in Zizhu Forest.

I remembered what Luo Hang said before!

He said that his sister would fall in love with humans and have a forbidden love with humans! ?

Sure enough, after searching around in the purple bamboo forest, in the cave, Xiaoqing found the message left by her sister.

It is said that he is going to take a walk in the world and practice in the world!

Seeing this, it seems that everything is going in the direction Luo Hang said12.

This made Xiaoqing feel more and more unknown in her heart!

"No, Luo Hang's words must be false. My sister has practiced for thousands of years. What kind of person has she never seen? How can she not be able to control herself? It's impossible!" Shaking her head, Xiaoqing's Said in a hurry!

It's just that I don't know if these words are comforting myself.

In short, she doesn't seem to believe much herself!

After all, they have practiced together for many years, so even though her sister left, Xiaoqing was still able to find her sister by following the smell left in the air!

After a little feeling, he stuck out his tongue and analyzed the remaining breath in the air.

Xiaoqing also left the Purple Bamboo Forest!

Following her sister's breath, Xiaoqing really found her sister Bai Suzhen very soon!

However, when Xiaoqing really saw her sister, she was dumbfounded!

This is an ordinary house, a young man is holding a book and reading.

And what about my own sister?

He was actually wearing a coarse cloth and doing housework!

If he hadn't been together for hundreds of years, he would never admit his mistake.

Just seeing this scene with my own eyes, I would never believe that the peasant woman in front of me could be my sister!

Xiaoqing came to find her, and Bai Suzhen naturally felt it.

He glanced this way, and immediately shook his head silently towards Xiaoqing.

Obviously, he didn't want Xiaoqing to jump out now!

Bai Suzhen felt that it was best to wait until she had a good chat with her!

It's just that the more Bai Suzhen cared about Xu Xian, the more unhappy Xiaoqing felt.Then, he walked out directly and yelled at Bai Suzhen, "Sister!" "Who is this girl!?"

This cry naturally attracted Xu Xian's attention. After taking a look, Xu Xian then asked Bai Suzhen next to him. "Sir, this is Xiaoqing, my younger sister. I didn't see her, but she actually came here. It's my fault that I didn't tell you in advance!" Hearing this, Bai Suzhen hurriedly introduced!

Well, it turned out that my sister-in-law really came.

Xu Xian also followed suit, expressing his welcome!

At the same time, he said that since his sister-in-law is here, of course he has to go out, buy some good food, and entertain her!

"Xiaoqing, right? I don't know what kind of food you like to eat?" Before going out, Xu Xian asked Xiaoqing!

"Me? I like to eat toads!" Xiaoqing said with a smile!

"Toad? You, your taste is quite unique!" Xu Xian said with a slightly embarrassed expression!

Bai Suzhen next to her gently gave Xiaoqing a hand!

It's just that Xiaoqing didn't seem to notice Bai Suzhen's hint, and then said: "Besides, I like to eat mice!" "Uh..." Now, Xu Xian didn't know what to do for a while. It's time to pick up this topic!

I like to eat toad, and I can understand it.

After all, sometimes, some people will catch toads and make soup!

But, like to eat mice, what is the situation?

But if there is something to eat, no one would like to eat mice, right?

"Of course we snakes like to eat mice, isn't that strange?" Seeing that Xu Xian couldn't answer, Xiaoqing asked.

"Snake!?" Hearing this, Xu Xian was a little dumbfounded, and looked at Xiaoqing for no reason!

"Sister, go shopping for vegetables, we are both snakes, just zodiac signs, don't listen to her nonsense!"

Grabbing Xiaoqing, she really didn't dare to let her speak any more. At the same time, Bai Suzhen smoothed things over and said to Xu Xian!

"Oh, so it's like this!" Hearing this, Xu Xian nodded suddenly in his heart.

I sighed with emotion that my sister-in-law was a little too naughty, and then turned and left!

"Xiaoqing, how did you find this place?" After Xu Xian left, Bai Suzhen said to Xiaoqing!

"How did I find it? If I don't come here again, maybe, you and him will even have a baby!?" Hearing Bai Suzhen's words, Xiaoqing said with an unhappy look on her face!

These words made Bai Suzhen look a little embarrassed.

He opened his mouth to speak, but he couldn't speak! "No way? Sister, do you really want to have a baby with him!?"

Seeing her sister's sudden silence, Xiaoqing's expression became much uglier, and at the same time, she asked Bai Suzhen in shock!

"Well, I, I'm pregnant!" Bai Suzhen replied!

"Already..." Hearing this, Xiao Qing only felt that her eyes went dark!

Well, at first I was still reluctant to believe Luo Hang's words, but now?

My sister is pregnant, doesn't this further confirm that Luo Hang's words are true?

"Sister, you have practiced for thousands of years, don't you know what will happen if a man and a demon fall in love!?" Xiaoqing asked her sister angrily!

"Okay, Xiaoqing, you came after me on purpose, is there something important!?"

However, Bai Suzhen didn't say much about her own question, but stared at Xiaoqing and asked! "Me? I did come to you with something very important!"

Hearing this, Xiaoqing nodded her head, and immediately told Bai Suzhen about the news about the Elixir Hall!

"Elimination of Evil Hall? Didn't expect such an organization to be established in the world? Besides, we can also participate!?" Hearing this, Bai Suzhen also showed a look of surprise on her face!

"That's right, sister, I'm here to ask you to join me!" Nodding her head, Xiaoqing replied!

"No, Xiaoqing, I don't think we should join!" However, after thinking for a while, Bai Suzhen shook her head and said!

"Why!?" Now, Xiaoqing couldn't understand.

If you join, you will be able to walk in the world openly and aboveboard in the future. Isn't that bad?

"Xiaoqing, you are still young, so you don't know the sinisterness of human beings and the sinisterness of the human heart. They are much more terrifying than us monsters!" Bai Suzhen persuaded Xiaoqing with the appearance of someone who has come here! "In the human world, there is a good saying, the cunning rabbit dies, the running dog cooks!" "There is another good saying, when the birds are gone, the good bow is hidden!" Eliminating Evil Hall may use our power to deal with those vicious demons."

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