"However, when all these 270 vicious monsters have been killed, with human nature, they will not let us go! So, I don't want to join this so-called Hall of Eliminating Evil!" Bai Suzhen said, Overcome my own scruples!

"I think it's because you don't want to disturb your peaceful life!?"

Hearing that her sister really refused, in Xiaoqing's mind, she reflexively remembered what Luo Hang said before!

Luo Hang said before that his sister was obsessed with the love between men and women, so maybe she didn't have the heart to join the Elimination of Evil Hall!

I thought it was good to join, but Luo Hang had predicted my sister's actions in advance.

Naturally, Xiaoqing also suspected that the real reason for her sister's refusal was actually the same as what Luo Hang said.

She just doesn't want to disturb her current life! "Xiaoqing, what are you talking about!?"

Hearing Xiaoqing's words, Bai Suzhen shook her head, and for a moment, the two sisters started to argue!

Let's not talk about the situation of Xiaoqing and Bai Suzhen.

Following the situation on the court's side, after the thorough discussion was over, soon, the corresponding edict was announced to the world.

It is said that the imperial court wants to set up a hall to eliminate evil, recruit powerful monks, and subdue demons!

After the edict was announced, the whole country celebrated for a while, and countless people shouted long live.

Demons and ghosts, this is something that many people talk about, but there is no effective way to fight against it!

Now, has the imperial court started to organize special agencies to deal with demons and ghosts?

Not only the common people responded fiercely, but also many monks in the practice world felt happy!

If that's the case, in the future, if you occasionally subdue demons or something, you can still go to the court to collect rewards?This is also a very good situation, right?

As for Jinshan Temple, following Fa Hai's order, almost all the monks in Jinshan Temple took action in response to the imperial edict!

In short, following the imperial edict, the whole world was shaken. .

Chapter 461: Is Luo Hang qualified to be the head of the Hall of Elimination of Evil?

On this day, at the gate of the imperial city, eight huge arenas had already been set up.

At the same time, the dense crowd of spectators surrounded the place completely!

Today is a very important day!

why?Because today is the selection day for the Elimination Hall!

What to choose?From top to bottom!

The supreme commander, the hall master of the hall of eliminating evil!

Then, there are four deputy hall masters, eighteen altar masters, and 36 incense masters!

These are not pure folk forces, but serious officials who can get corresponding official positions!

Therefore, on the day of this selection, the selection was even more open. At the gate of the imperial city, a big ring of eight yuan was set up!

Because it was organized by the imperial court, and it was able to watch the fun, so, not to mention the people in the capital, even people from other imperial cities came here a lot!

The emperor came out and looked at the bustling scene, secretly satisfied!

The most important thing is that relying on these eight huge arenas, they are divided into eight competition areas, and there are also various businesses around them, and these businesses have also greatly stimulated tax revenue!

"That's right, it's well done!" Regarding the supporting commercial facilities around the arena, the emperor nodded in agreement!

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your praise!" Hearing this, Si Cheng of the Shaofu next to him bowed his head and said!

It's just that although I was saying thanks, I was secretly regretting in my heart!

Originally, these group arena competitions, I like to implement a system of selling tickets!

It's a pity that His Majesty rejected it, otherwise, if this is selling tickets, it will be another big income!

Now that the emperor has appeared, he is naturally the absolute protagonist!

The emperor opened his mouth and gave a good encouragement to all those who are about to participate in the competition!

First of all, there are a lot of people signing up for the competition these days, and they are randomly divided into eight competition areas.

Then, arrange according to the level of strength, and award corresponding official positions one by one!

This is not a contest, but a fighting skill.

In addition, in addition to those who joined the Elimination Hall, other monks can also freely accept the reward tasks announced by the Elimination Hall!

The emperor said these things in person, and naturally, countless people cheered!

Let's not talk about whether the Hall of Elimination of Evil can really get rid of all the evil spirits and ghosts in the world!

At least, with such an organization, if ordinary people like me encounter monsters and ghosts again, there should be a place to seek help, right?

It's like not all criminals can be brought to justice, but if there is a Yamen, at least you can find the corresponding place to ask for help!

"Everyone, Mr. Luo Hang is the head of the Hall of Elimination of Evil, a first-rank official, the same rank as Sangong!"

After saying some good opening words, the emperor spoke again and introduced Luo Hang's identity!

Following the emperor's introduction, Luo Hang walked out directly, and at the same time, glanced at all the people present!

Seeing Luo Hang walking out, many people in the audience expressed their shock!

why?Because Luo Hang looks a little too young!

At such a young age, his cultivation is not much higher, right?

"His Majesty"! "

At this moment, suddenly an old voice rang out, it was an old monk wearing white clothes and a gray beard: "This layman Luohang is so young. Is everyone convinced?"

"That's right, that's right!" Following the old monk's words, many people nodded silently!

With so many people, I have to work hard to fight for it, but the hall master of the highest position has been appointed by default?

Everyone can be convinced to be a ghost!

This time to eliminate the evil hall, many cultivating forces have taken this opportunity to promote their own orthodoxy.

At the same time, he can also work hard for the sake of the common people in the world. Naturally, many elite monks have come to many practice sects!

"After the result of the arena competition is determined, in fact, if there are people who are not convinced, they can still challenge them. As long as they can defeat the opponent, that's fine."

"So, if anyone has any objection to the ability of the hall master, I welcome everyone to challenge me at any time!" Luo Hang opened his mouth to express his opinion!

These words are said arrogantly and domineeringly!

"That's good. We also hope that the hall master of the Hall of Elimination of Evil will be a person who can suppress heroes with a cultivation base of Taoism!"

After Luo Hang made his own statement, many monks stopped talking!

However, hearing these people question Luo Hang's ability, many people in the crowd secretly rolled their eyes!

The activities in the Elimination of Evil Hall here are so lively, which naturally attracted many explorers!

Luo Hang didn't know the other explorers very well, but these explorers did recognize Luo Hang.

Therefore, all the explorers secretly nodded for Luo Hang to become the head of this evil elimination hall.

He even thought about gaining a sense of presence and favorability in front of Luo Hang!

In this case, if we meet in other worlds in the future, we may have a good harvest!

For example, Mieko from the island country?She was in the last world, didn't Liu Jinyuan also help her optimize her practice skills?

The competitions in the eight major divisions have already begun. This time, the competition in the divisions is actually a battle between the various orthodoxy!

If any orthodox system can win the favor of the emperor, get the support of the emperor, or even be established as the state religion, then it will really honor the ancestors, right?

It's rare for the emperor to set up an evil hall to eliminate demons and ghosts. Therefore, these cultivation sects are also willing to fight for a good ranking.

In addition, this competition is open to all the people in the world, who is superior and who is inferior, the eyes of the masses are naturally discerning.

Therefore, in the battle of the eight major regions, there is a situation of contention among a hundred schools of thought!

Some Buddhist sects focus on Tantric Mudra, some Buddhist sects focus on Lion Roar and Heavenly Dragon Zen Chanting, and some Buddhist sects focus on Wrathful King Kong and Fudo Mingwang!

In addition, Taoism also has talismans as its main focus, sword cultivation as its main focus, Taoism as its main focus, and even invitations to gods and exorcising corpses are the main focus!

Therefore, after the fighting in the eight major regions began, various methods of Taoism emerged in an endless stream!

In addition, the emperor publicly said that monsters with good intentions can also join.

Therefore, there are monsters like Xiaoqing and Zen Master Baiyun!

Fighting methods in the eight major regions, various methods, plus some explorers, showed the ability of armed color, ninjutsu, and even devil fruit.

This made all the audience almost dazzled!

Accompanied by fighting skills, round after round, various powerful monks also slowly appeared!

After the end of the first round, there were more than 300 monks promoted, and it was getting late.

Therefore, this first day of fighting skills is over, and it has come to an end for now!

On this day, in the streets and alleys of the imperial city, whether it was dignitaries or traffickers, the center of discussion was almost all on the fighting skills in the hall of eliminating evil!

For another example, which Taoist temple and which temple has more powerful monks, the audience also has their own judgments!

Of course, Luo Hang's reputation is even bigger as the head of the hall appointed by the emperor to eliminate evil!

The young monk is also handsome. What kind of level has he reached in all aspects of Taoism?

To be able to let His Majesty the Emperor directly designate him as the hall master of the Hall of Elimination of Evil! ?

You know, if he can't sit firmly in this position, it's not just Luo Hang himself who will be ashamed, and His Majesty the Emperor will also be ashamed along with him, right?

Therefore, the emperor should be full of confidence in him.

And this made people even more curious about Luo Hang's Taoism cultivation base!

However, at this time, what other people are talking about, let's not talk about it for the time being.

Luohang, Fahai, Zen Master Baiyun and Xiaoqing sat together!

With their cultivation base, they naturally passed the first round.

And Luo Hang looked at Xiaoqing and asked, "Where's your sister?" "


Hearing this, Xiaoqing sighed helplessly, and said, "Mr. Luohang, you really hit the spot, my sister really fell in love with humans, so she didn't have the idea of ​​joining the Elimination Hall !"

"Is this really the case?" Hearing this, Fa Hai next to him frowned tightly, his expression not very good-looking!

"Do people and demons fall in love? This, such a situation, has never had a good result throughout the ages!" Hearing this, Zen Master Baiyun next to him also frowned and said!

"What are you talking about throughout the ages!?" However, after listening to Zen Master Baiyun's words, Xiaoqing gave him an annoyed look!

"Yes, senior taught you the right thing!" Hearing this, Zen Master Baiyun bowed his head immediately!

Don't look at Zen Master Baiyun as an old man, Xiaoqing still looks like a child who hasn't grown up!

But actually?Zen master Baiyun (from Zhao) has only practiced for more than 200 years, but Xiaoqing has practiced for 500 years!

Judging from the time of practice, Xiaoqing is the senior of Zen Master Baiyun!

"Yes, there will be no good results for people and demons to fall in love!" Fahai said, but he agreed with Zen Master Baiyun's words!

"What if your sister is pregnant in the future? Give birth to a child who is neither human nor demon, tell me, what will happen to this child in the future?" of!"

"Moreover, there are far differences in behavior, habits, and even lifespan between humans and demons. In the end, such a combination will inevitably lead to longer-term pain!" "Among them, such pain will distort most The character of a monster with a longer lifespan!" "At that time, this kind of monster will cause even greater damage!" Fa Hai said in a condensed voice!

"Besides, people and demons fall in love, not to mention whether relatives and friends of demons will bless them, at least, human friends will not bless them in all likelihood!" Zen Master Baiyun next to him interrupted again!

"Don't talk!" Xiaoqing glared at Zen Master Baiyun again!

Fahai didn't dare to say it, but Zen Master Baiyun was sure she could handle it to death!

"Xiaoqing, is Bai Suzhen already pregnant at this time?" At this moment, Luo Hang suddenly spoke and asked Xiaoqing! .

Chapter 462: The Black Wind Old Demon Who Goes Against the Wind

Heifeng Mountain, there is an old Heifeng demon here.

As the saying goes, the cloud follows the dragon and the wind follows the tiger!

Originally, the name of this old black wind demon was not called black wind old demon, but whirlwind!

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