But, I don't remember how long ago it was, 800 years?Or 1000 years?

In short, the black wind old demon back then was just a little demon who had cultivated for hundreds of years. At that time, he entered the human world, fell in love with a woman, and fell in love!

At that time, the old demon Heifeng's thoughts were also very simple. As long as the two sides love each other, the boundaries between humans and demons are nothing.

In this way, it is true that I have lived a happy life for 20 years!

It's just that, later on, the woman's appearance aged day by day, but the appearance of the black wind old demon did not change at all.

After walking out, they are no longer like husband and wife, but like mother and child.

Therefore, many people around have realized that the black wind old demon is a demon!

Unable to withstand the instigation of others, his wife secretly took the medicine that could subdue the monster, and gave it to the old black wind demon to drink.

So much so that the black wind old demon showed his original shape, and his wife was frightened to death on the spot!

At that time, an old man with a strong nose jumped out and wanted to subdue the demons!

Although in a frenzy, the black wind old demon killed the old Taoist and everyone in the village, but his wife could no longer survive.

In the end, after he left Zhuangzi, he was no longer called Xuanfeng, but Heifeng Old Demon!

From then on, I hid alone on the Black Wind Mountain, and went down the mountain every now and then to hunt a few people for the tooth-beating festival, and I lived a very comfortable life!

Humans, after all, are the spirits of all things. Eating human beings can bring more benefits to oneself than eating other things.

In these thousands of years, his cultivation base has been raised to a very high level!

As long as he wants, even 270 himself can directly ascend to the demon world!

However, this human world can hunt several people at any time, and there are even some monks and Taoist priests who come to die in the name of exorcising demons and defending Taoism.

After eating these cultivated monks and Taoist priests, the old black wind demon feels even more nourished!

"By the way, there seems to be something wrong recently. Are there fewer and fewer people passing by this Black Wind Mountain?"

On this day, lying in his own cave, the black wind old demon was muttering secretly in his heart!

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, it's not good to be born!"

Just as the black wind old demon was muttering secretly, a little demon trotted all the way to the front of the black wind old demon!

Ghost, this is the ghost that the old black wind demon has condensed in the past hundred years!

As the saying goes, work as a minion for a tiger.

In fact, when tiger demons have cultivated to a certain level, they all have an innate supernatural power.

That is, you can sacrifice the living soul of the person you eat into a ghost for yourself to drive!

This innate supernatural power is like the innate supernatural power of the dragon clan who can spread clouds and rain!

"What's the matter?" Heifeng old demon said with slightly raised eyelids!

"The imperial court, the imperial court in the world has established an organization called the Elimination Hall, the purpose of which is to deal with evil spirits and goblins. Nowadays, many big demons are secretly hiding!"

The ghost reported the news he had found out in detail!

"Oh? Is that so? Is the nearest human being happy?" Hearing this, the black wind old demon stood up, narrowing his eyes slightly!

(? Recognize:!; Accurate!'; If; 'Water!: First, send "", '! Pirate; Book.; "Sell,! Money!;; Die? Mom!';) "My lord, how about, Let's hide for a while, let's see the limelight? " said the ghost carefully suggested!


It's just that when it (bcfj)'s voice fell, a gust of wind immediately rang out.

Immediately afterwards, the ghost was slapped by the black wind old demon and turned seven or eight times on the ground!

"Hmph, how could this great king be afraid of some mere monks?" The black wind old demon grinned, and said happily instead of being surprised!

The court of the human race formed a hall to eliminate evil?

Doesn't that mean?In the future, there will be many monks in the Elimination of Evil Hall to eliminate demons and defend the way?

That's great, I haven't eaten people for some days, and those monks have eaten even less!

This means?In the days to come, may many monks come to your door?

"Go, you do some big things to attract the attention of the Evil Elimination Hall!"

Afraid that Chu E Tang would not notice him, the old black wind demon continued, but he wanted to show his presence!

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Although I feel that the king's actions are really too arrogant, but this is the king's words, what can I say?

The ghost could only nod helplessly, then turned and left!

"Well, it's not enough to rely on him alone. I have to show my strength. Only in this way can I attract more great monks with advanced cultivation bases!"

Looking at the figure of his ghost leaving, the old black wind demon still felt that it was not enough!

Then, he showed a part of his cultivation.

All of a sudden, a wave of monster energy rose into the sky, stirring up the situation between the heaven and the earth.

Vaguely, a phantom of a ferocious tiger could be seen, appearing between the sky and the earth, and roared terrifyingly into the sky!

This appearance of soaring monster aura, as well as the scene of the fierce tiger roaring in the sky, were clearly seen by people with a radius of tens of miles, and everyone was secretly shocked in their hearts!

Here, it seems that there is a world-shattering big goblin!

"Old Demon Black Wind, you are really powerful, let me admire you!"

Around Heifeng Mountain, other monsters were originally hiding. They wanted to avoid the recent limelight first, and also see what happened to the Evil Elimination Hall established by the Chaotang!

However, these hidden monsters actually did the opposite when they saw the old black wind demon! ?

Although each of them secretly sighed in their hearts that the old black wind demon's powerful cultivation was indeed qualified to be so willful.

However, they also opened their mouths one by one, saying in praise of the old black wind demon!

Listening to the compliments from other monsters around him, the old black wind demon felt a lot more relaxed in his heart!

Sure enough, other monsters are nothing more than cowards!

Only I dare to do this, and only I dare to openly shout at this time!

The news of the establishment of the Elimination Hall by the imperial court quickly spread to the whole country with the capital as the center.

And the competition at the Elimination Hall is still going on, and after two days of competition in the eight major competition areas, there are only less than one hundred people left!

In the next competition, the one who stays will be the mainstay of the Elimination of Evil Hall!

Among the people who stayed behind, Luo Hang found four or five explorers.

After all, the abilities of domineering and ninjutsu can only be possessed by explorers! ?

However, Mei Huizi has never met, and she doesn't know where she is now. She didn't come to join in the excitement of the Hall of Elimination of Evil?

Since he was an explorer, Luo Hang also paid close attention to it.

Not to mention, the abilities of these explorers are all good, maybe, besides myself, they are the best among explorers, right?

There are also many brilliant operations in a fight!

In particular, one of the explorers actually obtained the Xuexue fruit of the natural devil fruit!

Although to Luo Hang, a Xuexue fruit is nothing, but it is also one of the natural devil fruits.

The ability to directly elementalize the body is completely immune to physical attacks. At some point, this ability is still quite buggy!

"Mr. Luo Hang, His Majesty calls you!"

On this day, it was the fifth round of the competition. Suddenly, a guard came to Luo Hang's side and said in a low voice!

"Okay!" Hearing this, Luo Hang nodded, followed the guard, and went to meet the emperor!

Although there are not many people left, but because of this, the subsequent battle will become more and more intense.

In the end, the top 32, the top [-], and the top eight will be decided!

Therefore, now is the stage of real intense heat!

Therefore, don't worry about someone coming to challenge you now!

"Your Majesty!" Led by his attendants, Luo Hang came to the emperor and bowed his head in salute!

"Mr. Luo Hang, I have a very important matter here, let you do it!" The emperor said.

"About [-] miles to the north, there is Heifeng Mountain. According to the news, just the night before yesterday, the great demon of Heifeng Mountain was born and completely wiped out the two villages!"

"According to the records of the imperial palace, this demon on Heifeng Mountain is called the old Heifeng demon. I don't know how many years he has practiced!"

"Especially a few days ago, the black wind old demon showed up openly, with a demonic aura, and he learned the actions of the two villages. This is a provocation to the court, and it is a contempt for the evil hall!"

The emperor opened his mouth and explained the situation to Luo Hang!

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, I will destroy this black wind old demon!" Hearing this, Luo Hang nodded his head and replied!

In fact, for Luo Hang, this black wind old demon is starting to make trouble?

This is what Luo Hang wants to see!

It just so happens that many people still don't have a firm trust in the Elixir Hall!

The other monks were not convinced of themselves either!

If there is a powerful demon who can be his stepping stone, that would be great!

Thinking of this, Luo Hang thought for a while, and after asking about the location of Heifeng Mountain, he immediately moved and flew in the direction of Heifeng Mountain!

The distance of about [-] miles is not too short, but considering Luohang's flying speed, it is not too far either!come over.

After flying for about three hundred miles, Luo Hang saw a big mountain.

And the strong and powerful demonic aura emanates from this mountain!

"Is this the Heifeng Mountain? It's really arrogant, and it even exudes a monster on purpose!" Seeing the monster-like appearance of the Heifeng Mountain, Luo Hang murmured inwardly.

Then he raised his hand and drew a few circles in the void.

Immediately afterwards, the structure of the magic portal was completed!

One side is Heifeng Mountain, and the other side is connected to the ring side of the imperial city!

After opening such a magic portal, Luo Hang approached Heifeng Mountain.

At the same time, his cultivation also surged.

As soon as he raised his hand, a shocking sword qi shot over, which was regarded as a greeting! .

Chapter 463: Don't meddle, I surrounded Heifeng Mountain alone

"What it is!?"

In the arena outside the imperial city, everyone's attention was originally focused on the battle in the arena.

However, suddenly a magic portal structure was completed, which stunned almost everyone!

Of course, there are also some people who have known about this magic portal for a long time.

For example, the emperor, for example, Fahai, and for example, those civil and military officials!

Therefore, after seeing the appearance of this magic portal, everyone knew that it was a method from Luohang!

"Everyone, there is such a powerful evil spirit coming from here, wait for me to go over and have a look!"

Knowing that this was what Luo Hang meant, Fa Hai played the role of a fan, and after saying such a sentence, he took the lead and walked through the magic portal!

"Let's go, let's go and have a look together, it really has a strong demonic aura~!"

In the crowd, Fa Hai was the first to pass. If he didn't pass, wouldn't it mean that his own family's orthodox inheritance - not as good as Jinshan Temple! ?

Therefore, the high-level officials of several other sects responded very quickly!

Human psychology, sometimes this is the case, the herd effect.

Once someone starts, the people behind will follow too!

Don't say it's these contestants who already have the ability to subdue demons. Afterwards, even the ordinary people are curious.

Then, follow these people through the magic portal to see!


What a joke, so many celestial masters and eminent monks have come together, with them here, do I have anything to be afraid of! ?

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