
A shocking sword energy from Luohang fell on Heifeng Mountain, which immediately shook Heifeng Mountain.

This trick, if used to say hello, couldn't be more suitable!

Sure enough, a vicious-looking monster flew out soon!

Behind this old demon, there are about dozens of little demons.

"Hey hey, are you here alone to die?"

Looking Luo Hang up and down, he could see that his cultivation was not weak, which made the black wind old demon feel secretly refreshed. At the same time, he taunted Luo Hang!

"Really? You feel that there are fewer people, and you can't see how you were killed. Are you unhappy? Don't worry, there will be a lot of viewers coming soon!"

With Luo Hang's expression, he still calmly said to the old black wind demon!

Sure enough, following Luo Hang's words, after a while, a large group of monks headed by Fa Hai passed through the magic portal and arrived at Heifeng Mountain!

At first, seeing the monks coming out one by one, the old demon Heifeng was still secretly happy.

Sure enough, I deliberately acted arrogantly in order to attract the attention of the so-called Elimination Hall!

Now, so many monks have come to your door?

Isn't this exactly what I want to see?

It's just that the old demon Heifeng's joyful thoughts just rose not long ago, and then look, hundreds of monks have come over!

Seeing this, the old demon Heifeng's heart sank completely!

That's right, I really hope to attract some monks, but there are too many here, right?

I can't stand it!

"That's it? Mr. Luo Hang!?"

Not to mention what the black wind old demon is thinking now, seeing the outnumbered Luo Hang, Fa Hai and the others naturally saw it!

"Mr. Luo Hang, we are here to help you!" Thinking that Luo Hang opened the portal to ask for help, Fa Hai said loudly!

"No, just watch from the side, I've surrounded all these monsters in Heifeng Mountain!" Looking back at Fa Hai, Luo Hang shook his head and said!


Luo Hang's domineering words made those who came through the portal look very strange.

Outnumbered, right?Luo Hang was alone, and he actually said that he surrounded all the monsters in Heifeng Mountain?

How did he say that! ?

"Everyone, since Luo Hang boss said we don't want to interfere, then we just don't want to interfere!"

An explorer next to him spoke and said to the people around him!

Yes, what else is there to say, compared to other people, these explorers are really blindly confident in Luo Hang's strength!

Since Luo Hang said that people like himself should not intervene, in the eyes of these explorers, then just do not intervene.

Otherwise, I would just be making trouble for Mr. Luo Hang!

"This black wind old demon is really not afraid of death, committing crimes against the wind?"

"Here is setting up the Elimination of Evil Hall, how dare he be so arrogant!?"

"As the hall master of the Evil Elimination Hall, isn't this slapping my Brother Hang in the face? How can my Brother Hang bear this?"

"By the way, the selection for the ring is not over yet, and no one has challenged Brother Hang yet, so Brother Hang's position as Hall Master should not be secured yet, right?"

"Isn't it? It's not true that some people think that anyone can defeat our brother Hang and take my brother Hang's position as the hall master?"

"Come on, my brother Hang is here, and he went directly to Heifeng Mountain. First, he opened a portal, and then greeted him with a shocking sword energy? My brother Hang is so arrogant and domineering, I like it!" "This black wind old demon does look very powerful, but there are so many little demons!"

"However, all the monks have passed through the portal and arrived at Heifeng Mountain. My brother Hang's backup is also here!"

"Why do I think that the purpose of Brother Hang to open this portal is to show his holiness in front of others? He didn't want to seek support from others!?" Intervene, but choose to do it alone!" "It's numb, my brother Hang is awesome and it's over!"

"Surrounded the entire Heifeng Mountain by one person, look, Brother Hang's words, how domineering it is!"

"Not to mention, at this time, other explorers will trust our Brother Hang's strength even more?"

In the Longguo live broadcast room, seeing that Luo Hang was about to appear in front of others again, it seemed that he had deliberately pulled a group of viewers to watch him slay demons.

These audiences cheered up one by one, looking very excited!

This damn sense of substitution, every time Brother Hang wants to do something like this to show his holiness before others, it makes people feel very excited!

"Hehehe, a person surrounded us? Are you kidding me?"

Not to mention what other people were thinking, at this time, the black wind old demon also noticed Luo Hang's words, grinned, and said to Luo Hang with a sarcastic smile on his face!

"Sorry, I never joke around!" Luo Hang straightened his face and shook his head at the old black wind demon!

After the words fell, several screams suddenly rang out.

It was the little demons who were following the old black wind demon, who suddenly suffered a terrible attack and were instantly killed! . …ask for flowers.

"What's the situation? Who the hell is it!?"

All of a sudden, the little demons behind him were attacked, and the old Heifeng demon looked shocked, completely unaware of what happened.

I didn't see the other party make a move either. For no reason, the little monsters behind me were killed! "Here, what's the situation?"

Don't say that the old demon Heifeng is dumbfounded here, even the many monks who are vying for the ranking in the Hall of Elimination of Evil are a little dumbfounded!

"It's appeared, Mr. Luo Hang's invisible clone!" Fa Hai and Luo Hang have sparred before, so he recognizes the ability of this round of tombside prison! "It appeared, Luo Hang's strange ability, in the last world, the Lord of the Moon Worship seemed to be defeated by this trick?" The other explorers also understood Luo Hang's ability!

After returning from each world, what did Luo Hang of the Dragon Kingdom do?What kind of resources did you get?

These seem to have become the homework that other explorers have to do after returning!

Therefore, in the last world, Luohang demonstrated the ability of the round tomb side prison, and these explorers, more or less, knew about it!

... 0 bang bang bang!

Not to mention the moods of the people next to him, after killing a few little demons, the round tomb side prison then attacked the old black wind demon!

Being attacked by the invisible round tomb prison, the figure of the black wind old demon was also directly blown away, and he fell on the ground, looking a little embarrassed.

The injuries on his body don't look serious!

"Go away!" Heifeng old demon yelled loudly when it landed on the ground.

Immediately, a powerful demonic energy erupted from its body!

The round tomb prisons around her couldn't resist her demonic aura, and they were directly shocked by him a lot!

"It turns out that there is something invisible, hiding in the dark!"

It was obvious that he could feel his evil spirit blowing away something around him, the black wind old demon said with a sneer.

After the words fell, the eyes of the black wind old demon released a faint light.

After glancing around, he grinned: "Hehehe, I found it. It turns out that there are four invisible shadows!"

"Do you think you can defeat me with just a few invisible shadows?" The black wind old demon said with a sneer!

However, Luo Hang didn't intend to accompany him so much nonsense, raised the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, and slashed in the direction of the old black wind demon!

This sword, attached to the terrifying and scorching flame breath, slashed fiercely in the direction of the old black wind demon!

The sky-shattering sword energy reappeared, much stronger than the sword energy that greeted you just now!


There was a terrible roar from the mouth of the black wind old demon, and when he opened his mouth, a terrible whirlwind swept towards Luo Hang!

The fierce sword energy collided with the high-speed rotating hurricane.

For a moment, the sword energy collapsed and shattered, and the powerful hurricane also collapsed and shattered!

"The cultivation base of this black wind old demon is so high, it's not even inferior to Fa Hai!?" With just such a move, Luo Hang can roughly see how far the black wind old demon's cultivation base has reached. !

And this judgment made Luo Hang's mind secretly dignified.

A monster with such a cultivation level?This is a big monster that never appeared in the original book.

No wonder, did you dare to commit crimes against the wind? Did you rely on your own powerful cultivation?corpse.

Chapter 464: The world is shaking, Luo Hang's strength is so strong!

The strength of the black wind old demon was somewhat beyond Luo Hang's expectations.

Unexpectedly, his strength has reached the limit that the mortal world can achieve.

In terms of cultivation base, he is even slightly stronger than Fa Hai!

However, the level of a person's strength and cultivation only accounted for a part of the factors.

Even if his cultivation base is slightly stronger than Fa Hai's, but in terms of actual combat power, he is not necessarily stronger than Fa Hai!


Because Fahai has a systematic inheritance of Buddhism and supernatural powers, and even has many magic weapons of his own.

These are all things that the Black Wind Old Demon does not have!

Therefore, although the black wind old demon's cultivation was unexpected, but if he really started to fight, Luo Hang felt that defeating him was no more difficult than defeating Fa Hai!

The appearance of the two sides coming and going, the black wind old demon's supernatural power to control the wind is very powerful!

However, with the Xuanyuan Sword in hand, the Frost Treasure Box inlaid on the Xuanyuan Sword, the Xuanhuo Jian and the Lei Lingzhu and other things can also exert different powers.

In addition, four rounds of tomb side prisons are playing support on the side.

In the battle between Luohang and the black wind old demon, you come and go, it seems that it is difficult to tell the winner for a while!

Of course, the most important thing is that the battle between Luo Hang and the black wind old demon, which showed the strength of "[-]", is really jaw-dropping!

If the fighting skills in the arena before were really just fighting skills.

Then, the battle between Luo Hang and the black wind old demon is completely a contest of supernatural powers!

The power displayed by the gestures of the two sides is completely incomparable to other people!

"What a powerful force, is this the real strength of Luo Hang?"

"It's no wonder His Majesty wants him to be the head of the Hall of Elimination of Evil. It's no wonder that he has such strength!"

"Originally, I thought that I would challenge Luo Hang well at that time, but now it seems that it's fortunate that I didn't do anything at that time!"

Looking at the battle between Luo Hang and the black wind old demon, it really possessed the power of landslides and earth shattering. The monks next to him, and even the ordinary people, were shocked by the strength Luo Hang showed!

Although those ordinary people don't know what the level of cultivation is like.

However, it is obvious that the destructive power of this battle is several levels higher than those in the previous arena. Anyone with a discerning eye can see this, right?

"With your strength, you still deliberately provoke the evil hall? This is courting death!"

In this way, the two sides fought hundreds of moves back and forth, Luo Hang retreated a little, stared at the old black wind demon and said!

"Hey hey, is that right? If it's only at this level, then it's too early for you to say that. I'll show you my true strength!"

Hearing this, the black wind old demon grinned, apparently he still had a hole card!

As soon as the words fell, the black wind old demon lay on the ground, and his figure immediately changed, and then turned into a huge colorful tiger.

The body of this fierce tiger is tens of feet high, and it looks like a colossal monster!

"Okay, it's so big!"

Everyone looked at the real body of the old black wind demon, and their faces showed shocking expressions. After turning into the original black wind old demon, it is obvious that the strength has been greatly improved!

"It seems that both of us are similar, and we both have hidden cards of billions of points!"

However, watching the black wind old demon transform into the form of this body, Luo Hang's expression remained calm, and he spoke!

After the voice fell, Kaido's puppet appeared!

Then, without any nonsense, Kaido's figure immediately changed, turning into the form of a green dragon.

In the blink of an eye, the same huge blue dragon circled in mid-air along with the thundercloud storm in the sky.

A pair of lavender reincarnation eyes, staring closely at the old black wind demon!

"It's not over yet!" Immediately afterwards, the Beast God also appeared!

He has the appearance of Mr. Pianpian Zhuo Shijia, but he can use the hostility between heaven and earth at will with every gesture!

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