"Come on, these two guys are also released!" Seeing that Luo Hang released Kaido and Beast God, Fa Hai muttered in a low voice!

"It seems that you are very familiar with Luo Hang's ability!"

Shocked by Luohang's display of strength, Xiaoqing couldn't help but turned her head when she heard Fa Hai's words next to her, glanced at Fa Hai and said!

Xiao Qing's words made Fa Hai a little embarrassed!

I am not only familiar with it, I was defeated by Luo Hang's ability back then!

Now, the scene in front of me appeared again!

The Beast God raised his hand, and the hostility between heaven and earth pressed towards the old black wind demon!

At the same time, the dragon transformed by Kaido also wrestled with the old black wind demon in mid-air!

Under the control of the eyes of reincarnation, the four round tomb side prisons also launched an attack on the old black wind demon!

For a moment, the black wind old demon who showed his real body in a majestic manner, now immediately became very miserable.

Under the siege of many strong men, they screamed again and again!

Seeing this scene, the surrounding cultivation bases were even more horrified!

This, is this the real power of Luo Hang?

His own strength is very strong, everyone has already seen it, but he didn't expect that he could summon so many powerful beings to help him fight?

His power is too terrifying, right?

Divine Sword Royal Lightning True Secret!

At this time, Luo Hang really has no intention of keeping his hands back. The state of entering the Tao is opened, and the whole person seems to be integrated into the nature of the world, and the power of the world can be at his disposal!

Coupled with the addition of the Thunder Lingzhu inlaid on the Xuanyuan Sword as an increase, the thunder clouds in the sky rolled violently in an instant.

Following Luo Hang's raised hand, he pressed down!The extremely violent thunder and lightning immediately turned into a bright and thick thunder pillar, blasting in the direction of the black wind old demon!

Although the black wind old demon's figure is huge, this thunder pillar also looks huge.

The screams were earth-shattering!

Being pestered by the beast gods and the others, how could the black wind old demon be able to avoid Luo Hang's God-Building Yu Lei Zhen Jue?

He was hit directly, and then fell to the ground, dying!

Facing such a monster who dared to blatantly shout, how could Luo Hang show mercy?

Then raise your hand again!After the Shushan Sword Jue was cast, the Xuanyuan Sword flew into the air and instantly turned into a huge Heavenly Sword!

Afterwards, Luohang's sword art was drawn down!

The huge Heavenly Sword pressed down in mid-air like a giant pillar of Optimus!

Finally, the shrill scream sounded, echoing between the heaven and the earth!

The huge Heavenly Sword fell, directly stabbing the body of Heifeng Old Demon, and made his heart go cold!

"Not bad, Shushan Sword Cultivator, the power of this Heavenly Sword Art is quite good!" At the end of the last Heavenly Sword Art, Luo Hang nodded secretly, still very satisfied with this move!

"Hey, dead? This terrifying tiger demon is one of the strongest monsters in the world, right? Was he killed just like that?"

"Sure enough, after getting rid of the evil hall, it really has the power to kill top monsters, right?"

"Good job, Hall Master Luo Hang is amazing!"

Many spectators nearby shouted loudly after seeing Luo Hang kill the black wind old demon!

On the one hand, killing this powerful tiger demon made people realize that the high-end combat power of the Elixir Hall is indeed capable of killing top monsters!

On the other hand, everyone was also shocked by the power Luo Hang displayed!

Is this the real power of Luo Hang?

What's even more frightening is that his own strength is already so strong, but he can still summon so many terrifying guys to help him fight?

If anyone fights with him in the future, wouldn't it be a situation of being outnumbered?

Just thinking about it gives you a headache, doesn't it?

After being killed, the huge real body shrank rapidly and returned to its original size!

Similarly, Luo Hang's Xuanyuan Sword also shrunk, turning into an ordinary sword as well!

It's just that the blood-devouring beads inlaid with the Xuanyuan sword inserted into the black wind old demon's body, at this moment, burst into a dense light...

Then, the body of the black wind old demon quickly shriveled up!

The blood of the big demon is also a great tonic.

The blood-devouring bead sucked all the essence and blood from the whole body, and it can be seen that Xuanyuan Sword seems to be covered by a layer of red blood energy!

Luo Hang raised his hand, and the Xuanyuan Sword automatically flew back into Luo Hang's hand!

Feel it well, it's not bad, after absorbing all the blood essence of the black wind old demon, the energy stored in the blood-devouring bead is getting more and more!

Even, a layer of blood was fed back into Luo Hang's body, which allowed Luo Hang to recover from the slight injuries left by the battle just now!

"Okay, let's go back!" What should be done has been done, and it has been done, Luo Hang has no intention of staying any longer, and said hello to everyone! After 5.9, everyone passed through the magic portal one after another, left Heifeng Mountain, and returned to the arena on the imperial city side!

After everyone came back, seeing that Luo Hang just waved his hand and closed the magic portal, everyone's hearts were secretly shocked!

What is Luo Hang's purpose?

One is to slay the old black wind demon in public, show the power of eliminating evil, and deter demons and ghosts!

The second is to let the people in the world look at their strength and understand that as the head of the Hall of Eliminating Evil, this position is something that I can sit on, and I can sit firmly!

Now, for Luo Hang, the goal this time has been completely achieved!

And what about after returning to the imperial city?

The hearts of every strong man secretly shocked Luo Hang's power!

Not only is he powerful, but more importantly, his abilities are very diverse!

Just like the supernatural spell just now, it can make so many people span hundreds of miles in the blink of an eye?

With such a method, I don't know if the immortal Buddha in the sky can do it?

"Okay, everyone, now, the competition continues!" The goal was achieved, and Luo Hang didn't say anything more about the old black wind demon, and then announced! .

Chapter 465: Cultivation Breakthrough, Going to the Ninth Heaven

Next, the competition continued for several days, and finally, the top four were determined.

They are Fahai, the abbot of Jinshan Temple, Dongxuzi, the head of Quanzhen Sect, Qingyang Zhenren, the head teacher of Longhu Mountain, and the last sheep fairy who has practiced for 2000 years.

Now that the top four have been determined, naturally, these four are the deputy hall masters of the Hall of Elimination of Evil!

Three monks, and one demon cultivator!

In addition, there are 36 altar masters and [-] incense masters!The cultivation base is not weak either.

Among them, Xiaoqing and the explorer who owns the snowy fruit belong to the ranks of the eighteen altar masters!

In general, there are still many strong players in this competition in the hall of eliminating demons, which made Luo Hang secretly nod his head!

The heads of the three cultivation sects, plus a sheep fairy who has practiced for 2000 years, their strength is considered top-notch in the mortal world!

It's just that it's finally confirmed, but there are still people who are not satisfied with Luo Hang's position as Hall Master?

Do you want to challenge Luohang for the position of hall master?

From the beginning to the end, no one stood up. It can be seen that the strength demonstrated by Luo Hang in the battle at Heifeng Mountain a few days ago has conquered everyone!

Since then, the high-level personnel of the Elimination of Evil Hall has been confirmed!

Disciples from Jinshan Temple, Quanzhen Sect, Longhushan, and other cultivation sects also joined the Eliminating Evil Hall one after another, building up the team of the Eliminating Evil Hall!

After the emperor formally conferred official positions in all aspects of the high-level officials of the Elimination Hall, the institution of the Elimination Hall began to operate!

In fact, when the organization of the Elimination of Evil Hall was being established, many demons who had originally caused chaos had already received the news and began to restrain their 12 behaviors!

And after Luo Hang officially killed the old black wind demon, these demons were even more shocked!

After all, in the demon world, the old black wind demon still has a great reputation.

Now, even the old black wind demon has been killed. Naturally, these demons also understand how powerful the evil hall is!

By the time the Hall of Elimination of Evil officially started to operate, there were not many reports of demons making trouble!

Of course, apart from the operation of the evil hall, Luo Hang also spent a lot of time coordinating the overall situation.

In this way, after several months, the Elimination Hall was completely on the right track.

Before and after, hundreds of evil spirits and ghosts were also killed!

Of course, in the past six months, the imperial court has also made great achievements in improving people's livelihood!

First of all, the planting of corn, potatoes and sweet potatoes has begun to grow!

Secondly, even the magical instruments of benefit such as the Quyuanli and the waterwheel have been publicized all over the world, and they have received excellent responses!

There are also works of glass, soap, and high alcohol, which have also begun to circulate in the market.

As luxury goods, these things are harvesting a lot of wealth.

Of course, these factories have also provided a lot of jobs, which can be regarded as driving a lot of employment!

Although Luo Hang came to this world only half a year ago.

However, everyone can clearly feel the recent changes in the country, and it is moving towards a better direction step by step, striding forward!

Naturally, as the situation of the whole country gets better and better, this luck will become stronger and stronger!

As the tide rises, the luck contained in the dragon veins in Luohang's hand becomes more and more intense!

That night, Luo Hang sat cross-legged and took out the dragon's veins!

The dragon vein in his hand was as crystal clear as jade, and even at this night, he could clearly see a faint halo appearing on the dragon vein!

"Recently, the air luck in the land of Shenzhou is on the rise. Has the air luck on the dragon veins become so strong that you can see it with the naked eye?"

Staring at the dragon veins and taking a good look, Luo Hang secretly sighed in his heart.

Of course, after being busy for so long, isn't that the purpose?

Seeing more luck contained in the dragon's veins, Luo Hang was naturally in a good mood!

Put the dragon veins on your legs, practice cross-legged, and immerse yourself in the practice of the heavenly scriptures.

At the same time, the power of luck in the dragon's veins melted into Luo Hang's body bit by bit!

For this practice, Luo Hang didn't seem to be able to feel the passage of time when he left in samadhi.

I just feel that there seems to be no secrets at all in front of my eyes!

And my soul seems to have been able to leave the physical body completely!

This trip, I don't know how far away, when Luo Hang came back to his senses, he found that his primordial spirit had actually descended from Jiuyou, and came to the underworld!

In the underworld, you can see countless evil spirits and fierce ghosts, you can see the soul locked in a bull's head and horse face, and you can see black and white messengers of impermanence!

Seeing the scene under the Jiuyou Hell, Luo Hang shook his head, and immediately left the Hell, heading straight to Jiuxiao!

By this time, Luo Hang could probably understand what was going on with his state!

This is my soul, it has really grown to the limit, right?

Even be able to leave the body, go down to the Nine Nether Underworld, and go to the Nine Heavens?

Sure enough, although Luo Hang tried to go to the Nine Heavens before, he failed every time because the strength of the primordial spirit was not enough.

Just like ordinary people have altitude sickness, my own soul can't bear being too far away from the physical body!

But now, Luo Hang's primordial spirit has no restrictions at all, and directly went to the Nine Heavens, and even came to the Nantian Gate!

"Hey, who are you? Are you here at Nantianmen?"

Just when Luo Hang was looking at the Nantian Gate and secretly marveling in his heart, a voice rang out, saying hello to Luo Hang!

"This fairy friend is very polite, my name is Luo Hang, and now the primordial spirit is very accomplished, so, come to the Nine Heavens, and see the scene of this fairy family!" Luo Hang opened his mouth and told the truth!

"It turns out that you are an immortal friend with a great achievement in the primordial spirit. It seems that since your primordial spirit can ascend to the Ninth Heaven, the day of your ascension is not far away, and you will definitely be among the immortals in the future!"

Listening to Luo Hang's words, in front of him, a gentle-looking immortal said in praise.

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