In any case, there are some things that need to be understood first before making plans.

As for that Tianquan star, whether it was the memory brought before the time travel or the impression carried by the short contact last time, he felt that the other party was not simple.

She is Liyue's true ruler.

If Dijun leaves and wants to stay in Liyue, she cannot be avoided no matter what.


Let's go and see what attitude he has towards himself, a godslayer whose combat power is comparable to that of a demon god!

Although he has already guessed the real intention of promoting himself as a 'hero', he still needs to confirm it himself, so he can rest assured.

Even if Tianquan Ningguang has undisguised kindness towards her... still have to be cautious.

Both Ke Qing and Gan Yu were stunned at the same time.

"Yes." In just a split second, Gan Yu came to his senses and bowed slightly: "I'll make arrangements now."

If it was before, if Luo Wei wanted to see Tian Quan's condensed light, there must be some twists and turns, and various procedures and reports must be indispensable.

Rationally speaking, Tianquan Ningguang, who is in charge of commercial laws, is the most rare of the Liyue Seven Stars. In the past, countless businessmen from all over the world spent a lot of money just to get the opportunity to talk to Tianquan Ningguang far away. .

But now, Rowe is also one of the 'Seven Stars'.

Naturally, it is not more troublesome than this.

So he leaned on the long knife at his waist and waited at the gate of the General Affairs Department.

Waiting for the people on the 'Jade Pavilion' to come down and welcome me...

"Your Excellency, why are you seeing me?"

After a moment.

After boarding the Qunyu Pavilion, a majestic palace suspended in the sky, Luo Wei withdrew his eyes from the elegant decorations around him that were still the same as last time, and looked straight in front of him.

'Tian Quan Xing' stared sideways on a seat covered with blankets, and the platinum intertwined robe he was wearing dragged and fell, covering his full chest, and the curve that meandered across his lower abdomen was lightly resting on it. The extension of the overlapping legs undulates with the swaying of the white calf, revealing a slight roundness.

She held a pipe in one hand and smoked, and played with a few bright gemstones in the other: "If there is any interesting investment, the reward I will give will definitely satisfy your Excellency."

"Well... But I think, I have already guessed the investment you brought in."

Ningguang separated the overlapping legs and hung down, and the slender waist slightly raised caused a surge in the chest.

She didn't give Luo Wei a chance to speak, and she seemed to guess the reason why Luo Wei came to ask in an instant: "This is an investment for Liyue's future, right?"

"I think you have also felt that recently, the emperor has interfered with Li Yue a lot more than before."

The number of dream dreams before the Fairy Invitation Conference has already exceeded the number of previous years.

This is not in line with the rock king Dijun's style of being as calm as a rock.

And in this case, there are only two possibilities... One is that Emperor Yanwang intends to abolish the Liyue Seven Stars and take over Liyue in a substantial way, but that will only happen during wartime, or even during the Demon God War Case.

Obviously not right now.

Then there is only one kind left.

Emperor Yanwang is preparing for letting go of Liyue completely.

Of course, these words are not blunt, and they are not suitable for blunt speaking.

But Luo Wei felt the meaning in her words.

know better...

The star of Tianquan, without anyone noticing it, has already seen the plan of Emperor Yan from the clues in advance.

She played with the gemstone in her hand, and the eyes of the rock elemental god on her waist shone slightly: "But if the kind of thing I guess happens... Liyue needs a strong enough pillar to temporarily stabilize the situation in people's hearts. "

"You are the most suitable characteristic."

"Besides, you are an outsider after all, and I'm just trying my best to establish a sufficient connection between you and Liyue."

Give status, give money.

Gives 'fame'.

Give him everything he can give...

Do your best to bind Luo Wei's 'guarantee' to the big ship Liyue.

The former Luo Wei refused to become Ningguang's personal bodyguard.

But if he can protect Liyue all the time, then in terms of the result, there will be no difference.

This is completely different from Luo Wei's guess.

He is not against it either.

Because of all this, Ningguang never intends to hide it, because what she plays is not a conspiracy, but a conspiracy... Or, it is an investment or a transaction.

Take the desired permutations for each.

"But speaking of it, your arrangement reminds me of another investment."

Ning Guang raised the gemstone in his hand slightly, and looked directly at Luo Wei through the transparent light and shadow:

"How big do you want your wedding with Yunjin to be?"

"I can fund and hold the biggest wedding in all of Tivat for you—"



I know you all know that.

Don't say any more, thank you - Luo Wei remained expressionless.

The state of mind that had been barely maintained before was almost in Bengbu again.

Chapter 110 The Funeral Planned by Zhongli for Himself

"However, I can be regarded as an investor of Yunhan Society, and half of its guardian. I still admire that child Yunjin very much—"

Tianquan Ningguang seemed to be completely unaware of the predicament hidden under Luo Wei's expressionless face, and he was still calculating the accounts carefully: "At that time, there must be a banquet that is enough to entertain everyone in the entire Liyue Port. We need to buy enough fireworks, um...we also need to choose the most suitable quiet and suitable place to live in the new house after marriage..."

However, although.

Luo Wei hasn't even confessed yet, is it a bit too far to think about it?

It's just that Ningguang obviously doesn't intend to pay attention to him.

In the end, Luo Wei had no choice but to excuse that he still had something to do, and hurriedly left—although his expression was calm, but the footsteps fell in Ging Guang's eyes, but there was always a hint of fleeing.

"Young man,"

Ning Guang crossed her legs, raised her red lips, and smiled softly.

As she said to Luo Wei.

The powerful Qixing who invested in Yunhan Society valued and admired Jin Yun very much. He said it was an investment, but he put in as much energy as he would treat his junior or younger sister.

But in the same way, she also admires and values ​​Luo Wei, a "younger".

If such two people can come together.


"Isn't it the happiest thing for me as a businessman?"

The jade is suspended in the hand and soars, and the smoke and clouds flow across the bright trajectory.

And that boy named Luo Wei, although he has always acted calmly, is actually quite cute.


Ningguang laughed softly.

The three secretaries of Tianquan star standing behind him looked at each other.

Speaking of which, it seems that they haven't seen Lord Ningguang be so happy for a long time...

Of course, Rowe would not know about this.

After falling back to the ground on the 'floating stone' and getting rid of the heavenly light that was seriously calculating the 'wedding' for himself, he stepped on the stone steps in front of the Yuehai Pavilion, and finally couldn't help but let go. Take a breath.

The truth is... I can't stand it.

The same is true of the previous Keqing.

Looking at their appearance, Luo Wei was ashamed to say that the relationship between himself and Yun Jin hadn't been fully clarified yet.


Still have to seize the time as soon as possible.

"After a while, it will be the Moon Festival."

An annual, rare festival.

It is equivalent to the Spring Festival and Lantern Festival in his previous life, which can be regarded as the beginning of each year.

"Calculating carefully, it has been almost a year since I came to this world."

Staring at the figures coming and going in front of Yuehai Pavilion, those merchants who wanted to see Liyue Qixing but were turned away, those personnel from the General Affairs Department who came and went, those Liyue residents who happened to pass by... Luo Wei couldn't understand Some emotion.

I also know what to do next.

"We must seize this opportunity firmly."

Rowe thought in his heart.

Although he knew that maybe he shouldn't meet Yunjin at this time, but should distance himself a little bit and calm down his emotions.

But the raised footsteps went towards Yunhan Club unconsciously.

Well, anyway, 'was' on holiday.

just as...

Relax a little bit!


It turns out that Yun Jin actually had the same idea as Luo Wei.

In fact, she is still on 'vacation'. The vacation she got earlier lasted for several days, but when she went to End Cloud, she came and went in such a hurry because of the outbreak of Dragon King Ruo Tuo that she came back the next day.

So after shopping around Yunhan Club, the girl who found that she had nothing to do also subconsciously walked in the direction where Luo Wei was.

So they bumped into each other in the crowd before they reached their destination.

But neither spoke.

It's just that they lead each other with ease.

As usual, their eyes met and they smiled softly.

It will be like this for the next few days.

as usual.

Naturally, the necessary "exercise" is also indispensable, as well as the supplement of ancient knowledge and the exercise of power.

Now his strength is getting stronger and stronger.

The battle with the Demon God and the fight with the Dragon King not only gave him the means to control the elements, but also gave him a vaguely better understanding of his own martial arts.

The dream digs deeper.

During Li Hai's dream break, the remnant soul of the dragon king and the aura of the chi beast's remnant soul gradually blended together.

He would still go to Xiangshengtang to ask Zhongli for advice.

However, in many cases, the topic will gradually change from learning ancient mythological knowledge to the rituals required for "confession".

And at this time, Miss Hu Tao, the head of the Hall of Rebirth, would show her head and give her own suggestions.

But the suggestions given made Luo Wei and Zhongli dumbfounded.

Unrealistic content such as going to Wuwangpo to 'test your courage', and helping to emcee at a funeral abound.

And when the end of the search for 'knowledge' in the past life hall.

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