Rowe will also face the gradual noon sun.

Meet with Yun Jin who is coming.

It seems like a 'coincidence', but it's like this every day, every day.

When people on the street saw them, they also tacitly moved out of an open space.

Vendors will present them with small gifts in pairs, and children bouncing and playing in the street will call from a distance that their brothers and sisters are good matches.

Yun Jin's pretty face flushed slightly.

Luo Wei could only pretend not to hear.

In this process.

The atmosphere of the entire Liyue also changed in the day-to-day cycle.

There are more and more lanterns hanging on the streets and floors, and more and more Liyue people have returned from business trips from far away.

On weekdays, Liyue Port, which is covered with red engravings, is even more lively decorated with open red fire decorations.

As the festival was getting closer, the atmosphere between Luo Wei and Yunjin was also quietly changing.

like a competition,

You can feel that each other is riveting.

Riveted full strength waiting for the day of the festival.

Riveting enough.

To get in front of the other person, express your heart.


"It's another month of the year."

It was night, Fei Yunpo, on the roof of Xiangsheng Hall, Zhongli leaned on the railing with his hands behind his back, looking extremely tall and tall under the brighter and brighter moon.

The solemn and solemn attire of the master of ceremonies of the Hall of Death swayed silently in the evening wind.

The hair bundled into one strand at the back of the head was gently lifted up.

The ancient rock god gazed at the bustling Liyue Port, at the land and the people that he had ruled for 700 years.

He recalled the past——

The so-called Moon Festival has existed for thousands of years.

For the people of Liyue, this is an ancient and festive festival, but for the Rock God, every festival on this land actually represents the commemoration of an ancient existence.

It is a commemoration.

Nature has almost disappeared.

"Or maybe in the future, in this land, there will be a day to commemorate me."

The Emperor Yanwang's eyes were silent.

As the god of the contract, he who has never fulfilled the contract has already prepared for the day when he will bear the "Punishment of Eating Rocks".

— But before that.

"Based on common sense, His Excellency Luo Wei's commission... Sure enough, it can only be carried out more unforgettable if it is under a sufficiently lively situation."

Hilarious enough.

impressive enough,

This is the suggestion given by the eccentric Walnut after learning about Luo Wei's 'commission' from Zhongli——

"Heh heh heh, in the eyes of this hall master, there is nothing more impressive than a funeral!"

Such words are not appropriate in the past, and confession at a funeral, in any case, seems weird.

But it made Zhong Xin think about it.

after all--

If you talk about funerals.

On this soil...what could be more impressive than the funeral of 'The Emperor of the Rock'?


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Chapter 110 Seventh Emperor's Assassination

"Xiandianyi, please? Let me preside over it?"

In the early morning of this day, which is only three days away from the Moon Festival, Luo Wei, who planned to go to the Shengtang first and then go to Yun Jin as before, was invited by Gan Yu to the Moon Sea Pavilion.

When he heard the words of this half-immortal beast, he was slightly stunned at the same time.

In the spacious hall of Yuehai Pavilion, Secretary-General Liyue, who looks like a pretty girl, is wearing a long robe with a drooping skirt, covering her soft and plump thighs. She nodded lightly: "Yes, this is, 'convention'."

"Every year's Invitation Ceremony is dominated by different seven stars."

"Last year it was Lord 'Yuhengxing' Keqing, this year it was you, and next year it will be Master Tianquanxing Ningguang—"

Gan Yu gave an extremely detailed introduction as if worrying that Luo Wei, as the "Tianshu Star Agent", would not be familiar with these rules and regulations.

And at this moment, Luo Wei probably understands why "Uncle Tian" is so active in getting rid of this responsibility... Obviously before Luo Wei came up as an agent, he had already used "advanced age" as an excuse to send the big Part of the responsibilities are entrusted to Gan Yu, and she will only come forward during important periods.

To know--

Inviting the Immortal Ceremony is an ancient activity that has lasted thousands of years, and it is the most important "divine enlightenment" event of Liyue. Liyue's posture appears, and a new "development index" is issued for Liyue in the coming year, and Liyue's development blueprint for the next year is drawn from the height of the gods.

Its importance is self-evident.

After the return of the emperor, the Seven Stars who preside over the "Invitation to the Immortals Ceremony" every year will still be busy with many things, such as offering sacrifices to the immortals in Liyue, investigating the degree of completion of the emperor's instructions last year, and so on. ..

In other words.

Rowe's 'holiday', gone.

There may even be an unprecedented busy period ahead.

This is what he didn't expect - he didn't expect that this year's "Qing Xian Dian Yi" would be so close.

After all, inviting Xian Dianyi is different from a fixed festival like the Moon Festival. Whenever the emperor wants to come, it is time to invite Xian Dianyi.

It is said to be once a year, but sometimes there is no interval of one year at all, and sometimes the interval is even close to two years...

I don't know what Mr. Zhongli thinks.

"It's a little troublesome..." Luo Wei exhaled.

"Please work harder." Gan Yu, who was still holding a large stack of documents, flexed and stretched slightly, bringing up the gentle rippling of the full curve of her chest that was invisible to the naked eye,

She said: "The time set for the ceremony was in the afternoon, and it did appear to be a bit rushed - I only received instructions this morning, too."

"But the emperor must have some deep meaning in doing this, and I will try my best to assist you."

Looking at Gan Yu who is so dedicated to his duties in front of him, compared with himself who fishes all day, Luo Wei suddenly feels a little guilty.

Then hand over all the work to the other party... Cough, it's not that he wants to fish, it's just that Xian Dianyi has a complete and complicated etiquette mechanism from the arrangement to the specific time calculation.

The process was comparable to what Luo Wei knew about the emperor's "sacrifice ceremony" in his original world. In such a hurry, he didn't have time to think about it at all.

It's better to give it to Gan Yu who is familiar with the road.

Naturally, Gan Yu would not refuse this, as the 'General Secretary of Seven Stars', this is also part of her job.

But since the time is tight, the "Invitation to the Immortal Ceremony" will be carried out in the afternoon, and Luo Wei simply stays at the Yuehai Pavilion so as not to run around.

But in the process, he still took advantage of his spare time, closed his eyes and dreamed, and conveyed the news that he had something to do to Yun Jin over there.

'Mr. Yun' felt sorry when he heard it, but he still nodded his head in support.

At the same time, they came towards the Moon Sea Pavilion...

"Master Luo Wei, the time is up."

While the body was being gently pushed, Luo Wei slowly opened his eyes, and what he saw was Gan Yu's ice blue eyes, which seemed quite serious and sober compared to usual.

The girl hugged the document, leaned over and shook herself, her forward-bending chest was slightly lifted with her movements, the long skirt hanging from her was shaking, and the extended legs were slightly linked with full arcs under the cover of the skirt.

She blinked: "I'm sorry to disturb your rest, but the work is not finished yet."

Luo Wei looked at the clock on the wall.

Before I knew it, it was afternoon.

He got up: "Let's go, there is Miss Lao Ganyu."

"This is what I should do." Gan Yu tilted her head, her face remained unchanged, but she followed closely behind Luo Wei who was walking forward, step by step.

Having worked for Liyue for 700 years, she seems to be familiar with all of Liyue's affairs.

But no matter what you do, you put yourself in the position of 'assistant'.

rather than leading.

Not even the 'main hero'.

"Speaking of which, I have seen Zhenjun Liuyun Borrowing Wind before." Luo Wei glanced sideways: "Miss Gan Yu is regarded as Zhenjun's disciple?"

"Uh, uh." Gan Yu was shocked suddenly, and looked over: "Did she say anything?"

"I didn't say anything." Luo Wei looked at Gan Yu who was on guard for a moment, and suddenly felt a little funny.

Li Yueyue's general secretary, Gan Yu, is a "disciple" brought up by Zhenjun Liuyun Borrowing Wind since he was a child. This is a well-known story of Liyue.

Of course, as far as Luo Wei is concerned, he actually knows more.

From the game in the previous life: "It's just talking about some past events."

"...There is something about Miss Gan Yu, and there is."

"The past... the past!?" After a moment of silence, Gan Yu tilted his head: "Speaking of which, it seems that I haven't seen Zhenjun Liuyun for a while."

"I'm still going to visit when I have time."

This sentence is easy to say.

Not annoyed.

Gan Yu still respects her master very much.

But I always feel a little helpless...

She didn't have any doubts about Luo Wei's words. Probably in her mind, she would indeed tell her "past events" to people she knew everywhere, right?

No matter how many times I say it, I still can't stop it...

"Three thousand and seven hundred years, it is indeed time to go out for a walk."

Luo Wei nodded slightly, and he didn't pay much attention to what he planned to say casually.

But soon.

Luo Wei knew that Gan Yu couldn't do without Li Yue for the time being.


You don't need to leave Liyue to meet True Monarch Liuyun Borrowing Wind.

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