The flowing power does not belong to any of the seven elements.

It bloomed at this moment, but it also made Luo Wei feel a little tingling.

Although the difference in quantity is far.

But this power, in quality, is close to the 'demon god'.


Power from the abyss...

In fact, it is not inferior to the demon god.

With a thought in his heart, Luo Wei flashed sideways, and a dark purple light and shadow passed through his side like a spear, tearing apart the space and causing a buzzing sound.

Dadalia after transformation is not just a body.

Even the bows and arrows in his hands were replaced by spears.

The gunshot echoed in an uproar, and at the moment of stabbing, it swept horizontally with the rotation of his wrist, and slapped Luo Wei who was dodging sideways.

This is fast.

It arrived in an instant like thunder, and under the gaze of human eyes, it was difficult to catch even the trail of peripheral vision.

Rowe is strong.

This is what Dadalia knew before making the move.

His strength may surpass any enemy he has faced before... perhaps, it is enough to stand shoulder to shoulder with his master.

But such a strong enemy.

Bring yourself pressure.

On the contrary, it made this man from the Winter Kingdom even more excited.

Fighting has always been Dadalia's passion.

Challenge powerful enemies even more.

Only by defeating powerful enemies can he climb higher peaks.

So Dadalia's shot was a blow with all his strength.

So at this moment, he was extremely excited, so excited that the blood in his whole body seemed to be boiling.

But Dadalia is fast.

Rowe was faster.

One shot at this, let alone unnecessary actions.

Just draw the knife,

Then chop.

- That's it!

At this moment, Luo Wei bowed his head, held the knife, and gently shook the knife out of its sheath amidst the clear sound of the knife.

That is this moment.

The air seemed to be suddenly silent.

The speed of swinging the knife was obviously very slow.

But it seemed too fast to stop.

"What... what is this!?" Dadalia's eyes widened, the excitement that had just risen was gone, and there was only horror in the corners of his eyes, leaving behind the shadow of the knife that rose slowly and then fell.

The light of the knife galloped, bringing a giant elephant by his ears.


The momentary slap with great force was like welcoming the endless sea water collision of Yunlaihai. Dadalia, who was facing the narrow and long sharp edge, felt that after the momentary twirling, the whole person flew out directly and hit the immortal with a heavy blow. Under the steps in front of Zu Fashui.

The dark purple light and shadow rushed around like thunder, and the 'armed' covering the body collapsed directly under this heavy blow.

The undulations of his chest and the eyes of gods around his waist became a little dim.

"cough cough..."

Coughing violently, he quickly got up and fell on one knee, while the blood on his lips was gone, but he looked in front of his eyes.

Luo Wei, who swung the knife casually, still stood on the spot.

There was no movement in the drooping eyes.

A random blow, a random knife.

They directly beat him out of the 'devil king's armed forces'...

It's sloppy!

Dadalia got up with difficulty and felt the condition of his body.

Just a knife.

The power of his evil eye was exhausted.

The inside of the body has been injured to varying degrees.

If it wasn't for the 'Devil Armed Forces' to resist a lot of damage for him, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to get up now.

But even so.

He also realized the gap between himself and the opponent... No, maybe he knew it before he made a move.

Just still want to try.

try the gap between each other...

"How is it? An executive officer from the Kingdom of Winter?"

The 'drama' is not over yet.

Luo Wei seemed unhurried.

Although Dadalia over there was frustrated, he still smiled again:

"Is this the sword that can kill demon gods? Ha, I feel it, it's really powerful!"

"I am not your opponent now."

"Although it's a pity, I don't like courting death."

"So we can only—"

"That's it."

"Since it's a power comparable to that of a demon god, then as expected, it's up to the demon god to deal with you!"

Dadalia who stood up waved his hand.

As if triggering something...

The surface of the 'Cloud Laihai' facing Liyue Harbor is undulating layer by layer.

The location of Guyun Pavilion.

A 'talisman' hangs high in the sky.

At the moment Dadalia waved his hand, guided by the elements, he sank down!

sink into the deep sea.

sink below the surface of the sea.

That is, this moment.

The mountain transformed by the spear dropped by the rock god long ago shook violently and hummed.

The vortex is formed in the water and spreads and spreads rapidly.

The sky was shrouded in dark clouds.

Storms form rapidly on the sea.

Roaring and roaring, the whirling vortex came out of the deep sea.

The buzz spread to the place where thousands of merchants and ships gathered.

at this moment—

"Did you feel it?"

After a slight adjustment, Dadalia, who was lifted off the ground by the element, grinned: "He, wake up!"

"One of the ancient demon gods suppressed by the rock god, the vortex demon god."

— Osiel.

At this moment, the seal to suppress the demon god was finally released by Dadalia with the 'Hundred No Taboos' that had been placed in Guyun Pavilion long ago!

Chapter 130 The Final Machine

Dadalia's picture is poor, and it is not only shown in this golden house, the tough and snatching posture.

And this moment—

It has already been arranged to unlock the means of the demon god's seal.

The last 'Young Master', the executive officer of fools who was born in the Kingdom of Winter, really doesn't like those twists and turns, but it doesn't mean he can't learn that way of thinking.

If it was for the mission of the Ice God Empress, he would suppress the dislike in his heart.

Not to mention that this 'prince', who was almost surrounded and suppressed by the Qianyan army in Yuehai Pavilion, was almost caught in the net because of aggrievedness, and he had already become fully vigilant towards Liyue, and Luo Wei, who created it all by himself. In addition to the group of 'Marshals' of the Qianyan Army currently stationed in Liyue, they have paid more attention.

During the three days he stayed in the Hall of Rebirth, he also kept planning and researching.

Research the No Taboo Talisman.

Studying the information of the demon god obtained.

The final result is also presented at this moment - the untied seal of the demon god named 'Oser'!

The ground of the golden house trembled slightly.

The vortex twirling in Guyun Pavilion, the moment it appeared, affected the distant northern suburb of Liyue.

Luo Wei held the long knife in his hand, squinting at the bouncing gravel on the ground.


Dadalia grinned after regaining some strength.

"I have to admit that you, Liyue, are indeed very powerful, beyond my expectation."

He said: "But, the demon god has recovered, you can still stay here, can you sit still?"

"Or, you plan to go there after you finish me?"

"But, it's not that easy!"

this moment.

Dadalia's God's Eye hanging from his waist shone brightly again.

A different from the evil eye created by the taboo power of the abyss that he used before, and also different from the eye of god he used himself, a more vast and colder power was born.

"I don't really like using this power to fight - after all, it's a symbol of 'glory' bestowed upon me by Her Majesty the Empress."

"But since I need it, I won't be stingy!"


The power he displayed again at this moment is undoubtedly the power bestowed by the ice god.

Every executive of the Fools has the endowment that comes from the outflow of the power of the Ice God.

Of course, this is not the first time Luo Wei has encountered it.

A long time ago, when he fought against the lady for the first time, the eighth seat of the executive officer of fools used the power of the ice god.

But Dadalia is different from Ms.

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