The "normal" lady uses the power of the ice god to create frost, but in fact, most of her power is used to suppress the power of the flame witch in her body, which is difficult to control, and the power that can be exerted is only given by the ice god An insignificant part of its power.

That's why Luo Wei, who hadn't killed God before, could easily cut through Frost, and only then could he win by cleverness.

The current Dadalia doesn't need any uncontrolled explosive flames to suppress it.

He also fights with the power bestowed by the ice god—to go all out!

It's hard to beat Rowe.

It is not impossible to delay Luo Wei's footsteps.

"How about it? Do you want to try it?" Dadalia grinned, and between clenching and dragging the palm wrapped under the glove, a long spear made of condensed frost entered his hand in an instant.

The tip of the pointed spear dripped a little bit of ice blue, condensing pieces of flowers like ice sculptures on the ground.

Frost and cold bloomed, and the temperature of the entire golden house seemed to drop to freezing point at this instant.

"The power of one of the seven gods..." Luo Wei pondered, somewhat finding it interesting.

Up to now, he seems to have seen the power of the three secular seven rulers.

Rock God needless to say.

The Thundering Sword that fell on the sea from General Lei Dian also left a deep impression on him.

But only Ice God, because of his own limitations, Luo Wei didn't have much impression of the previous battle with the lady.

Now, maybe it's time to fill it up?

Then again.

"Your Excellency Dadalia, don't you think that Liyue still needs me to deal with a vortex demon who is about to wake up?"

Luo Wei shook his knife lightly and grinned.

Dadalia, who held the Frost Spear in his hand, was stunned.

He looked at Luo Wei in front of him, squinted his eyes in the frosty mist gradually rising from his body, and looked at the boy in front of him.

It seems to want to confirm whether what he said is true.

But in the end, what I saw was only seriousness.

Rowe is serious.

Seriously think that the current Liyue does not need him to take action to deal with the vortex demon god who is about to wake up, and deal with an ancient existence that has just been broken but not completely broken.

From the very beginning, he didn't seem to intend to do anything.

But how is this possible?

According to the information about the demon god that Dadalia obtained from the Moon Sea Pavilion, the vortex demon god Oser was definitely not weak among the demon gods, and he could even be said to be the leader in the upper class in the protracted war.

...It is definitely not the weak who can be suppressed by the rock god himself throwing the rock spear.

Such an existence, even with one-thousandth of its power, is enough to destroy the world.

Apart from Luo Wei, who can stop Liyue?

Indeed no one can,

Rowe knew this too.

But...if everyone works together, it will be fine!

"Now, it should start."

Luo Wei spoke in a low voice, the words were a little inexplicable.

Dadalia felt it.

I felt the rise of another force, which was opposite to the vibration brought by the vortex demon god.

"Stop sending Xiandianyi."

"disperse the crowd--"

"How are the preparations at the dock?"

In front of Liyue Port and Yujing Terrace, as the vibration from the sea became more and more intense, the crowds here finally noticed,

Some people were puzzled, some panicked, and some subconsciously raised their heads and saw that the originally bright sky was shrouded in dark clouds, and among the vast sea in the distance behind them, the sea water was turning like a storm and rising into the sky, forming a series of spirals running through the sky. A pillar connecting heaven and earth.

The strong wind blows and raises the woven and dangling ceremony ribbons on the Yujing Terrace, bringing the strong wind sound like the roar of a beast, and the sound of ping-pong-pong makes the heart beat violently.

But the people are afraid.

The soldiers of Qianyan Army stood upright in the strong wind.

Tianquan Ningguang gave the order calmly amidst the herbal fragrance from the pipe.

Under the leadership of one of the Liyue Seven Stars.

Sergeant Qianyan quickly evacuated the crowd.

The space in front of Yujing Terrace was empty in a blink of an eye.

The other Seven Stars on the high platform also dispersed and returned to their posts.

Ke Qing glanced at her, left a sentence, and then disappeared like a thunderbolt: "I'll go to the pier to have a look."

She went to the pier.

A place where thousands of merchants gather.

There, last night, countless warships disguised as merchant ships stopped.

And on the battleship, there are countless simple weapons.

It's not the thunder cannon that was produced by Inazuma before.

That kind of thunder cannon was just purchased by Ningguang last time to cooperate with Beidou, and the Qianyan Army was still unable to operate it proficiently. If Beidou had not used itself as an "anchor" before, they could not even aim accurately.

Beidou is not there now, and it is not applicable.

Therefore, the weapons displayed this time are naturally different.

It is shaped like a crossbow bed, suspended in the air, has a huge structure, and has the effect of aiming from a distance. It can continuously fire a powerful crossbow and hit the enemy at a distance of dozens of miles.

This is...

"Is it the final machine?"

The sound of thumping sounded beside Tianquan Ningguang, and the three immortals who were originally at the top of Yujing Terrace all fell at the same time.

The perception of being a fairy is of course sharper than that of a mortal.

The moment Oserer woke up, they sensed it, and they subconsciously felt inexplicably relieved to see Seven Stars in an orderly manner.

But after being relieved, there was confusion——

Confused by the weapon in front of me...

"In the past, the Dust King Demon God made friends with the Rock God, set up a powerful crossbow to defend Tianheng, and said: the final machine."

This is a sharp weapon born during the war with the Demon God.

It was also Ning Guang's preparations for the past few days.

Spend a huge amount of money and repair the remains of the death machine that has been abandoned for many years on the side of Tianheng as quickly as possible.

Even though Quan Liyue's skilled craftsmen gathered, they only repaired less than half of it.

But barely usable.

For this moment...Fight against the Demon God!

Looking sideways at the three huge immortals standing on the pillars standing on the edge of the high altar, he chuckled: "Three immortals, if you are interested in seeing this thing, go to sea with us and meet for a while Devil?"

Chapter 130 Three

Everyone in Liyue obviously didn't have the sense of a fairy.

But it seems like it has been waiting for a long time.

But when I think about it carefully, I feel that it is only natural. After all, Dadalia stole the No Taboo Talisman, which represents the emperor's will and can undo all the seals of Liyue, and also took away the demon god information along with it.

What he might do next is not hard to guess.

It is even more natural to take precautions before they happen.


"Hmph, in my opinion, these things of yours were originally intended to be used against us and other immortals, right?"

Leaving the clouds and borrowing the wind seems to be a catchphrase.

Ning Guang smiled but said nothing.


After all, she announced the death of the emperor and chose to hold the ceremony of sending the immortals on this day, precisely to solve the unstable factors hidden in Liyue.

... Immortal, isn't it one of the unstable factors?

Of course, Ningguang didn't want to rely on this final mechanism to subdue the immortal.

That's almost impossible.

It's just that if the immortals really want to forcibly block Liyue Port, they must also respond.

"But if you want to use this thing to deal with this immortal, you are wrong, mortal."

Liu Yun took advantage of the wind and snorted: "Since I was one of the designers of the death machine in the past, how could I be hurt by this thing?"

"—and your repair of this object is obviously not complete!"

"Well, after all, time is limited, so this is the limit." Ning Guang nodded slightly.

But he waved his hands at the same time: "If you have any extra words, let's stay on the road and talk about it—the three true kings."

The strong wind blows, bringing a whirlpool of strong ocean currents.

Following the words of Tianquanxing, it fell.

In the sky above Liyue Harbor, the gigantic palace 'Qunyu Pavilion' was also humming and shaking downwards at the same time.

On top of the group of jade pavilions, there is also a final machine erected.

Between the roar, like a ship flying across.

Bringing more turbulent airflow, hanging above the head of Ningguang, and shining brilliant light.

The three immortals looked at each other.

"Forget it, I'll leave this mess with you!" Zhenjun Moon Cutting and Yang Yang raised his antlers.

Liu Yun took advantage of the wind to snort coldly, and soared into the sky.

Li Shan Dieshui looked at Ning Guang thoughtfully.

If these three days are the three days they test human beings, then before that, the performance of human beings is actually not up to the passing line...

Even if its reaction surprised the immortal.

But it is still not enough to make the immortals give up pursuing the death of the emperor.

However at this moment.

They all recognized human beings at the same time.

Because even in the face of the revived Demon God.

This group of weak humans has no fear or flinches.

Instead, after making sufficient preparations.

Gather up——

"Hmph, I will further repair the final machine for you, whether you can repel the demon god or not depends on you!" Liu Yun borrowed the wind's haughty voice to fall into Ning Guang's ears.

While the skirts were fluttering, the Tianquan star just smiled and raised his eyes, and stepped into the Jade Pavilion: "Let's go!"

"We must keep the demon god's disaster out of Liyue!"

Qunyu Pavilion hangs in the air.

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