Hundreds of thousands of Qianyan warships also agitated their sails and rudders at the same time, and lifted anchor to set off!

Between roars.

The ground trembled, and the faint sky suddenly burst into a ray of light due to the activated energy core of Qunyu Pavilion.

That light fell in front of the doors of every household in Liyue Port.

It also fell into the golden house.

Falling into Dadalia's eyes...

"Facing the demon god, did you choose to take the initiative? Hahaha, Liyue, Liyue—it's really an exciting place!"

The son of Zhidong Kingdom grinned, looking particularly excited.

Of course I'm excited.

This fighting spirit...

"Whether they can defeat the Demon God, I don't know, but I can't be inferior to them!"

He tightly held the Frost Spear in his hand, and lifted it up slightly, exuding a more frosty chill.

Although things did not progress as he had calculated.

Rowe didn't retreat.

But now that he's here, Dadalia can't retreat.

That being the case, it's just a battle.

It's just a fight to the death.

Fight to the death.

"I am also a person who has experienced the abyss!"

During the roar, the bone-piercing chill instantly turned into a violent storm, sweeping across the entire golden house.

At this moment, he descended into the world like a god of ice and snow.


The only pity is that...

"Today, my opponent is not you!"

Luo Wei shook his saber lightly, but it was not Dadalia in front of him.

It was behind him, the majestic and sacred immortal ancestor Fashui who was supposed to 'die' silently, perched on a high platform.

But at this moment.

The gigantic half-dragon half-lin figure slightly opened its gilt eyes the moment Luo Wei lifted the knife.

While twisting and twisting the dragon's body, it raised high.

casts a great shadow.


Magnificent might.

"What—!?" Dadalia turned around abruptly, but it was too late.

What greeted him was the sharp claws from the dragon.

Between buzzing.

Frost is shattered, and divine power is directly penetrated.

Dadalia flew out directly.

He hit the wall heavily, but his eyes were still wide open.

what's going on?

He didn't understand.

Rowe was very clear.

Because his goal, from the beginning to the end, was not Dadalia, and just one Dadalia was not enough for him to really stay.

His goal is 'Rock King Dijun'.


It is Dijun's 'wear and tear'.


"Mr. Zhongli."

Zhong Li, who had been ignored by the two people who had been 'fighting', stood on one side and sighed: "Use Ruo Tuo's method on me..."

"Do you even count on me?"

Yes, what Luo Wei is using at this moment is exactly the method he used to deal with the Dragon King Ruo Tuo back then.

He once led the ancestral method of immortality to fall into a dream.

Fashui, the ancestor of immortality, is one of the 'God of Rocks'.

So it is also equivalent to entering the dream of the rock god, and without the knowledge of the rock god... awakening the instinct hidden in this ancient body.

As long as Zhong Li gets closer to the soul.

will wake up.

And at the same time... pass on the wear and tear of Morax.

Because only instinct is the closest to wear and tear, and at the end of wear, there is indeed only instinct.

And also because of today.

Because of the remnant soul of the Dragon King on the knife, he has become more aware of wear and tear.

"Together with Lumeng, you are already above me." Zhong Li, who had only come to realize it so far, was so relieved.

He also finally understood that Luo Wei 'entrusted' himself to preside over his own 'delivery ceremony', which also had this meaning.

The so-called "The Sutra of the Rebirth of the Emperor of the Rock" is to bless the dead with the soul.

under these circumstances.

As the leader, Zhongli's soul will inevitably be close to the 'Immortal Ancestor Fashui', and must also meet the conditions for 'activation'.

It turns out that the ancient rock gods also have things unknown.

But only this matter, Luo Wei couldn't explain it to him face to face.

Not out of fear that he would resist.

It's about worrying and being known by Sky Island.

Ruo Tuo does not belong to Sky Island, so he has no worries.

Dijun is different.

Luo Wei shook his head: "If it wasn't for Mr. Zhongli's complete trust in me, I wouldn't be able to shake your will."

"And no matter what, I don't hope that one day, you and I will have to face each other because of wear and tear."

"Even if, you trained me just for that one day."

"But since it can be resolved in advance—"

"Why not do it!?"

Between the buzzing and the sound of knives.

Luo Wei raised his knife, pointing directly at the hovering 'Immortal Ancestor Fashui' in front of him.

——That half-dragon half-lin attitude.

That's where Yanjun's wear and tear is.

Perhaps the wear and tear is indeed the law of nature.

"But I, never belong to the law of heaven!"

With the sharpness of the blade, Luo Wei bent his knees and stood up, his waist as tight as a bowstring full moon, and pushed the long knife forward in his hand, suddenly slashing towards 'Fahui the Immortal Ancestor'.

The humming blade light trembled.

This saber is just like how it was done to Dragon King Ruotuo before.

From reality to dream.

——Cut off the false and the real.

— Split wear!

Chapter 130: Master and Apprentice

The light and shadow of this saber hangs straight upwards, slashing towards the 'awakened' immortal ancestor Fashui above.

But it was just like the knife that slashed at the crazy Dragon King clone back then.

He is straight up.

The long knife penetrated into the body of the half-dragon and half-lin, but it just passed through directly.

The god-slaying knife in the dream cuts the 'wear' and the 'body' directly, and separates the 'pathological tissue' from the 'patient' without injuring anything.

The half-dragon, half-lin body did not resist.

Because before the connection was interrupted and before it was actually cut by Rowe's knife, although it carried the instinctive partial consciousness of 'Morax' after being worn out, it was still received by Morax—that is, the immediate The operation of Zhongli on one side.

Of course Zhongli would not stop Luo Wei, but just exhaled lightly: "It seems that you have already made up your mind to do so."

"But when this knife falls, even Wu will fall into weakness."

Because consciousness has always been the essence that drives the body.

Cut open the 'lesion' in consciousness, how can it be possible to maintain prosperity?

"So you will face the crazy 'me' next, and I can't help you too much."

Hearing Zhongli's voice, Luo Wei swung his knife and turned around to land, but he just smiled lightly, and the Li Haimengduan in his hand reverberated in the golden house with bursts of dragon chant.

This time it was no longer Chi Soul roaring.

There are also mastiff dragons roaring.

The king of evil chinchillas and the dragon of earth and fire hovered on the knife, and a dense mist of blue and red rose up.

He didn't turn his head to look at Zhongli who was on the side, but stared at the huge dragon's head hanging down after losing contact with the main body, which fell into silence with his eyes, as if something was brewing.

Of course, Luo Wei knew that Fashui, the ancestor of the immortal, fell into a short-term rigidity because he was cut off from the main body, and it was also because of the 'wear and tear' within the closed body.

He also knew that this time was not the right time to make a move—he hadn't gathered up the scattered 'wear and tear', so he couldn't do his best once and for all when he made a move at this time.

So he just waits.

Wait four seconds.

Hearing Zhongli's words, he also responded in a low voice: "Of course I know."

After saying this, there were three seconds left.

"Mr. Zhongli doesn't need to take action."

two seconds.

"Mr. Zhongli just needs..."

one second.

"Help me protect this place!"

Zero seconds!

Boom, boom, boom—the silent ancestor Fashui suddenly raised the huge dragon head, and the half-dragon, half-lin body was coiled up, and an unparalleled sense of heaviness spread, bringing overthrowing the world Like the pressure of terror.

Dust and smoke billowed, and the solid ground of the Golden House carved out of rocks also showed cracks and cracks at the same time as if they had been run over by boulders.

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