The gravel splashed and scattered, and the earth collapsed amidst the buzzing!

This is not elemental power.

Rather... 'capabilities',

One of the rock gods, he is also an unquestionable demon god.

But Luo Wei just faced the oncoming pressure, bent his waist slightly, dropped the long knife, and hit the ground.

The body is like a bow, and the hands are like strings.

The full moon spreads——

The shimmer of jade shines, and the seven colors flow and interweave into ink-stained colors, which are outlined between the eye shadows spreading from the corners of the eyes.

Eyes blurred, falling into a lucid dream in a blink of an eye.

Between a breath and a breath.

Luo Wei also seemed to be a different person - stronger and more awe-inspiring.

Even the clear moans that echoed with the knife in his hand became brighter and more pleasant to the ears.

Wherever he stands, all the pressure from power dissipates invisible under his feet.

With power, against power.

Facing the ancient rock god—even if it is only a part of it, it is not inferior.

Dadalia who was 'embedded' on the wall over there widened his eyes and looked at Luo Wei who had entered the state at this moment, only then did he realize that the knife that Luo Wei swung at him just now was not random at all.

Instead, it has been extremely stressed.

Otherwise...he would definitely not be able to survive till now.

Of course, what surprised him even more was...

Is Mr. Zhongli actually the Rock God?

No wonder he knows so much ancient knowledge, no wonder he can teach a 'disciple' like Luo Wei, and no wonder he trusts himself so much.

Who will come back...

"This master-student duel is really not to be missed!"

Dadalia didn't feel depressed at all, instead his eyes widened excitedly.

On the other side, Zhong Li's eyes were silent. It was actually the first time he had seen Luo Wei go all out, but he had already had a certain evaluation of his strength, and it was no surprise at this moment...

Open your hands.

"A thousand miles on the wall!"

The deep words fell, and with Zhongli as the center, an invisible barrier spread out to all sides, and the complicated talisman patterns flowed on it, and then covered the four walls of the golden house.

That is, at the same time.

The coercion of power that diffused from the huge body of the immortal ancestor Fashui also oppressed the wall in an instant.

But it only brought a burst of golden light.

Then dissipated into nothingness.

With the degree of 'tenacity', there is nothing in this world that can compare with Zhongli.

Even if it comes from its own power...

"Thank you, Mr. Zhongli."

Luo Wei grinned, and naturally sensed Zhongli's actions. He knew that if Zhongli hadn't stopped him, the power and influence of Immortal Ancestor Fashui would probably be enough to cover the entire port city of Liyue Port.

At that time, this battle will become meaningless.

Zhong Li nodded, but didn't say much.

He is still the 'God of Rock' now, this is what he should do.

But he can only do so much.

The weakness of consciousness has gradually surged up...just like the previous Dragon King Ruo Tuo.

His strength is similar to his.

Moreover, he also wanted to see for himself the bottom line of Luo Wei's strength.

Watch him fight another 'self'...


The expansion of power was hindered, and the immortal ancestor Fashui, who was only left with instinct after wear and tear, finally roared out without restraint

A more majestic power emerged, like a storm sweeping all directions, and the terrifying pressure fluctuated. At the same time, the half-dragon, half-lin figure also moved up at the same time.

The figure that was originally only a few meters long now swells to a length of tens of meters.

The sinuous posture is also fully presented during dragging.

Its shape is winding, but its limbs are slender, like a snake and more like a deer. The beard and hair on the neck are fluttering, and a pair of dragon pupils are opened, revealing a golden luster, which looks deep and crazy.

Frayed lately instinct.

And instinct.

It is both 'ignorance' and 'crazy'.

It is to tear apart all the existences that stand in front of us... an uncontrollable desire to destroy!

That is this moment.

Immortal Ancestor Fashui snapped his huge dragon claws towards Luo Wei who was standing closest to him.

With the front of his clothes fierce, Luo Wei, who had already bowed like a bowstring, also jumped up with a sudden step on the ground.

The jade body shows colorful circulation, and the seven elements are intertwined and scattered in the body, and the impact of the elements produced drives the physical energy to further expand and expand.

Although the long knife hanging from the ground thumped away, it buzzed.

The remnants of the Fire Dragon King and the Evil Chi King also roared up at the same time.

The mist evaporated and the flames spread.

As if the double dragon and the rock dragon were colliding in the air... the long knife in Luo Wei's hand slashed straight at the falling claw of the ancestor dragon.

Huge tilting and majestic impacts intertwined and emerged in the air inside the golden house, and mottled and broken traces quickly diffused and spread in the air... At this moment of stalemate with each other, the winding dragon body of the immortal ancestor suddenly turned around.

The dragon claw retracted.

The dragon followed it and swirled suddenly in the air, colliding with it like overlapping sky domes.

This moment is overwhelming.

But under the tilt of the sky, there is also the power of tilting the sky.

Luo Wei turned the long knife in his hand, raised his waist, stepped on the broken air suddenly with both legs, and swung out——

There were four bangs and explosions.

One blade of heaven and earth, extremely compressed.

Water and fire erupted simultaneously.

The knife that cut off the sky and the earth is only compressed between a point and a line.

Take a break!

Luo Wei chopped off the sword, and the souls of the two dragons on the sword also entangled with the flying dragon tail at the same time.

Roaring, dragging, and slamming!

The golden dragon scales surged, and the sharp edge flashed across, leaving a trail of paleness.

Lord Yan has always been known as "sturdy", Luo Wei's extremely compressed knife is difficult to break through the defense directly, but the force on the knife continues to shake the dragon's tail back like a stormy wave hitting the shore.

Luo Wei, who was hanging high in the sky, raised his knife and approached.

The dragon's tail retreated suddenly.

But it was at this very moment—the dragon's tail suddenly jumped like a dragon's gate.

after it.

The gold-plated dragon pupils are shining brightly, and the huge dragon's head is raised, and it's so close... It's coming!

'Immortal Ancestor Fahui' has hidden the dragon's head behind the tail while flicking its tail.

Covered by its huge stature.

At this moment, launch a frontal attack.

Arriving with teeth and claws!

Chapter 130 Five Cutting off the Sword of 700 Years

Facing the "frontal attack" launched in the battle with the help of his own body size, Luo Wei was surprised, but also surprised.

Hide yourself in your own shadow.

This is probably a skill that ordinary existences can't do anyway, let alone unexpected skills, but the ancient Yan Jun's instinct can do it with ease... If the martial arts and strategies demonstrated in its heyday, how ingenious would it be?

I'm still far from it.


At least at this moment, I won't lose to this mere... Crazy!

Qiang ran again, in response to the 'sneak attack' that was close at hand, Luo Wei did not dodge or dodge, but turned his legs suddenly, twisted his waist and twisted his body, and then swung the long knife.

This saber is also like a swimming dragon going out to sea, a flame dragon roaring, overlapping roars.

He cut the long knife on the dragon's claws that stretched out before the dragon's head.

Nearly an inch.

Suddenly turned the wrist, and dragged the blade horizontally.

In the rippling, he used the dragging point of the sharp blade as a fulcrum to pry himself, avoiding the straight charge, fell into the middle of the contact of the two claws, faced the dragon's head, and slashed again.

But at the same time, Immortal Ancestor Fashui suddenly raised his head and changed direction.

The dragon head raised.

Dragon Claw soars higher.

The slender body fell under the shadow, and its predecessor rose to the top of Luo Wei's head in an instant.

The tail of the dragon that followed was still hanging down, and while dragging in pain, it slapped Luo Wei again!

Luo Wei blocked it with a horizontal knife, cut the ink dyed elements across the board, blended the "seven elements of God's eyes" with "flow", but it was still difficult to shake the scales made of rock elements with terrifying density.

Its density makes it difficult for him to find the gap between the elements that can be cut off directly!

But Luo Wei, who was facing the violent slap, was directly smashed to the ground of the golden house.

Suddenly, the ground shook.

The rock that had been tilted and sunken was completely shattered into powder in the rolling dust and smoke, and the pillars on all sides collapsed directly.

But it was the moment when Rovi landed on the ground.

Immortal Ancestor Fashui followed closely behind with his front paws and slapped towards the center of the smoke and dust!

Luo Wei suddenly jumped up in the broken dust, dragging his feet back, avoiding the killing intent of the sharp claws.

However, the dragon tail hanging high from the Immortal Ancestor who landed on his front paws fell directly from a high place like a person standing upside down and then fell forward, pressing on the retreating Luo Wei——

A strategy that overlaps and connects almost perfectly.

This is also the cornerstone of the ancient Yanjun's martial arts strategy in the Demon God War in the past!

Only the corners.

But Luo Wei, who can be said to be experienced in many battles, was out of breath.

In the many ancient myths that Liyue is famous for, except for the battle with the 'Ruotuo Dragon King', facing the rest of the enemies, the Emperor Yanwang seems to have always been relaxed and calm.

Many times, you don't even need to do it yourself.

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