The struggle before dying?

'Whatever it is, it doesn't help anymore. '

The 'Madam' suppressed the incomprehension and inexplicable uneasiness in her heart, and wanted to drive her 'evil eye', manipulate the power of the demon god through the evil eye, and crush Luo Wei to death.

But abruptly and silently.

The overwhelming jade stone seemed to be nailed to the spot rigidly.

Although it is only the size of Luo Wei, it seems to be facing the abyss of heaven.

What's this! ?

'Ms.' was astonished, but Luo Wei suddenly laughed.

He pulled out the long knife, stared at the tip of the knife, his brows and eyes were full of joy——


it is as expected.

Of course the 'lady' would not know why.

She may know the title of "Hidden God" by Luo Wei, and maybe she also knows that he has collected information on the Demon God and written the book "Strange Demon God" in order to earn royalties and contacts.

But she won't know the identity of Rowe's 'God Slayer'.

Not to know.

The story of the demon god that spread with the popularity of "Strange Demon God" has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people in this land of Liyue.

What is a myth?

What is recognized and sung by people is a myth.

Myths are legends made up by people.

The same is true of "Magic God".

And this is also the third purpose of Luo Wei's writing "Strange Demon God" and publishing it——




What the Godslayer can kill is the 'God of Disobedience'.

The God of Disobedience is a god who breaks away from the myths woven by humans and does not succumb to 'fate'.


Can he fabricate myths,

Leave enough cognition in people's hearts.

Use this to restrain the demon god?

With this...

Writing the fate of a demon?

Since Luo Wei dared to come alone, since he wanted to kill God, he was naturally ready.

This is 'adventure'.

But it's actually quite a sure thing.

Nothing in the world is ever foolproof.

As long as there is a [-]% chance...

it's worth trying

"Facts have proved that in this world, human cognition is enough to change the existence of demon gods."

The reason why the original wind god was able to grow from a small wind elf was because of the belief in the hearts of the people.

Perhaps for powerful demon gods, belief is not essential, and they also have a strong enough essence to not be disturbed by external objects.

But now,

Only the wreckage of the Dunyu Demon God remained.

Therefore, he must be disturbed by the cognition of myth, because only the chaotic elemental instincts are left.

Or maybe this is also the true ability of the "God Slayer", the true essence of existence.

But no matter what, Luo Wei's attempt was finally verified.

He compiled the cage of destiny called myth in words,

at this moment,

Using words as a rope, it finally fell on the body of the demon god's shadow.

The long knife hangs down, and the sword rubs against the mottled jade covering the feet, leaving shallow marks on it.

Facing the confused and disbelieving expression of 'Madam'.

Even facing the slight tremor of the jade in front of him.

His voice sounded, but it was deafening:

"The Dunyu Demon God who fell thousands of years ago..."

"Your trajectory has already come to an end in this world!"

"This is your destiny."

"Ru, you should follow it and use the 'law of heaven'!"


Trembling and flying, the knife light reappeared, stirring the sky full of jade dust debris.

From, or not from?

Let me see, your choice!

Luo Wei's eyes were cold.

The shadow of the white dragon floating behind the 'Madam' twisted uncontrollably.

uttered howls,

Bursts of roaring!

Chapter 14 Break free, don't follow

The Shadow of the Demon God is out of control.

In this process, even the 'initiator', the lady, didn't understand what happened.

She only knew that the shadow of the demon god lost control at that moment, and the slender white shadow winding behind him was even distorted under the blade of Rovina's blade that slashed across the jade and raised countless debris.

As if avoiding.

Also like fear.

It seemed that Luo Wei didn't have a knife in his hand.

Instead, like a vermilion pen writing fate, the Dunyu Demon God, whose fate should have ended long ago, felt unparalleled fear.

But how is this possible?

The Dunyu Demon God has long since died.

What exists here is nothing but the power of its leftover, unconscious shell.

How can a corpse be afraid?

The 'Madam' didn't understand, and she didn't know that the moment the unconscious demon god's wreckage was trapped in the 'myth' and weaved like fate, a trace of instinctive self emerged.

That self did not come from the real Jade Demon God.

Rather, it comes from the Dunyu Demon God in the "myth" written by Luo Wei and known and recognized by countless people as a best-selling novel.

This is the ability of the 'God Slayer'.

Only weaving myths.

Only then can the myth be cut off.

It's just that the lady doesn't know this, and she doesn't have time to think about it.

In the next second, with the sound of "噗——", the graceful and beautiful fool executive officers directly spit out a mouthful of blood, and the evil eyes in the conscious perception were directly destroyed, and were crushed by the "resurrected" demon god without any suspense. broken.

And she, who was almost one with Xieyan, also felt a sense of rupture.

The intense pain caused her body to bend uncontrollably, and the raging flames that were originally ignited instantly faltered like candles in the wind.

At this moment, she was extremely weak.

But Luo Wei didn't even look at her.

He just stared at the shadow of the demon god,

Swing a knife.

The vast white mist surged and staggered like a stream of water before the sharp edge, and the jade that should have been indestructible was easily cut off like rotten wood.

Debris flew like water droplets scattered and splashed down.

Approaching the moment, Luo Wei jumped up while bending his knees.

Raise the long knife high.

The sharp edge shines like a crescent moon, rising high, illuminating the shadows in all directions.

And at the moment when the knife was raised, when the attempt was verified, Luo Wei finally had an unparalleled and clear comprehension of his own ability called 'God Slayer'.

He is indeed the godslayer who slays the disobedient gods.

There is indeed no god who does not obey in this world.

But there is a god in this world.

The gods in this world also have rules similar to those in the world of godslayers - to be believed in and to protect mortals.

The only difference is that the gods of the godslayer world are believed by human beings, so they can stand out from the invisible planet spirits and condense their bodies to become gods, while the demon gods of Tivat are transformed from wind spirits like Barbatos. In addition, most of them are born strong, and can get rid of the control of belief with their mammoth essence, and only use it as an energy source to strengthen themselves, and never retreat.

But since it can be interfered by faith, it has a similar underlying mechanism.

That would mean...

In this world, Godslayer is not completely unacceptable.

And that's exactly what Rowe did.

Since there is no way to make myself adapt to the rules.

Then, change the world.

Since there is no god who does not obey.

Then go create the 'God of Disobedience'.

Weaving myths binds the gods.


Let the gods break free from the myth—

That's exactly what he's doing now.

The rippling sound of the long knife held high was even louder, and the soaring figure slashed at the distorted demon god amidst the light of the knife.

Luo Wei, who is a godslayer and a myth fabricator, naturally has a very special "character". He can bind the myth to the demon god with words, and as long as the first step of restraining is successful...then the knife in his hand, It will also become a pen that writes the end of the fate of the gods.

History is like a knife.

The knife here is like a historical pen.

When the sword falls, the demon god in front of him will return to his "destiny" and perish here.

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