When the knife fell, the consciousness that had just emerged from the myth would also be wiped out.

Just born.


But only the instinct of survival has long been engraved in the instinct.

So, He didn't want to 'die'.

Don't want to die here.


Only not to follow.

Only by breaking free from fate can we get rid of the inevitable end!

From the beginning,

'Dunyu Demon God', there is only one choice.

A future chosen by Rowe.


The white dragon shadow let out a more violent roar, and its slender and winding body was also twisting violently.

The knife has been oppressed to the end.

The hem of the placket flutters like two open wings.

Rowe gripped the handle of the knife tightly with both hands.

Arch your waist.

Suddenly swung the long knife.

The coldness of the forest reflects the dragon like a shadow, at this moment, at the last moment of fate...

The eagle claws glowing with silver and white jade were struck out across the air, and with a thumping sound, they collided with the sharp edge in Luo Wei's palm.

The violent storm completely lifted the water vapor permeating the Dunyu Mausoleum, exposing the mottled scene of the ancient ruins buried deep in the water before, and the moss-scratched stone bricks seemed to reflect the glory of the ancient civilization.

The shadow of the dragon vacated above it, bursts of overlapping smoke and dust rose from the ground, swept around like ripples, and brought bursts of jade light and shadow.

Jade emerged from the ground again.

The demon god made of crystal jade and in the shape of a dragon curled up the dragon's claws, blocking Luo Wei's knife and resisting the 'pen' of fate.

He was roaring even more violently.

Twisting the huge dragon body.

The jade dragon scales surged.

The sound of clicking and clicking echoed scatteredly.It seems that something is broken, something is gradually torn apart.


At this moment, Luo Wei has also felt it.

He is breaking free.

Break free from the shackles.

Get rid of fate!

He is fighting against the shackles of fate.

The knife in his hand trembled.

That's the 'pen' facing the struggle.

Luo Wei was delighted in his heart.

That's right, that's it... that's what he wanted, that's it.

Break free, don't follow!

Do not submit to fate—God!


The ground of Dunyu Mausoleum completely collapsed and shattered under the pressure of the jade ice crystals, and the dust and smoke billowed, but there was a glimmer of light appearing on the spot, and then spirally bloomed under the vast night sky, reflecting boundless brilliance.

a flower.

Compiled by thousands of disobedient 'dragons'.

They held up the throne of the demon god, and the majestic demon god finally walked out of his destiny.

Luo Wei retracted his knife, stepped on the ground formed by the "Fa Xin" held by countless dragons carved from jade, and turned back.

Black and hard boots rubbed against the ground.

Stepping over pieces of dragon scales.

Long knife station.

Look up.

Face the majestic and slender figure hanging high in the air above the throne guarded by thousands of dragons.

He faced the Dunyu Demon God——

It is even facing the god who does not obey the 'fate'.

Chapter 15 Severing the Shadow of the Demon God

The roar of the dragon echoed within a radius of ten miles.

The shadow of the demon god from the ancient times reappeared in the world again, and the towering figure entrenched on the throne seemed to be ringing the final bell.

The shadow of the moon hangs high, and the world is in turmoil.

In the Dunyu Mausoleum, which has long been covered with 'flowers' surrounded by jade-carved 'dragons', Luo Wei took a deep breath and held the long knife in his hand tightly.

no doubt.

The power of the Dunyu Demon God in front of him does not exist in a hundred.

He is not the real Dunyu Demon God, but an existence named 'Dunyu' born from a man-made myth.

He doesn't have the powerful consciousness that has resisted the wear and tear of a real demon god.

The body that bears and nurtures its consciousness has become extremely weak and fragile through this wear and tear.

Coupled with the fact that it has just been 'born', it has not yet adapted to the world environment.

After vulnerability, vulnerability is superimposed.

But even so.

The threat he brings to Luo Wei is still far above the 'Lady' and the 'Witch of Flame' who just showed her magic eyes.

Of course, this might also be because the 'Witch of Flame' didn't fight Luo Wei directly?

but no matter,

A demon god is a demon god after all.

Even though his strength has been worn down over time, he can still easily suppress mortals.

"As expected of a Demon God... No, it should be said, as expected of a God of Disobedience!" Luo Wei took a deep breath: "This kind of coercion."

The fear of being a mortal when facing a demon god.

The excitement of being a godslayer facing the God of Disobedience,

Two completely different emotions were intertwined in Luo Wei's heart, making his body tremble uncontrollably, the blood in his whole body surged like a gallop, and his heart beat like a furnace bursting out.

The sword held tightly, the slightly bent and tense waist, the whole body seems to be tightened at the same time, bundled into one strand.

What does it take for man to fight against God?

Nothing is needed.

All it takes is unyielding courage and the belief to shake natural disasters.

At least at this moment, the "God of Disobedience" in front of him is in an unprecedented period of weakness.

At least at this moment, he has done everything he can to prepare.

The so-called god killer.

It has always been just to swing a knife for killing gods!

So at this moment, Luo Wei put the long knife back into the sheath, put it on his waist, restrained his energy and energy in the sheath, and gathered his strength to go.

So at this moment, he bent his knees and his hem fluttered in the oncoming wind.

The jade face under his feet shook, and the surging dragon scales were like piles of rubble, more like weeds blowing in the wilderness.

In an instant, there was an awe-inspiring sound of thumping through the air.

With his knees straight, Luo Wei leaped into the air and ran forward——


'Dunyu Demon God' reacted almost at the same time.

The God of Disobedience has always regarded the godslayer as an enemy, even though Luo Wei is not actually a real godslayer now, and he has not succeeded in killing the gods.

However, he who brought this existence to the Tivat continent actually possesses the characteristics of a godslayer.

Watch out for God.

loathed by the disobedient gods.

The slender dragon shadow entrenched on the 'throne' twisted its huge body while roaring, and the thousands of jade-carved dragons dormant under it also twisted at the same time.

Rowe rushed forward.

A glittering and translucent brilliance floated at the same time.

The head of the dragon rushed out from the 'ground' impressively.

Show teeth and claws, show majesty.

at his feet.

The dragon scales are also stirring at the same time, like gears rubbing against each other, showing a little gap between the running-in,

If Rowe pauses or turns around, he will get stuck in it.


The huge dragon's head has long been waiting.

However, Luo Wei had made up his mind a long time ago. Instead of retreating, he stepped forward, stepping on his feet, accompanied by a slight vibration of the jade face, accelerating the forward trend.

The long knife at the waist came out, and the hands were clenched in front of the face.

The sideways sword body collided with the cheek-sized dragon claws, the sword body hummed and trembled, and bent and folded backwards after being crushed by a huge force.

The gust of wind was blowing fiercely, blowing up bursts, but Luo Wei twisted his wrist here, slashed the sword against the dragon's claws, and passed it forward, leaving mottled marks on the jade.

The blade fell into the gap between the dragon's fingers, turned up and down and stuck tightly to the owner.

But at the same time, he pressed down with both hands, as if levering a lever, lifting his whole body to take off.

Using the dragon's claws as a fulcrum, he propped his whole body up into the air!

The body spins in the air.

At the same time, the knife was pulled out from the side of the dragon's claw.

The dragon looked up in astonishment.

What greeted it was the black boots that stepped down heavily after quickly stabilizing in the air.


Under the weight of the jade dragon, it hit the ground heavily.

Luo Wei used the force of recoil.

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