Face the crisis head on.

Break through death.

This is the path he pursues, this is what he pursues...

Fight with all your strength!

If not, why would Luo Wei come here?

Kacha, Kacha, Kacha——At this moment, layers of pitch-black cracks appeared for the second time on Lovina's body that had already been covered with jade.

The second time I was under heavy pressure, it was hard to resist.

But this time, it's different from last time.

Because, this time, there are seven elements circulating in his body.

this moment--

The body is broken, but it can bring stronger power!

Exchange injury for strength.

To die for life.

The fusion of water and fire, the overload of thunder and fire, the diffusion of wind and fire... The elemental reaction formed by the infinite interweaving of seven elements in the body rushes out as if finding a catharsis the moment the crack is formed.

Like a broken bank...

Take Luo Wei's body that was firmly suppressed, and forcibly push Tianwei up!

This is...

The new law of power, 【Jade Broken】.

In exchange for a broken body of jade, a moment of brilliance!


The long knife in his hand was lifted and knocked away, and the quiet eyes of the beautiful and beautiful Lei Shen finally showed fluctuations.


Not just volatility.

What she saw was a flash of light.


Brilliant knife shadow!

Luo Wei, who was more powerful with his broken body, raised the long knife directly, and then swung the knife straight!

stronger power.

faster speed.

more rapid...

The galloping beasts and dragons on the ink-stained knife!

Facing the majesty of Thunder?

Do not--

His goal is never just to face it.


Take off the eternal throne!

Chapter 140 The Opportunity of General Thunder and Lightning

If it is said that the original Thor's sense of Luo Wei was only "the most interesting among mortals", and his strength was less than half, then at the moment he swung the knife, this This is a little bit easier to climb to the level of "importance" in an instant, and the strength displayed is also surpassed by more than half in an instant.

Not for anything else.

Because of the power contained in this knife.

It is also because of the gathered...

Six thousand seven hundred years of 'weight'!

At this moment, the saber that Luo Wei swung was undoubtedly the same as the saber he slashed towards 'Fahui the Immortal Ancestor'.

The memories of the long years are carried by dreams, and the dreams are carried by the beasts and dragons on the knife.

In this way, he turned that vast information into sharp edges.

This is combined into a "sword that cuts off 700 years and [-] years".

Six thousand and seven hundred years are enough to wear down countless demon gods. Even if Luo Wei can't exert his full power at all, it is still enough to make Thor stand ready...

"No thoughts, cut off!"

The long knife approached, facing the green knife wind brought by the sudden turbulent edge, Lei Shen's eyes were silent, and the thunder hissed, slowly dragging the blade in his hand, as if dragging the sky that had already gathered like a vortex and shrouded it. A vast thunderstorm with a radius of hundreds of miles.

At this moment, the sky was already submerged in dark purple.

The falling thunderbolts are scattered in the atmosphere, more like a woven skynet, which will bring the supreme judgment to all living beings.

But the thunder light is vast.

But it is just a foil for the divine power falling from the hands of the gods.

Yes, at this moment Thor's real killing move is not the thunder in the sky, but the 'iron' in his hand.

It is a long, narrow and sharp long sword in the palm of her hand, the style used by Inazuma traditional samurai.

She shakes her long knife,

While the corner of the long-sleeved clothes fluttered, he suddenly cut it out!

Thousands of thunderbolts descended from the sky.

But froze in the air.

The sea air bulges and bursts, and the splashing water also stagnates like freezing.

Vientiane is at a standstill.

Or, all phenomena exist in one thought.

this moment.

The moment of others.

Both Thor's 'eternal'.

This is undoubtedly the ultimate strike, it belongs to Thunder God's killer move, and it was a blow that cut down countless ancient beings before or after the Demon God War.

this is...

"An unthinkable knife."

In silence, Thunder God dragged the long knife forward and slashed at the sharp edge that Luo Wei swung at the same time.

With the eternal eternity of the gods.

The wear and tear of six thousand and seven hundred years against the godslayer——

The sonorous echo shattered the long silence and the eternal stagnation at the moment of meeting each other, and the sound waves that followed exploded in the air on all sides, the sea surface tilted, and the mountains tilted like they were cut, leaving behind smooth mirror-like waves. The gap, the water flow is overlapped and arranged, and the hollow of the exposed deep sea river is like an abyss at a glance.

However, one person and one god standing in the center of this unprecedented roar and vibration still held the long knife tightly, and at the moment of meeting each other, their eyes met again.


The self-proclaimed noble Thunder God's eyes were still stained by Thunder, but the attitude he had already faced squarely was even more apparent: "A knife that can take [-]% of this body's power..."

"You can be proud of yourself."

Thor uses the body of General Raiden.

But its power comes from its body.

From one of the seven gods, Thor.

And the [-]% power of one of the seven gods, who is relatively good at fighting among them, is actually enough to dominate one side in the war of demon gods.

The many demon gods blocked by His Excellency Gu Yun will not be the opponent of Luo Wei who has just broken through the limit.

Even Orser in his heyday.


"With the Seven Gods, there is still a gap after all."

The uproar passed by, and Luo Wei retracted his sword, stepped back, and breathed lightly.

The traces of "Jade Fragments" on his body spread more and more. This one-time performance exhausted his physical energy and resilience. It would take a while to fully recover, and the use of the "Six thousand and seven hundred years of records" exhausted his spirit even more. The brain is slightly dizzy, and it is difficult to maintain lucid dreams.

He was undoubtedly at his limit just now.

The breakthrough sought by the situation of being on the verge of life and death is the pursuit of benevolence and benevolence.

The power and power of a whole body are integrated again, the triple power of 'jade', 'mengmo' and 'flow' plus the eyes of the seven elemental gods, the cooperation of the two souls on Li Haimeng's broken sword, and even the long time record. There is no longer any hindrance.

Together they step into deeper levels of mastery.

This is also something that ordinary connections cannot achieve - a 'breakthrough' that can only be sought in a death battle.

Breakthrough accomplished.

I am still happy in my heart.


"There is no tie in the imperial competition, and neither do you and me."

Rowe was not given time to react.

As Thunder God's soft words fell, the majesty of thunder reappeared on the sky that had just calmed down, and the long knife held in the hands of the gods was raised again.

But just as she swung the saber, Luo Wei in front of her suddenly backed away.

Standing on each other are cliffs.

All sides are mountains that have been cut off with only gaps left.

This retreat.

It's like slipping off the cliff.

Even more, sinking to the bottom of the sea——

"Since there is no tie, there... let's continue next time!"

The words left behind reverberated in the air, and Lei Shen subconsciously paused his forward steps slightly. When he looked up, he saw Luo Wei who had just fallen suddenly soaring into the sky - the shadow of the sea beast that was riding on and manipulated the condensed water vapor of the remnant soul of the chi beast was in the air. Rolling wantonly in the air, like a fish in water.

It disappeared without a trace in a blink of an eye.

Flee into the vast sea.

Even Thor was hard to find for a while.

After all, the sea belongs to the domain of 'sea beasts'.

If Luo Wei, who is in charge of the sea lord function of 'flow', wants to hide in the sea, it will be difficult for even the Seven Gods to find him.

Thunder God stopped chasing after stopping, but stopped at the end of Guyun Pavilion, between the borders of Yunlaihaihai.

The Imperial Competition came to an abrupt end...

"Never mind."

"Since you have made an oath to eternity, it is difficult to escape no matter what."

Lei Shen's eyes were silent and gradually dimmed...

"It's up to you to return, General Thunderbolt."

The consciousness of the true god sank into the depths.

What emerged then was the consciousness of the 'General Thunder and Lightning' who was more numb than the God of Thunder himself.

However, the sinking Thor seemed impatient, as if apart from the "communication" of martial arts that aroused her interest a little, everything in the outside world made her feel impatient, bored, and even "frightened".

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