So what she didn't notice was...

The dreamlike light and shadow appeared in the eyes of the sinking General Thunderbolt.

"—the, what?"


"Using dreams to carry the records and wear and tear of 700 years of time, the knife swung is indeed powerful."

"But that Thunder God, I'm afraid he won't find out... the dream used to carry it is the real ultimate move, right?"

In the vast sea, the sea beast transformed by driving pure water instantly moved away from the Guyun Pavilion. Luo Wei glanced back at the vast sea behind him. His body and spirit were slowly recovering, and the traces of the jade body's shattering had disappeared, but the overall state was not. Neither is good.

But he seemed to be in a good mood.

In a frontal battle, he can indeed only compete with Thor with [-]% strength, and he only has the power of a moment and a blow.

But in the lateral strategy, he won without a doubt.

Thunder God received the blow that cut off 700 years with the sword of Eternal Wuxiang.

But she didn't care about the long-wearing container.

And the container,

But it fell with that knife, silently, hidden in its body.

fragments of dreams,

This is something that even Mr. Zhongli failed to notice instantly.

Thor's consciousness is strong, so it is naturally not affected.

'General Thunder' is not necessarily so.

As long as Thor's consciousness returns to the depths, General Thunder rises...

"Then whether it's her or him..."

"They all have weaknesses."

"The rice wife who locked the country - there is also a gap."


"An opportunity to take advantage of!"

Chapter 140 Two Wants to Buy Osmanthus Flowers with Wine

This step is of course to prepare in advance for going to Daozuma later.

It is also another important reason to lure the arrival of 'Thor'.

As a Godslayer, Luo Wei undoubtedly likes to fight, but he doesn't only have the identity of "Godslayer".

So while fighting, he will also make full preparations for things other than fighting.

...and since things are taking a break.

Then next.

"Let's go back to Liyue Port and see what's going on there!"

Auxerre has been successfully suppressed.

Presumably, the immortals should also be able to let go of their prejudice against humans, and this 'crisis' can be regarded as an end.

But if you can't...

"Just in case, I can only come forward and 'persuade' one by one."

On the surface of the vast sea, a sea beast transformed from pure water skimmed across the steamy sky, wrapped in a trace of wind and rain, and crashed straight towards the coast of Yunlai Coast, where Liyue Harbor was located.


"It's finally here."

In a sea area far away from Liyue Yunlaihai, floating ships anchored on the shore where the setting sun was setting, facing the wind blowing from the huge islands in the sea, they spent a period of time in the sea. For the Big Dipper of the day, it is a long-lost breath of dust.

This heroic woman grinned and waved: "Little ones—we've landed!"

"Yes, big sister!"

Everyone shouted, and their expressions also seemed extremely excited.

After all, it is another 'crossing the ocean'.

In the eyes of the sailors sailing on the sea, every time the journey reaches the end, it proves that they have "conquered" the sea again.

This is a proof of glory, and the storms experienced can be used as a proud past in the future.

And looking at his group of enthusiastic subordinates, Beidou breathed out, nailed his erect legs firmly on the deck, and looked back thoughtfully.

Inexplicably, I recalled the surging heart that had inexplicably arisen before.

That feeling, as if the world, or itself, seems to have changed...

Is it an illusion?


"Forget it, I can't think of it, I don't want to."

Beidou quickly gave up thinking.

Anyway, the car is naturally straight in front of the bridge.

With her character, she didn't like to think too much.

Not to mention, she has more important things to do now.

"Is the one from Haizhi Island on this island?"

Beidou looked sideways, and on the deck behind him, the handsome young man leaning on the railing also looked over at the same time as if he had come to his senses.

"Ah," the young man was wearing the simple attire of Inazuma Ronin, with short white hair with a streak of vermilion. He heard Beidou's words and quickly responded: "Master Coral Palace should be waiting for you ahead."

"Really?" Beidou showed only one-eyed heroic face with a chuckle: "I just don't know, your Daozuma's rebel army wants to entrust our Southern Cross ship to transport something?"

The boy smiled and said nothing.

But Beidou found it even more interesting... The Southern Cross Fleet crosses the sea, and often collects commissions and protects the caravan as its "job", which is like an "escort agency" on the sea.

However, although she had smuggled immigrants many times before, she entered and exited Dao's wife under the lock-up.

This is the first time she has come into contact with the powerful forces within Daozuma.

Of course, this powerful force is not the official shogunate under the jurisdiction of the "General Raiden" who ruled Inazuma, but the "Shogunate" who confronted the shogunate and occupied one-sixth of the territory of the sea country Inazuma composed of six islands, an entire island. Rebels'.

...The time was exactly ten days ago.

After she and Ning Guang watched the "joy" of Luo Wei's return after solving the Dragon King's disaster that day in Qunyu Pavilion, it was convenient for her to go to sea the next day.

This is just a simple voyage.

But when she was approaching Dao's wife, she met this young man beside her.

A boy named 'Maplehara Manyo' brought an invitation from the leader of the rebel army, 'Coral Palace Heart Sea'.

"Although Lord Coral Palace will tell you personally in the future, it's okay to tell you in advance now." Although he is a 'ronin', the young man named Maplebara Manyo speaks with an inexplicable air of nobility .

He smiled softly: "Master Coral Palace, I hope you can find someone."


"Those who can resist 'General Thunder'."



Still by the sea.

With the passage of time, the sunset of the last evening has completely set, and the afterglow has dissipated in the distant horizon.

The night fell, and the shadow of the moon hung high.

When Luo Wei jumped up, the sea beast transformed by the pure water under his feet instantly collapsed into splashes, and at the same time, he stepped onto the corner of Liyue Port, where countless cargoes were piled up at the corner of the wharf platform, which opened like an embrace towards the sea of ​​clouds. place.

In the distance and near, there are soldiers and guards holding torches and patrolling the night.

The city lights shine brightly.

The scattered light also seemed to illuminate the sky brightly and clearly.

The returning Luo Wei didn't alarm anyone, but quietly blended into the crowd coming and going at the pier, and walked slowly among the fluttering clothes.

The first step in returning was to observe Liyue's current situation.

To confirm whether the original purpose of the emperor's "planning" with him this time has been achieved.

Yes, this is Dijun's purpose, and it is also Luo Wei's purpose.


He also regarded Liyue as his "former residence" in this world.

If it is safe here.

He can also have a always peaceful harbor to dock.

And the end result is beyond doubt...

"After obtaining a satisfactory result, all the immortals left separately. I have also told the truth of this matter through a dream."

"—Based on universal rationality, in the future, the connection between Liyue people and immortals may no longer rely on this body."

"You and I can also breathe a sigh of relief."

The deep voice rang in the ears of Rovi, who was walking among the crowd on the street.

The hem of the clothes swayed, and the vermilion lights hanging from the courtyards on both sides reflected some light and shadow. Luo Wei breathed out lightly, and looked sideways at Zhongli who appeared among the crowd at some point. this avatar of the Rock King said.

this time.

It has ended perfectly.

The emperor ascends to heaven, the immortals return satisfied after knowing the truth, Liyue Port is no longer ruled by gods, and the era of human rule will come in order.

Of course, because the war with the Demon God took place above the sea of ​​clouds, it did not have much impact on the local area, and the prosperity here is still there. Chatting after a full cup of tea.


"What about you? Mr. Zhongli?"

"I have handed over the 'authority', and after that, I will no longer be in a high position."

After things are over.

Zhongli naturally handed over the "God's Heart" to the envoy of the Ice Emperor of the Winter Kingdom, "Madam" according to the contract.

All contracts are completed in accordance with established procedures.

After the arrival of the Qianyan Army, the 'instigator' Dadalia was arrested and brought to justice.

This time, it can be regarded as the end of the curtain in the true sense.

Morax, who surrendered the Heart of God, is no longer one of the Seven Gods.

Zhongli is only a mortal Zhongli.

"As such a mortal, I can take a closer look at this Liyue ruled by people, can't I?"

Zhong Li turned sideways slightly: "As for you... based on universal rationality, you should still have something to do."


Of course there is.

Luo Wei observed Liyue Port all the way, and the direction he was going all the way...

Undoubtedly, it was Yunhan Club.

Mr. Yun over there has been urging him to go over there through the connection suspended through dreams after he knew that he was back.

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