She looked up at the lanterns flying all over the sky. Each lantern had a different shape, but a long time ago, it had its own special meaning.

That is also to point out the way back to the hometown for the soldiers who went out to fight.

The ancient Liyue was never stable.

It is also normal for soldiers to go out and not return, and it is normal for immortals to spill blood elsewhere.

Even now, Liyue's mainland has been stable for a long time, but this custom has been handed down, and every festival in Liyue Port, there will be lanterns hung up.

However, many people just regard it as a festival celebration.

But I have forgotten the true meaning of the lantern.

"Probably, only old people like us can remember so clearly?"

Grandma Ping said with emotion: "Of course, if possible, it would be better for you young people to have fewer people know about it."

"Okay, the night is deep, and it's time for me to close the stall."

Grandma Ping said and stood up.

Luo Wei watched the fairy push the cart away like an ordinary old man, still holding the night lantern in the shape of 'Mark Hughes' tightly in his hand.

The war of demon gods thousands of years ago...

Luo Wei's heart moved, he lit the lantern in his hand on the spot, and then made it rise into the sky.

He walked after the night lights.

That night, he let go of his mind.

But when he fell asleep at night, he had a dream.

With the ability to control dreams...

Made one, a dream about 'Mark Hughes' from thousands of years ago.

Chapter 150 Gan Yu I Leave It To You

Such a dream was not intentional by Luo Wei, but it was not beyond his expectation.

Day thinking, night dreaming.

Dreams are the manifestation of thinking consciousness.

While listening to Grandma Ping's narration, it is only natural for Luo Wei to think of Liyue in the past and wander in dreams unconsciously.

Take advantage of this opportunity.

Rowe could also joke a little bit about Morax's long record of six thousand seven hundred years.

With such a huge amount of information, he can already use it to demonstrate his powerful combat power.

But if it's just for fighting,

But it is also a waste.

Waited until the second day.

When Yoyo woke up, the morning sun had completely brightened up...

"Crispy, crispy, don't go too fast!"

The sudden sound on the noisy street startled Luo Wei.

After saying good morning to Mr. Yun in his dream and keeping warm for a while, he went out early in the morning and raised his eyes with a long knife. The moment he came back to his senses, he saw a girl with braids walking a pair of White long legs, chasing a small, brown 'bear' in the street.

"Master Xiangling, good morning!"

People on the street greeted the girl one after another.

"Good morning, good morning!"

The girl responded and waved forward.

It seemed to be in a hurry.

Luo Wei stood on the spot and watched from a distance, until the moment the 'little bear' looked over while running, the other party seemed to pause slightly.

Mark Hughes

It's true that I haven't woken up yet.

Luo Wei was not surprised. Mark Hughes, who spent his strength and fell into a deep sleep, is now following Xiangling, a well-known little chef in Liyue Port, as a pet named 'Crisser'.

But He has lost all memory and power.

There is only a little bear named 'Crispy', not the demon god named Mark Hughes.

As Grandma Ping said——

Xiangling is Grandma Ping's disciple, and Grandma Ping is naturally very clear about his situation.

The previous Luo Wei had actually received the attention of rice crackers after he had just traveled over here.

Wanted to try and convert it to 'not from'.

In the end, it failed without a doubt.

not a demon,

And how does it turn into nonconformity?

Of course, perhaps it is also because Mark Hughes has no unwilling submission to fate in his heart?

No matter what.

Now he no longer needs to call the other party's attention - no need, let alone want to.

Luo Wei withdrew his gaze and walked towards the Moon Sea Pavilion.

He was thinking about his future schedule, and the right time to visit Yun's house...

While going to 'work' as always.

Also, as always, check in and catch fish.

It was just the moment before the door was pushed open.

Luo Wei met a pair of sleepy eyes.

"Morning, good morning, Mr. Luo Wei."

Miss Gan Yu, the half-immortal beast, was as sleepy as ever, half asleep and half awake, and made a sound that seemed to be raving.

She stood in front of the door of Yuehai Pavilion, before entering, the sun reflected on her figure, and the horns of the fairy beast were outlined in the short ice-blue hair.

Her face is still pretty, her full breasts are tightly wrapped by black cloth, the hanging placket crosses her flat abdomen, and the hem is fluttering, and the round and slightly sunken triangle can be seen on the side.

This Miss Gan Yu seems to be the same as always.


"Where did Miss Gan Yu go?"

In theory.

Gan Yu should stay in Yuehai Pavilion all the time.

Except for being called by Liu Yun to take advantage of the wind to talk about the relationship between master and apprentice, otherwise she would not leave for too long...

But hearing Luo Wei's words, Gan Yu just wanted to respond, but suddenly froze, and the words that had not been uttered in the words were directly interrupted.

"Looking at your appearance, you must be working secretly again, right?"

Another crisp female voice came from behind.

Yu Hengxing, who combed his horns and wore a purple long gown with swaying skirts and tightly bound black silk legs, walked over from a distance and stepped on the steps in front of Yuehai Pavilion, with a heroic appearance with a bit of helplessness.

"Good morning, Luo Wei," she greeted Luo Wei, and then turned to Gan Yu: "Now that the new system has been established, you have to learn to delegate the work to others."

"The combination of work and rest can make the work more efficient."

heard here.

Rowe probably understood what happened——

Because of the establishment of the new system.

In just three days, Liyue's administrative organization completed a basic reorganization under the strong impetus of Qixing.

Both Qixing and the General Affairs Department were freed from heavy work at once.

It's not just the job that Dijun left after he left.

Even the original burden was suddenly lightened.

Therefore, Gan Yu, who has been busy for 700 years, was suddenly forced to take a 'holiday'.

Yu Hengxing Keqing used the reason of 'combining work and rest'.


In name, Gan Yu, the leader of the General Affairs Department, was only Qixing's assistant.

For such a reason, Gan Yu couldn't refuse at all... But obviously, she couldn't change her habits at all.

Listening to Ke Qing's words, Gan Yu shook her head: "Although I also want to have a good rest, but as expected—"

Unable to get used to one more moment of leisure.

I can't get used to the sudden and completely relaxed atmosphere.

So even though she left Yuehai Pavilion last night, Gan Yu still ran to the Liyue Port General Affairs Department branch on the other side.

Seeing Gan Yu like this, Ke Qing also knew that she was a little bit overpowering.


"I can't ask you to do more, it's also to cultivate other people's abilities."

Ke Qing plausibly said: "Now that Emperor Yanwang is gone, if we want Liyue Port to develop better, we can't take care of all the work alone—"

"The age of the rule of man is not to create one or several gods who are called 'humans' in name."

Isn't this my own words?

Luo Wei didn't intervene, but simply acted as a spectator.

When not fighting.

He still likes the atmosphere of doing nothing.

"Okay, I'll try to get used to it..."

Gan Yu nodded gently

It's not that she can't understand the current restructuring.

Just can't get used to it...

"Forget it, let you get used to the current atmosphere alone, it really is a bit reluctant."

Miss Yu Hengxing raised her hand and touched her chin, as if she was thinking about something,


His eyes brightened slightly.

"It's better... for a while later, when you are working, you can follow His Excellency Luo Wei!"

Luo Wei, who was still watching the show, froze for a moment.

"Your Excellency Luo Wei." Ke Qing looked at Luo Wei: "I will trouble you to teach Gan Yu well."

Teach what—?

"Of course it teaches how to spend time in a comfortable atmosphere with peace of mind."

Ke Qing blinked: "Aren't you the best at this?"

"Even if you try to come up with a new system, you have to reduce the workload, even if you are in a daze with nothing to do, you don't want to work..."

"I think, what Gan Yu lacks is exactly such a spirit!"


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