Chapter 150 The Second Godslayer

"Is it really, really possible not to work?"

"Shouldn't there be a lot of work to be done!?"


In Yuehai Pavilion, in the office in the afternoon, the sun is warm and warm, and the entire Liyue Port that can be overlooked from this towering building is also as prosperous as ever.

After the festival, everything goes back and forth, but also becomes more dynamic.

But under the sunlight, Luo Wei, who was sitting by the window, looked helplessly at the 'girl' opposite.

The half-immortal beast named Gan Yu sat on a chair carved from sandalwood, with his legs crossed and gently caressing, slightly exposed and sunken, with his drooping hands pressing his plump chest, and his abdomen undulating flatly between the drooping skirts.

That pretty face looked quite disturbed——

Of course, it is impossible to be uneasy.

Although Luo Wei subconsciously wanted to refuse when Keqing stuffed Gan Yu to him in the morning, but he thought about it since he had nothing to do at work anyway, so it doesn't hurt to "bring it along" a little.

Moreover, as Keqing said.

Today's Liyue Port has just entered the era of human rule. Whether it is the General Affairs Department or the Eight Gates, or some newly established local agencies, a large number of people are required to operate and be familiar with the various links in the middle.

If Gan Yu is allowed to make a move, then other people basically don't have to do it.

Luo Wei has no doubts about the ability of this 'coconut sheep' that has been working for thousands of years.

Restricting her is not only to let her have a good rest, but also for Liyue as a whole—the above are also what Keqing said to Luo Wei.

That Miss Yuhengxing said so.

In the end, Luo Wei did not refuse as a matter of course.

Hence the present scene.

Only at this moment...

Sitting in the same office with each other, but doing nothing.

"Ye...cough, Miss Gan Yu, would you like some tea?"

Luo Wei pushed the teacup in front of him.

"Thank you, thank you." Gan Yu raised his black gloved hand to take it, although he was uneasy, he still took a sip.

The tea smells in my mouth, and the uneasiness in my heart seems to have eased a little.

But Gan Yu always felt that he shouldn't be doing nothing here: "Excuse me, is there any work to do? Mr. Luo Wei."

"If I remember correctly, Tianshu Xing should be in charge of the new personnel transfer, right? And the Qianyan army stationed in Liyue's homeland..."

Just after taking a sip of tea, the girl finally couldn't hold back and asked a question between her red lips.

"Those things, I have handed over to the newly established General Affairs Department 'Tianshu Department'."

In the past, the General Affairs Department of Seven Stars was in charge of all affairs, and the General Affairs Department acted on behalf of Seven Stars. Now, the General Affairs Department under Seven Stars has more specifically divided into seven departments to represent Seven Stars' affairs respectively. Seven Stars is only responsible for the general direction and decision-making of important affairs. .

The expansion of the organization will inevitably lead to a surge in the number of people, but as long as each of them performs their duties and clearly defines their respective responsibilities, there will be no major problems.

In essence, Liyue Port in the past was barren in terms of management.

Gan Yu actually knew all these things.

After all, before yesterday, many organization expansions and personnel decisions were completed by her hands.

But she always felt that there was still something to be done.

There are still many, many tasks that need to be taken care of by yourself——

"Uh, uh..."

Miss Gan Yu hesitated, as if trying to find out the unfinished work, but couldn't remember it.

The new system that has undergone the seven-star joint ruling already covers all aspects, and it even has its own additional clauses.

How is it possible to find a vacant point?

"But speaking of jobs, there are."

"Yes, please tell me!" Gan Yu sat upright suddenly, and her legs which were crossed and caressed were also straightened up suddenly, and the raised waist made her chest rippling even more.

She was in high spirits, as if a drowning man had caught his wife.

"For Liyue Port, there is nothing to do. Seven stars, seven departments of the General Affairs Department and eight departments are enough to deal with Liyue's personnel affairs at this stage."

"The only thing missing is the fairy tale."

"A fairy ritual?"

Gan Yu tilted her head.

"That's right, Liyue has many interests and customs, and there is always a need for a person in charge—I think Miss Gan Yu should be very suitable."

"However, if you are a fairy, you don't need someone to take charge of it, right?" Gan Yu's face showed hesitation: "After all, you only need to come forward during festivals..."

Also too idle.

It is said that there is a specific and responsible work.

But it's no different from her now!

But Luo Wei looked extremely serious: "But there is indeed no one more suitable than you in Liyue Port."

"If I remember correctly, Ms. Gan Yu participated in the Demon God War long ago, right?"

", yes, yes,"

As if thinking of some disgraceful past, Gan Yu's expression became a little unnatural.

If it wasn't for the fact that she had already met with Liu Yun who came to Liyue Port before.

Confirmed that the master didn't say too much to Luo Wei...

"It is said that he still defeated a huge monster?"

Gan Yu: "?"

She wants to say how do you know...

"Zhenjun Liuyun Borrowing Wind also said that you were completely different back then than you are now, and the way you defeated monsters was also very strange——"


"Not only defeating monsters, but also the way of going up and down the mountain is very special."


Looking at Gan Yu's increasingly unnatural expression at this moment, Luo Wei felt inexplicably funny, but at the same time he had no choice but to apologize to Liu Yun.

In fact, these words were left in the clouds and the wind was not told to Luo Wei.

It's just 'common sense' as a time traveler.

But in Gan Yu's eyes, it has undoubtedly become a playful act of a certain willful immortal...

"In any case, being in charge of this aspect, we will definitely have to contact immortals in the future - if the emperor is not around, we will have to complete a lot of communication."

"If Miss Gan Yu really doesn't want to, I'll leave it to someone else."

"I think many people will accept it. After all, this is a genuine 'Fate of Heaven'."

Luo Wei seems to really want to think about new candidates...

"No—leave it to me, I can do it!"

Gan Yu hastily interrupted.

Yes, when Luo Wei said that, she also remembered it.

If the person in charge of this matter needs to often meet and negotiate with immortals, once they get acquainted with each other, then with the character of her master, Liuyun Borrowing Wind True Monarch...

Maybe, her dark history will be known to everyone in Liyue Port!

When I was a child, I was fat because I liked eating too much. I choked a monster to death during the Demon God War. I rolled down the mountain because it was too round...

cannot.Absolutely not let too many people know!

Gan Yu felt that she had to prevent that kind of thing from happening——

'I always feel that it's 'ignited' inexplicably! '

Luo Wei touched his chin.

But no matter what, there is finally a reason to really stabilize Gan Yu.

The girl in front of him sat down again.

Luo Wei tapped the table lightly.

Then next...

"Has a new Godslayer been born?"

He seemed to feel something in his heart.

It is at this very moment...

Boom boom boom!

There was a regular knocking sound outside the door: "Master Tianshu Deputy."

"Master Ningguang invites you to meet!"

Gan Yu subconsciously looked sideways at the door.

Luo Wei asked casually, "Did you say something?"

In fact, he can probably guess what it is.


"It is said that Master Beidou of the Southern Cross Fleet died."

Chapter 150 Three Invitation of Rice Wife

Beidou was killed.

This is the message Ningguang received.

But in fact, it is not very sure - even if the entire Southern Cross fleet sails, the only thing missing when returning is the "Sea Dragon King" Beidou as the captain.

Even according to the dictation of the people on board, in order to face the "demon god" that suddenly appeared on the sea, Beidou rushed into the vast water vapor wrapped in a thunderbolt, and he was bound to die.

But as that guy's 'investor', Ningguang felt that she might still be alive.

Of course, the reason why people invited Luo Wei was not because of this.

but because...

"An invitation from Dao Wife?"

After being invited, and letting Gan Yu stay in the house, Luo Wei, who came alone, stepped on the glorious palace near the golden house, and just pushed the door open, and heard what the other party said 'invite'.

"Yes, this thing—"

Under the brightly lit lights, the star-studded figure is as tall as ever.

The long platinum hair that hangs down is tied with a delicate and simple hairpin on the top of the head, and the hair on the forehead hides a mature and beautiful face.

The white and gold robe she is wearing is tightly woven and tied to the chest, the slender waist is winding and gathered, and a circle is exploded from the end like a silver screen.

The woman's legs are slender and round, white and blooming.

She held a pipe in one hand, and a letter with a seal in the other hand, her expression was still indifferent and confident: "According to the people on the Southern Cross fleet, the last time the Big Dipper died before it rushed into the sea For a moment, I specially asked the crew to hand this thing over to you."

"If I'm not mistaken, this should be the business that Beidou took over from Daozuma."

Luo Wei took the letter from Ning Guang's hand. Although it was unopened, he could tell at a glance that it was an invitation to him.

after all...

"Haiji Island, Miko, Coral Palace Xinhai sincerely invites His Excellency Luo Wei's book".

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