"Maybe I'm not me, I just got a part of the memory of the 'Jade Demon God'—"


At this moment, the "Jade Demon God" is no longer just the fictitious disobedient god in the "mythical story" written by Luo Wei and recognized and loved by the people of Liyue Land.

Instead, he obtained the existence of the real memory of the Dunyu Demon God.

Because of Luo Wei's knife.

Or maybe it was more because of the will of the mortal that came to him at that moment reminded him of the past.

True and false seem to be confused at the moment.

However, the look in the eyes of the demon god in front of him was true.

He swept his eyes over Luo Wei in front of him, and gradually descended. Under his feet, the 'jade stone' covering Dunyu Mausoleum gradually collapsed, crumbled, disappeared, and dispersed like wind and dust. rise.

The ancient ruins beneath it were naturally revealed again.

The towering statues of soldiers still stand in front of the gate of the ruins, and the remnants of the former prosperous civilization once again fall into the eyes.

The vicissitudes of time,

The ancient city named 'Dunyuling' has already disappeared.


"I saw the ease with which they still lived here after I died. I saw the figure of their tenacious life after they had to relocate. I saw that their blood is still continuing in this land..."

The demon god's people are still scattered across the land, even though they have lost their belief in the demon god over the long years, even if they have long forgotten the name of the existence that shed blood and died for their ancestors.

But Dunyu Demon God is still sincerely pleased at this moment, and feels...

"Morax, thank you...for fulfilling your contract with me."

"Thank you too..."


The last voice was faintly scattered, and the cracks between the demon god's slender necks were also rapidly spreading. The cracks spread, and the dark gaps encircled the demon god's whole body like broken jade.

gained memory,

Dunyu Demon God is still the God of Disobedience.

He had already lost in the fight with Luo Wei.

Disappearance is inevitable——

Of course, even if he is not defeated, he will not stay.

Because the existence of a god who does not obey is a disaster for the world.


In the end, the mottled jade wares turned into crumbs all over the sky, and the dots were crystal clear and scattered in the wind, like sparks igniting the immersed night.

Rowe looked up.

Looking at the sky, I also looked at the scene of floating up, like countless lanterns being lit and flying at the same time, illuminating the sky.

He watched the crystal debris flying towards the land of Liyue, and even more watched them fall to the bustling Liyue Port...

"Father, what is that?"

"Lanterns? It's not yet the Moon Festival—"

"So beautiful!"

Liyue's neighborhood is busy, the crowd stopped and raised their eyes, children played and applauded, and adults also admired it, thinking that this might be the handiwork of a fairy who lived in seclusion in the mountains.

Only the old man who sold the teapot lit a candle as if paying homage to his deceased.

The Dunyu Demon God completely disappeared.


This time, not even the strength remained.

Because the power of the god who does not obey will be completely wiped out by the godslayer.

But from the beginning to the end, Luo Wei did not ask why.

Because he already knew the answer.

...Why is the Dunyu Demon God willing to give up his life for human beings even though he has the body of a powerful Demon God?

...Why didn't he have the slightest resentment in his heart when he got the memory of the real demon god?Have no resentment against those who have forgotten his people?

...why why?

Because God loves the world.

That's it.

"Gremory, the Dunyu Demon God."

"Has the last trace of Him in the world finally disappeared..."

On Tianheng Mountain, the incarnation of the rock king, 'Zhong Li', who had been looking at the land of Liyue, raised his hand to catch a little piece of falling jade, his gilt eyes were slightly silent.

Another old friend has completely disappeared.

Another relic that has been obliterated by time.

He put his hands on his back, raised his head and looked up, with the hair behind him flying like butterfly wings.

Time seems to stand still.

However, the flowing wind will eventually blow away the dust of the years.

Maybe wait a few thousand years.

Will he end up like this too?

The emperor was silent.

At the same time, a cold and slightly indifferent voice suddenly sounded, interrupting his meditation: "Dijun..."

Zhong Li lowered his eyes and looked to one side.

A boy in Tsing Yi.

"Are you here too... Mandrill." Zhong Li nodded lightly, and responded like this: "Yes, with such a momentum, it is really difficult to hide it from you who guard Liyue."

Chapter No.17 Godhead Mask

This piece of land named Liyue buried a large number of demon gods during the demon god war. However, the demon god died, but his wreckage and resentment still remained on the ground, affecting the survival of the world like natural disaster radiation.

Even if Emperor Yan Wang took action and sorted out the veins with his own strength, it would be difficult to completely cover it up.

Just as the decline and relocation of Dunyu Mausoleum was due to the outbreak of the remains of the Dunyu Demon God.

Those 'devil remains' still erupt from time to time, causing all kinds of disasters.


In order to ensure people's lives.

For the peace of Liyue Land.

Someone must take action to deal with the remains and resentment of these demon gods.

The boy named 'Drill' is exactly such an existence - he is one of the three-eyed and five-manifested immortals, and one of the five guardian Yakshas who specialize in dealing with the remains of the demon god and bear the grievance of the demon god.

This Dharma Protector Yaksha General, the Great Sage of Subduing Demons and Subduing Demons, is like the rock king who has been walking the world in his incarnation.

He has also been guarding the world.

He will appear in everything related to the demon god.

All incidents involving the remains of the demon god could not escape his attention.

This is his duty.

The place where the contract he made with the 'Rock God' -

"That person... is very special." Yasha, who looked like a young man, spoke concisely, but his seemingly indifferent face showed respect and admiration for the incarnation of the rock god in front of him.

"That's true." Zhong Li nodded lightly: "His ability, even I can hardly see it clearly."

"However, everyone in the world has their secrets, and there is no need to worry too much."

"What's more-his existence may also be your help, making you less tired."

Mandrill was silent, and just cast his gaze in the direction of Dun Yuling.

Even the Rock God can't see through, and of course he can't see through the essence of Luo Wei's ability, but Luo Wei awakened the wreckage of the "Jade Demon God" to awaken consciousness. This is something that can be seen only from the surface. After the 'Escape Jade Demon God', Luo Wei successfully wiped out the power of the Demon God's wreckage without leaving a trace.

He himself was not disturbed by the demon god's resentment.

This is something that 'Guardian Yasha' cannot do.

Destroy the remains of the demon god,

It is necessary to bear the resentment of the demon god.

Infested by the resentment of the demon god, suffered a greater degree of 'wear and tear', and gradually fell into madness...

If they also have this ability of not being resentful, I won't be the only one left among the five guardian Yakshas, ​​right?

"I will pay more attention." Mandrill nodded without moving his face, but the unconcealable emotional fluctuations in his heart clearly fell into Zhongli's sight.

Zhong Li was dumbfounded, and said again: "I know you have doubts in your heart, but don't publicize what happened tonight."

"The emperor must have thought deeply about doing this." Mandrill responded without hesitation.

Zhong Li shook his head: "This matter is related to you, so it's okay to tell you."

"The Ice God of the Winter Kingdom, she intends to collect the hearts of the gods held by the seven gods, and unite their forces to resist the law of heaven that governs all things."

"—and I also feel that the time may have come."

"We have been guarding Liyue for 700 years. However, many old people have passed away during the long years. Perhaps the immortals have come to part ways with humans. Humans may no longer need the guidance of gods."

"It's just that the laws of heaven are too high to be touched by the world, so I want her to show her strength, but if she has enough strength, I will agree to her request and bestow the heart of God when the time is right."

"It just so happens that Liyue's land veins are not stable recently, and the resentment of the demon god that was subdued in the past will also change."

"So I also want to use the power of fools to arouse resentment and solve it at once—"

It is precisely because of such conditions.

That's why fools attacked Liyue tonight.

That's why Zhongli allowed the lady to let out the resentment of the 'Jade Demon God'.

The rock king Dijun who ruled Liyue for 700 years has a stable personality, but he likes to pile up incidents and solve them all at once.

Rather than passively waiting for the unexpected.

It's better to be fully prepared and solve it all at once.

In this way, the loss can be reduced to a minimum.

Of course, what Zhong Li originally wanted was to ignite the veins of the earth through the 'recovery' of the 'Dunyu Demon God', and then follow the map to strengthen the loose seals of the demon god's resentment on Liyue Land.

However, the special ability shown by Luo Wei gave him another idea.

"The changes in the earth veins caused by the awakening of the Dunyu Demon God tonight will bring more remains of the Demon God to break free—"

"Drill, next, I ask you to deal with it."

"Please be careful. If you need it, you can hold my token and ask the immortals to help you."

"——When necessary, Liyuegang and Qianyan Army can also be asked to assist." This sentence has a meaning.

"Yes!" Mandrill responded with a respectful voice, his delicate and youthful face looked dignified, obviously knowing what Zhong Li was referring to.

Zhong Li didn't speak anymore, but just glanced towards the direction of Dun Yuling, towards the jade fragments falling in the vast night.

"Tonight's business is over, let's go!"

The words fall.

On Tianheng Mountain, the moon shadow flickered, and the two figures that originally stood here also disappeared at the same time.

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