But the moment before disappearing.

Zhong Li looked back again, and glanced in the direction of Dun Yuling.

has it ended?

Maybe, not...

"Really, how did you mess with that guy?" On a hill with his back against Dun Yuling, a young man with short brown hair and a casual suit with a red scarf around his neck put down the 'lady': "If I hadn't saved you just now, I'm afraid you would be dead now."

"Shut up——" Although the 'Madam' was in a mess, her expression was still proud: "Dadalia, does Her Majesty have anything to say?"

"Hey, why are you so fierce? Good people don't get rewarded!" The young man spread his hands, his face full of helplessness: "As for the explanation...the empress asked me to give you the new evil eye, and let me tell you."

"It's time, it's time to return to the beginning."

The place of beginning...

The lady's eyes narrowed slightly, but she didn't speak.

The young man also said as if he didn't notice anything strange: "As for Liyue, leave it to me in the future."

The 'ma'am' didn't speak.

Instead, he got up slowly and walked away.

Dadalia scratched his head, and hurried after him.

Lang Lang moonlight, people come and go.

The jade fragments scattered in the night finally completely disappeared in the wind.

Dun Yuling,

Luo Wei landed slowly after the jade drifted away, stepping on the dry land in the middle of the Dunyu Mausoleum, facing the figure of the soldier guarding the gate of the ruins.

He put the long knife in his hand between the scabbard at his waist.

He closed his eyes slightly.

Just like the last thing Zhongli felt before he left——

This time of killing gods is over.

But it's not completely over yet.

There is no real finishing touch.

Godslayers kill gods, not just for the sake of killing them.

But for the plunder after killing the gods.

Plunder the divine power of the gods.

Plunder the authority of the gods.

This is exactly what Luo Wei is going to do at the moment.

He closed his eyes slightly.

Consciousness sinks into an inexplicable place.

Dark shadows circulate, infinitely dim.

But there was a little fire.

The outline of light slowly outlines the surrounding bronze walls.

Blessed to the soul, Luo Wei understood where this place was.

Such is the nature of the Godslayer—

The place of the 'reincarnation ceremony'.

The magic power and authority obtained after killing the gods will flow here.

And he can also activate the reincarnation ceremony here,

Reincarnate the power of the departed God of Disobedience into your own body.

This is the basis for the birth of Godslayer.

In the world of Godslayer, this ceremony is presided over and controlled by an existence named 'Pandora'.

But in Tivat continent,

But it was dominated by Luo Wei.

In theory, he should also be able to gain all the powers of the Disobedient God by completely manipulating the reincarnation ritual.

The essence of the godslayer is the principle of usurpation.

The principles of usurpation are infinite.

But Luo Wei's current strength is still unable to fully grasp this ceremony, so there are many restrictions.

Perhaps in the future, it will be different when the number of Godslayers is sufficient and they can completely control the reincarnation ceremony.

But at least for now, he cannot manipulate freely.

Cannot be looted completely.

The stored and obtained authority has a great relationship with one's own compatibility.

What can he get?

Luo Wei does not expect to reach the sky in one step.

At the moment of killing God successfully.

He actually already understood...

The gods of the godslayer world are not the same as the demon gods of Tivat. Even though they have similar underlying belief rules, there is a huge difference between the two.

The Godslayer's gods are themselves formless spirits who have gained form through the faith of men.

Despite the elements of nature, they still have a powerful 'mantra' that maintains their invisible existence.

This mantra power is also the basis for Godslayer to ascend to the sky in one step.

It is the reliance on which the godslayer is immune to most attacks in the world.

However, the demon gods of the Tivat continent did not.

Most of the demon gods in the Tivat continent are powerful life forms, but their power comes from the strong vitality of their bodies, from the elements between heaven and earth, and from nature.

Godslayers...or in other words, the current Luo Wei is still unable to obtain vitality and elements from the outside world from their bodies.

It is even more impossible to plunder the magic power that does not exist at all.

Mantra power is real divine power.

That may only be possessed by the 'Seven Gods'.

And what Rowe can get at this moment,

Only the demon god has the 'authority' to manipulate the elements.

But that's enough.

To him, to master the power of elements, to a certain extent, it is actually a step up to the sky——

From a human being to an 'Original God', or even an existence with the same essence as a 'Demon God'.

At this moment, Luo Wei reached forward in consciousness.

The authority flows into the body from the reincarnation ceremony.

Reality blows.

Blowing the silent barren hills of Dunyuling.

Under the moonlight,

Rowe opened his eyes again.

A crystal jade face appeared on his face like phantom overlapping.

Jade is the essence of earth and stone.

Carrying the sustenance of humanity and the belief of ghosts and gods.

And this mask...

"The ability to sense and manipulate elements at the level of a demon god, carry the divine power, eliminate karma, and freely switch between powers and functions, the 'God Mask'." Luo Wei opened his eyes, half a mask covering his face, but the opera makeup outlined by a Chinese ink pen .

And almost at the same time, he also knew the real name of 'Dunyu Demon God' engraved on Sky Island.

— Gremory.

72 Pillars Demon God, ranked 57th.

Chapter 18 Yuheng Xing Keqing, misunderstood? No, it was intentional

Perhaps because of the body mutation brought about by becoming a "God Slayer", Luo Wei's thinking has become extremely sharp, and his memory has also become very good. He can clearly recall many things that he had glimpsed in the past—— Especially the one about 'myth'.

If it weren't for this, he would not be able to write "The Devil's Strange" that everyone in Liyue loves.

So he knew the name 'Gremory'.

In his original world, this is one of the 'Solomon 72 Demon Gods', just like the real name 'Morax' engraved on the Sky Island by the Rock King Emperor.

Of course, this may have deep meaning, or it may just be a coincidence brought about by the flow of information caused by the difference in dimensions between different worlds.

But at least Luo Wei knew his name.

He also, of course, needs to be remembered.

Not only because the 'Dunyu Demon God' Gremory was the first demon god he slayed, but also because of the 'gift' he had obtained at the moment with the power he possessed.

【God mask】.

It is the time when the Dunyu Mausoleum has not yet buried the corpse of the Dunyu Demon God, and naturally it has not yet been called the Dunyu Mausoleum. Come.

At that time, the Dunyu Demon God used the jade face to interpret the god of the four elements, and bestowed physical and mental protection on all people.

The 'God Mask' obtained by the current Luo Wei also has the same effect.

In this way he can feel the elements and manipulate them.

Even in the "God Killing" that will inevitably come later, this mask can be used as a carrier, and the authority of the gods can be contained in it, and it can be used freely without being affected by karma.

... Without this ability, even if Luo Wei succeeds in killing the gods and gaining authority, he might still be harassed by the demon god's resentment and karma.

After all, not every ghost of a Demon God can be like Dunyu Demon God.

God loves the world.

But mostly paranoid and arrogant.

He may not be able to bear the weight that even the Dharma Protector Yasha, who has survived for a thousand years, can hardly resist.

This is actually something that Luo Wei had some scruples about before.

It's just that he shouldn't have obtained such authority.

Because the 'Dunyu Demon God' had no such ability before this.

He is the Demon God of Jade.

It is the demon god derived from the rock element.

Deduction is, after all, just deduction.

However, at the end of his demise, relying on his status as the "God of Disobedience", he condensed the legend into authority and left it to Luo Wei.

That's why it's called a 'gift'.

It is the last thanks to Luo Wei.

Perhaps for the gentle demon god who loves the world, complete demise is a kind of complete relief instead?

Luo Wei raised his hand and gently clasped the jade mask on his forehead.

Its shape is like the Nuo mask worn by people in ancient times to worship gods and dance ghosts, drive away plagues and avoid epidemics, and express Anqing's entertainment dance.

But Luo Wei thought about it, and seemed to think that such a dress was inappropriate.

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