To some extent, it is very similar to 'Internet Chat'.

Of course, it seems magical, and it is indeed precious to Yunjin who comes from a big family, but the Yun family is only a forging family after all, Yunjin himself is a master of opera, and the biggest use of keeping this thing is to communicate with others ——In the past, Luo Wei and Yun Jin used this method to discuss story creation thousands of miles apart.

Luo Wei continued to write with ease, "Well, I just got off work."

"Are you off work...Qianyan Army is really hard." The beautiful strokes outlined show the owner's bright mood.

Luo Wei smiled, as if he could imagine the cute and cute look of the girl over there when she was alone: ​​"By the way, when are you coming back?"

"Should it be only a few days?" Yun Jin thought for a while.

"Okay, I have also created a lot of new stories here, let's take a look together then? Of course, your favorite Liyue New Tea must be indispensable."

"Yeah, of course, I've been waiting for your words for a long time!"

Chapter 4 Fools

In Qingcezhuang, the night shrouds the villages built along the mountainside, and among the terraced fields that spread out, there are glazed lilies blooming silently in the wind.

Unlike Liyue Port, which is very bustling both day and night, this village located in the other corner of Liyue area, surrounded by fields and mountains, is like a paradise isolated from the world. Rest at sunset, take farming as the basis every day, cycle and regularity... Or should it be called monotonous?

Of course, because of this monotony, most of the people living in Qingcezhuang are old people, and young people often yearn for a life of daring and hard work. For them, Liyue Port is a more suitable stage.

Although Yun Jin, who has performed here for three days, does not reject this kind of life...but she also has the same idea.

It is not suitable for young people to live here.

This kind of simple life of watching the sun rise and set day after day, maybe when she gets old, she will also settle here?

The girl sitting in the room raised her vermilion eyes. On the table in front of her, the candlelight flickered, outlining the girl's slender figure, and also shining on the pen in her hand and the rice paper in front of her.

Hmm... If you can invite Mr. Luo Wei to talk about creation every day, go to Xin Yan's concert occasionally, and taste Liyue's new tea... that would be even better?

Looking at the 'chat message' on the rice paper, the girl couldn't help but wonder...

"Sir, haven't you rested yet?" The crisp voice from outside the door interrupted Yunjin's thoughts, and she looked sideways at the girl standing outside the door behind her.

That's a member of Yunhan Society, a new Huadan.

At the same time, he can be regarded as Yunjin's 'student', right?

As the head of the Yunhan Club, Liyue's most famous Huadan, except for the older generation in the Yunhan Club, are all her students.

Facing the other party's question, Yunjin just smiled: "It's time to rest."

"You should also sleep early."

"Well, I will!" The other party's eyes were rippling with light.

She looked at the figures in the room.

The ink on the paper was still wet, and the writing brush in his hand stopped. Although it was late at night, Mr. Yun was still wearing his usual clothes. The fluffy skirt pressed down on his slender legs, his slender waist was tightly tied under the belt, and his chest was soft and bulging. The pink robes on both sides are on the shoulders, and the hanging hands are covered under the long black sleeves, only five fingers as white as jade are exposed. The loose black long hair is gently swaying, the eyes are vermilion and pretty, and the neat ends of the hair lie across the eyebrows. In between, it looks refined and elegant.

Mr. Yun seems to be able to maintain a dignified manner and appearance forever... and he is still working hard late at night... This new member of the Yunhan Club left with longing in his heart.

Yun Jin tilted her head, somewhat confused by the other party's agitated attitude.

But I didn't think too much, but turned my attention back to the 'rice paper'...

"Then it's settled. There is still a performance tomorrow, so I'll go to rest first."

"Well, it's okay, take a good rest."

The pen and ink have been abrupt since then.

In the deep night of Qingcezhuang, you can occasionally hear a few sonata-like cicadas singing and fireflies flashing past in the forest, like stars falling on the ground.

Yun Jin glanced out of the window, her pretty face covered by her black hair was indeed full of anticipation.

Liyue Port, residential area.

Luo Wei put away the piece of rice paper, pressed it to the bottom of the box, and locked it layer by layer to make sure nothing would go wrong.

After all, it is a gift from Yunjin, and it is said that it was also handed by Zhenjun Lengfengliuyun, so it must be kept carefully.

Communication with acquaintances is always easy and pleasant.

But then, it's time to do other things.

Luo Wei put on a brand-new 'flying fish suit' again, put on a round hat, hung the long knife hanging on the wall from his waist, and stepped out of the room while the hem of the clothes was rolled up.

In the small yard, surrounded by low walls on all sides, a sand tree swayed and stood upright, with fallen leaves falling one after another——

Suddenly the wind picked up, and under the slanting moonlight, a cold light came out of the scabbard, and the curved blade swept across the air like the surface of water in an instant, tearing the drifting wind and leaves.

Leaves fall fast.

But Luo Wei drew the knife faster.

Luo Wei, who has practiced all the year round and has Zhongli's guidance, has already been able to lift weights like light in terms of skills.

But this knife is not just to show this skill.

but because...

The knife is beeping softly.

He turned his wrist and looked at the knife in his hand. The long and narrow blade was slightly curved, and the mottled lines shone with a little golden light under the cold moon.

The style of 'Xiu Chun Knife' is a genuine alchemy creation.

Luo Wei himself does not have the eyes of God, nor can he perceive the seven elements traveling in the air, but the knife in his hand is a weapon that he spent a lot of money custom-made from a master alchemist. It has no earth-shattering destructive power , and failed to control the elements on the scale of the Eye of God, but was extremely tough and sharp.

Moreover, it has specialized the basic function of alchemy weapons - it can accurately sense the changes of elements and issue warnings.

And right now, it's buzzing.


'Thrilled' by the tide of elements emerging in the air.

Luo Wei listened to the sound of the knife.

In this chime...

Embrace 'maliciousness'.

He remembered Zhongli's 'reminder' before he left, but in fact, without the words of the incarnation of the rock god, Luo Wei himself had already known that people with malicious intentions had sneaked into Liyue Harbor long before. .

His source of news is not only because of himself as the Qianyan Army, but also because of the foresight brought by the traversers.

It was a foreign group called 'Fools' that was acting as a diplomatic mission on the surface, but secretly engaged in various actions to oppress countries.

Fools are making trouble in Liyue.

And caused a huge disturbance.

This is also part of the 'drama'.

"If I remember correctly, behind them, there is also the figure of a weak demon god—"

This is why he cares about them.

It is also the reason why he will inevitably make a move at this moment.

In any case, Luo Wei must have enough power - the Tivat continent is by no means a peaceful world, and only when he is strong can he ensure real security and protect himself and others.

And the weak demon god is undoubtedly the existence that best suits his goals.

because of its weakness.

So there may not be no chance of winning.

It is also because this is Liyue.

It is Liyue Port where the Rock King Dijun sits in person.

But if it is dangerous, there is still a way out.

Once in a lifetime.

Of course, Luo Wei couldn't give up.

Hope you don't let me down!

— Fools.

Luo Wei folded the blade into the sheath, flicked the hem of his clothes, followed the direction pointed by the vibration of the sheathed blade, and pushed the door out.

Vast night.

The moonlight shines brightly on the shoulders.

A starry night without rain is a good season for killing people!


at the same time.

On Tianheng Mountain, on top of the towering peaks, more than 20 figures gathered.

"Are you going to start action tonight?" The speaker was tall with a heavy hammer in his hand, and his body was surrounded by dark purple lightning.

He is the advance soldier of the Fools, holding a powerful thunder-type alchemy weapon in his hand.

As soon as Chong Hammer's words fell, another figure who was dressed the same as him but held heavy gloves and was surrounded by blue air currents responded: "Yes."

The person who responded was also a soldier of the advance team, but what he possessed was a wind attribute alchemy glove.

"Is it just us?" Lei Hammer looked around, "With people like us, do you want to test Liyue's power?"

All the people present were powerful fighters with alchemy weapons in their hands.

Thunder Hammer, Wind Fist, Debtor of Fire holding two flaming knives, and Thunder Warlock who uses "Fog Void Grass" to manipulate fireflies with lightning attributes...the number is not many, but the fools went to a foreign country The fighting organization has a small number of people, with more than 20 people, it is already not a small force.

However, Lei Hammer still felt that it was not enough.

What they are facing at the moment is Liyue Port, the commercial center port of Tivat Continent... It has Liyue Seven Stars sitting in the town, eight gates guarding it, three-eyed and five-manifested true monarchs spread across the mountains and rivers, and the Rock King Dijun personally manages it. A powerful country where gods have walked together for 3000 years.

Even if there is an internal response.

With such power, he still doesn't have the slightest confidence to break into the inner core.

"There is no need to worry about this." The Fengquan said: "Her Majesty has appointed a new [executive officer] to come with a powerful 'weapon'."

"All we have to do is to clear the way for the new executive officer."

"at all costs."

"Whatever it takes."

Feng Fist looked around the crowd, with a serious face, paused every word, and said in a low and humming voice, "—for the Winter Kingdom."

"For... Her Majesty the Empress!" The others responded loudly, and the raised air currents blew grass clippings all over Tianheng Mountain.

Chapter 5 Narrow Road

It is different from Liyue, which is located on the eastern coast of Tevat and has a favorable environment due to the continuous transformation of the rock god who controls the earth with divine power.

The Winter Kingdom is located in the northern part of the Tivat continent. The northern border is icy cold and will always be submerged by wind and snow.

The people of Zhidong Country don't believe in spring, and they also don't believe in the warmth and tears of people's hearts. Businessmen from Zhidong Country in Liyue are often the most rational.

But they wholeheartedly support the Ice God and Queen of Ice who rule the Kingdom of Winter, because the God of Ice has indeed brought benefits to the Kingdom of Winter.

With enough benefits, the people of Zhidong Kingdom would risk their lives for it.

Sufficient benefits can also make the people of Zhidong Country travel across the ocean, join the crowd of fools, and forget their lives.

"Her Majesty the Empress has transformed us from low-class people who can only be slaughtered to powerful warriors..."

"Such benefits are enough for us to die!"

The advance team member holding the huge thunder hammer exhaled, and couldn't help but smile when he saw the cheered up crowd.

They are not afraid of death, but it is worthless to be afraid of death——if there is an [Executive Officer], then there is no need to worry.

Every [Fools] is a one-of-a-kind warrior, and the [Executive Officer] ranks at the top of the [Fools], and is a real, absolute powerhouse, and can even be said to be a complete monster.


"Let's go, everyone!"

The fools raised their weapons high, and their morale was greatly boosted on Tianheng Mountain.

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