In Liyue Port.

After leaving the door, Luo Wei looked up at the night of Liyue. The bright moon was hanging high, the stars were shining brightly, and the quiet street was blown by the wind, which was in stark contrast to the hustle and bustle of the business district in the distance.

With the clothes hanging down and the boots forward, when passing by the streets of the commercial district, Luo Wei smelled a fragrance coming from the street stalls...

"Xiang." He stopped and walked in with ease.

"Captain Luo's nose is still as good as ever. The tea leaves here are specially reserved for you. They are all freshly picked and baked from the first young leaves of Liyue this year." The stall owner is an old man , grizzled, and kindly.

The old man can be regarded as an acquaintance of Luo Wei.

Luo Wei often buys tea from him.

Because the money is enough.

The old man also often leaves the best tea to him.

Luo Wei rubbed his chin, took out the money bag, counted out a lot of Mora from it, and handed it over: "Old rules."

"Understood, two catties of new tea is on the shelves." The old man stroked his beard and smiled, obviously in a good mood.

The amount given by Luo Wei is an absolute premium.

He is happy.

Rowe didn't care either.

It's not your own money anyway.

It's the "funding" that "Tianquanxing" gave Yun Jin and Yun Jin gave herself.

of course,

Luo Wei actually doesn't like drinking tea.

The reason why she often buys tea is because Yunjin likes it—Mr. Yun likes to drink tea very much. This is something that almost everyone in Liyue knows. It is the greatest joy to taste new tea leisurely in your spare time.

That's why.

Luo Wei has more or less knowledge of tea ceremony, and knows whether the tea is good or bad.

The tea from the stall owner in front of me,

Absolutely a rare best.

If not, he wouldn't come here again and again.

While weighing the tea bag handed over by the stall owner in his hand and smelling the oncoming fragrance, Luo Wei also seemed to see the beautiful appearance of that beautiful girl who looked forward to her posture with bright eyes and silver teeth when she tasted the tea.

pretty good...

Luo Wei solemnly took back the tea bag and hid it close to his body. He took another look at the interior of the business district, and glanced at the Heyu Teahouse where Yun Jin often performed, and at the empty stage.

Immediately, he went in the opposite direction without looking back.

With his back to the dim lights, he stepped into the darkness.

Rustle... The wind blows the fallen leaves by the roadside, and the further forward, the lighter and lighter Luo Wei's footsteps are, and in the end it seems to blend with the sound of the wind, the trees, and the fallen leaves.

Although Luo Wei was just an ordinary person half a year ago, during the six months he traveled to Tivat, he had both the guidance of the rock king and the support of "Mr. The improvement in physical fitness can also be called rapid.

After all, the Tivat continent is a world shrouded in seven elements.

The people and things here will naturally produce various miraculous effects under the influence of the seven elements.

Exercise can make a person's physique leap forward.

This is especially true for medicine and food supplements.

After spending half a year on this basis, the skills of hiding his breath and melting into the night have long been easy for Luo Wei.

And the lighter the footsteps, the faster the moving speed of Luo Wei's body. Under the dim lights, the figure is almost like a ghost. He walked along the road paved with clean and flat floors in Liyue, passing the medicine house "Bubulu" , arrived at the periphery of Liyue, on the road leading to the foot of Tianheng Mountain.

Then in the next second, the young non-commissioned officer's knees were slightly bent, like a spring pressing down, and he jumped up with a sudden jump. The whole person instantly climbed over the wall on one side, stepped continuously, borrowed his strength, and stepped on the cornice of the eaves without hesitation. Noisily fell to the roof.

Luo Wei crawled down, lowering his body like a spider, with his toes stuck between the jagged roof tiles, stabilizing his body on the slope of the roof.

His robes were drooping, covered by the sound of the wind, his eyes in the darkness were as sharp as a falcon, staring ahead - two figures slowly walking on the road, two Qianyan soldiers.

Wearing dark brown armor and holding spears, they guarded the road leading to the foot of Tianheng Mountain. They looked serious all the way and did not speak.

It wasn't until the sound of footsteps disappeared that Luo Wei got up on the roof again.

You can't be found whereabouts, let alone startle the snake, so that the fools will be vigilant.

Luo Wei's action at this moment was precisely to catch the opponent by surprise.

As for foreign aid...

Luo Wei touched his waist, besides the long knife, there was also a 'firework tube'.

As the captain of the Qianyan Army, he is of course qualified to call for reinforcements.

The Qianyan Army also has an army to deal with various emergencies, which can arrive quickly.

He has a certain confidence in his own strength.

— but not arrogant.

With a thud, the boy wearing a 'flying fish suit' fell back to the ground and moved forward again amidst the evening wind.

His hand was already on the handle of the knife at his waist.

The knife buzzed in its sheath.

It's like the sound of the wind blowing and fluttering.

As Luo Wei marched, his whole body was already tense.


just ahead—

Fools came down from Mount Tianheng under the leadership of 'Thunder Hammer' and 'Wind Fist'.

They restrained the elemental radiance of the alchemy weapons in their hands, lowered their voices as much as possible, and walked forward along the shadows. In the dim moonlight, only the slight rustling of footsteps remained.

"Be careful not to be discovered."

"Once the action starts, break through as far as possible!"

"—to strive for the greatest results!"

Surprise attack.

Only in this way can we create greater opportunities and obtain more fighters as much as possible.

They need to create opportunities for the upcoming [Executive Officer] as much as possible.

The fools looked at each other, their hearts filled with solemnity. During the journey, the shadows hovered along the mountain road, and the magnificent and prosperous Liyue Port was in front of them.

That is the breath of prosperity and flow that Zhidong Kingdom does not have.

That was their goal—

They are also Luo Wei's target!

Tread Tat Tat...the sound of footsteps that can no longer be concealed suddenly sounded. They fell to the foot of the mountain, but Luo Wei also appeared outside Liyue Harbor at the same time. , He did not retreat but advanced.

The handle of the knife trembled softly.

When the fools heard the footsteps, they were startled.

They were on alert for an instant.

The majesty of the elements exploded like a thunderbolt.

The vast night.

But I saw the light of the sword in front of me like a sword.

Charged alone, Luo Wei stepped on the mountain road from bottom to top, with the knife at his waist, his body like a long bow, and the sharp blade pulled out of its oblique sheath, looking like a dragon turning back.

——Sword technique and narrow road.

When we meet on a narrow road here, the brave will win!

Chapter 6 Abandoning everything, the sword born to cut

The road at the foot of the mountain with its back to the bright moon is undulating, and the dark space blown by the weeds is illuminated like the shadow of a wild goose by the light of a knife at this moment.

Luo Wei's footsteps were steady.

His people are fast,

Knives are faster.

This is a knife that envelops the spirit and spirit, and it is a knife that wants to break through the obstacles-like a twig that has sprouted through the soil and longs to embrace the light.

Go all out and go forward!

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!" The fools were instantly vigilant.

They didn't know who the visitor was, but they could tell the identity of the Qianyan Army from their attire.

But since they met on a narrow road, and the opponent has already brandished a sword, the fools, as the elite among the elites of the Winter Kingdom, will never lack the courage to draw their swords!

There was a clang.

The heavy hammer that shone with thunder met the incoming light of the knife, and the low buzzing sound of smashing the air was covered by the sound of wind and knife. The 'Thunder Hammer' stood at the forefront of the crowd, and was naturally the first one to talk to Luo Wei. people who fight.

The collision of the knife and the hammer was like a boulder crashing into the quagmire, causing an uproar in an instant. The electric light above the heavy hammer shone brightly, and the purple streamer illuminated the surroundings in an instant. Fengrui can feel the rush of energy even more. If he fights normally, maybe he is not an opponent, and it is even more likely that he will be cut directly.

But - there's never a 'normal situation' in combat.

The weapons held by the fools are all high-grade 'alchemy weapons' with elements attached.

So at the moment of the collision, he activated the alchemy pattern on the heavy hammer, releasing a more violent thunder.

In an instant, the electric arc entangled with the knife in Luo Wei's hand along the place where the weapons collided, and spread to the hand and the person holding the knife.

The tingling sensation of the electric shock climbed up his arm, but Luo Wei did not retreat but advanced, turned his ankle, turned sideways, and staggered with the thunder hammer.

The shadow of the knife rubbed against the surface of the hammer, sparking sparks like fireflies.

The robe is raised.

Light and shadow scattered.

Luo Wei slammed his figure directly into the surrounding layers of fools.

The heavy hammer fell to the ground, and Lei Guang spread flower-like streamlines in the air because he lost his target.

The thunder hammer is very powerful, and being able to hold the huge hammer tightly in his hand proves his strength.

But there are gains and losses.

Holding such a huge weapon, he is doomed not to be as agile as Rowe.

Even more unable to block the sprinting Luo Wei at this moment.

Only with the instant blocking of the 'Thunder Hammer', the other idiots were already ready to meet the enemy.

Then, facing Luo Wei came the 'Wind Fist' with a clenched fist and a swing. The air flow gathered on the blue gloves, forming a small but powerful storm, and rushed straight towards Luo Wei.

The air exploded and the wind howled.

Warlock Lei Ying, who was wearing a purple robe to cover his graceful and exquisite body, raised the 'lamp' in his hand, and manipulated the lightning and flying fireflies to surround it from all directions, as if weaving a network of lightning.

The Debtor of Fire clenched his swords tightly and ignited a flame, making a meteor-like trajectory in the dark.

The three people at the front flanked each other.

They wanted to kill Luo Wei with one blow while his body was still spinning!

But Luo Wei continued to take a few steps forward directly by the power of the rotation, swung the long knife, and turned the arc that was still entwined on the knife in his hand and just clung to it into overlapping blades, and pushed forward.

Thunder comes from the sword, thunder is like a sword!

——Blade Skill · Yi Hua.

Use flowers and trees to replace trees, and use strength to fight.

At this moment, the thunder light pierced directly through the storm and slashed towards the wind fist.

The hairs on Fengquan's body exploded, and he fell back with his instinctive reaction, but the light of the knife and the thunder passed by the top of his head, leaving only endless roaring in his ears as if they had been pierced through.

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