Feng Fist retreated.

Luo Wei did not pursue.

Just shaking the knife, cutting through the air, taking advantage of the trend to guide the air storm that lost its owner to circle around the body.

The sound of the mighty wind under the swing of the long knife

The thunder and fireflies that fluttered and fluttered, and the dust that was thrown up also blinded the debtor who was holding a pair of flaming knives.

They close their eyes.

However, Luo Wei saw the other party clearly at this moment——

The number of people is 23.

Holding an alchemical weapon with elemental attachments.

Strong skills and excellent consciousness.

Is the elite of the elite.

I saw it clearly, but Luo Wei didn't make a move immediately. Although he succeeded in breaking into the enemy camp by relying on the skill of borrowing strength, he only repulsed the oncoming enemies.

And the rest of the fools also gathered around at the same time.

Soon the dust settled.

Feng Fist stood firm, the Debtor of Fire opened his eyes, and Warlock Lei Ying stabilized the restless Lei Ying.

The moon also seemed to be climbing along with the mountain, dipping the moonlight into the shadow. The cool evening wind blew the hem of the flying fish suit, and the tip of the long knife that he held tightly was pointing obliquely at the ground. Luo Wei exhaled.

He didn't move.

The fools around did not move.

They are waiting.

Waiting for the 'instruction' from the person with the highest status among them——

"Thousand Rock Army..."

Lifting the heavy hammer in his hand, the purple electric light was still rippling, slightly restrained compared to before, but still turbulent.

The 'Thunder Hammer' who fought against Luo Wei first turned around, facing Haoyue who had climbed the mountain with a tall figure, and looked at Luo Wei coldly under the black hat brim on his head: "How did you find us?"

This is something he has to confirm.

The appearance of this guy in front of him.

Is it a coincidence?

Or has Liyue already seen their whereabouts?

Is it just the other person?

Or is there other reinforcements behind him?

But Luo Wei didn't answer Lei Hammer's question, but just looked around: "It seems——do you think you're going to eat me?"

Thunderbolts splashed in the hands of Thunder Hammer, the airflow above the glove held by Wind Fist converged into a vortex, the double knives in the hands of the Debtor of Fire had already been completely lit, and thunder fireflies fluttered around the Lightning Warlock Lei Ying... the glimmer of elements Confused in this small place at the foot of the mountain, they are connected and echoed with each other, like a huge cage woven together, locking Luo Wei tightly.

And with the passage of time, this echo is gradually becoming more 'tight', and the cage is becoming stronger.

—In other words.

Compared to Luo Wei, Fools are less afraid of being delayed.

Anyway, this place is beyond Liyue.

They can pull back at any time and report the situation to the [Executive Officer].

"Qianyan Army, I admit that you are very powerful." Lei Hammer's voice was still low, like a buzzing: "But you are only one person."

Only being alone.

There is no eye of God.

There is no powerful elemental alchemy weapon either.

"You will not be our opponent, and you will not be able to escape."

"If you don't speak, we can only make you speechless forever!" Following Thunder Hammer's words, the fools moved again.

Don't be afraid to procrastinate.

But also don't want to be delayed.

Fools come here, after all, they have a mission.

Facing the oncoming evening wind, feeling the increasingly restless 'air current' and killing intent in the air, Luo Wei suddenly smiled: "—that's right."

If you want to fight, you can fight.

Stand if you want to fight.

If he doesn't fight, how can he force out the real existence behind these fools?

He can't believe--

The Queen of the Winter Kingdom who controls the Fools will rely on these people to attack Liyue.

Even if it's just a test.

They are still not eligible either.

"As you said, I don't have the eye of God, nor do I have powerful elemental alchemy weapons."


He took a step forward, and the long knife pointing obliquely at the ground was closed to his waist with the rotation of his wrist. The buzzing sound of the knife suddenly resounded, like the wind blowing on the surface of a lake to create ripples.

He bends his knees.

The spine tightened like a snake, but it tensed instantly.

Bounce out!

The light of the knife jumped and bloomed at the waist.

There are no surging elements, no thrilling streamer curves, but the slightly curved blade cuts off the thunder, tears the wind and moon, and drowns the fire and light the moment it is swung.

His knife collided with the heavy hammer standing at the front again.

'Thunder Hammer' gripped the handle of the hammer tightly and let out the thunder.

He wants to crush Rowe.


The cold light intersects.

Accompanied by the violent buzzing, before the Thunder Hammer could react... there were already pieces of iron scattered all over the ground in front of him, and above the broken corners, the alchemy formation shimmered and gradually dimmed.

And his hands were also lightened.

A face to face.

Hammer shattered.

Only the handle of the heavy hammer remains.

Another face to face.

The cold light staggered, and the blood flowed like a spring.

I saw the toes of the relatively short Luo Wei.

The leaping figure brushed the edge of the blade across Thunder Hammer's neck, and the icy coldness raised the light of the blade and groaned softly.

After the shadow of the knife, bright red burned the bright moon.

Lei Hammer's eyes widened, his body trembling in disbelief.

I lost in an instant?

He seemed to have just reacted.

It's like it's unacceptable.

I can't accept how the other party suddenly became so strong! ?


"this is the truth."

Luo Wei swung his long knife, looked at the advance team leader [Thunder Hammer] of the Fools who fell to the ground ferociously and blood was flowing, and looked at the surrounding silence, the group of dull Fools, and grinned.

This is not hidden strength.

It simply activated the alchemy formula on the knife.

As said.

As an alchemy knife, his knife does not have attachment elements, and it does not have gorgeous attacks.

But it is also because of abandoning all these.

So his knife has an unparalleled sharpness.

give up everything.

Born to cut.

That's why—

Only then can there be nine mountains and eight seas, without self-continuity.

"The so-called knife, it only needs to be able to cut!"

"Now." The knife is bright, and the hem of his clothes is raised. Although Luo Wei is still surrounded by fools at this moment, he looks more like...

"You are surrounded by me!"

Chapter 7 Five people in a flash

If only from the comparison of the number of people, Luo Wei's words seem to be just a joke, but combined with the scene where he beheaded 'Thunder Hammer' and everyone present, almost no one dared to think it was just a joke.

Even the knife he used to kill 'Thunder Hammer' was actually a bit of a trick.

The instant activation of the alchemy formula can indeed improve Luo Wei's combat power, and achieve the "non-self continuous" that can even cut through ordinary alchemy weapons, but the improvement in the strict sense is not so great that it can instantly kill the just The degree to which one can block one's opponent.

The real key is not the increased combat power, but the 'instant'.

Because of the moment.

So Thunder Hammer couldn't respond.

Because it came out of nowhere.

So he made a serious misjudgment.

This is a frontal fight.

But it was also a frontal 'sneak attack' by Luo Wei using his hidden power!

Expand the advantage.

Use the power you have in the most correct way.

This is also a 'technique'.

A kind of 'art of war'.

A 'potential' application!

And with this 'momentum' of the lightning-slashing hammer, Luo Wei can also coerce the audience——

The moonlight is coldly reflected among the jagged gravel at the foot of Tianheng Mountain, the undulating road, the long knife hanging down spreads the icy curve, Luo Wei stepped over the huge twitching and gradually icy body of Thunder Hammer, and looked coldly at the origin of the fool public.

Fengquan took half a step back subconsciously, Lei Ying, who was flying in the air, let out an aura of restlessness, and even the face of Warlock Lei Ying that was hidden under the hood also leaked a trace of cold sweat, the debtor of fire clenched his hands The knife, the knuckles in the hand are clearly protruding, and it is pressed extremely hard.

They didn't say anything nonsense about each other being alone, shoulder to shoulder.

As an elite group, they know very well that in a real battle, it is never just the number of people that decides the outcome, not just the combat power data on paper... It is also about morale, courage, and determination.

This is why there are many people who win more with less in history.

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