Facing Hu Tao's rambling, Luo Wei thought for a while: "It's not appropriate to say that I'm a friend. I should be regarded as Mr. Zhongli's student, right?"

"Student? That guy does look a bit old-fashioned, and my hall master's usual feelings are indeed right!" Hu Tao nodded in agreement, and suddenly became a little annoyed:

"Speaking of which, that guy clearly agreed to come to Wuwangpo together before, but halfway said that he had something to do, and even said that he was going overseas to pay homage to an old friend - no matter how you think about it, it's just an excuse for being lazy!"

"How could this trick be hidden from the hall master?"

Overseas...old friend?

Luo Wei subconsciously glanced to the east, and the east of Liyue is also the border with the sea.

The one who can be called an old friend by Zhongli is probably a certain immortal, or even a demon god, right?

"But those don't matter." The angry expression was only fleeting, and the next second, Hu Tao suddenly rolled her vermilion eyes, her silver teeth were slightly exposed, and she smiled.

She looked at Luo Wei, raised and lowered her toes, raised her buttocks, and her slightly plump legs also had a white texture at the same time:

"Since he ran away lazily, then as his superior—this hall master, he has no choice but to ask you, a student, to help out and go with me to the vicinity of Qingce Village!"

"Don't worry, after the matter is completed, the hall master will also give you a position as the guest minister of the past life hall, and the funeral expenses will also give special discounts to internal staff?!"


In fact, Luo Wei really wants to say, have you asked my opinion?

But after thinking about it, Luo Wei still didn't open his mouth. After all, he was indeed going to Qingcezhuang, to find Yunjin, and bring her back to Liyue.

Then it's not a big deal to drop by and help.

And with someone leading the way, Luo Wei can reach Qingce Village faster.

As for the purpose of the walnuts...

On the way following Hu Tao, Luo Wei asked casually.

The hillsides on both sides are undulating, and the long hair is blowing in the evening wind. The girl in the funeral hat scratched her hair, and her vermilion eyes seemed to be flying like butterflies: "Do you still need to ask?"

"Of course it's for the business of Xiangshengtang!"

"It's just that something went wrong..."

While speaking, a ray of light appeared in the distance pierced the dark night sky, like a curtain slowly raised on the stage, the long night finally came to an end here.

"It's just ahead!" Hu Tao pointed to the front, her bare slender legs stood upright, and her round buttocks became more undulating under the morning sun. The girl looked at Luo Wei.

Luo Wei followed her gaze, and they had passed through the mountainside and climbed over the rocks, and they could already vaguely see the undulating terraced fields of Qingcezhuang in front of them. Countless houses were scattered on the terraced fields, and glass lilies bloomed and swayed among the fields.

But in front of the road, there is a dilapidated hut standing alone.

There is an old man in front of the house.

Standing tall, with gray beard and hair, when he saw Hu Tao coming, he couldn't help blowing his beard and staring: "Why are you here again, you little devil? I said I don't need any funeral - old man, I am still in good health!"

"You are a customer of our Xiangshengtang, of course I'm coming!" Hu Tao smiled and didn't care.

The old man stared again.

Mentioning a funeral to an old man who looks like 80 or [-] years old, no one will be happy: "Old man, I am in good health, even if I am asked to go to the rocky abyss with a spear to guard it, I will do my part!"

Is this a retired Qianyan Army veteran?

"Birth, old age, sickness and death, human nature, death is not eternal sleep, but another beginning—" Hu Tao shook his head, with grass blowing on both sides: "We provide one-stop funeral service in Xiangsheng Hall, but all people in ten miles and eight villages are satisfied, and since it is absolutely not It will fall by the wayside!"

"Go, go, don't use it if you say no!"

The old man waved his hand, turned back to the house with a sullen expression on his face, and closed the door with a bang, kicking up a large cloud of dust, shaking the moss on the wall and falling down.

Hu Tao scratched her hair again: "...Why are you all from the Qianyan Army? Are you so far behind?"

She looked at Rowe.

"How would I know?"

Luo Wei put his hand on the handle of the knife at his waist, and responded casually.

"Speaking of which, it's also due to the earthquake a few days ago." Hu Tao put her hands on her hips and snorted, "If it wasn't for that big guy who brought a group of Qianyan soldiers over, it made the old man think of himself when he was young, and he didn't want to accept it." ——This business has already been completed by the hall master!"

It seems that the old man is indeed a retired old officer of the Qianyan Army...

and many more.

"How many days ago?"

Luo Wei looked at Hu Tao suddenly.

"Of course it was a few days ago. As the "Deputy Commander of the Qianyan Army", don't you know?" Hu Tao waved his hand: "Now the group of Qianyan Army has left long ago!"

How many days have passed?

Although Luo Wei can also know, the time flow rate of the dream latitude may be different from reality.

It is completely controlled by the "Dream Master".

But I didn't expect that it would have been so long... Leaving aside other things, Yun Jin...

"I'll go to Qingce Village first!"

Luo Wei hurriedly set off.

Chapter 49 Iron Horse Glacier Comes to Dream

"Yunhan Society? It left a few days ago—" The midday sun surged and poured across the verdant terraced fields.

Qingce Village is located between the terraced fields and the mountains.

In front of a cottage.

Facing the inquiries of the young men and women in front of her, the pale-haired old woman pointed to the depths of the village, and said in a low and old voice, "Look, that is the stage where the Yunhan Society performed before. Time to take it apart."

In the direction the old man pointed, it was a simple but sturdy and complete wooden stage.

"Going in too much haste? Did something happen?"

Before Luo Wei could speak, Walnut next to him jumped forward, and the black hair brushed across Luo Wei's face.

"It's not a big deal, after all, the Qianyan Army has calmed down the earthquake." The old man scratched his gray hair, as if seeing the kind faces of the two people in front of him, he didn't have any doubts:

"This little brother should know about this—looking at the style of your attire, you are also from the Qianyan Army, right?"

Rowe nodded.

"But before I left, I heard about those little girls in operas."

The old man thought for a while: "Mr. Yun seems to be worried about someone, and that person is from the Qianyan Army, so he ran back in a hurry as soon as the road was clear."

"Although the journey is far away, Guiliyuan has always been guarded by the Qianyan Army. After this incident, Qixing even signed a temporary guard agreement and added a lot of soldiers. The notice has been posted in our village. I don't think there will be any whats the matter..."

"It's also rare that a group of little girls came here to perform for us old men and women. Now there are only this group of old people and children in our village around. With them, it will be more lively."

Hu Tao listened, tilted her head, and couldn't help but glance at Luo Wei next to her.

The person Mr. Yun is worried about is probably this guy next to her, right?

Hall Master Zhu Hong rolled his eyes slightly.

The deputy commander-in-chief of the Qianyan Army, is he so close to that Mr. Yun...

Sure enough, they are all masters who are not short of money!

Premium...no, Perfect Client!

But when he heard that Yun Jin was fine and just left first, Luo Wei was still relieved...Although he knew that the girl left in a hurry because he was worried about him, but he ran over because he was worried about her, so we both missed this incident to some extent. I can't laugh or cry.

But anyway, we can meet again when we return to Liyue.

No, now that he has mastered the power of the [Nightmare Tapir], maybe he can 'meet' him without waiting until he returns to Liyue...

Luo Wei and Hu Tao thanked the old man and said goodbye, and walked back.

The scenery of Qingcezhuang is really quiet, and the field of lily lilies in full bloom exudes a faint fragrance, which makes people feel a sense of stability unconsciously.

The old man and the children walked leisurely among the shade of the wooden house, chatting, laughing and frolicking.

It's like a paradise.

"Next, it's time to continue dealing with your affairs." Luo Wei and Hu Tao walked out of the manor, unconsciously relaxed.

He looked sideways, his eyes swept over those white legs and went up.

Then I heard the girl whispering to herself: "One client, two clients, three clients..."

Rowe: "..."

"Are you calling my hall master?" In the next second, Hu Tao turned her head suddenly: "Are you talking bad about my hall master?"

"never mind--"

"Why don't I sing for you?"

There was no chance for Luo Wei to answer, let alone a chance for him to speak, and when Hu Tao opened his mouth, he babbled again:

"Daqiuqiu is sick, look at Erqiuqiu, Sanqiuqiu collects medicine and Siqiuqiu—oh! Five Qiuqiu is sick, and Liuqiu is lifting..."

Why does your song sound a little creepy?

Luo Wei was expressionless.

"How about it? This is the "Qiu Qiu Ballad" created by the hall master. Speaking of which, I have long wanted to get to know Yun Jin, and let Yun Jin adapt my "Qiu Qiu Ballad" into an opera and sing it on stage. , must be very popular, right?"

No, I think it can only scare away a group of people.

"The front is here."

Luo Wei had no choice but to interrupt Walnut.

"Oh, are you here?" Hu Tao was stunned for a while, stretched out her hand to press the hat on her head, and looked up as well.

They were already some distance away from Qingcezhuang.

Arriving at the dilapidated hut again, the old man who lived here happened to push the door out. When he saw Walnut and Luo Wei, his old face suddenly turned cold again.

The old man directly turned back to the house with his hands behind his back, and slammed the door shut. Pieces of dust were raised again, rolling in the sun, like a light veil hazy covering the moss and cobwebs on the wall.

"Hey——" Hu Tao, who was about to go up again to dissuade him, was suddenly caught by Luo Wei's sleeves, and his snow-white legs were shaking, and he almost fell down.

"It hurts, hurts... what are you doing?"

Turning around, Zhu Hong's eyes were full of puzzlement: "Are you trying to disturb this hall master's performance?"

"and many more."

Luo Wei pointed to the sky.

"Wait? What are you waiting for?" Hu Tao tilted her head, a little confused.

Then she also looked up at the sky following Luo Wei's pointing: "It's... why is it dark?"

it's dark.

It was clearly still noon, but the sky suddenly darkened... It wasn't that the scorching sun was covered by dark clouds, nor was it that the sky was covered by rain, it was more like nightfall suddenly.

And almost at the same time, the wind blew up bursts of sand and dust, and the ground also shook slightly in an instant, bringing bursts of horse neighing.

The old man who entered the house stopped, turned around suddenly, and looked out the window.

"What happened? What happened?" Hu Tao shook her head and flaunted her face. Curiously, she bent her body forward, twisted her slender waist and hips, and vaguely outlined it under the hem of her clothes.

There are horses coming from afar.

There are also flags flying up from the foot of the mountain.

In the high sky suddenly at night, a round of bright moon emerged, illuminated by the high wind, and soldiers and horses rushed to it.

"Is that the Qianyan Army?" Hu Tao finally saw the comer clearly: "But, it doesn't seem right?"

"Hey - he came out!"


The door of the hut opened, and the old man who had just entered came out suddenly, his beard and hair trembling, and his old face was full of disbelief.

He was a Qianyan officer.

And now,

He saw his former army.

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