He saw his former colleagues.

Saw and heard more.

"Wu Luo, commander of hundreds of households in blue clothes and ribbons of the Qianyan Army, returns to the team today!"

Commander of Hundred Households with Blue Clothes and Ribbon?

Isn't this the position of the Qianyan Army decades ago?

This kind of appellation was modified and shortened because it was too complicated when the previous Seven Stars were, and it has long been no longer used...

"Is it an illusion?" Hu Tao looked back in confusion.

"No—it's a dream." Luo Wei shook his head.

Here is the dream.

The dream he wove with the power of the [Nightmare Tapir].

Recreate the army decades ago in a dream.

In the dream, reproduce the scene that the old man expected in his heart.

The old man named 'Wu Luo' was an officer of the Qianyan Army who guarded Liyue decades ago. He is the Commander of Hundred Households with a blue ribbon and is equivalent to the current captain.

And in the layered rock giant abyss decades ago, there was a huge disaster just like now.

At that time, the Qianyan army who defended Liyue was going to go.

Thousands of soldiers held high their spears and sharp blades, gathered under the banner bestowed by the Emperor Rock King, and gathered towards the place where the disaster emerged.

However, Wu Luo, who was in his prime at the time, was lying at home due to a sudden illness and missed the expedition.

He could only watch his colleagues and his subordinates go to the front.

Watch them go.

Then never came back.

Before leaving, they had promised Wu Luo that they would come back to pick them up after he recovered from his illness.

They let him recuperate in peace and wait for their return.

The old man has been waiting too.

He waited ten years, 20 years, 30 years...

I couldn't wait until I died.

"Liyue people often say that fallen leaves return to their roots, but for those who have shared weal and woe with soldiers, who have vowed to surround their home country and died in battle, the fallen leaves do not necessarily return to their roots."

"Only untie the battlefield to die for the country, why return the shrouded horse leather."

Luo Wei flexed his fingers lightly, and looked sideways at the girl beside him.

"How do you know this..."

Walnut was surprised.

"His dream told me." Luo Wei tapped on his forehead, and lightly tapped the door with his fingertips to fall asleep: "Also, you already knew that the old man was actually dead, didn't you?"

The old man is dead.

It's just that because of the waiting, he still doesn't know it, and he doesn't want to leave, and the remaining souls linger here.

In fact, Luo Wei already had this feeling——

The broken hut, covered with moss, and covered in dust, doesn't look like it's inhabited.

Plus Qing Ce Zhuang old man's words.

It made Luo Wei more convinced of that inexplicable feeling.

So he fell into a dream here and knocked on the door of the soul of the dead.

Although he is not familiar with the use of power, it is not difficult to use it on a soul without the protection of a body.

This is also...

Farewell to the seniors of the Qianyan Army.

"Is that so... as expected of the guest that our hall master values!" Hu Tao suddenly became complacent for no reason.

Of course she knew about what Luo Wei said.

Sending back the dead is originally the duty of the Hall of Death.

The girl had been nagging her all the time before, but she never said it clearly. She also hoped to bid farewell to the old man's soul in a gentle way, and to send him into reincarnation in a happy way without causing any harm to him.

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, if you let go in this life, you can sit in peace in the next life, and this is also the duty of the Hall of Past Rebirth!" The girl's voice sounded clear and clear: "Besides, this is an order that the Hall of Past Rebirth has already accepted. "

"No matter how much effort is exhausted, the hall master must complete it perfectly!"

Her expression was solemn.

There is no longer the feeling of jumping out like before.

The wind and sand in the dream gradually blinded the eyes, but there was a figure standing in the distance, and a voice came:

"The last general 'Wuluo', return to the team!"

The decadent old man has disappeared.

Instead, there was a tall and mighty general in golden armor.

He returned to the team with a long axe.


this night.

The Iron Horse Glacier fell into a dream.

From then on, he will go with the Glacier Iron Horse.

Chapter 50 Eat well, drink well, and walk well

"Yan Jun's decree, Chao Ru's lonely soul, all ghosts and ghosts, four life blessings, those with heads surpass, those without heads rise, kill with guns and knives, jump into water and hang ropes..."

The old man went away with the soldiers and horses in his dream, and the soul left here finally disappeared, ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

And the first moment when Walnut breaks free from the dream and opens his eyes, it is naturally the final "salvation" for the old man.

What she recited was "The Sutra of the Rebirth of the King of the Rock", similar to the "Sutra of the Rebirth of the Taoist School" that Luo Wei knew.

This is the last protection and blessing of the rock king who is in charge of the land to the dead of Liyue.

Between the reverberations of this sound.

The afternoon sun fell on the dilapidated hut.

Among the dust, moss and cobwebs on the ground, a girl in a black funeral dress stood upright with fair legs.

The swaying hem of the clothes concealed the tight buttocks, and the slender and pretty appearance looked extremely solemn between the palms of the hands.

The eyes of the fiery red god embedded behind the girl shimmered.

in front of her.

Standing like a flame-like staff and spear.

Zhang Yang's merged gun tips also shook like flames, and there was a sudden sound, causing waves of invisible elements to fluctuate.

Luo Wei stood aside, leaning against the wall, his eyes were slightly colorful, and the 'Mask of Godhead' was opened.

What I saw was an invisible fiery red rhythm radiating from the girl and the 'spear' in front of her, purifying the breath of dead souls remaining here.

At the same time, while chanting with the sound, strands of golden yellow are poured into the earth, following the dead souls that have passed away.

Is it "The Sutra of the Rebirth of the King of Rocks"?

Zhongli's business involves quite a lot...

Luo Wei put away the godhead mask.

But the walnut over there also finished the final finishing work, and let out a long breath: "Hoo hoo, I'm exhausted to death... But I'm finally done!"

"It's really thanks to you. As expected of the guest minister personally recruited by the hall master, he is so reliable!" Hu Tao shook his head wearing a huge bowler hat, and raised the corners of his mouth with a look of pride.

It seemed that it was not Luo Wei who let 'Wu Luo' leave without worry, but her.

It can only be said that when a girl is working and when she is not working, the difference is as big as two different people.

Luo Wei probably also understands Zhongli's slightly troublesome attitude towards the master of the Pastoral Hall...

There are also many rumors in Liyue Market.

But Walnut never cared about it.

Someone once asked her: "The funeral ceremony is supposed to be a solemn and solemn thing. Isn't your style of acting a bit out of order?"

But Hu Tao just shook his head and responded: "Rules are made by people." '

'Besides, life and death are major events in life. Life is joy, and death should be too. Does anyone say that you must put on a bleak look? '

'Hmph, according to what I said - you should be happy when you are alive, and you should be happy when you die, so that the living can feel at ease, and the dead can smile knowingly when they see it, right? '

Luo Wei is not incomprehensible to such thoughts.

However, most Liyue people still cannot accept life and death so optimistically and calmly.

He shook his head and stopped his memory thinking: "Since the matter is done, it's time to go back."

He was still in a hurry to go back to see Yun Jin.

"Eh? Wait for my hall master!"

Seeing that Luo Wei turned to leave, Hu Tao hurriedly pulled up the spear and staff on the ground, gathered it into the God's Eye that he carried with him, and then rushed up with his legs.

"When you get to Liyue, why don't you go drink tea with me first? I'll give you the work qualification certificate..."

"Speaking of which, your ability is really convenient? Can you conjure many interesting things in your dreams?"

"It's true, Zhongli, that you have such an interesting student that you don't even introduce him to the hall master!"


The vegetation on Qingce Mountain swayed.

Time passed, and before you knew it, it had gradually come to dusk.

The setting sun is like blood reflecting the wind and dust rising in the distance, and it seems that the neighing of horses and men can be faintly heard.

Luo Wei raised his eyes and looked into the distance, but saw the wind, sand and rocks reflected by the afterglow of the setting sun, as if a large group of people and horses were marching past.

Walnut next to him also suddenly became quiet.


"You said—" The girl approached suddenly, tiptoed gently from behind, and brought her moist red lips close to Rowell's ear.

"Those...couldn't they be dreams?"



The air was suddenly silent.

Luo Wei looked at the walnut who was baring his teeth and claws, looking like he wanted to scare him. His expression remained motionless, but his eyes seemed to be looking at a mentally handicapped person.

"Oh...uh, well, it's almost night, I hope there will be a beautiful moonlight tonight? Cough cough cough..."

Hu Tao withdrew his hand in a blink of an eye, and took a step back quietly.

Is this guy really not afraid of ghosts at all?

Luo Wei looked back dumbfoundedly.

In fact, he didn't know whether the soldiers who appeared in the dream were real or not.

But he hoped it was true,

He hopes that there is indeed a group of people who, even after death, are still running on the earth, calling for their former colleagues, and never forgetting their former promises.

He is waiting.

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